communicate with your indonesian maid


mummies out there, how do u all communicate with your indo maids? i am a first time employer and cant speak much malay, how to communicate?? whole family only my dad can speak malay but he drives taxi at night and day time he is sleeping.. then at night go back to my own house nobody help me..

Priya Diva


I had an Indonesian maid for first time too. She communicated with us through broken english and written way. She was smart. I gave her time to revise her vocab and improve a english.

However it did not last as she felt this langauage barrier was a big burden and wanted to leave for a malay employer.


Well-Known Member
I picked up Malay by asking my Malay colleagues to teach me simple phrases.
Bought an English-Bahasa Indonesia dictionary so can search for words.

My previous maids picked up English very quickly (within weeks), so we did not have much problem. My current maid already knew English because she worked for an Indian family in Msia previously and they conversed with her in English, not Malay :)


This indonesian maid that i chosen (comingt next week) worked with a chinese family in malaysia for 2 years. i hope they dun only communicate in malay, at least if she can understand simple phrases of english will be good


I had an Indonesian maid for first time too. She communicated with us through broken english and written way. She was smart. I gave her time to revise her vocab and improve a english.

However it did not last as she felt this langauage barrier was a big burden and wanted to leave for a malay employer.
I went to google online to search for some words in Bahasa Indo and I have been drawing abit.

Lucky for me, the helper I got knows a fair bit of English and she is hardworking. at times, she would ask me wht is an item called.

But of course, she would be blur at times and say yes yes yes then got things mixed up and wrong.

Patience and repetition as usual. But of course, there were moments I got upset and told her harshly NOT to say YES and saying SORRY does not help. the best is try to ask and clarify. Henceforth, things got slightly better.

Hope it goes well for you too!


My indo maid know very very simple english. And the one tat spend most time wif her is my mum and my mum cant speak english well too. So she teach my maid to speak mandarin. She will learn bit by bit everyday thru trial and error and lots of scolding and lots of headaches. Now coming to 2 years she can speak english and mandarin well.


Active Member
Now most maids know how to speak baisc english.So should not be a prob.However will needa be very patient in listening and giving instructions.
In my family, my mum did not let the maid speak to us in english.MUST be in malay so we all learnt and picked up some malay.
Mine also from Indo with very little knowledge of English.
i will speak very slowly to her, @ times after explaining if she still don't get it I will show it to her. So far she been with me for about 1 month, overall she's ok but now sure is it our weather or she's trying to skive (she been having headaches at least once/twice a week, requesting to rest early)
sadly, they are always good when they first arrive right?

i cannot blame them. even for us, when we are at a new job, we are more motivated. then we start to cut corners.