Cow milk allergy


New Member
Hi Mummies,

My younger son is allergy to cow's milk.What should i look out for besides changing his formula milk?

Thank You


If you don't intend to change formula, do you produce enough to breastfeed since that's the best kind of milk for babies and it will not have any side-effect.
Else, my suggestion is change to lactose-intolerance milk powder. Many babies are having this problem but it is not a drama/issue because slowly but surely, babies will get out of it.


New Member
You can try hypoallergenic formulas or formula based on goat's milk to see if it helps. Lactose intolerance s very rare in children and it is completely different from cow milk protein intolerance. He NEEDs the lactose for his brain to grow so try other formulas first.

The best is still breastfeed & avoid dairy urself. My Daughter is also allergic & is still so at 14mths. There r ways to increas breastmilk if there is not enough. For allergic babies, the more breast milk the better so that they will not be so prone to allergies in future. Human milk is uniquely design for delicate infant tummys :)


New Member
Hi Mummies!

Thanks for all the replies!
Had changed his formula milk to Soy milk and steaming veg everyday =)

Have a great week Mummies! =)