Dr Adrian Woodworth at Compass Point


New Member
I see alot discussion of antenatal package. Can someone explain what is this to me?
I am abt 5weeks preggy, my next appointment with him will be on 3May2011. Hope to find out more so i can approach him during my next appointment.


New Member

I am seeing Dr woodworth (recommended by my sis). I'm pretty concerned with stitching. My sis has no pain at all (c-sec) so I'm actually quite tempted to go for c-sec yet i'm worried with c-sec, i can't do those massaging/slimming for my tummy.

Can i hear your reviews for those who have natural birth (how fast/slow does the cut heal and will there be any sca?!) and those with c-sec?




I am seeing Dr woodworth (recommended by my sis). I'm pretty concerned with stitching. My sis has no pain at all (c-sec) so I'm actually quite tempted to go for c-sec yet i'm worried with c-sec, i can't do those massaging/slimming for my tummy.

Can i hear your reviews for those who have natural birth (how fast/slow does the cut heal and will there be any sca?!) and those with c-sec?

Actually, you cannot like that compare one.. Each individual heals differently.. Some faster some slower also due to if the individual is using epidural and if they have a bad/good reaction to it also. Plus during labor, how you push, position yourself and everything also plays a part.. :)


New Member

He was my gynae for both of my gals who are now aged 5 and 4. Yes it's true he doesn't talk much. But personally, I find him good! Both mine were c-section and no problems till now. He actually has quite a good sense of humor. In short, you are in good hands!


New Member

I am seeing Dr woodworth (recommended by my sis). I'm pretty concerned with stitching. My sis has no pain at all (c-sec) so I'm actually quite tempted to go for c-sec yet i'm worried with c-sec, i can't do those massaging/slimming for my tummy.

Can i hear your reviews for those who have natural birth (how fast/slow does the cut heal and will there be any sca?!) and those with c-sec?

He did an episiotomy for me and the nurses commented that his stitching was very neat and that helped a lot with the healing process I guess... For me, it took about 2 weeks for it to heal or rather, no more pain... Scar I am not sure... I did not try and see it myself... =P

For C-sect mummies, got good feedback from them on his stitching skills too... I think he is quite well known for that...
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New Member
Dr Adrian delivered my boy last September and overall, I am quite satisfied with his swiftness and professionalism in dealing with the whole labour process... And right now, for my 2nd one, I am back to see him even though there was something that bothered me... But his package is considered quite cheap among the other gynaes around and of course, he is reliable also lah...

The something that bothered me was, during my labour, he went ahead straight with the vacuum without me even showing any signs of difficulty in labour and after he left, the nurses even commented to me that I could have gotten my boy out easily with a few pushes without the need of an assisted delivery... So to this point, I was a bit disappointed as I really wanted to try and do it as naturally as possible... And also, assisted delivery is also more expensive, in terms of maternity package and his gynae charges... Someone commented to me that it could have been that he probably did that cos he can earn more from just a normal delivery... I don't know...

Any mummies experienced the same way he dealt with your labour process too?


New Member
Dr Adrian delivered my boy last September and overall, I am quite satisfied with his swiftness and professionalism in dealing with the whole labour process... And right now, for my 2nd one, I am back to see him even though there was something that bothered me... But his package is considered quite cheap among the other gynaes around and of course, he is reliable also ...

The something that bothered me was, during my labour, he went ahead straight with the vacuum without me even showing any signs of difficulty in labour and after he left, the nurses even commented to me that I could have gotten my boy out easily with a few pushes without the need of an assisted delivery... So to this point, I was a bit disappointed as I really wanted to try and do it as naturally as possible... And also, assisted delivery is also more expensive, in terms of maternity package and his gynae charges... Someone commented to me that it could have been that he probably did that cos he can earn more from just a normal delivery... I dont't know...

Any mummies experienced the same way he dealt with your labour process too?

Hi Angie,

I dont think this is because he wants to earn more from you. I believe he is rich enough and dont need to do this to spoil his reputation. Maybe he feel vacumn is needed for your situation, I believe his professional knowledge will confirm better than the nurse who did that comment to you right? His duty is to ensure the safty for both baby and mom. Since you choosed him as your gynae, please trust him and dont think too nagative. And the most important thing is you and baby are fine!




New Member
Hi Angie,

I dont think this is because he wants to earn more from you. I believe he is rich enough and dont need to do this to spoil his reputation. Maybe he feel vacumn is needed for your situation, I believe his professional knowledge will confirm better than the nurse who did that comment to you right? His duty is to ensure the safty for both baby and mom. Since you choosed him as your gynae, please trust him and dont think too nagative. And the most important thing is you and baby are fine!


Ya I guess... If I didn't still trust his professionalism, I wouldn't choose him as my gynae again... Hehe... But I was quite glad also cos in a way, it sped up the labour process but I couldn't handle the oblong shape of my son's head then lah so was kinda upset... Cos I felt that I did not show any signs of difficult labour so I didn't think that was necessary but since you said he is the professional and he calls the shots, then ya... He probably did what needs to be done at that point in time although I had my reservations then... =)


Ya I guess... If I didn't still trust his professionalism, I wouldn't choose him as my gynae again... Hehe... But I was quite glad also cos in a way, it sped up the labour process but I couldn't handle the oblong shape of my son's head then lah so was kinda upset... Cos I felt that I did not show any signs of difficult labour so I didn't think that was necessary but since you said he is the professional and he calls the shots, then ya... He probably did what needs to be done at that point in time although I had my reservations then... =)
maybe he had another labor he had to rush to and since he was at urs and the other might be in trouble.. thus he needed to speed up the process.. sounds a bit selfish, but he might have to do it due to a life and death situation.

plus u trusted him enough to go back... so means u trust him a lot right? :)


New Member
maybe he had another labor he had to rush to and since he was at urs and the other might be in trouble.. thus he needed to speed up the process.. sounds a bit selfish, but he might have to do it due to a life and death situation.

plus u trusted him enough to go back... so means u trust him a lot right? :)
Haha... Trust his skills plus his cheap package... =P


May I know is he an ang moh? What is the average waiting time at his compass point clinic?
not really ang mo la.. lolz.. he looks a lot like MP vivian balakrishnan.. lol.. he's those type of 5 mins doc.. unless u got something to ask him, he's relatively fast..


New Member
Hi, everyone. I'm new and need some advises on my gynae selection. Can someone please enlighten mewith my doubts below? thanks a million.

1) What are the exact opening hours of Dr. Adrain Woodworth clinic at Seng Kang.
2) At which week of pregnancy will Dr. Adrain procced to detect your baby's heartbeat?
3) Is the scanning machine high-tech enough to detect baby's heartbeat at 6 weeks? Anyone managed to detect at 6 weeks +? Please advise.


Hi, everyone. I'm new and need some advises on my gynae selection. Can someone please enlighten mewith my doubts below? thanks a million.

1) What are the exact opening hours of Dr. Adrain Woodworth clinic at Seng Kang.
2) At which week of pregnancy will Dr. Adrain procced to detect your baby's heartbeat?
3) Is the scanning machine high-tech enough to detect baby's heartbeat at 6 weeks? Anyone managed to detect at 6 weeks +? Please advise.
point 2 and 3 .. my baby's heartbeat was detected at week 5 1/2 but also not accurate to know the "actual" weeks you're at.. might have been 6 weeks plus already or even 7weeks plus but the scan then put 5 1/2 weeks


New Member
Thx Carisella. The problem I'm having is currently, I'm seeing another Gynae. The reason why I'm with this Gynae is because I went to her for my checkups earlier since I'm more comfortable with a female gynae.

However, now that I'm pregnant, I want to change my Gynae as I do not find her good and she do not have packages like Dr. Adrain so, its kind of costly to see her.

But, last friday, I was having some spotting and being a first time mother, i freaked our and went to see my gynae on saturday. I was given some duphaston to stablise the pregnancy and was told to go back to her 10 days later, i.e 14 Jun for another scan.

But I'm really serious about changing her to Dr. Adrain and sign the package to save costs tomorrow since I'm on half day leave tml. Again, i'm also scared that my impatience for not waiting till 14 June will lead to another fruitless trip as I'm only into my 6 weeks.

Haiz, really dtno how to go along... I'm really anxious to witness the heartbeat of of little baby.


Thx Carisella. The problem I'm having is currently, I'm seeing another Gynae. The reason why I'm with this Gynae is because I went to her for my checkups earlier since I'm more comfortable with a female gynae.

However, now that I'm pregnant, I want to change my Gynae as I do not find her good and she do not have packages like Dr. Adrain so, its kind of costly to see her.

But, last friday, I was having some spotting and being a first time mother, i freaked our and went to see my gynae on saturday. I was given some duphaston to stablise the pregnancy and was told to go back to her 10 days later, i.e 14 Jun for another scan.

But I'm really serious about changing her to Dr. Adrain and sign the package to save costs tomorrow since I'm on half day leave tml. Again, i'm also scared that my impatience for not waiting till 14 June will lead to another fruitless trip as I'm only into my 6 weeks.

Haiz, really dtno how to go along... I'm really anxious to witness the heartbeat of of little baby.
Once you sign Adrian's package you can go see him anytime.. no charges at all for each visit other than hormone pills and the fish oil :) u might want to wait next week if you want to confirm see baby's heartbeat as i've said, the machine scan the foetus how many weeks, a bit not accurate also.. haha.. mine changed a lot of times


New Member
Alrite then. I shall wait for now and see how next week. If that's the case, I might go back to my Gynae next week for the last time and sign up with Dr. Adrain the visit after next.

Thx Carisella, you are so helpful. :)


New Member
Hi tcindy81,

FYI, you do not need to sign his package straightaway on your very first visit cos you can offset the charges paid for your first visit to the package later, should you choose to sign his package on the 2nd visit onwards... But do note that they only allow offsetting from the previous visit prior to signing of the package so meaning, if you went for the 3rd time round and then decide to sign the package, then they will only offset the amount paid for the 2nd visit ONLY... You get what I mean? =)

Dr Adrian usually can detect heartbeat early but will be around 6 weeks or so I guess (I think that was so for my first pregnancy, can't really remember)... However, he only saw me during my 8th week and confirmed the heartbeat...


New Member
Thanks Angie. To avoid so mafan, i will go down to my existing gynae and do my 2nd time scan. If my pregnancy stabilises with witness of my baby's heartbeat, then i will go to dr. Adrain to sign his package. Coz at this stage, i think i need slightly more attention from the gynae bt i reckon dr. Adrain will be too busy to give me te attention i need. ;)