Ears cleaning


How do you all clean the ears?

My baby is coming 4mths old, realised her ear got dirt and seems like already dried up (when i remove, it drops out like flakes) . Tried to clean with washcloth and cottonbud but can't seem to completely remove it and everytime i touch her ears, she gets really cranky.

Is there any solution that I can put to soften the flakes so that it's easier to remove?


I do it only when my babies are sleeping. I hold their head firmly and get the helper to hold him just in case he turns suddenly. I use those slim bud to clean, sometimes i wet it a little with cooled drinking water to make cleaning easier. Other times i clean it after he baths.


Well-Known Member

How do you all clean the ears?

My baby is coming 4mths old, realised her ear got dirt and seems like already dried up (when i remove, it drops out like flakes) . Tried to clean with washcloth and cottonbud but can't seem to completely remove it and everytime i touch her ears, she gets really cranky.

Is there any solution that I can put to soften the flakes so that it's easier to remove?
Best way to clean it after bath with olive oil.Rub olive oil leave it on a few minutes then clean..will come off effortlessly


I got an oil from my PD. You drip it into the ears over a few days and the wax from inside the ears will just fall out.

I'm using Cerumol. There're a few brands out there.


Well-Known Member
diymummy, must get from doc or normal pharmacy?
cos my doc keep saying pin is too young to put those ear drop thingy.


Hi Ting, mine was prescribed by my PD. But most meds that my PD prescribe, I can buy from the pharmacy.

I still have the ear drop so have not tried seeing if the pharmacy carries them.

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
I thot we don't hv to clean bb's ears...so far for my son, I don't clean his ears since NB till now....the ear wax will come out by itself, then I just wipe it off with tissue


Hi Phoebii, that's what I read too. But my son's ear wax comes out too slowly I think. And it's itchy so he scratches his ears alot until they bleed. -.-"

He super violent. Also coz that time he had fever twice and the doc wanted to see if he has an ear infection, he couldn't see the ear drum. So he gave us the ear drops and after a few days huge pieces of wax came out of the ear.

Then the doc advised us to use the drops once a month or so over a period of 7 days. Just so ds ears are cleaned frequently.


New Member
Hi, I will clean my gal's ears after bath everytime. I used wet cotton balls to clean them. The dirt will come off after a few times. :)


Well-Known Member
ohhh, diymummy, cos i can see that there is a big pc of wax very deep inside pin's ear, tried to dig but i dun dare to go too deep.n it doesnt seem to be coming out.. so thinking of getting the drops for her to see if it helps.


You can try to go pharmacy to see if they carry those drops and then ask the pharmacist how to administer it.

Pin more than 2 years old. Most OTC drugs are safe to use after clearing it with the pharmacist. If still in doubt, you can call your doc to see if it is ok to use that product.

Actually the ear drops is just oil. Peanut oil for cerumol. So it's pretty safe to use even on babies like mine. :)

If you want more info on Cerumol you can google it. I googled it that time.

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Hi Phoebii, that's what I read too. But my son's ear wax comes out too slowly I think. And it's itchy so he scratches his ears alot until they bleed. -.-"

He super violent. Also coz that time he had fever twice and the doc wanted to see if he has an ear infection, he couldn't see the ear drum. So he gave us the ear drops and after a few days huge pieces of wax came out of the ear.

Then the doc advised us to use the drops once a month or so over a period of 7 days. Just so dear son ears are cleaned frequently.
Ohhh I see....cos' so far my son is ok with it
Thanks all.

Actually the dirt in my baby's ear is not exactly at the eardrum area...its the surronding. I can see the dirt already dried, will try to put so oil on cotton bud and see if it'll come off. I tried cleaning them when she's bathing/awake but she hates it.


Well-Known Member
I use organic ear oil for my boy. He hated it at first but started to enjoy it when we wipe off the dirt plus excess oil with a cotton bud on his outer ear.

I bought from iHerb: www.iherb.com
Use YAF688 for US$5 off your first order.