EDD April Mummies


Active Member
Wow, it's great to b eating fruits!! My intake of fruits v little... I eat lots of fast food man! Had KFC for lunch today! Eating every 2-3 hrs...
hmm... Wow... it's unhealthy ley ! hehe can't afford to get extra fats.. so worried can't shed off after delivered. hehe .. So nice.. I wished I got the craving for fast food... but no.. my cravings are all so boring ... Fruits .. Bread... Chicken Rice... hehe ... don't know what to eat actually..

I am trying to control a healthy diet cos' I don't want my bb too big.. I want a natural delivery without epidurial. :) My objective...

I really can't wait to pop this little devil out... so I can ... indulge into my favourite, Sashimi... Oysters.... Omg .. I am going craze thinking of that..


Active Member
Hi Jofeny

If u still puke n MS, usually won't put on weight... But once u OK, it will come so don't worry.
I'm cup C/D andi lost 4-5kg in first trimester so now still can fit into my bras, but w a bra extension fore width. The width increased a bit since the start of preg. My tummy also bigger at night! :D

Wow, you gals alrdy done research into baby items...I haven't. My best friend will b giving me some used baby clothes and I'll just buy a few simple n cooling ones for my baby. Other stuff, I totally have no idea abt brands, how to use, etc... First time n also e elder in the family so don't really hv any experience.

Dilys-glass bottles sound like a good idea! But will easily break?
Glass bottles.. U just have to be careful.. we will be just feeding the baby with that. If we can handle that so "Fragile" little one of ours , I am sure we can handle those glass bottles. Don't worry ... it's all in the mindset. Confidence !!!


hmm... Wow... it's unhealthy ley ! hehe can't afford to get extra fats.. so worried can't shed off after delivered. hehe .. So nice.. I wished I got the craving for fast food... but no.. my cravings are all so boring ... Fruits .. Bread... Chicken Rice... hehe ... don't know what to eat actually..

I am trying to control a healthy diet cos' I don't want my bb too big.. I want a natural delivery without epidurial. :) My objective...

I really can't wait to pop this little devil out... so I can ... indulge into my favourite, Sashimi... Oysters.... Omg .. I am going craze thinking of that..
U r the first mummy I know that dun wan ur baby to b too big. So what is ideal for u? My Fren bb is 2.7kg at full term n she keep worrying y Baby never grow until > 3kg... U r v brave leh. I'm totally opposite of u... I'm think of chicken out the labour PUSH PUSH PUSH process by doing c sec! Hahaha .. I haven't talk to my gynae on that la.. But that's what I thought I will do.


hmm... Wow... it's unhealthy ley ! hehe can't afford to get extra fats.. so worried can't shed off after delivered. hehe .. So nice.. I wished I got the craving for fast food... but no.. my cravings are all so boring ... Fruits .. Bread... Chicken Rice... hehe ... don't know what to eat actually..

I am trying to control a healthy diet cos' I don't want my bb too big.. I want a natural delivery without epidurial. :) My objective...

I really can't wait to pop this little devil out... so I can ... indulge into my favourite, Sashimi... Oysters.... Omg .. I am going craze thinking of that..
wow! since nowadays most ppl go for epidural, i thought i'm the only crazy person to opt for natural without epidural..
n i also got the same cravings.. keep drooling when i think about sashimi and raw oysters.. i was telling my hubby i will definitely go for sashimi buffet after giving birth.. lols.. ^^


If everything goes well, I hope to go for a natural delivery w/o epidural too.
Hope that baby will make space for e placenta to move up...
Can you see ur placenta from your recent scans?


Active Member
U r the first mummy I know that dun wan ur baby to b too big. So what is ideal for u? My Fren bb is 2.7kg at full term n she keep worrying y Baby never grow until > 3kg... U r v brave leh. I'm totally opposite of u... I'm think of chicken out the labour PUSH PUSH PUSH process by doing c sec! Hahaha .. I haven't talk to my gynae on that la.. But that's what I thought I will do.
Haha 2.7kg is the most ideal weight to pop out ! Haha just nice! Haha I am very confident my baby will grow very fast to 3kg.. Just a 0.3kg difference. It's all in the mind .. Again.. I am setting objective for myself 1st :normal delivery without epidurial 2nd : to breastfeed till little one reach 3 yrs old. Haha .. I m not brave actually very scared from what friends telling me the pain during delivery.

Haha.. But if you read up more find out more, be prepared u won't be scared le . I start talking to my Bb say that I m going to give birth naturally without any help... so he/she must now build up stamina to help me along haha.. So I don't need to push too hard also .. Hehe

I ever tot of going for hypnobirthing.. Haha ..


If everything goes well, I hope to go for a natural delivery w/o epidural too.
Hope that baby will make space for e placenta to move up...
Can you see ur placenta from your recent scans?
jiayou! ^^
eh.. how do u know its ur placenta? i'll have my next checkup on saturday so i'll prob ask the doc when he does the scan for me.. lols..

oh ya.. anyone of u intending to do the cord blood bank thingy? its so expensive but since it can be used for me, my hubby, baby or even baby's siblings, think it might be worth it.. if u all getting it, which company will u be taking? i understand there's one company tat saves the cord blood in multiple units or something.. seems to make more sense coz cannot re-freeze it after thawing it..


Active Member
Anxious31.. i never notice the placenta.. haha my focus only on my little one. haha.. If u are planning to go for natural delivery w/o epidural. U got to start planning already.. get urself prepared..mentally & psyhically. Learn to relax yourself now.. cause if u r those who panick easily, u don't have the energy in the end. I will be going for the pre-natal yoga in my 6th mth... this will help also. Determination very important...

You must tell your hubby that no matter how painful u look.. don't request for epidural. Haha .. most of my friends ended up with epidural when their hubby can't bear to see their wife suffer... banging their head on the side handle.. I can imagine...

I told my hubby ... If I can ... I will laugh and laugh to poop my little one out .. haha .. since I love to laugh so much ... rather than screaming right... hehe ... Laughing destress the baby ... so easier to come out ... Opps .. that's my crazy idea ... ignore me ... hehe


Haha 2.7kg is the most ideal weight to pop out ! Haha just nice! Haha I am very confident my baby will grow very fast to 3kg.. Just a 0.3kg difference. It's all in the mind .. Again.. I am setting objective for myself 1st :normal delivery without epidurial 2nd : to breastfeed till little one reach 3 yrs old. Haha .. I m not brave actually very scared from what friends telling me the pain during delivery.

Haha.. But if you read up more find out more, be prepared u won't be scared le . I start talking to my Bb say that I m going to give birth naturally without any help... so he/she must now build up stamina to help me along haha.. So I don't need to push too hard also .. Hehe

I ever tot of going for hypnobirthing.. Haha ..
Wa...I'm super impressed. All the mums here are so brave!!!!! Natural withOut epidural!!! I dun dare!! The minimal for me is natural + epidural.

My Fren who delivered 2.7kg bb did it naturally without epidural. She initially wanted to try without the jab, cos she never feel the pain yet when the doctor ask her if she wants the jab. But when the pain comes she was crying for the jab but gynae tell her it's too late, the jab needs time to take effect n the baby is coming out already. So end up she only delivered with laughing gas without Jab. Really hero. she SMS me me at 6am that she might b delivering today. 9am baby pop out.

Her baby is cooperative n pop out fast.. Her sis was in labour for 12hrs. Wanted without epi too, then end up the cervix open too slow, no choice, got to put epidural. However 12 hrs passed n cervix is still not opening enuff, then emergency c sec..
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jiayou! ^^
eh.. how do u know its ur placenta? i'll have my next checkup on saturday so i'll prob ask the doc when he does the scan for me.. lols..

oh ya.. anyone of u intending to do the cord blood bank thingy? its so expensive but since it can be used for me, my hubby, baby or even baby's siblings, think it might be worth it.. if u all getting it, which company will u be taking? i understand there's one company tat saves the cord blood in multiple units or something.. seems to make more sense coz cannot re-freeze it after thawing it..
My last scan was Oscar n no mention of placenta.. I only know placenta will b fully developed by 4 months.

Cord blood will b doing ba.. But think there r two companies: stemcord n cordlife.. Haven't read up on them yet but I remember reading a thread in the forum for the difference. Heard that can use medisave to pay a little, no need all cash..


My last scan was Oscar n no mention of placenta.. I only know placenta will b fully developed by 4 months.

Cord blood will b doing ba.. But think there r two companies: stemcord n cordlife.. Haven't read up on them yet but I remember reading a thread in the forum for the difference. Heard that can use medisave to pay a little, no need all cash..
thanks jofeny. i'll go n find the thread when i'm free.. now busy.. after dinner need to go n play facebook games liao.. lols..


I saw my placenta just last week :) baby was in sitting position, placenta was just beside it.
Sitting position.... Is e placenta nearer e head or feet? Mine is lying position and the placenta also beside the baby but the bigger portion kind of nearer the baby's abdomen. Because I have spotting, dr just said it could b due to low lying placenta. Then she also added that because currently I have no space in the water bag, the placenta should move up later.


Sitting position.... Is e placenta nearer e head or feet? Mine is lying position and the placenta also beside the baby but the bigger portion kind of nearer the baby's abdomen. Because I have spotting, dr just said it could b due to low lying placenta. Then she also added that because currently I have no space in the water bag, the placenta should move up later.
o_O I thought baby is in the placenta one? It should b beside?


Huh! Baby is inside the water bag. Placenta provides food and nutrients to the baby.
Oh I think I need to go back n learn biology. Ha.. I always tot placenta surround the water bag.. Hmmm interesting.. So it's actually sitting beside the baby...