EDD Aug 2011


Actually newborns need not drink plain water as they are dependent on milk...

Failed my first attempt after a month... Gave up after girl kept yanking too much till I had blisters... subsituted with enfalac A+....
She's using enfagrow now... Nvr had an issue..:)

But different babies would have different preference and might react differently...
Why not Stick to the one given by the hospital of stay if you opt to compliment your breast feeding with formula when just delivered and baby doesnt react adversely...:) at least you'll b assured she's fine with that particular brand...


Haha... True... But must b prepared of smelling like puke most of the time when baby regurgitate...:p
if i recall correctly... Their stomachs would b fully formed only after 4 mths... Sigh...
Hi girls do me a favour! I just registered a music studio and I need some publicity. I am teaching piano, violin and various stuff. Have been teaching for about 6 years, and yes i am qualified to teach. haha. So this is my site: Evangeline's music world  - Home. If you are looking for a music teacher or know of anybody who is looking for a music teacher please intro me.. THANKS!



I wanna get a bag which i can store the BM in the freezer, do you have any idea where can i find it? I wanna get a freezer soley for storing BM but it was quite impossible as we already have 2 fridge and one freezer. Unfortunately, all store with frozen food. To avoid to mix with the frozen food, i was adviced to get a bag which can be stored in the freezer. But i have no idea where can i buy those bags wor.


The bag is called breast milk bags. There are alot of brands but the cheapest is Boots Milk Bag, you can order online and they can deliver to you. Or you can check out if there is anyone selling in the forum. Each box should cost around $6+ if you buy online and $7-9 if you get it from someone locally.

I suggest putting the breastmilk into a tupperware before putting in fridge in case milk leak or what and contaminate with the frozen meat. :001_302::001_302:

I have bought the Boots Milk Bag online and they have promptly delivered (the next week).

I want my daughter to learn piano, kekekeke but she can only start learning 3-4 yrs later. Hahaha...maybe our kids can learn together. Hohoho...

Anyway to cut the crap - yep will recommend you if anyone ask me for piano teacher.

I just went to Spring Maternity to get some bigger tshirts whr it can accomodate my 3rd tri tummy. 2 for $49.90. Good buy!! In case you are like me who needs bigger tshirts/sleeveless/thin material - can think of Spring maternity.



The bag is called breast milk bags. There are alot of brands but the cheapest is Boots Milk Bag, you can order online and they can deliver to you. Or you can check out if there is anyone selling in the forum. Each box should cost around $6+ if you buy online and $7-9 if you get it from someone locally.

I suggest putting the breastmilk into a tupperware before putting in fridge in case milk leak or what and contaminate with the frozen meat. :001_302::001_302:

I have bought the Boots Milk Bag online and they have promptly delivered (the next week).

I want my daughter to learn piano, kekekeke but she can only start learning 3-4 yrs later. Hahaha...maybe our kids can learn together. Hohoho...

Anyway to cut the crap - yep will recommend you if anyone ask me for piano teacher.

I just went to Spring Maternity to get some bigger tshirts whr it can accomodate my 3rd tri tummy. 2 for $49.90. Good buy!! In case you are like me who needs bigger tshirts/sleeveless/thin material - can think of Spring maternity.

Cool. Thanks! pipilili.....


For those who wants to get voucher instead of physical bb shower cakes. I have gotten the reply from Prima Deli and is sharing here:

We do have vouchers available and the following are the details:
Full Month Voucher available in $6, $8 and $10.
Voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of issue.
Not extension for expired vouchers.
Voucher is redeemable for all regular-priced items except promotions or staff discount.

I want my daughter to learn piano, kekekeke but she can only start learning 3-4 yrs later. Hahaha...maybe our kids can learn together. Hohoho...

Anyway to cut the crap - yep will recommend you if anyone ask me for piano teacher.

LOL. thanks. I didn't get any maternity clothes tho...until now i still wearing my old tank top and t shirts.


I had previously failed 2 breastfeeding attempts and this is my 3rd successful attempt. i would say if you r planning to total breastfeed, do not feed forumula (advised by lactation consultant).

formula makes the baby fuller, longer & hence when they latch on your breast they dont suckle as much as they should which causes lesser milk flow.

your breast doesnt know how much milk to produce so the more you latch/ pump, the more your milk flow. I was criticised by my family for "not having enough milk" but i refused to buy formula. My baby is now 5.5 weeks old and i finally have a freezer full of breastmilk.

Breastfeedimg is tiring, painful, tough... but the longer you persevere, the easier it gets... most of all, the bond you get with baby, seeing your little one so peacefully sucking away, is really indescribable.... :)
Thanks for sharing... u make me really motivated to BF~


Actually our period will come once we stop the initial bleeding roughly after a month and start ovulating again.... Took me abt a mth after the intial bleeding...


For those who wants to get voucher instead of physical bb shower cakes. I have gotten the reply from Prima Deli and is sharing here:

We do have vouchers available and the following are the details:
Full Month Voucher available in $6, $8 and $10.

Voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of issue.
Not extension for expired vouchers.
Voucher is redeemable for all regular-priced items except promotions or staff discount.
This is very helpful. Kinda sick of Bangawan.....I have 2 vouchers for this year, have not redeem any cake yet.


New Member
You guys are fast... I just started to buy a bottle of shampoo, a bottle of body bath and a bottle of powder. Thanks for the voucher info, haven't thought of that at all.

I'm due around 15 Aug at Thomson Medical Centre. Have any of you take part of their tour? Haven't decided what kind of room that I want. If I want my hubby to stay with me, must I go for a single room? Do I need to book now but natural birth will not know the exact date right? Anyone able to advice?


New Member
You guys are fast... I just started to buy a bottle of shampoo, a bottle of body bath and a bottle of powder. Thanks for the voucher info, haven't thought of that at all.

I'm due around 15 Aug at Thomson Medical Centre. Have any of you take part of their tour? Haven't decided what kind of room that I want. If I want my hubby to stay with me, must I go for a single room? Do I need to book now but natural birth will not know the exact date right? Anyone able to advice?
Hospital should have a Pre admission form that u fill & fax to them about 1 month b4 your due date. Ya nobody know th exact date but they'll work out a room for u somehow when u finally deliver :)

For privacy opt for single room if u can afford it. Diff people work differently but for me I'd rather Hubby go home sleep & take over baby when I'm home. Thomson medical nurses quite pro with babies & mummies so I wouldn't worry if I were u. :)


New Member
Crazycat, I hope your BF succeeds. I armed myself with ALOT of friends who successfully breastfed their babies cos u really need the support especially for my case where i failed 2 attempts already & my family was not v supportive of breastfeeding cos they feed it's troublesome.

If u need any help do let me know. Mummies must help each other!!! :)


You guys are fast... I just started to buy a bottle of shampoo, a bottle of body bath and a bottle of powder. Thanks for the voucher info, have not't thought of that at all.

I'm due around 15 Aug at Thomson Medical Centre. Have any of you take part of their tour? have not't decided what kind of room that I want. If I want my hubby to stay with me, must I go for a single room? Do I need to book now but natural birth will not know the exact date right? Anyone able to advice?
My EDD is on da 18 Aug! We went for the tour... and was not able to see all the rooms... and u must be early cos limited numbers is allowed each tour.... If u wan ur hubby to stay with u... must get single room/suite...

Crazycat, I hope your BF succeeds. I armed myself with ALOT of friends who successfully breastfed their babies cos you really need the support especially for my case where i failed 2 attempts already & my family was not very supportive of breastfeeding cos they feed it's troublesome.

If you need any help do let me know. Mummies must help each other!!! :)
Thanks in advance! =)


I have sleepless nite yesterday...:( now heading to work... So SO so sleepy..:( I wonder can I take mc frm my gynea for one day rest... Anyone same gynea as mine at chong pang yishun?


hi jocelyn
I am also having sleepless nights lately. I am the type who can sleep thru out the night, except to wake up and pee. But recently something is wrong, I keep waking up at night, feeling hungry, or just wake up and stare blankly!! WTH...

Maybe this is the way to train mothers that bb need to be breastfed?? OMG! I woke up like at 1am, then 4..30 am feeling hungry....by the time I wake up in the morning, I am sooo tired. No wonder ppl say not easy to be a mother....