Edd dec 2012


Momopeachgal: really ah u also got many weird weird symptoms ah? I tot I was the only one...

Pink2purple: how come your EDD can be pushed backwards de?


Lovepixie, are u staying in JB?
Or ur inlaws are there? :)

Sigh, I'm not jusco member!! :(

1kg of red beans is alot!! :D

HAha.. quite worth the money if become member.. free parking.. also get cash voucher with no expiry date every 100 spent.. much more worth it than credit card cash back and points hahaha.. shop shop shop..
Yes I'm in malaysia now planning to go there give birth cheaper :D

1KG can eat whole month hahaha


Momopeachgal: that one is yingzy's baby... Lol mine only this powerful for very short while and not so often( 1 day avg 2 times) leh... By the time I start to take out my camera and video... Bo Liao... Lol couldn't catch it everytime... Lol wish mine can do longer then go time to video haha and I do drink half a mug of teh-o at Hm maybe twice a week and a few times teh ping when I am at kopitiam heehee
Momopeachgal: Yea, hopefully my baby can hit the 2kg mark...then I can be more assured that she will not be too underweight at birth. My gynae's clinic is actually near my place at Admiralty, but he delivers at Mt A. What abt yrs?

About your coffee question, I heard that 1 cup is still considered ok...although the best is to hold off till after deliver. I'm more of a tea person than coffee, but have not been drinking tea since falling pregnant. To avoid me over-thinking whether is 1 cup too much....haha

MamaDT: I also have no idea why my EDD is pushed backwards...but one possible reason is maybe my baby's on the smaller side? If that makes any sense....lol


Hi mummies! I juz got home from hospital. Had my postnatal check up tdy n all went well. Stitches are healing well n doc gave d green light to go for postnatal massage n also to ride bike again wif hubby! Yaay! Funny thing was my doc is a biker guy too so he n hubby had some time talking abt bike racing! Lolz as for baby princess she's doing well too. Slept so peacefully juz now as she held my finger. Hee hee

Mreow Mreow: wow it's been a long time since I went jb! Hahahaha since I got pregnant n banned from riding bike! Miss shopping there. Regarding d nursing bra, it's best to get them after u give deliver so u will noe ur right size. I bought some from a shop called pretty international which sells lingerie. They have a range of nursing bras selling at quite reasonable price. Bought 4 n they are comfy. Hehehe

momopeachgal: drinking coffee is ok as long as moderately....one cup a day is fine but better if u can drink it like every few days once...d caffeine mite affect d absorption of calcium...when I was still pregnant I had coffee only when I had really strong craving for it Hehehehe otherwise I will drink hot milo or juz plain water :)

Hi Honeyfiedcherry n pink2purple! I'm actually supposed to be a dec mummy too. EDD was 6 December but baby was delivered early due to some complications. So I became an October mummy but still active here. Hehehe my princess is still in nicu n I delivered at NUH. :) gd luck n all d best for ur last few weeks of pregnancy! May u have a smooth delivery ya.
MamaDT: Yes, i hope so...will update on the weight after my appt next week. I think as long as regular cup size should be fine...not the super big mugs :D

Lizasaifi: Hi, just saw your past posts! Good to hear that your princess is doing well and that your checkup today went well. Do take it easy for the rest of yr confinement ya :)

Momopeachgal: I'll only be working on Mon and Fri next week...as i'm trying to clear leave too. Hrmm maybe I'll start washing a few of the baby's clothes first :p


momopeachgal: jia you!! 6 weeks to go! Yaay! Hehehe yeah dat pic was taken juz now before she had her 2pm feed...she's getting smarter now...I had held her for awhile as d nurse changed d cloths covering her crib n she was smiling away mischievously looking at me hahaha before dat she had poo poo all over d nurse n her crib Lolz D poor nurse had to clean up...gonna spend d weekend by her side :D yep my doc is a biker n he doesn't look like one though. Hahaha nice fella n very friendly. Talked to my hubby like as if they are old friends. Hahaha oh yes! I can at last go for massage to recharge my body before princess comes home n it will be bz bz n bz time for me n hubby :)

Ok mummies! To those who gonna have a long weekend enjoy it as much as u can cuz once baby arrive a weekend wun even look like a weekend already! Hahaha till next time...take care n keep warm ya...rainy season is here!


Momopeachgal: haha thinking very hard whether I had coffee.... Yes I did once in my pregnancy only... Heehee small cup but aroma was damn good!! Just couldn't resist it that time haha
There's parenthood fair now.... U can shop there haha

Liza: ur princess looks so cute sucking the pacifier :) and ohhhh so sweet on her finger touching u and sleeping soundly... :) I can't wait for December to come! Lol

5 weeks + 2 days to my EDD... I am left with baby cot and bedding set and the cordlife thingy to settle... Plus trying to build up my iron level to normal level!! ^^
Hi Liza, your princess is so strong ! I had complications during my first trimester, nobody knew if she would make it .. But so far so good ! She's so active I would wince and suddenly double over from her kicks that people would look at me funny .

Anyway, where is the shop u bought your nursing bras located ? Am really nervous about breastfeeding, I had to stop at 3 mths for my first son due to low milk supply . :(


MamaDT: yeah she held my finger n juz slept on wif d pacifier in her mouth...hubby told me last nite when he was there she cried so much until face become red2...d nurse was asking where's her mummy...I didn't go yesterday cuz had to rest...she was quiet tdy when I was there n slept most of d time...only woke up once n opened her eyes big2 when I held her then fell aslee again hee hee 5 weeks gonna go by fast! Jia you to u too dear! :D

Honeyfiedcherry: dats great dat she's so active! My princess was very active too when I was still carrying her in my womb. She would kick n punch at always d same timing every time every day n who would have thought I had complications. It was mostly due to my blood pressure which went up when I got to 3rd trimester. Was hospitalised 3 times n d 3rd time was d longest until I delivered at exactly 34 weeks. D other mummies here know all abt my hospitalisation periods. Hahaha my princess was born on 25 October. She's now 2 weeks n been in d nicu since birth. Since she's premature she can only take breastmilk. I have to express my breast milk at hm n freeze them before bringing over to d hospital for my princess. I'm hoping to bf her exclusively once she's discharged. But before dat she has to learn to latch on n dat mite be happening next week.
I think there are supplements like fenugreek u can take to increase milk supply. When I was in hospital after delivery one of d ward doctors prescribed me a pill called Maxalon. It really helped me to produce colostrum n after I was discharged I managed to produce milk already within 2 days. :) oh d shop name is called pretty international n they have outlets at Amk central, toa payoh central, the bencoolen n tampines mall. Anywhere near where u live?

Mreow Mreow

Any mummies know where to buy BathTub & Stand?

Hows the parenthood fair?
Got anything to buy? :)

Didn't finish my Shopping at JB! Haha...

Lovepixie, sounds lk a Gd deal To Be a Jusco Member! Is there a fee to register? :)

Lizasaifi, I think ur princess missed ur presence the other day thats why she kept crying when ur hubby was there!!!
She knows her mummy... :D

Ooh, so it's better to buy Nursing Bra after delivery ah... I thought so too but I don't think I will go out after delivery..
Can just standby afew?
Pretty international sounds familiar!!
I will go check out the Tamp Branch! :D
Thanks babe!

Momopeachgal, thanks for ur explanation!
I understand what u mean by the hooks thing!! :)

Honeyfiedcherry, I don't think I will buy nursing tops! Haha.
Will try to make do with my current clothes!! :)
as I have done with my pregnancy now w/o maternity wear...
Hmm, maybe if after delivery then see how!!
Quite ex, nursing wear!!

Mreow Mreow

Some caffeine is ok mummies...
I've been drinking some as well...

Especially my Bubble green tea and
Those homemade ice lemon tea at coffee shops.. :D

My gal has no reaction after my caffeine intake.. Haha
Thought babies are supposed to be more active after mummy takes a caffeinated drink...
Hahaha :p

Mummies who find it hard to film their babies' movements,
Put a small light object on ur tummy when baby is kicking then video!!
With the object, it's much more obvious that ur tummy is moving.
Try it!!! :D
I used my contact Lens casing and Hubby's HP cover to try...
Can tell baby is kicking cuz the object on my tummy is like bouncing.
Haha!!! :)
Liza, am staying at cck, but will be staying over at mom's place at Pasir Ris after delivery . Tampines mall sounds good ! I should go there when I have the energy, it's so tough to waddle ard nowadays !
I think after delivery I will ask doc about increasing milk supply, am going for checkups at KKH and they are very rushed, no time to ask about what is going on w our body, I don't even know how much my baby weighs ! Next time I'm going to a private hospital .

Mreow Mreow, i myself am trying to figure out where to get nice nursing tops ! I'm thinking of just getting shawls .. Have been going thru classifieds and there are people selling second hand nursing tops, but they don't look very nice . Haha .


New Member
Worried!!My unborn baby is small

I went for my check up today and Dr say my baby weigh only 2kg at 35 weeks 4 days.
Dr say by looking at my placenta baby is getting enough nutrients and ask me not to worry.
I can't help to stop worrying because i got to know average weight for my baby supposed to be around 2.5:(
Sad sad sad :(

Mreow Mreow

Re: Worried!!My unborn baby is small

I went for my check up today and Dr say my baby weigh only 2kg at 35 weeks 4 days.
Dr say by looking at my placenta baby is getting enough nutrients and ask me not to worry.
I can't help to stop worrying because i got to know average weight for my baby supposed to be around 2.5:(
Sad sad sad :(

Hi dear!

Welcome to the forum!! :D

please dont worry...
U should really trust your doc's words...
If he thinks ur baby is fine, ur baby is good..... :D

Where did u get the average of 2.5kg from?
Is it Other mummies?
Or Iphone apps like BabyCentre or those other pregnancy apps?
Some of the apps are catered more to Caucasiann women and their babies..
And are therefore heavier in weight.

My gal is a little heavier than yours..
She's 2.2kg on my last checkup when i was 33weeks.
Doc estimated that she'll be about 3kg at birth...

Also, the scanning is subjective, differs with every gynae and the weight is just a guage.....
Most of the time when babies are born, their weight differs by 100-300g!!

Dont worry too much ok!! :)

Especially when your Doc say everything is ok.
Last edited:

Mreow Mreow

Liza, am staying at cck, but will be staying over at mom's place at Pasir Ris after delivery . Tampines mall sounds good ! I should go there when I have the energy, it's so tough to waddle ard nowadays !
I think after delivery I will ask doc about increasing milk supply, am going for checkups at KKH and they are very rushed, no time to ask about what is going on w our body, I don't even know how much my baby weighs ! Next time I'm going to a private hospital .

Mreow Mreow, i myself am trying to figure out where to get nice nursing tops ! I'm thinking of just getting shawls .. Have been going thru classifieds and there are people selling second hand nursing tops, but they don't look very nice . Haha .

did u check Spring Maternity?? :)

Sze sze

Prettygem, mreow mreow, my gynae told me so long the bb cross the borderline of 2kg, it is good, even they come out early should be fine, dun worries...
he told me that world wide average including all races is between 2.5kg-4kg at birth is consider normal weight....
He expected my bb would be ard 2.8kg at birth... To me it is fine, although I looking forward to 3kg also...
will try to eat more meat and protein...
Heard eating durian can increase the weight also, some mummies here also mentioned this previously, but I din bcos I dun like to eat...
Prettygem, Jia you... Still have 4 weeks time to gain more weight... And relax... Dun worry...


Liza, am staying at cck, but will be staying over at mom's place at Pasir Ris after delivery . Tampines mall sounds good ! I should go there when I have the energy, it's so tough to waddle ard nowadays !
I think after delivery I will ask doc about increasing milk supply, am going for checkups at KKH and they are very rushed, no time to ask about what is going on w our body, I don't even know how much my baby weighs ! Next time I'm going to a private hospital .

Mreow Mreow, i myself am trying to figure out where to get nice nursing tops ! I'm thinking of just getting shawls .. Have been going thru classifieds and there are people selling second hand nursing tops, but they don't look very nice . Haha .
Honeyfiedcherry, u go to KKH for check ups under subsidised or The Private Suite? How come u dun even noe how much ur baby weighs? Hmmmm do u see a specific doctor at every check up? I'm surprised dat KKH is like dat. They shld be able to tell u ur baby's weight n check u thoroughly in case there's any problem, which i hope there isn't. For me wif my check ups at NUH during d 1st trimester I was seeing different doctors but when I got to d 2nd trimester I started seeing a specialist as my pregnancy was considered high risk wif my high blood pressure or pregnancy induced hypertension. Its because of this thorough checks on me n my baby dat helped to find out d problem wif d blood flow between baby n placenta. I think u shld start being firm wif d doctors n nurses there for d sake of ur baby n ur health. Being pregnant is not a small issue. It concerns 2 lives.


Mreow Mreow: Hahahaha yeah d nurse said dat too dat princess knows when I'm not ard. Tdy n tmrw gonna spend d day wif her again. :)
Yeah u can get a few nursing bras now but make sure it's a size bigger. Ur breasts will expand once ur milk kicks in. Talking from experience here. Hahahaha I'm 2 cup sizes bigger now.

Mummies dun worry so much abt ur babies weight. It's mostly an estimate from d scans. As long as they are more than 2kg they shld be doing fine. :) even my princess has to hit 2kg before she can be discharged.

Sze sze

I just come back from my check up...
good news and bad news... I losing weight as compared to my last checkup... But surprisingly, my little girl gain another 0.7kg since two wks ago, increase from 2kg (wk34) to 2.7kg (wk 36)!!!! Next appointment will be two weeks later....
Knowing little girl is healthy and well growing is kind of encouragement and relief....

Liza, ur girl definitely recognize your voice when u holding her, talking and kissing her.... She miss you a lot!! :)
glad that u can start massage and get ready to welcome ur little princess to be home!! Then u can have full concentrate on her by then! Hee...