Edd dec 2012


Hi Sze Sze
Wow u r the most diligent in confinement rules lol.
I have shampooed once in salon to redo my braids and bathed once using very warm water n confinement soap 2 days ago.
My husband gave up with me. My freedom comes during the week my mother visit me cos she say Breastfeeding must keep clean. I also dun wan baby to suck in sweat n grime lol.

Like Dmummy momopeachgirl n Mreow suggested I think I will massage first n use cold compress on engorged breast. Hot compress will simulate the milk production. Cold compress will stop it gua.

Mreow Mreow

Juz finished feeding my MilkMonster..

Nowadays she lovesssss to Extra poop and extra pee when I'm already halfway done with changing her nappy....
Poooot again n again n dirty the whole changing mat & her top.


Mreow mreow: extra poo is good!! Haha i always monitor my gal poo :D her poo can fly one -.- coz she likes to poo cum fart!!!! One time the CL didn't close her butt while she poo, and the poo fly until my rugs got poo poo *cry* lucky we quickly scrub2 no more stain

Mreow Mreow

Her poo also can fly!! :p
Yellow mustard poo. Haha!!

Prettygem, I'm on my 9th massage day Nw.
Tmr last day.
Personally I think it's Gd!
My bengkung is 50m long, its really tight and seems to bring my stomach flat! :)
I wear it for about 20h, only remove when I'm gg shower :)

Mreow Mreow

How's ur engorgement gg?
I hope it gets better!! :)
Don't overpump!
Especially when u alr have over supply....

Yes SzeSze, u are really religious in following confinement!!
Luckily for me my Hubby support wadever I do.
So I can brush aside elders' opinions & naggings.
All the elders that come over I nickname them all DOCs. They say Muz this mux that, baby mux this mux that,
when ACTUAL docs nv even instruct us to do...

My tummy is quite flat like before but flesh still very soft!!! :(
Def not as firm as pre-preggy.
Where u mean by tummy belly area is dark?
Belly button ah?
My linea nigra still there man.
Actually now u can apply any cream u want Liao!! :)

Mreow Mreow

Yes Lovepixie. I wear during the massage Thn remove about 3-4h before the massage the next day.. So I can shower :)
I dun feel so hot.
It's tight but to me I can tahan.
Almost like my work uniform so I'm kinda used to it.. :)
It keeps back straight too.
Is urs very tight?
Ur masseuse told u to wear only 8h?

Prettygem, yes it's continuous 10days.
Full body massage except boobs.
She asked if I wanna do face but I don't want.
$65 per day.
Have to pay $30 to buy the bengkung binder which she will teach someone at home,
on the last day of Massage,
to tie for us for another 10days.
She's a 60+ yr old Malay Aunty with strength. Haha...


Hi mummies! Wow! All of u so bz wif ur babies now huh? Hee hee saw pics of ur babies in fb. All so adorable n cute! :)

It's already 3 weeks since my princess came hm. We had established a schedule now. But sadly my BM seem to have lessen for d past 1 week n I had started giving her fm now. :( no choice already. She now demands for her milk even though sometimes it's not even 3 hrs from her last feed. Hahaha can't keep up wif her demand. She's growing healthily though n getting chubbier. She was a little cranky tdy wif slight fever n didn't take a nap longer than 15 mins d whole day. Only fell asleep at ard 6pm juz now n woke up for her feed at 8.30pm. She's now sleeping soundly beside me on d bed. Juz love watching her sleep. Hee hee

Ok mummies. I wanna nap already. Have to wake again in an hr n a half or even earlier for princess's feed. Enjoy motherhood! :D

Mreow Mreow

Glad to see u in forum!! :)

How do ur know That yr milk supply drop?

Waa, I'm sure u mux be so tired looking after her today. Since u mentioned she didnt slp for more than 15mins.
But Poor baby Nurin. She mux be feeling so terrible and uncomfy herself. Yet feeling so exhausted and I bet the fever prevented her from going into deep sleep...
Hope she gets better soon!! :)

I juz finished feeding MilkMonster.
Like watching her slp too!! :D
Me too, gotta wake in about 2.5h or earlier for the next milking round!! :p


Hey Mreow Mreow! Juz finished feeding my princess. She's asleep now wif d kool fever thingy on her forehead juz in case her temp goes up again.

Oh well nowadays since d start of last week I can only express like 30 to 40ml of bm from both sides. Usually it can be like 50 to 60ml per side. :( dunno wat happened. Been latching on princess n she seemed to be satisfied before but lately she was fussy n cried a lot when I latched her. Ran out of d ebm I had froze when she was in hospital. Had tried to express n latch her as often as I can but still no help at all. Took fennel seed tea which I read can help but no luck. So had to turn to fm n bought Friso for her. She took dat well n now I latch her in d mornings n afternoons n evenings n nite feed she gets fm. My supply seems to be lesser at nite. At least she does still get bm even if its in a small quantity. Better than nothing. Haha

Yeah d fever had prevented her from going into deep sleep. She was cranky n cried a lot even when I was changing her diaper. Dunno if d bcg injection was d culprit. It seems to have become a little bump on her left upper arm. She only fell into deep sleep after I wiped her body wif lukewarm water in d evening n changed her clothes.

How's ur lil milk monster coming along? She's so adorable n u had chosen a nice name for her. I like d name. :) by d way u r looking awesome even though u juz gave birth like 2 weeks ago. D post natal massage really helps ya. U r lucky u can wear d bengkung. I can't cuz I had undergone c-sect.

Ok I'm going back to sleep now. See ya ard babe! :D


Mreow Mreow

I read somewhere that must wear at least 8 hrs. I sweat a lot n no point putting longer cos I tie it with a paste that will become itchy

My massage is 1 hr including boobs n also expel wind from inside hahaha she make me fart it out. Sounds yucky rite


I just took a massage session al la carte and liked it a lot. Will take up a package with this lady. She is also charging 65 per session for whole body including boobs. I hope it helps with my body shape. Right now my body looks so disfigured , specially my stomach . Looks like I am still pregnant . My uterus seemed t be poking out :)
My baby Rhea still hasn't pooped for 3 days now . I am so concerned . Took her to doctor yesterday . He said don't worry , babies sometimes do that. But I am still worried :(


Hi December mummies with christmas babies! :D sorry to interrupt.

I have a few packs of huggies and pampers diapers to sell.


Newborn size (up to 4kg)
8 packets
24 pieces in each packet
7 packets unopened 1 packet opened

I apologize the opened packet as my mum thought it was a 5-10kg diaper until she open the packet.
But all 24 pieces are still inside.

Letting go at $5 per pack.


Small size (3-8kg) up to 12 hours of dryness
2 packets
48 pieces in each packet
Both packs unopened

Letting go at $16 per pack

Price negotiable. I can deliver it to you if you stay at yishun or khatib.
Please PM me incase i do not see your reply. Thank you!

I also have a set of single electric breast pump. Very new.
Last edited:

Mreow Mreow

Hey Mreow Mreow! Juz finished feeding my princess. She's asleep now wif d kool fever thingy on her forehead juz in case her temp goes up again.

Oh well nowadays since d start of last week I can only express like 30 to 40ml of bm from both sides. Usually it can be like 50 to 60ml per side. :( dunno wat happened. Been latching on princess n she seemed to be satisfied before but lately she was fussy n cried a lot when I latched her. Ran out of d ebm I had froze when she was in hospital. Had tried to express n latch her as often as I can but still no help at all. Took fennel seed tea which I read can help but no luck. So had to turn to fm n bought Friso for her. She took dat well n now I latch her in d mornings n afternoons n evenings n nite feed she gets fm. My supply seems to be lesser at nite. At least she does still get bm even if its in a small quantity. Better than nothing. Haha

Yeah d fever had prevented her from going into deep sleep. She was cranky n cried a lot even when I was changing her diaper. Dunno if d bcg injection was d culprit. It seems to have become a little bump on her left upper arm. She only fell into deep sleep after I wiped her body wif lukewarm water in d evening n changed her clothes.

How's ur lil milk monster coming along? She's so adorable n u had chosen a nice name for her. I like d name. :) by d way u r looking awesome even though u juz gave birth like 2 weeks ago. D post natal massage really helps ya. U r lucky u can wear d bengkung. I can't cuz I had undergone c-sect.

Ok I'm going back to sleep now. See ya ard babe! :D

Hehe, Milk monster is doing fine..
We brought her to Airport T3 today Cuz Hubby wanted to See Doc at RafflesMedicalGroup..
And i finally used a nursing room!
Its my very first time.. Scarryy.
Jus nice when she cried, the room was juz 4m away from me! :)
Anyway Cant believe me and hubby brought our 2weekold out.. When im supp to be in confinement :p

Thanks Liza, we didnt have much choices for names as hubby wanted to get her name based on Numerology..
Gal, my makcik say she do massage for alot of Csec mums & that its better to start early..
Dunno her..

Yes, at least Baby nurin gets ur BM..
Mine opposite, my boob is full with milk after 1am at night..
and U are doing all u can for her already.. Pls dont stress urself up over this...
Relax and put ur Faith in Allah!! He will help! :D

How old is ur baby...
Still no poop?
I understand, if im u i will worry alot too..... :(
Are u emptying each breast at each feed?
Cuz baby need to take the hindmilk(thick & fuller fat) that comes later after the foremilk..
The hindmilk will make baby put on weight and poop..
The foremilk infront is high in water so they will pee often...

Actually im glad the lady nv touch my boobs.. Hahaha :)
Shy la... I dont want also..
And juz nice i always have to feed after my Massage...
Later the oil kenne my Gal's face.. :p
I nv fart before in my sessions!! HAHA

Today was my last day massage.
She pushed my uterus up.. Felt some discomfort for a split sec but she said its very impt cuz it helps to shape our womb and prevent incontinence...


Hey Mreow Mreow! Juz finished feeding my princess. She's asleep now wif d kool fever thingy on her forehead juz in case her temp goes up again.

Oh well nowadays since d start of last week I can only express like 30 to 40ml of bm from both sides. Usually it can be like 50 to 60ml per side. :( dunno wat happened. Been latching on princess n she seemed to be satisfied before but lately she was fussy n cried a lot when I latched her. Ran out of d ebm I had froze when she was in hospital. Had tried to express n latch her as often as I can but still no help at all. Took fennel seed tea which I read can help but no luck. So had to turn to fm n bought Friso for her. She took dat well n now I latch her in d mornings n afternoons n evenings n nite feed she gets fm. My supply seems to be lesser at nite. At least she does still get bm even if its in a small quantity. Better than nothing. Haha

Yeah d fever had prevented her from going into deep sleep. She was cranky n cried a lot even when I was changing her diaper. Dunno if d bcg injection was d culprit. It seems to have become a little bump on her left upper arm. She only fell into deep sleep after I wiped her body wif lukewarm water in d evening n changed her clothes.

How's ur lil milk monster coming along? She's so adorable n u had chosen a nice name for her. I like d name. :) by d way u r looking awesome even though u juz gave birth like 2 weeks ago. D post natal massage really helps ya. U r lucky u can wear d bengkung. I can't cuz I had undergone c-sect.

Ok I'm going back to sleep now. See ya ard babe! :D

Hehe, Milk monster is doing fine..
We brought her to Airport T3 today Cuz Hubby wanted to See Doc at RafflesMedicalGroup..
And i finally used a nursing room!
Its my very first time.. Scarryy.
Jus nice when she cried, the room was juz 4m away from me! :)
Anyway Cant believe me and hubby brought our 2weekold out.. When im supp to be in confinement :p

Thanks Liza, we didnt have much choices for names as hubby wanted to get her name based on Numerology..
Gal, my makcik say she do massage for alot of Csec mums & that its better to start early..
Dunno her..

Yes, at least Baby nurin gets ur BM..
Mine opposite, my boob is full with milk after 1am at night..
and U are doing all u can for her already.. Pls dont stress urself up over this...
Relax and put ur Faith in Allah!! He will help! :D

How old is ur baby...
Still no poop?
I understand, if im u i will worry alot too..... :(
Are u emptying each breast at each feed?
Cuz baby need to take the hindmilk(thick & fuller fat) that comes later after the foremilk..
The hindmilk will make baby put on weight and poop..
The foremilk infront is high in water so they will pee often...

Actually im glad the lady nv touch my boobs.. Hahaha :)
Shy la... I dont want also..
And juz nice i always have to feed after my Massage...
Later the oil kenne my Gal's face.. :p
I nv fart before in my sessions!! HAHA

Today was my last day massage.
She pushed my uterus up.. Felt some discomfort for a split sec but she said its very impt cuz it helps to shape our womb and prevent incontinence...
Hey babe! Thanks for d encouragement. :) appreciate it. Ya I'm not stressin myself up. I'm sure Allah has some plan for us.

Hahaha so u got to use d nursing rm for d first time n it's at d airport! So appropriate! Hehehe dats where u n ur hubby work. How's d nursing rm?

I've had my postnatal massage already. Last week for 5 days. D Makcik who massage me was gd. She's d one who my cousin recommended. D way she massage was painful sometimes but she said its for my own gd as all d tight veins n muscles must be loosen out so I wun feel uncomfortable or pain ltr. She also mentioned dat it's ok for mommies who went thru c-sect to have postnatal massage early. Juz dun massage d tummy area much n dun west d long bengkung. There's another type of bengkung for c-sect mummies. It looks like a corset but made of cloth. :)

Ok back to sleep now since princess had fallen asleep. Hehehehe have a great day babe!


Mreow Mreow
My BB is 1 week old.
Thanks for your suggestion on the fore milk and hind milk. I never thought much on this terms, but now that you mention it , it does mk sense .
My BB is having more fore milk I guess coz she barely latches on and is asleep in a few min , then I hv to try again . And she does pee a lot.
Any idea after how many min the had milk comes?
Btw, she dials poop yesterday , after 4 Days of not pooping.
I was so happy !!! I guess it is our children only who can make us so excited about poop :) ha ha


Hi Mreow

Haha I didn't fart on purpose but she told me she push wind out so I do yoga pose n she push the wind out.
And the breast massage actually help to unknot some of the engorgement. And milk did flow out later.
I didn't do consecutively cos my mom visits n i use the spare room to do msg n didn't want to keep changing matress cover everyday. So I only continue my fourth session next Monday


My BB has some rash in the face and hands and legs. It's like white spots and have some puss in then it seems. Anyone else hv similar exp? What to do ?????