Edd dec 2012

Sze sze

Mreow mreow, I decide to intro bottle to my girl after her full month, which is 1.1.2013 - the 5th week onwards...
will let her to drink using bottle once or twice during day time, but still latch during night time and the rest of the day...


Love pixie
I think I'll use the strap on carrier to bring my baby to infant care, easier to handle than pram.
I got a preloved Baby Bjorn carrier from my friend , thinking of using that. :)


Today I had my baby's newborn photo session . What a chore it was !! Baby photography is not as easy as one thinks . Thankfully the photographer was very patient with my baby , who was not cooperating at all .. She poo pooed and pee peed so many times on the props on me and on her dad !! I hope the photos come out good . Phew !!

Mreow Mreow

Happy new year's Eve!! :D

Wow, time passes by sooo fast with a baby.

This time I dun really feel like it's the end of the year as I never really celebrate Xmas & CountDown.

Mummies, thanks for all ur concern about my Gal Danika.
She's still not fully cured yet though!!
Running nose lesser but she still coughs a fair bit! :(
Wonder how to stop her cough & it sounds lk she has phlegm..
My mum when talking to her, kept saying
'give d flu to granny, give d flu to granny'
And now my mum reallly Kenna the virus too!!

So now, baby mum n daddy sick.
Only Me is fine!
Really cannot afford to catch d bug man.
Since I've to care for her...
Seems lk my immunity is the best :p

Sze sze

Mreow mreow, sick is the best time for baby to increase the immune system by their own, this is wat my girlfriend 's doc told her, as her girl also sick now...

momo, can't help much, my girl is small eater, Each time she only drink from one side but seems cannot empty the breast also...
now I start to pump out the balance about 40ml only, hope i can slowly increase my milk supply....
i intend to give her in bottle during day time, latch during night time...
my girl very naughty, dun want to sleep during day time, cry for ppl to carry, now even my mil carry her, she also make noise and crying; when transfer to me, she stops, but each time when I carry her, she wants to drink, but she is actually not hungry, just suck for comfort!!

Sze sze

Btw, if u want, try drink more water before and after pumping...
my sis who did full breastfeeding (latch only) for her two children told me that...
and her supply drop when her menses started, then she cook green papaya soup...
and pls dun eat cabbage, long bean, it will affect supply...


Happy New Year 2013 mummies

Hi Sze Sze
Wah long beans also cannot? Die. I ate a lot of beans lately thought it is heaty vege n could eat during confinement.
Hi Mreow
Hope Danika recovers n as well as ur whole family

Sze sze

Lovepixie, yes, my sis told me better to avoid... So I din eat at all...
And must drink a lot water... Even plain water is good for milk supply (after confinement)


Got it. I should keep up my liquid intake.

Btw do u mummies sing to baby while breast feeding?
Let me share a fun song. Cos I'm feeling like my job at home is mainly being a cow lol

Modified Old McDonald Song:
Oh my mummy is a cow
And in the house she is a cow
She moo moo here, moo moo there, moo moo everywhere

Mreow Mreow

Liza, how did ur Thanksgiving go?

Lovepixie, how about ur Baby shower? :)
I don't sing to my gal at night!
So she knows that after makan have to slp.
Daytime I do talk to her. Haha.
But thanks for ur song!!
Shall sing to my Milk Monster later.
My Hubby will laugh lk mad though.

Momo, u have to up ur Fluid intake! Water is impt... :)
Yes, it's supp to be green papaya but I also dunno if it really works or not..
Dang GUI soup should be ok.
But maybe don't take everyday? Quite heaty.
Later baby can get constipated.

SzeSze, Docs rather we allow comfort sucking than introduce pacifier!!
Studies show that babies grow up to be more confident individuals if mums allow comfort sucking when they need it.
Haha :D

What hold are u mummies using?
I'm always using modified cradle hold during BFeed!
Have not tried cradle hold and lying down feeding.
Dunno how to put boob into her mouth when lying down!!
Haha :p

Oh ya..
I read that about now, when our babies are 3-4weeks,
Our milk supply will stabilize!
Like our body knows roughly how much milk to make.
So we won't experience much engorgement..
And because our boobs will be softer, alot of mummies think that their supply drop.
Anybody going thru this?
For me it's like this!


Happy new yr mummies!!! :D may this yr be a better one for all of us wif our babies ard! Hee hee

Mreow Mreow: d thanksgiving ceremony went on smoothly! It was so bz for me n hubby. Poor princess was kissed n passed ard so many times. Hahahha but she was quite cool. Didn't really cry. Only when she wanted milk. Hehehe u can see pics in fb. I had put up an album.
Abt baby stretch n squirm its normal. My princess does it too. Even when sleeping she will do it wif her eyes tightly closed. Hehehe I read dat babies do dat to expel air from their digestive system as their insides are not matured yet. So they have to stretch, squirm n grunt at times to expel dat air which comes out as farting. My princess can really fart loud at times! Lolz hubby, my mom n me will laugh out loud whenever she gives out a loud n funny one. Hahaha my princess now tries to put her hands in her mouth. Sometimes during bath time she will suck at d side of her hand. Hahaha

Sze sze

Mreow, problem is my girl can suck for whole afternoon... I.e. from 12-6pm... And sucking does not help to put her into sleep, she will wake up instantly when nipple is out of her mouth.... Too much comfort already... Like that I dun even when to feed her because she constantly drinking?

Mreow Mreow

Liza, ok!
I will go chk out the album! :)
So funny, that Ur baby Nurin's fart is loud.

Mine doesn't fart alot and not so loud also. Haha..
Think it will be very funny too, for me hubby n mum if we manage to witness Danika farting loudly!! :D


Hi Mreow,
My girl didn't suck thumb but fingers. Sometimes she wanna suck for milk but fingers get into the way and she didn't realised it and suck the first thing in contact with her mouth -.-

Hi Liza
Wow thanks on the info for the squirming part. I tot baby grumpy or wanna train her motor skills cos she grunts in her sleep.

Hi Sze Sze
My girls does the same thing too. She suck and fell asleep. As soon as she is put down in cot she wakes up and demands sucking for comfort. Until I ran out of milk. It happens every hour she demands milk or suck for comfort. I need to devise a way if not hard for me to go to work in a few months time.

Hi Luckystar
Happy New Year to ur family too. :)
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Sze sze

Mreow, tried avent pacifier... She rejected, going to buy Tommee tippee or nuk to try again...
initially I dun want to let her use pacifier, scare she will reject nipper or bite nipper.. My mil keep insisting that she will need one...
and keep saying that she likes to suck becos breastfeed baby is like that...
But I feel all baby are the same, just that feedin formula no need to scare if baby rejecting nipple... But she doesn't understand, older generation somehow doesn't like the idea for breastfeeding

I hope my girl can sleep well during day time without a pacifier, and reject the pacifier ... Very funny hor?!!!
Bcos I dun like the idea to give her pacifier..

Lovepixie, I cannot put her down to cot.. She too alert to wake up as soon as nipple is out of her mouth...
i also finding a way to make her sleep after feeding during day time

Mreow Mreow

Have u tried carrying bAby in a carrier?
It might juz work cuz baby will feel secure being near u and U can free ur hands.

Worked for some of my frens :)