EDD December 2013

Kokura: Sorry I forgot which counter i got my nursing bra from (cos it was really crowded), but it is sports bra type, $12-$15. I just grab 2 first. Will get fitted and buy others nearer the date. This is for standby first as the px is reasonable.
Wet bag is a waterproof bag that can hold soiled diapers, soiled clothes, or when u go swimming, can hold wet clothings. I just buy as the designs are too cute and the px is gd $7 each (for all sizes), and buy 5 get 1 free. :) I saw online selling much more expensive..
Welshia: u could be having PUPPP - which is some kind of pregnancy rash.. basically nothing much that we can do abt it.. try to use those lotion for sensitive skin.. i'm currently using Cetaphil for Dry Itchy Skin, which only can get from Hospital pharmacy.. u should alert ur gynae and see if he can put u on any medication to control the itch too.. jiayou & control!


New Member
I was extremely satisfied with my purchase from the baby fair! I went on Friday and manage to get most of my listed items.
I even got myself the stroller, Manduca carrier, baby cot, Comotomo bottles, Tommie Tippie stuffs (thermometer, pacifier etc) and others!
But I don't bother to even queue for Pigeons / Nuk / Avent products. The queue is never ending.

Anyway Welshia,
you should try Cetaphil! Maybe ur shower bath is too harsh on ur skin.


Mmmm... Would not a plastic bag do the job of containing wet clothes just as well? :p
I always think about practicality when I purchase stuff. I saw a lot of mummies choosing wet bags & I was wondering what were those bags for.

Another q I have is this. Is a swaddle cloth necessary??? I dun like to buy items that can last for only a few months & then they sit in the cupboard as a white elephant...
How about using a cotton towel to swaddle a baby since a swadle cloth is also made of 100% cotton???

Kokura: Sorry I forgot which counter i got my nursing bra from (cos it was really crowded), but it is sports bra type, $12-$15. I just grab 2 first. Will get fitted and buy others nearer the date. This is for standby first as the px is reasonable.
Wet bag is a waterproof bag that can hold soiled diapers, soiled clothes, or when u go swimming, can hold wet clothings. I just buy as the designs are too cute and the px is gd $7 each (for all sizes), and buy 5 get 1 free. :) I saw online selling much more expensive..
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Hey, thanks for telling me about Youhaveababy.sg. I went to their online shop & I found their prices reasonable, as compared to my current one which I bought for about $29. But I dun think I will buy any nursing bra just based on XX A/B/C/D size because I think for such an item, it is always best to try it on first. ^.^

And if a mummy is having a c-section, it is best to DELAY having a post-natal massage because although the surface of the tummy may look healed, the inner wound may not have fully healed, & the last thing you want to have is a pair of hands to rupture the inner wound. This will delay your overall healing! I read this from a pregnancy booklet recently. Hope this helps.

kokura: you can check out nursing bra from Autumnz Youhaveababy.sg i saw during the baby fair that their nursing bra between $16-$19.. quite good quality also.. and affordable.. i bought 2 from them.. another brand recommended from my collz is Milky Way.. :) oh and i think its ok to on air-con .. haha.. yes i agree with strawberryjay, my comfort should come first! :p and i will prob try to shower if i can.. personal hygiene is impt esp during breastfeeding .. if not will smell and feel like cow the whole month! @_@"

mrschievious: thanks for the info! shall check out the pumps.. and yes pls share the massage contact too! Do you know if we have c-sect, can we delay the massage or change it to normal massage? coz i worried dont know will have to c-sect, esp if baby not turning.. TIA! :D
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LilMissy: oh no.. wat cramp are u having??

Kokura: yup i heard not wise to go for jamu massage after c-sect.. prob hav to wait 1 month later den safe to do it.. but by 1 month later, the effect will not b as good or no effect liao rite? Hmm.. and i think last time, ppl only use cotton cloth to swaddle the baby.. so i think it is ok to do it, as long can keep baby warm and dun irritate bb skin sho b fine ba..


@chocoholic: i think it is those typical cramp that you have when ur tummy is stretching....thank goodness it went away by afternoon. but then, i had so difficulty to sleep. every position seems uncomfortable..sigh~
LilMissy: oic.. yah me too! our stomachs are getting bigger tt why harder to find comfortable position...and feel so heavy when trying to turn while sleeping..


@chocoholic: i agree! and it doesnt help that sometimes the lil one will be pushing against the tummy when i'm lying down. do you find yourself holding your tummy when u get up? lol! i sub-consciously do that, dunno why. haha!


LilMissy & Chocoholic: i get leg cramps if i sleep on the right side so i had to stick to sleeping on the left side now.. thank god i bought the theraline pregnancy pillow.. it kinda help me to sleep comfortably at night.. although sometimes baby gets abit too hyper when im about to fall asleep. lol! but it makes me feel relieved cos i know baby is okay :D


@muffie: leg cramps can be a pain in the arse..lol...but what i tried recently was before i sleep, i apply heatrub on my calves. and so far, so good! :D


ya the cramps are terrible! Esp in the middle of the night, while sleeping. I'm getting so clumsy and heavy and banging into many things in my house. So clustered. Can't wait for new flat to be ready.


LOL!!! I can imagine u banging into different objects in the house as u walk around! (Though we have never met... .;P)

ya the cramps are terrible! Esp in the middle of the night, while sleeping. I'm getting so clumsy and heavy and banging into many things in my house. So clustered. Can't wait for new flat to be ready.


Heat rub??? U mean Tiger Balm???
Did you ask your gynae if it is safe to use it??? If it is safe, I wanna use too on my calves, to prevent leg cramps...

@muffie: leg cramps can be a pain in the arse..lol...but what i tried recently was before i sleep, i apply heatrub on my calves. and so far, so good! :D


@kokura: i did not use tiger balm. i used this ginger extract heat rub lotion. I will think it is safe lah. coz it is just external and nowhere near my tummy. :) anything for my comfort man...


Oh coz I am thinking the ginger extract & whatever medicinal extracts may affect the baby via blood circulation.

By the way, any mummies here doing regular Kegel exercise to prepare for upcoming childbirth??? I attended my ante-natal class & the physiotherapist said we shoul do it 3x a day, but the thing is..... When my bladder is full & I do my Kegel exercise in the toilet, I find myself leaking urine when I am contracting & holding my pelvic muscles. But when my bladder is not that full, I dont't leak urine in the toilet.
Any mummies here experiencing the same problem as me??? Please share. Thank you! ^.^

@kokura: i did not use tiger balm. i used this ginger extract heat rub lotion. I will think it is safe . coz it is just external and nowhere near my tummy. :) anything for my comfort man...
Kokura: i haven been doing Kegel exercise regularly.. haha.. juz do as and when i rem only.. which may nt b daily.. oops.. :p the physiotherapist mentioned during ante-natal class tt should try not to do it when we gg toilet.. coz mayb hav higher risk of yeast infection.. so try to do it when bladder is not full ba.. i think during delivery, there will be tubes to drain out our urine too rite? hmm..

i think tiger balm sho b safe ba.. its only to ease the muscles ache and prevent cramps..



Any mummies here thinking of celebrating their baby's full month??? If so, how do we calculate full month?
If my bb is borned on 1st Dec, is her full month 1st Jan??? I have no idea... :embarrassed:

Kokura: i haven been doing Kegel exercise regularly.. haha.. juz do as and when i rem only.. which may nt b daily.. oops.. :p the physiotherapist mentioned during ante-natal class tt should try not to do it when we gg toilet.. coz mayb hav higher risk of yeast infection.. so try to do it when bladder is not full ba.. i think during delivery, there will be tubes to drain out our urine too rite? hmm..

i think tiger balm sho b safe ba.. its only to ease the muscles ache and prevent cramps..
Kokura: i heard from my frens tt full month celebration should be just b4 the bb hit 1 complete month actually.. i'm not sure hw to calculate.. my fren got the date and name together from fortune teller.. i'm thinking of the weekend before bb hit 1 month old..