EDD in APR 2010


Yeah! Just went for a check up. Dr Ang said my baby keep movin around though hubby n i tried hard to see what he was talking about. Keep up your activity my dear baby! Yeah and he saw the gender. Said 80% GIRL! haha welcome to the pink world but need to go for detailed scan in a month's time to confirm and further detailed scan! =D
CONGRATS to you, Princessmama. Your 6th sense works! You really got a Princess! Yeah, I will see Dr Ang next Thursday. I can't wait to know my baby's gender too. :Dancing_wub:.

These few weeks, I don't feel any change. My tummy, my appetite are all still as same as before...most of time I even forgot I am a pregnant lady. Don't know how my baby is doing inside...really cant wait to see him/her again.

By the way, what is the detailed scan all about. Shall you do in Dr. Ang's clinic or Thomosen hospital?


New Member
Yeah! i think many of those in this thread will start to know their baby's gender within these few weeks. Detailed scan done in TMC so they will give you an appt then after the scan have to go back to dr ang for him to explain the scan. I heard from my friend basically to lk at blood flow from mum to baby, whether the baby's organs in place, confirm gender plus any other matters regardin to baby's health. Need to pay abt $130 but can use FBI hee


went for e down's syndrome scan on 15th oct at TMC.. baby was facing down so e radiographer tried to make baby turn by shaking my tummy n asked me to cough.. baby kicked but still dint turn.. lol

was told to go for a walk n cme back in half an hr.. hubby n i went to delifrance n i told baby better cooperate since i alr fed him/her! =p

tried doing e scan again n this time baby was alr facing up so managed to take some measurements but still couldnt get e important one which is e one behind e neck cuz baby wasnt relaxing.. -_-

after abt 15mins of shaking my tummy n coughing, baby finally relaxed n e radiographer said that baby's low risk, 1:2215.. hubby n i felt soooo relieved.. i asked e radiographer whether can tell e gender at this stage but she said even if she were to guess, she couldnt because baby was crossing his/her legs! -_-

i've alr booked e 5th mth scan on dec 10 at TMC. paid $231.20 for both e down's syndrome scan n for e coming 5th mth scan. still deciding if i should sign up for e FBI thing.. nt sure if it's really worth it.. hmm..

in e evening i went to see my gynae with e down's syndrome report n he said everything looks gd n my hubby's blood test result is normal so my baby might be like me, just have minor alpha thalassemia or might be normal like hubby. =) Gynae said he can tell e gender on my nxt visit which is in 3 weeks time! Yayy!! :wong19:
Hi Everyone,

Is your morning sickness subsiding? I'm in my 13th week now and seems to have stop vomitting. However i still feel bloated and has alot of saliva.

Anyone has similar symptoms as me?

Little Moomoo


New Member
Hi Everyone,

Is your morning sickness subsiding? I'm in my 13th week now and seems to have stop vomitting. However i still feel bloated and has alot of saliva.

Anyone has similar symptoms as me?

Little Moomoo
Hi Little Moomoo, I'm in my 15th week plus and have already stopped vomiting which is a relief.. it slowly went away sometime end of 14th week. Hmm for bloatedness at certain times during the day i guess. But for me, boobs feel more painful and bigger. Everyone has different symptoms..end of first trimester most will feel much better.. due to hormones stabilising i read. My nausea n vomiting started very early, sometime before 6 weeks so I'm super glad to feel like myself again.


Active Member
Hi Little Moomoo, I'm in my 15th week plus and have already stopped vomiting which is a relief.. it slowly went away sometime end of 14th week. Hmm for bloatedness at certain times during the day i guess. But for me, boobs feel more painful and bigger. Everyone has different symptoms..end of first trimester most will feel much better.. due to hormones stabilising i read. My nausea n vomiting started very early, sometime before 6 weeks so I'm super glad to feel like myself again.
Hey u...
Im in my 15th week too. I still vomits now and then but isnt as bad as during my 1st trimester. Couldn't even eat or drink anything but much better now. Same here, my boobs are painful now.


Hi Everyone,

Is your morning sickness subsiding? I'm in my 13th week now and seems to have stop vomitting. However i still feel bloated and has alot of saliva.

Anyone has similar symptoms as me?

Little Moomoo
13 weeks also. subsiding but on and off still feel very bloat and keep burb gas and also feel want to vomit too.feel my stomach growing bigger.evening time will feel something moving around. dun kw is the gas or the baby.
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Alpha Male
hi all,

i am new to this forum. my wife is expecting our 1st child in the month of Apr 2010. Anyone here going to deliver in TMC? We are considering it as well. Btw anyone here considering private cord blood banking? Any comments? :biggrin:
Thanks mummies to be,

I'm glad to share my experience with you. My next gynae visit is on 14th Nov, seems like a long time away, wonder how my baby is doing. Can't help worrying.



New Member
Hey you...
Im in my 15th week too. I still vomits now and then but isnt as bad as during my 1st trimester. Couldn't even eat or drink anything but much better now. Same here, my boobs are painful now.

hihi yup boobs have grown and more tender; i went to get new bras. On another note, anyone knows when to start applying cream on tummy to prevent stretchmarks? TIA!


hihi yup boobs have grown and more tender; i went to get new bras. On another note, anyone knows when to start applying cream on tummy to prevent stretchmarks? TIA!
my tummy has started to feel itchy at times n im thinkin of getting e cream soon.. i think it's better to start applying now.. hopefully those creams help.. :Dancing_tongue:


New Member
My edd is on 17th apr..but i dont seem to feel any difference you all have mentioned..onli that appetite decrease alot..one day lik eat one meal onli..then body feels veri no strength but not slpy at all..dont know why like that..


New Member
13 weeks also. subsiding but on and off still feel very bloat and keep burb gas and also feel want to vomit too.feel my stomach growing bigger.evening time will feel something moving around. dont kw is the gas or the baby.

wah temari u so fast can feel something moving liaoo?so good..mine like not moving at all..my stomach feels super bloated tt's why always cant eat..den kip vomitting air..damn xin ku..


EDD in mid May 2010

Hi my EDD is in mid May next year.
Need helps and advice!!! Did anyone dyed hair during 1st trim?
I got a lot of white hair and the last time I dyed was before I'm pregnant.
Try not to dye but I'm really looks very untidy and old with half head white hair.Do you think it's ok to dyed after 12 weeks or 4 months?


New Member
went for e down's syndrome scan on 15th oct at Thomson Medical Center.. baby was facing down so e radiographer tried to make baby turn by shaking my tummy n asked me to cough.. baby kicked but still dint turn.. lol

was told to go for a walk n cme back in half an hr.. hubby n i went to delifrance n i told baby better cooperate since i already fed him/her! =p

tried doing e scan again n this time baby was already facing up so managed to take some measurements but still couldnt get e important one which is e one behind e neck cuz baby wasnt relaxing.. -_-

after about 15mins of shaking my tummy n coughing, baby finally relaxed n e radiographer said that baby's low risk, 1:2215.. hubby n i felt soooo relieved.. i asked e radiographer whether can tell e gender at this stage but she said even if she were to guess, she couldnt because baby was crossing his/her legs! -_-

i've already booked e 5th month scan on dec 10 at Thomson Medical Center. paid $231.20 for both e down's syndrome scan n for e coming 5th month scan. still deciding if i should sign up for e FBI thing.. not sure if it's really worth it.. hmm..

in e evening i went to see my gynae with e down's syndrome report n he said everything looks good n my hubby's blood test result is normal so my baby might be like me, just have minor alpha thalassemia or might be normal like hubby. =) Gynae said he can tell e gender on my nxt visit which is in 3 weeks time! Yayy!! :wong19:
Hi mrsmorgan,

For the FBI, I have signed up after consultation with my gynae's clinic assistant. Its a worthwhile deal for me as she did the maths. For delivery, there is a $100 off Doctor fees (provided your gynae is in the participating doc's list), a $60 off the total hospital bill size for a 4-bedded ward. For 2-bedded, $80 off and $100 off the bill size for single bed ward.

For services/tests to be done in TMC, there is a 5% discount. Fetal abnormality scans in wk 12/20/30 is eligible for the discount. And there are also CTG tests to be done in wk 38/39/40.

For ParentCraft services/classes, it is at 5% off too.

They will give you one big pack of goodies. Includes pampers sample, milk for pregnant mum, and some small babies accessories. You may want to enquire more with TMC.

What I'm paying for the card, I will get back more. Cash-wise, I save more than $50.:tlaugh:


New Member
Crystalginal, i do agree Thomson Medical Center nurses are much more motherly and caring. They do show more concern to patients, however do not hesitate to seek 2nd opinion when in doubt, its always good to have another advise.:Dancing_tongue:

Today i just went to my 1st trimester test, KK does not have a nice name like OSCAR scan, they just call it down syndrome test. In comparison, Kandang Kerbau Hospital's diagnostic checks, in my opinion, is more thorough, they have a sonographer doing the scan, a doctor to doing another round of scan and then a Professor to confirm the results. Well, it did scare me a little when the Dr asked me to wait for the Prof to come in to talk to me...my husband and i nearly freak out..in the end everything turns out well and normal.:Dancing_wub:
Hey littlemoomoo,

I also did my test at KK. Ya, they don't term it as OSCAR. So you going to deliver at KK? I'm in wk 16 now. How about you?

Glad that all mtb scans turn out well and healthy! :Dancing_wub:


New Member
Hi Crystalginal, i have MS and vomitting during 1st trimester. nausae and giddy in bus and mrt everytime.no choice, take mrt i will take to interchange so can sit down. bus no choice have to see endure already.

i just starting my 2nd trimester today. MS started to reduced already.

Hi temari,

I'm feeling much better now, no MS. I'm at wk 16, not much cravings and appetite has gone down. doc gave me long MC due to light bleeding in 2 separate ocassion last week. just need more rest, minimise walking/standing and had to take hormone pills.

Last week doc managed to see baby's gender. It's a boy! But she asked us to take it as 70% accurate, just in case ah. Tmr I'm going to see doc again. Maybe this time round, can have a clearer view~ :001_302: