EDD in July?

wow.. morning everyone... so excited... 1 more day to the baby fair at expo ^_^

can check, my sis need me to help her baby buy a item is something like ear pcs... but is big want so to cover the baby ear when he/she is sleeping.. and he/she wouldn't be wake up by the noise... does anyone know the name??? and where can i get it from???
maybe baby can sleep better with noises instead of covering the ears.hehehe


maybe baby can sleep better with noises instead of covering the ears.hehehe
i read somewhere that baby should be exposed, while in womb, to all the possible noises that it will hear after delivery so that it will be used to it and can sleep through all the noises. haha...dunno how true...

but i tink some bbies might not like things covering their ears...like how they keep pulling at their mittens to get them off... right?
maybe baby can sleep better with noises instead of covering the ears.hehehe
i read somewhere that baby should be exposed, while in womb, to all the possible noises that it will hear after delivery so that it will be used to it and can sleep through all the noises. haha...dunno how true...

but i tink some bbies might not like things covering their ears...like how they keep pulling at their mittens to get them off... right?
ya is true.. my mum alway tell us must let our baby use to it... juz don't know y my sis this time round need this keke... she say her baby alway scare and jump up suddenly... so she hope can find this keke...


ya is true.. my mum alway tell us must let our baby use to it... juz don't know y my sis this time round need this keke... she say her baby alway scare and jump up suddenly... so she hope can find this keke...
But babies are scared of everything! Even their own movement.


I can't find the bean pillow lehs. :(
I saw at taka bb fair leh. Near the bedding area. You can see if they still have stock.

But it's quite ez to make also. Collect the black cover of the beansprouts and dry them under the sun only, if I recall correctly. Can get free from wet market ba?
I saw at taka bb fair leh. Near the bedding area. You can see if they still have stock.

But it's quite ez to make also. Collect the black cover of the beansprouts and dry them under the sun only, if I recall correctly. Can get free from wet market ba?
yes yes... is correct... tat way my mum do... but now if i can get from that auntie... than my mum don't have to help me do liao...


I also have probs thinking of what to eat but everyday so hungry. haha
I used to have that prob till I ordered tingkat!

I saw at taka baby fair . Near the bedding area. You can see if they still have stock.

But it's quite ez to make also. Collect the black cover of the beansprouts and dry them under the sun only, if I recall correctly. Can get free from wet market ?
I think my handicraft fail de. I this weekend going expo. Shall go and see if got sell. Lols.

Mummy Wang

New Member
Anyone had tried prenatal classes?

Any good recommendations for prenatal classes?
I called Mother & Child but their price is quite steep.. do you thin is justifiable?

Mummy Wang

New Member
Re: Anyone had tried prenatal classes?

Yups. The da bao food in can.

Why you dont't go hospital prenatal class?
Ya.. I wanted to find out more..
I was recommended Mother&Child.. their classes like hot cakes like that.. almost no place
Hospital one also need to pay right?
Is hospital one as good?

Mummy Wang

New Member
Re: Anyone had tried prenatal classes?

Yups. The da bao food in can.

Why you dont't go hospital prenatal class?

Can recommend any good tingkat... i work city area =( food so ex.. and I'm bored of the food.. my selective taste is making a big hole in my pocket! SoB SoB!! :wong5: