EDD in June


Dear June mummies, my lil princess has arrived this morning after going through 12hrs of induction and cervix stopped dilating after 3cm so had to go C sect immediately. Now waiting to see my gal coz I was fully asleep during the operation. N trying to ignore the pain on the wound. I'm glad it's all over and my baby is healthy. Only not looking forward to the long recovery road after c sect. All those June mummies still waiting must Jia you Jia you. : ))
grats marchbear on the safe delivery n healthy baby.. tats quite a painful delivery,now u muz be in pain on both wound sites rite?omg,do rest more,rest well.. try to avoid seafood for the c-section wound to recover well,but can eat fish.. all these r worthwhile when u see ur precious baby~~ take care n all the best..


New Member
Dear June mummies, my lil princess has arrived this morning after going through 12hrs of induction and cervix stopped dilating after 3cm so had to go C sect immediately. Now waiting to see my gal coz I was fully asleep during the operation. N trying to ignore the pain on the wound. I'm glad it's all over and my baby is healthy. Only not looking forward to the long recovery road after c sect. All those June mummies still waiting must Jia you Jia you. : ))
Congrats to u marchbear83, i'll freak out if my cervix doesnt dilate too. I'm reali a low tolerant for pain. Date seems to b nearer..Having sleepless night mayb bcos of anxiety n excited. Bb sometimes seems to b less active. Jus hope my bb wil b out smoothly safe n healthy. Btw there is no extra cost for induced ladour if suggested by him right? U do take gd care n recuperate soon.


Induction wont cost anything extra if i'm not wrong.. it didnt reflected on my medical bill 2yrs back when i had my son.. its consider into normal delivery charges already if i'm not wrong..

Last nite was scary for me,had v bad BH since evening all e way till this morning then i feel better.. its on n off randomly,much more painful than usual BH but not untill i cannot tahan the pain.. had diarrhea few times since last nite too.. i kept thinking should i go to hospital already? is this labor starting? what if i go hospital then its a false alarm? but its juz nt as painful like my 1st labor when i feel menses cramp type of pain till tear juz roll down my cheeks..

gosh,dun scare me like tat -.-''' i am insisting on not goin to hospital till i seriously feel i cant tahan the pain,as my pain threshold is rather small,1cm dilated i already cry like mad 2yrs back.. haha JY to all the mummies waiting for delivery ^^


New Member
Hi mummies!

My EDD is 17th June.. I'm starting to pack my bag for the hospital.. Anyone can advise what to bring for myself and the baby? =)

The checklist from the hospital mentioned to bring clothes for baby.. Can any mummy share her experience what kind of clothes to bring for baby? those jumpsuit or 2 piece? long or short sleeve? =)

Thank you!


Hi mummies!

My EDD is 17th June.. I'm starting to pack my bag for the hospital.. Anyone can advise what to bring for myself and the baby? =)

The checklist from the hospital mentioned to bring clothes for baby.. Can any mummy share her experience what kind of clothes to bring for baby? those jumpsuit or 2 piece? long or short sleeve? =)

Thank you!
Hi,my bag was packed only yesterday too haha.. I only packed my own(dress for easier wear as wound site will pain) n baby's clothes to wear home,jacket,shawl n socks to wear in hospital stay as might feel cold after delivery,grooming toiletries,iPhone charger,maternity pads n disposable panties,surgical sitting inflatable float(already inflated to be used once given birth),some wet tissues,a pen n notepad in case..

Newborn clothes r better to be buttons up tee/romper rather than crew neck romper.. Reason is their head n neck is still v soft n fragile,wearing crew neck romper/tee over the head need to be v careful n it's quite troublesome.. I have alot hands-down crew neck rompers from friends,will let my girl wear after 1-2mths old when her head n neck is more stable.. For me,i've prepared short sleeve button shirt with long pants n a towel wrap blanket with full set mittens,booties n cap.. Cap can dun use if u using blanket wrap with hood type.. Hope this helps.. ^^


Hi Xenxuan

Definitely helps! =)

Thanks a lot!

Np np.. U oso will be doing natural birth rite? can oso bring little something that will help u cheer up/distract u from pain haha.. Have a smooth n safe delivery.. All the best.. ^^


New Member
Np np.. you also will be doing natural birth rite? can also bring little something that will help you cheer up/distract you from pain haha.. Have a smooth n safe delivery.. All the best.. ^^
Yeah, doing natural birth. =) thank a lot for your encouragement! All the best to you too! =) Jia you!!


Alpha Male
Disposable panties is not tight enough to hold the pad, its better to bring your own panties. Bring more maternity pads, hospital cost $30 for 6 pieces. Bring along your marriage cert and bank book for birth cert and child development account.
Hi,my bag was packed only yesterday too haha.. I only packed my own(dress for easier wear as wound site will pain) n baby's clothes to wear home,jacket,shawl n socks to wear in hospital stay as might feel cold after delivery,grooming toiletries,iPhone charger,maternity pads n disposable panties,surgical sitting inflatable float(already inflated to be used once given birth),some wet tissues,a pen n notepad in case..

Newborn clothes r better to be buttons up tee/romper rather than crew neck romper.. Reason is their head n neck is still v soft n fragile,wearing crew neck romper/tee over the head need to be v careful n it's quite troublesome.. I have alot hands-down crew neck rompers from friends,will let my girl wear after 1-2mths old when her head n neck is more stable.. For me,i've prepared short sleeve button shirt with long pants n a towel wrap blanket with full set mittens,booties n cap.. Cap can dun use if u using blanket wrap with hood type.. Hope this helps.. ^^


Disposable panties is not tight enough to hold the pad, its better to bring your own panties. Bring more maternity pads, hospital cost $30 for 6 pieces. Bring along your marriage cert and bank book for birth cert and child development account.
Marriage cert,bank book n CDA form my hubby will bring on the next day(to avoid any messy/lost of items situation).. my previous delivery at KKH(2yrs back),i dun rem they charged me for the pads n panties,they din even ask if i have bring any myself,they directly provided me 1 bag of 2packs maternity pads(adhesive/sticker type) n disposable panties after my delivery n usage at hospital,which told me can bring home when i discharged.. i almost cant find those maternity pads (adhesive/sticker type,not tie string type) at my hse nearby supermarkets n minimarts.. dunno its sold out or what zzz.. had to ask my hubby/mom go help me find le.. i used disposable panties for my previous delivery too.. its not tight enough but i feel its ok as my wound really hurt,wont be comfortable if its too tight.. if have old (looser) panties of cuz will fit better,but i find it easier to take off for disposable panties (can juz tear/cut off at the side =X dun nd so painful to bend n remove)..

My doctor's appointment is on thurs 9th june,guess will only admit myself for induction labor on sat hopefully.. unless my girl wants to come out b4 that hahaha..


I'm so excited n nervous now again.. Went for doctors check up n scans today,was told amino fluid at 4, which is lower than normal,might have still birth if delay.. So I'm goin in for induction labor tml~~ b4 the scan the doctor said we shall wait till Monday then will induce if have give birth naturally..but once saw the scan,cannot ignore n take e risk already,despite my baby girl is v healthy inside n strong heartbeat.estimated baby weight at 3kg.. Pray for healthy baby n smooth delivery~~ jy to all too.. ^^
I'm so excited n nervous now again.. Went for doctors check up n scans today,was told amino fluid at 4, which is lower than normal,might have still birth if delay.. So I'm goin in for induction labor tml~~ b4 the scan the doctor said we shall wait till Monday then will induce if have give birth naturally..but once saw the scan,cannot ignore n take e risk already,despite my baby girl is v healthy inside n strong heartbeat.estimated baby weight at 3kg.. Pray for healthy baby n smooth delivery~~ jy to all too.. ^^
Jia you!! all the best. must share your good news.


New Member
Hi all mummies,

im 38 weeks now and my little boy is 3kg now. Is it normal? my mum afraid that it too big. Haha :)


Hi all mummies,

im 38 weeks now and my little boy is 3kg now. Is it normal? my mum afraid that it too big. Haha :)
me 36 weeks baby already 3kg... dot worry, as long as not more than 4 kgs should be consider good size, usually by 40 weeks 3.5 to 3.6 kg is good weight.


New Member
Great, my mum is so afraid that he too big for a weeks 38 baby. haha.

anyways is my first baby and i wondering if there anything i have to bring when im giving birth? other then pad and panties, toothbrush toothpaste. Other then that what do i have to bring along? anyways, im giving birth at kk hospital :)


Great, my mum is so afraid that he too big for a weeks 38 baby. haha.

anyways is my first baby and i wondering if there anything i have to bring when im giving birth? other then pad and panties, toothbrush toothpaste. Other then that what do i have to bring along? anyways, im giving birth at kk hospital :)
slipper, socks, comfortable sleep wear ( hospital one damn ugly and not comfy as your own), discharge outfit, nursing bra, nursing pad, marriage cert, bank book, honey ( to make water and drink to keep your energy lvl when labour), high fiber tibis, i bring my own pampers and wet tissue, baby clothes, hat, mittens, blanket to wrap, husband....


Hi all mummies,I've given birth to a healthy baby girl on 11 June 2011 0236hrs at 3.27kg.. ^^ it was too painful chaotic drama,from opening of cervix to birth of baby all less than 1hr.. Could only depend on the laughing gas all the way.. Induced on 9jun 10am,contractions pain from 8pm till 11pm i cant tahan but cervix still close n baby head high at 1am when i had my pain relief thigh injection.. At 1.45am,e pain started to become unbearable again n i startrd screaming n crying.. 2.18am i called my hubby when the midwife checked me n said im 5cm dilated already n sent me over to labor ward.. Baby out at 2.36am hahaha.. I only rem i was screaming n kicking due to pain,kept shouted for epidural when i reached the labor ward,but im already almost can push baby out le.. 2day 1st day came hm.. Jy to all mummies who giving birth soon..


Hi all mummies,I've given birth to a healthy baby girl on 11 June 2011 0236hrs at 3.27kg.. ^^ it was too painful chaotic drama,from opening of cervix to birth of baby all less than 1hr.. Could only depend on the laughing gas all the way.. Induced on 9jun 10am,contractions pain from 8pm till 11pm i cant tahan but cervix still close n baby head high at 1am when i had my pain relief thigh injection.. At 1.45am,e pain started to become unbearable again n i startrd screaming n crying.. 2.18am i called my hubby when the midwife checked me n said im 5cm dilated already n sent me over to labor ward.. Baby out at 2.36am hahaha.. I only rem i was screaming n kicking due to pain,kept shouted for epidural when i reached the labor ward,but im already almost can push baby out le.. 2day 1st day came hm.. Jy to all mummies who giving birth soon..
congras!! hope i can tahan without epidural....


congras!! hope i can tahan without epidural....
I was on the laughing gas all the way,midwifes n doctors asked me put down the gas oso cannot..I used it even during stitching all that.. Try to close ur eyes when breathing it,helps distract from the pain totally.. But after that will feel abit tired to push as the midwife said n I felt it too,but after labor u oso will feel v tired de.. Jy jy,I din believed I had to go thru it w/o epidural too,it all happened too fast,juz hope it can get over n done with as soon as possible..