EDD Jan 2014

Lets Jia You everyone =) I think it should be normal since most of us are having the same issue. No spotting or so but cos the pain is so intensive, i start to worry as i normally doesnt have any cramps during my period. So it's kind of unbearable for me =.=''

I've some indigestion issues too, and i'm burpping non stop =.='' it's kind of embarrassing ... I realise if i stop drinking cold stuff and intake some hot drinks it just lessen all of these. Maybe you guys will like to give it a try on this =) hope it helps for u guys ....


Hi ladies, I totally feel for you. Initially I have bad cramps from week 4-6 but it has lessen now. So the pain will def go away soon. Just bear with it for a short while more :) I am so looking forward to 2nd trim for all of us. We are already half way there ;) jia you everyone!!

Btw has anyone of you put on weight yet? I put on 1.5kg within 2 weeks. My jaw dropped when I saw the figure on the weighing machine. :err: I have never been so heavy in my life. kinda depressing..
Hi ladies, I totally feel for you. Initially I have bad cramps from week 4-6 but it has lessen now. So the pain will def go away soon. Just bear with it for a short while more :) I am so looking forward to 2nd trim for all of us. We are already half way there ;) jia you everyone!!

Btw has anyone of you put on weight yet? I put on 1.5kg within 2 weeks. My jaw dropped when I saw the figure on the weighing machine. :err: I have never been so heavy in my life. kinda depressing..
I put on weigh on weeks 4-6. I don't know if it's because of i started eating a lot after i discovered I'm preggo or because i just got back from vacation. During week 8, i lost about 2 lbs. I haven't checked my weight again today.

I also want tasteful/flavorful food. Salty, sweet sour, name it, as long as it's not bland. Water is still a struggle so sometimes i drink flavored water. I squirm at the smell of fried food nowadays.
Praise God your baby is alive and well!! Chillax it's Friday and weekend!! Time to rest and slow down on activities! :)

Ladies, today for lunch I had omelette mushroom but feel like crying while eating b'cos every bite is a battle to hurl it out. I had to keep myself distracted while eating by watching funny videos on youtube! haha.. it helps temporarily and I can only manage half the meal but it sure felt like i had two full meals!! after that i felt like I had to hurl so i quickly rub some axe oil in tissue paper and breathe it in like oxygen and that seems to help! Oh and small sips of orange juice.

So that's how I managed to keep my lunch for now.. except my other discomfort was.. INDIGESTION!! All the burping!! Baaaaaaaaaaah!!!!

Must jiayou...jiayou!!!! Thanks ladies for the well-wishes. This morning already lost my breakfast so i hope i didn't lose my lunch!


Active Member
Distraction does help, whenever i feel nausea i will find things to replace the present taste in the mouth,


chiching, sometimes I do feel like I am 'floating' after taking the hormone pills at night. I seems to be drugged or rather drunk. haha.. cannot stand still.. got to lie down and was in lalaland within seconds. maybe that is why gynae wanted us to take these pills only at night just before sleep..
@Fay, thanks for the reply. Yes, that's what I'm feeling right now, totally floating in the air. though i can still walk around but my head feels light. I'm required to take it one after lunch and one after dinner. So i guess i will be in lalaland in the office during lunch time...eeheheh
Hi Fay85, Me too ... I gained 2 kg between week 5 - week 8 when i went to the gynae earlier this week. Was surprised how i gain 2kg in such a short time after all the MS =.='' however, the gynae told me to b happy as this means the baby is growing healthy and happily inside the tummy ...
Utrogestan 100MG. I have to take 2 tabs/ twice a day. This is recommended by Dr. Ang. I'm feeling not so light headed now, just a little sleepy.hehehe..


I'm taking the same pills and same dose .. usually just make me feel tired and since I'm supposed to rest I just sleep when I feel tired!!

Jia you mummies :) most of us are in 2nd half of first trimester and from my reading, 2nd trimester is better!! So we can look forward to better days ahead and getting appetite back
Hi Ajcy, oh okay, the effect is different. Mine is really light headed with a bit of dizziness. But after a while, like right now, it's totally gone, i just feel sleepy and tired this time. I'm looking forward to the second trimester. Has anyone of you being asked yet if you're pregnant? I've been asked 3 times already...the others who noticed will just ask me what i ate and that i must be really full.


Active Member
Yap.... friends/relatives who knows im ttc saw me being very careful will ask, but i jus say shhhh.... then they know what i mean


New Member
chiching8256:798413 said:
Hi Ajcy, oh okay, the effect is different. Mine is really light headed with a bit of dizziness. But after a while, like right now, it's totally gone, i just feel sleepy and tired this time. I'm looking forward to the second trimester. Has anyone of you being asked yet if you're pregnant? I've been asked 3 times already...the others who noticed will just ask me what i ate and that i must be really full.
those whom don't know haven't asked me yet maybe cos I try to 'hide' it. haven't tell boss ma. haha. but one of my colleague whom know says that my tummy seems bigger n slightly obvious. o.o. how do u mummies usually answer when they asked?


I also try to hide by wearing loose clothing. But I can tell that many colleagues (ESP those who are already mummies) have already gotten suspicious at my weird behavior, change of dress sense, food cravings, constant fatigue etc. But they also never ask me directly probably bcos they too understand that this can be sensitive 1st trimester. Waiting for me to break the news bah..
Hahah if asked, I will laugh n brush off by saying things like "I got gain so much wgt that I look fat n pregnant meh" then they will back off n not comment to avoid offending me.. Lol

sigh I also gained 2 kg n worse thing is, I gained wgt b4 I got preg, so am doubly fat nw.. Can't go jogging or go gym to destress, so I'm feeling fat n helpless sometimes, can b quite depressing at times :(


Active Member
fabmums2014:798512 said:
Hahah if asked, I will laugh n brush off by saying things like "I got gain so much wgt that I look fat n pregnant meh" then they will back off n not comment to avoid offending me.. Lol

sigh I also gained 2 kg n worse thing is, I gained wgt b4 I got preg, so am doubly fat nw.. Can't go jogging or go gym to destress, so I'm feeling fat n helpless sometimes, can b quite depressing at times :(
Go for pre-natal yoga, to destress, and you can maintain the figure while bump is growing.... but check with gynae first