EDD Jan 2014

I told my boss last night since i will be on MCs during check ups. Funny he told me that he's already expecting it though just waiting for me to tell since he knows about the first trimester thing. No wonder he always ask me if my condition is okay now during meetings but never really directly ask me about it, i guess it's with thr MCs i passed him that states "raffle's women's clinic". He's cool about it, he said, take MC when needed or not feeling well. He will tell the team once i'm comfortable in telling.

actually this kind of topic is something that people will gossip but will never ask you directly unless you are close to the person. The people who asked me are my close ex teammates and they know my eating pattern, plus never see my tummy bulging a bit before...hehehe...i will find it amusing and funny when people start talking about it but they have no nerves to ask me directly...hahahaha. For me if you don't ask directly i wont tell...
Go for pre-natal yoga, to destress, and you can maintain the figure while bump is growing.... but check with gynae first
that's a gd idea missy! should also pick up swimming real soon! can't wait for us to reach 2nd tri!!!

have a wonderful wkend MTBs! can do GSS shopping! yays ^^


Fabmums, I saw some videos on YouTube and it's supposedly safe to throughout pregnancy. I tried doing the simple yoga and leg lifts and feels ok. I take it real slowly and at my own pace.

You may wana check it out first. It's pregnancy exercise by doctor Cathy. She's so fit with the big bump!
Fabmums, I saw some videos on YouTube and it's supposedly safe to throughout pregnancy. I tried doing the simple yoga and leg lifts and feels ok. I take it real slowly and at my own pace.

You may want to check it out first. It's pregnancy exercise by doctor Cathy. She's so fit with the big bump!
Thks illuz! Noted, dr Cathy!
Tired and lazy...hahaha...the hormone pills will really get me to sleep early. I sleep early last night (around 10PM), but still feel tired right now. Do any of you feel energy less these past few days? I have been constantly tired and wanting to just lie down. I hope second tri will give me more energy.


Active Member
chiching8256:798990 said:
Tired and lazy...hahaha...the hormone pills will really get me to sleep early. I sleep early last night (around 10PM), but still feel tired right now. Do any of you feel energy less these past few days? I have been constantly tired and wanting to just lie down. I hope second tri will give me more energy.
Thats normal, i will wake up 8am to prepare my hubby to work, but will go back to sleep about 12pm.... jus cant get enough... and by 1030pm, i always tell hubby, bed seems to be calling for me already....

My bff told me, she also sleeps alot during her 9months, then baby also sleep alot, even after birth, from 2 months onwards, she sleep throughout the night.....


Hi all, I'm new here and excited to see all these postings! First time mum to be. My edd is 4th jan :) having bad MS and heartburn. Hope it goes away soon. I cried a few times becos I felt so uncomfy.
Good afternoon everyone and congratulations Peenut! I assume you have seen your bb's heartbeat? :)

Last weekend I have been battling with the ultimate morning sickness. I dont know if it's really full-scale MS or bad stomach flu but I can't seem to keep anything in. Diarrhea and vomitting whole night whole day and it has rendered me useless. Despite that, i picked up my strength to do the laundry and scrub my toilet floors, which made me feel so achy and shaking that i had to stop. Can still made a trip to JB to visit my parents and we stayed there for the weekend where my mom cooked porridge for me. We haven't told her yet or she'll freak out. But she suspected that I had the stomach flu. Now that the diarrhea is over, I am pretending nothing is happening in the office. But I have already threw up my breakfast twice and now I had to go out to lunch with my colleague in the bad haze. Haiz. Seriously hating the first trimester.

I hope you guys are having a better day though. :)


Rockmybaby: I hope u r feeling better now. I had my MS peak in week 8-9. thinking it is subsidising in week 10, it returned again. I was on three weeks MC alrdy. Kept puking n feeling fatigue. I can sleep 14 hrs a day but still tired. But maybe becos i am on hormone pills so it is worse. And yes, pls choose the food carefully becos it will affect the puking haha. I'm always on food that are soft n watery. Oh yes, heard the heartbeat thrice alrdy :) next week will b going for OSCAR scan at Thomson.

I realised quite a number of mummies to be are seeing dr Benjamin tham! He's gonna have a busy January 2014! Haha
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Active Member
Anyone experience fast heart pulsing?? Especially when you are lying down, never realised my heart pump tat hard, even im just lay on my sofa.... the ehole tummy will tremble with the pulse.. .
Rockmybaby: I hope u r feeling better now. I had my MS peak in week 8-9. thinking it is subsidising in week 10, it returned again. I was on three weeks MC alrdy. Kept puking n feeling fatigue. I can sleep 14 hrs a day but still tired. But maybe becos i am on hormone pills so it is worse. And yes, pls choose the food carefully becos it will affect the puking haha. I'm always on food that are soft n watery. Oh yes, heard the heartbeat thrice alrdy :) next week will b going for OSCAR scan at Thomson.

I realised quite a number of mummies to be are seeing dr Benjamin tham! He's gonna have a busy January 2014! Haha
Wow 3 weeks MC. I wish i can do that. My hormone pills make me feel lightheaded but after two hours i will just feel tired. I've been sleeping early this past few days but still feel tired the next morning. Actually, I always feel tired. I'm doing the OSCAR on 2nd of July at Thompson after my blood test...
the hormone pills is just synthetic progesterone to strengthen your pregnacy. if you're having very strong symptoms like strong MS, then no need, b'cos you have too many hormones in your body already! haaa!! don't feel shortchanged. :)

wow 3 weeks MC! that's a long time! i think that if i had described my situation to my gynae she'll prolly had me admitted and put on drip or put me on long MC like yours. the thing is, this is my fourth pregnancy and i had taken 3 weeks hospitalization leave a few months before due to gall bladder infection so i don't think it will reflect well on my work. :( i think a lot of working mom can relate to how i feel. is your office very tolerant to you taking long MC for your first trimester woes? my boss is nice but he didn't know yet but i'm very self-conscious. unlike first/second timers, people are less forgiving to repeated offenders like me... hahaha...
I know how you feel. I think if i really need to take MC for a long time for bed rest, i will be working from home. Though my boss said that i can take MC anytime i need, i still feel bad about it because my teammates will get my workload if i do MC. So i told him that unless i'm really feeling bad, i will still go to work. But there are times like today that I feel really tired and lethargic. :(


Yes 1st tri really sucks. Second time for me, and yes still so sucky. I was just complaining to my hb, first trimester is really not enjoyable. You feel lousy, you feel awful, you don't enjoy eating, you feel like shit most of the time... sigh.

Missy10, I also feel very strong heart pulsing. My heart feels like it's pumping super hard that I can feel it in my throat. My bp also dropped lower than my usual. Asked my gynae before, but he say it's normal. Coz the body produces more blood cells now and the heart has to work harder.