EDD Jan 2014


Weekend wasn't nice for me too. I had such bad heartburn and gastric I couldn't sleep at all whole night. Only managed to sleep at 5-6am. The weather is so hot, plus the haze.. Totally no mood!!

Bed time used to be my happiest time of the day. And I enjoyed sleeping alot.. Now it's such torture I can't sleep...


Fabmums2014: Rockmybaby is right. Not everyone needs it. Best is not to have it n go natural. :) otherwise it worsen the MS.

Rockmybaby: my boss is very understanding so she is fine. I just couldn't concentrate on work even if I go. I only concentrate on holding my puke. plus I'm not ready to tell my colleagues so its so difficult in office trying to hide my green face.


Illuz: haf u tried throwing out the acid n bile? I tried to do that everytime I feel it coming n once done, I feel better n cont to sleep. I dunno if this is the best solution but it worked for me.


Wah I really salute all of you working mummies. I dunoe how I can survive if I am still working now esp the fatigue. I can wake up at 11am, eat my lunch and go back to sleep again till late afternoon. that's how tired I can be. hehe.. but if you need to rest, pls rest. Take care mummies :D

chiching8256, why dont you ask your gynae if you can take the pills at night just before sleep? I went to 2 gynaes and both told me to take at night and not in the afternoon. Maybe that might help a bit?

Rzena and Missy10, I do feel my heart pumping very fast at times but sometimes I do feel shortage of breath as well. I think my heart is a little bit confused. hahah.. These few days I have also been having lower back pain that comes and goes. It's so uncomfortable as I can feel pain in every step I take.. Anyone of you experiencing the same thing?
But then you're away for 3 weeks lei, don't your colleagues started asking? When I was away for 3 weeks, even HR welcomed me back, so paisey! Haha..

Oh so you're also the type who throw up just to get over the queasiness and nausea? Unfortunately that's what I do all the time but I will feel queasy again soon after. So one day throw up dunno how many times till my abs feel so tired!! Luckily can still find the strength to drive home from work everyday.

heartburn and gastric were my #1 discomfort when i was pregnant with my first. i found that off the counter anti-flatulence pill like Gaviscon or Actal helps. also, did you put a lot of pillows in your back when you sleep? don't lie flat, it'll make the heartburn worse. take care. I know how bad it felt. jia you!


Thanks rockmybaby, I hope your MS gets better soon too.

I had been enduring with this heartburn thingy since week 5. Initially gaviscon still works but now nothing works :( I slept with 3 pillows, tried to have small meals, avoid spicy/fried food.. Still it gets worse day by day. I thought I will get better now that I'm approaching 11weeks but I was wrong. Not sure how much longer this will last..


Illuz: haf u tried throwing out the acid n bile? I tried to do that everytime I feel it coming n once done, I feel better n cont to sleep. I dunno if this is the best solution but it worked for me.
Hi peenut,

I am one who can't vomit no matter how nausea or bad I feel! Even last time go drinking also can't vomit. The only time I can vomit is food poisoning!

I hope to get the rotting food out of my stomach too!


Rockmybaby: oh yes they do but I just brushed it with a not feeling well and they kinda got it and dun kpo as much already. Haha. Oh yes, I sit and hug my toilet bowl just to vomit. I dunno if its psychological but everytime I vomit, I felt relieved. either that I will brush my teeth to induce it. Brushing always helps haha! Sounds crazy.

Illuz: hang on k. U been through so many weeks, what more just endure another 1-2 weeks it might just go away till trimester 2. That's what I tell myself too.
yeee i feel bad b'cos it's more than 2 weeks wait for me!! hahahaa.. i will only go for my first scan this Friday. up till now, not sure if this pregnancy is viable yet.


Active Member
Rockmybaby:799095 said:
yeee i feel bad b'cos it's more than 2 weeks wait for me!! hahahaa.. i will only go for my first scan this Friday. up till now, not sure if this pregnancy is viable yet.
Hehehe, tats how i feel tat time before my first scan, so i used the cheapo HPT alternate days... hahaha jus to convince myself.....

Tmr is my 2nd scan of the month.... hope that i will be put off the an tai yao.... and be on vitamins..... excited to see the flickering.....


New Member
The haze is bad, mood is bad and 24 x 7 very tired..no matter how much I sleep.....
lets Jia You together, mummies-to-be..
thks peenut n rockmybaby on the pills!
I didn't hav strong ms n now I've none, other than feeling sick when I smell food when I'm full! and also feel sick when I see certain oily/bland food..
my slp is gd also but still feel tired easily..
having no ms is making me worried also.. I think I may go back for a scan nxt wk than to wait till the scheduled visit on wk 13,jus to check on the little one.. will the gynae think I'm wasting his time? =|


Jan mummies, jia you! Few more weeks till second trimester ...

Missy10: enjoy seeing your little one tomorrow!

fabsmum: doc won't think waste time :) I'm sure doc understand all mummies' anxiety and excitement to see baby

Thanks all for thinking of us.. today was had our 10 week scan and saw little limbs already.. doc say strong healthy heartbeat and EDD is still in the same range after three scans..


Fabmums2014: a few of my friends haf no MS at all n they all gave birth to healthy babies. U could b blessed like them. :) I was on pills becos I had spotting earlier on but later found out it was due to a cervical polyp growing. But my gynae just wanna be sure thus i'm on pills. Anyway, ur gynae should not think u r wasting his/her time. We r all anxious abt our precious one so nothing wrong to get assurance from the expert. If ur gynae thinks u r wasting time, change another one who will understand.
This peenut n ajcy for sharing my tots :)
ajcy, tts awesome news!! Congrats! I wld lik to see my bb's limbs too! All the more I sold visit my gynae soon!
hey peenut hope u can b off the pill soon then! Hope the sickness go away soooon!
missy10, update us aft ur scan tmr, u mus b excited ^^


New Member

great to hear that all good for you!! I can't wait for my scan this Friday.. wanna see the scan so much!!

finally told my boss that I am pregnant today, luckily she is okie. was so worried about it. wanted to hold till after first tri ends but couldnt cos my tummy is showing already. phew..

my weekend was so bad that I end you crying to sleep ytd night. lol. let's hope all these awful feeling will end for all of us once second tri is here. jiayou!!


Ajcy, I am so happy for you!! I am sure it's extra comforting to have your HTB with you during the scan :D

fabmum2014, why would your gynae think you are wasting his time? you do pay for his service as well. hehe.. Similar to you, my gynae schedules my next appointment 1 month later. I was telling my hubby maybe we should call for another appointment in 2 weeks time instead. I just wanna see my baby.. If only we could all have one of the ultrasound devices each at home.. I wouldnt mind checking my little one everyday..


bellybuttony, I understand how you feel.. It's normal to feel down during this trim esp with all the hormones raging inside us. There were even times when I feel that maybe my little one came at the wrong timing. hai.. But after talking to my hubby, I did cheer up a bit. Things will get better in a few weeks time :D


Btw ladies, when will you start getting all the baby stuffs for your precious? I cant help but have been popping into places like kiddy palace to look at their stuffs. cant wait to start shopping for my little one and of course for myself as well!! hehe.. my jeans and shorts are getting way too tight..