EDD Jan 2014

I've the same concerns too, don't want to exhaust my mum taking of a child also.. To me peace of mind ranks first, I'm more inclined to get a maid n place both maid n bb at mum's place in the day.. Hav to sacrifice privacy, tats a big leap for me n hubby >.<
I also crave for instant noodles.... My mom says there's no nutrients but I eat them without her knowing. Do we really need to wash off the wax? I never done that but read that it's not safe and should not even boil the flavoring powder to cook together. Any truths?? Sad if can have my favourite munch. I had durian today too...  Celebration for healthy baby. Oscar scan went well today. Saw my baby dancing inside!!
I dont't mind if its zero nutrients but afraid that it is harmful :( I used to rinse the nong sin kimchi noodles with hot water n could see the water turn YELLOW with a layer of oil, really yucky, frm then on I dont't eat the made in china nong sin noodles.. I do the same to myojo, I dont't think can wash off all wax, but that is the least I can do to satisfy the cravings.. Should really quit the bad craving, sigh...

Congrats on seeing your darling! That mus b amazing!!


Active Member
I started Nipple cream from Mothercare, no fragances, and bio-oil in the day after bath and ru-yi oil at night after bath, to relieve my bloated tummy,

My bulge is obvious from 8th weeks, today i went to maternity shops at KKH, i was mistaken that im post pregnancy, hubby says maybe due to my boobs... dunno to feel happy or sad


New Member
Yes it was exciting. The sonography lady was nice she spent some extra time showing us a 3D image of the baby. Could see the limbs and even buttocks. I am you all will also enjoy the scan too. Only thing is gyne say I might be at risk for preeclampsia later in my pregnancy. So gave me calcium pills and aspirin... I read on google that consuming aspirin can cause bleeding. So now praying very hard I don't see any blood each time I go toilet.


Hello all! Congratulations to all too!
I'm a first time mum to be . EDD currently is 4 Jan'14 according to the ultrasound. But according to the doctor baby is smaller than suppose to be at the moment (54.04mm) Though the baby is gradually catching up at the third scan. Yesterday was 12 weeks exactly and done the Oscar now waiting for the blood test result.
Now hoping the haze will clear soon and don't affect any of us. Dreading to go back to work in the hazy CBD tomorrow :(
Congrate to all mummies here. Any one keen to join this upcoming Free Talk on Holistic Chiropractic care for Pregnancy, Baby and HypnoBirthing which Kate Middleton is using for her coming birth? It's on 25 June. Here is the link.


Congrate to all mummies here. Any one keen to join this upcoming Free Talk on Holistic Chiropractic care for Pregnancy, Baby and HypnoBirthing which Kate Middleton is using for her coming birth? It's on 25 June. Here is the link.
Thanks for recommending but due to haze I have to give it a miss


Hello all! Congratulations to all too!
I'm a first time mum to be . EDD currently is 4 Jan'14 according to the ultrasound. But according to the doctor baby is smaller than suppose to be at the moment (54.04mm) Though the baby is gradually catching up at the third scan. Yesterday was 12 weeks exactly and done the Oscar now waiting for the blood test result.
Now hoping the haze will clear soon and don't affect any of us. Dreading to go back to work in the hazy CBD tomorrow :(
Congrats to u too:) my edd is the same as urs!

oh I was reading many of u could see a bump already? I'm in my week 12 but mine is still pretty flat... I do have some excess fats haha but I doubt it's a bump.


New Member
Congrats to u too:) my edd is the same as urs!

oh I was reading many of u could see a bump already? I'm in my week 12 but mine is still pretty flat... I do have some excess fats haha but I doubt it's a bump.
Haha! Before I was Preggy I used to suck in my tummy a bit... Now I can't do it so it seems like I got a big bump... Though I can't tell how much is real baby bump


Haha! Before I was Preggy I used to suck in my tummy a bit... Now I can't do it so it seems like I got a big bump... Though I can't tell how much is real baby bump
Maybe the 2 of you are originally slim for me I do have a bit of tummy especially my stomach was bloated in Feb due to dengue. But my bump don't look like I'm pregnant just make me look like a fat lady. Haha.
Btw peenut my EDD keeps moving and also first preg heard usually will be earlier . Since our babies EDD is so early of the year it will make a difference if baby born on 01 Jan or after , cos Pri Sch admission starts from 02 Jan from what I read on MOE page.
Haha! Before I was Preggy I used to suck in my tummy a bit... Now I can't do it so it seems like I got a big bump... Though I can't tell how much is real baby bump
I tried to do the same before...hehehe...but now really cant tuck it. Oh..my belly is really showing now, i cant wear any of my jeans anymore even with the rubber band thing since i cant do the zippers all the way...im thinking of buying maternity jeans, either that or i'll stick to my dresses...hehehe


New Member
I also feel so fat. My stomach was bloated from 5 weeks onwards due to gas and indigestion. I look more fat than Peggy too.... I worry that I be be real big later no cos tummy already so bloated.


My tummy was still real bloated last week. But it seemed to be slightly better now since my indigestion also improving. Day time I'm perfectly ok and only night time slightly. As long as I don't eat too much after 8pm, it's quite manageable. Before last week I was feeling super awful..


Peenut, I am so jealous of you.. haha.. really envy your who are those slim slim type.. for big bone people like me, I seriously worried how I would look a few more months down the road. jialat.. I dont wanna grow too BIG!!


Any mummies here planning for a getaway in your 2nd trimester? Where would you wanna go with your hubby for some er ren shi jie before the baby comes along?


Hi I think I be at bali in my second trimester this was booked early in the year. I m in my 5th week now and by the time my bali hols I shd be 5 mths...
Good morning all,
Lovely day today, finally can see a better view from my high office with clearer sky. So a little upbeat today.

Last Friday I went for my very first scan at 8 weeks along. Gynae estimated that, by LMP, I should be 10 weeks along but I told her it's going to be 8 weeks but I was pretty skeptic about the viability of the pregnancy since I generally feel ok this week. It was a sharp contrast from all the bad morning sickness the whole of 7th week. But lo and behold, bub is dated 8 weeks+ and has a strong heartbeat. So gynae said not to worry about the symptoms b'cos it comes and goes. So that boosted my morale and I celebrated my feel-good week by having heavy lunch!! It sure felt good to be able to eat food without feeling like you're going to throw up soon after! Also, the indigestion part were gone last week! I really tot the pregnancy is going to fail initially. I guess God heard my prayers, I wanted an easier pregnancy b'cos i have 3 other kids to take care of so He took mercy on me. Praise Him!

Helper issues,
I had my parents live in with me and they raised 3 of my kids. Then they decided enough is enough, they moved away so far out of Singapore. LOL. Now in JB. So I had to invite my MIL to live with us to help raise our kids. Not the best kind of childminding but at least grandparents will love their grandkids unconditionally. Also, it's not that bad now that my eldest daughter is 7 and a lot more reliable and able to take care of herself. So in preparation for my #4, I am training her to help me out with the younger siblings. She will bathe my #2 daughter while my MIL takes care of my notty 3yr old #3. My #1 is also able to prepare her own lunch by making sandwiches for herself. We just need to keep the pantry and fridge well-stocked b'cos kids that age likes to snack more than having proper meals. So that's how we adjusted, since we're more sensitive to cost now that we're a bigger family.

Well, we go for short holidays in M'sia since cost has always been a sensitive issue. Luckily my hubby is an adventurous driver who likes to drive long distance so we always go to hotels with nice big swimming pools and then venture out into the town area for shopping and food. No further trips since the kids are small but once they're bigger, we'll go further.

Tummy size,
I'm medium size and at the moment it's all bloat from indigestion and also after 3 kids I have a bit of flab that couldn't go away. I think I may have gained weight from getting back my appetite. Seems like my worst MS days are over at 8 weeks. I'm able to have full breakfast and lunch again but dinner time is something I still dreaded. I havent' looked pregnant yet. I still put on my make-up to work and still wearing my same work pants.
Hi Rockmybaby, that's good news. I envy you as you can still wear the same work pants. I can't wear any of my jeans anymore, so i have to wear dresses at work. It's a good thing as well that my dresses all have garters in the mid-rib area. I actually look pregnant now, a lot of people who see my tummy thinks that I'm already in my 4th month...hehehe...I'm medium built as well.

Helper issues, my soon to be MIL is more than happy to take care of my baby (i guess because it's the first grandchild of the family), she said i can leave the baby with her and go shopping or holiday, no problem...hahaha, but i guess just like her neighbor, she will give up if i have 3 kids, which i don't think i can have considering of my advance age.


Active Member
Anyone have remedy for backache?
I read online salonpas are advisable during pregnancy but not sure about yoko yoko.....

Had this bad cramp cum backache yesterday, the weather was good, but i feel so sucky, hungry, but tummy was so bloated even my MIL was shocked to see the big bump.....

The cramp was on n off today too.... hubby talks to lil donut to be good... dun torture me... hehehehehe
I think i will ask that from my doctor in the next appointment...my backache is killing me as well. Yesterday, I walked from the church to Tampines Mall to buy dinner, it's not really a far walk but i got a backache afterwards.

Ohh...you already have the bump! hehehe...sometimes i look in the mirror and check my tummy and the shape that it's taking, i tell myself that yeah..i really look pregnant and laugh. Can't wait for the second trimester. 2 more weeks!