EDD Jan 2014


Liyin: oh 3 hrs plus shd be quite easy to get over. But drink plenty of water in the flight n walk around more for blood circulation. Oh try not to take roadside food cox u nvr know if its clean anot.

Missy10: oh so fast u going for oscar. I thought oscar test is a detail scan plus some test? Im seeing my gynae on thurs. Not sure if he will ask me go for oscar as well. Haha. Cox I didnt ask him. If he nvr say I may just pass the test sincr im nt v keen to do. :/ can u get the results tomorrow?


Active Member
gnissim23:803543 said:
Liyin: oh 3 hrs plus shd be quite easy to get over. But drink plenty of water in the flight n walk around more for blood circulation. Oh try not to take roadside food cox u nvr know if its clean anot.

Missy10: oh so fast u going for oscar. I thought oscar test is a detail scan plus some test? Im seeing my gynae on thurs. Not sure if he will ask me go for oscar as well. Haha. Cox I didnt ask him. If he nvr say I may just pass the test sincr im nt v keen to do. :/ can u get the results tomorrow?
KKH oscar blood test and scan are supposed to do on separate day, so tmr only blood test, scan is on 15th july
Any1 experiencing backache + bloatedness at the same time? My backache got bad today, I'm sitting wif my legs curled up in front of me to feel better, n I'm passing gas constantly! Is the bloatedness causing the ache? I'm so bloated that my stomach + tummy forms a big ball... Any1facing the same problem?


Anyone can advise how long did the Oscar and blood test took? I can't remember my first which was years ago...
It depends how cooperative ur baby is. My fren took hours. I took only 15 min . Must tell bb to b good! blood test very fast too. Results out in 2-3 working days. :)


fabmum: I do feel bloated whenever I ate something. not full but just bloated n feel v gasy n always need to induce to burp. haha. im also bloated till my tummy forms a big ball like im in my 4 or 5 mths. LOL. but I dun feel any backache. if my bloatness get v bad I will take gaviscon. so I guess its normal?
Hehe I feel u all! I went back see my MIL cook lontong, suddenly my appetite came back. I ate so fast and of course I felt bloated and yucky in no time. Moments later, merlion it all. Drank chrysanthemum tea, rested. Tried to sleep but can't sleep because I'm hungry again. I snacked and then now so bloated I can't sleep! Really can't wait for this bloody MS to be over!! Hated it!

To mummies going for baby moon, jiayou! Hope your trip is memorable and MS free! :)


It depends how cooperative ur baby is. My fren took hours. I took only 15 min . Must tell bb to b good! blood test very fast too. Results out in 2-3 working days. :)
Yup. I did the Oscar scan cum blood test together near an hour. The scan result is on the spot for blood test the obstetrician called after a week later. The scan is great as you can see a detailed scan for the baby for long. Enjoy all MTBs! :) I looking forward to see my baby in less than 3 weeks.
Envy u all can go babymoon, my husband can only afford weekends really dunno where to go. Though now in 13 weeks my MS doesn't really go, more easily sleepy.


Active Member
I was fully awake now!!!! Did something really stupid, now im worried abt my lil donut inside!!! I feel so bad being a stupid mummy to be.....

I was having backache at my lower hip, so i stick those small self-heating pad (bought from daiso, supposedly to keep body warm during winter)

It does relieve my ache, and i fall asleep with it.... it was about 5 hours!!!! Im afraid of over-heating my bb......

Im scared!!!
Hey I think there's nothing to worry about. Your baby is safe and that heat pack will lose it's heat anyway. Your baby is safe and protected in its world. The only thing you hurt is yourself lor. Kekeke..I wouldn't worry about that. :)


Missy10: hey I think its ok. Cox u r not putting cold pads at womb. Or v hot heatpack at womb. Baby is being protected by the uterus n some aminto water or so. Dun worry! Hows ur oscar blood test? The heatpack frm daiso should not be v hot n since u only put 1 at ur back right? Nornally when I have bad digestion I use baby oil ru yi you on my tummy to make it warm too.
fabmum: I do feel bloated whenever I ate something. not full but just bloated n feel very gasy n always need to induce to burp. haha. im also bloated till my tummy forms a big ball like im in my 4 or 5 mths. LOL. but I dont feel any backache. if my bloatness get very bad I will take gaviscon. so I guess its normal?
same here! I'm bloated n makes me look lik 4-5 mths too.. am getting weird stares frm colleagues =| my backache eased aft a gd slp but sigh, guess it may come back at nite!

missy10 u can see ur bb again today, so fast! i dont think u shld worry bout the heat pack, baby is well protected, if the heat doesnt hurt u i dont think it will hurt the bb..
update us on the scan!
I'm stil eagerly counting down to my appt this sat! >_<
I think backache is normal. Even walking for 15-30mins give me backache so need to slowdown in walking to lessen it. Have u guys been sneezing a lot? One thing i notice is that i have been sneezing a lot...and when i sneeze it will be 2-3 times consecutive sneezes


I think backache is normal. Even walking for 15-30mins give me backache so need to slowdown in walking to lessen it. Have u guys been sneezing a lot? One thing i notice is that i have been sneezing a lot...and when i sneeze it will be 2-3 times consecutive sneezes
I do have backaches at times. it just comes and goes.. I realised during my week 8, my appetite improved. No bloating or indigestion and I was happily eating away. But from week 9 onwards till today, I have been suffering everyday! I can be hungry very fast but when the food comes, I got disguested and dont really feel like eating. after I ate and when I think back about the meal earlier, I will feel very turn off and nauseas and told myself I am never going to eat that again. hahaha.. I cant stand myself..

chiching, I do sneeze alot ever since I found out I was pregnant.. esp after I woke up in the morning. Right now my right nose is blocked! haha.. it's pretty normal. read somewhere that our immune system is low so tend to be subjected to such bouts of flu every now and then for no reasons. there were even times when I sneeze while lying down and there was a sharp pain from the abdominal area. I was so scared that I hurt the little one.


I don't have backache but I do get very tired and restless if I stand too or walk too much. On some mornings, I even had a little fainting spells while standing in front of mirror to makeup.

Fay85, I get the sharp pain too when I sneeze while lying down. You can try curling ur legs up to ur chest before u sneeze. I did that and there will b no sharp pain.


Active Member
Done the blood test, and requested for scanning, gynae then arrange me as walk-in, and she does the scan herself.....

She say stop using it, as she cant promise any complication, although bb is protected by many layers.....

I saw my little donut's fingers are widely open as if she is playing five-ten, but the ten-ten version....

Gynae says gaviscon is safe for us.... the normal ones.....



New Member
Hi Mummies! My EDD is on Jan 9, 2014.
I just finished my first trimester and my obgynae is Dr Chen Chern Yi from Punggol
I have been a silent reader for some time now :shyxxx:and just decided to post since I am having difficulty finding someone to talk about my pregnancy.
Currently I am taking progesterone, iron, dha capsule and folic acid all prescribed by my OB.
I have yet to find any good milk for calcium supplement. Any good recommendations?

So far, baby is alright. In our last ultrasound baby is kicking and waving to us.
Had also my DS test and result says low risk. I pray it will be a healthy baby and safe pregnancy...
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