EDD July 2012


Doctor just came to check. And I'm alr 6-7cm dilated. Omg! She said I can really tahan. To think I was dragging and dragging, dunno wanna go hospital or not, when I'm alr in labor. ><"
If can endure jus endure don take epi... Jia you abit more to go...


Have given birth as of 750am, bbgirl at 3.5kg. Natural w/o epi, only laughing gas. The pain is horrible, tears just spill out uncontrollably when i'm pushing. I was begging to push at 9cm, kept screaming. I'm glad she's out. But my tummy and vagina hurts. ><" really, i can breathe a sigh of relief. She's on my chest now. Dont wanna let her go. Haha. But she keeps struggling and making gurgling noises. Lots of phlegm. :((


Have given birth as of 750am, bbgirl at 3.5kg. Natural w/o epi, only laughing gas. The pain is horrible, tears just spill out uncontrollably when i'm pushing. I was begging to push at 9cm, kept screaming. I'm glad she's out. But my tummy and vagina hurts. ><" really, i can breathe a sigh of relief. She's on my chest now. Dont wanna let her go. Haha. But she keeps struggling and making gurgling noises. Lots of phlegm. :((
Congrats... Ur bb girl have come out early to see u... I am 39 weeks bb still don wan come out... Welcome to June mummy...


Congrates, engravedx! Ur Bb must be adorable and cute!! No epi? I hope I can follow e same too! But sigh, I scared pain.lol


Have given birth as of 750am, bbgirl at 3.5kg. Natural w/o epi, only laughing gas. The pain is horrible, tears just spill out uncontrollably when i'm pushing. I was begging to push at 9cm, kept screaming. I'm glad she's out. But my tummy and vagina hurts. ><" really, i can breathe a sigh of relief. She's on my chest now. Dont wanna let her go. Haha. But she keeps struggling and making gurgling noises. Lots of phlegm. :((
Congrats!!!! Lucky u went to the hospital.. Told u to follow maternal instincts :)

U r so brave to go thru labour w/o epi!!! Hw I wish I hv the strength n courage when it's my turn.. Ur hubby must b so proud of u :)


My throat hurts now from screaming, somemore very dry from the gas. I tried so hard to endure, nurse kept telling me to breathe in the laughing gas, but no use. My head and hands all turn numb and I was soooo dizzy. Esp at 8-9cm I kept asking when can I push. Lolol. Idk how i endured all those pain. But bobian, cannot endure also must endure. If not don't give birth meh? But if u set ur mind to it, keep controlling tell urself dont take any injections, u will get thru it somehow. I kept telling myself, only 2 cm left, 1-2 more hrs only. Take epi now no use. Alr endure so much pain, dont waste the effort. Haha..


Have given birth as of 750am, bbgirl at 3.5kg. Natural w/o epi, only laughing gas. The pain is horrible, tears just spill out uncontrollably when i'm pushing. I was begging to push at 9cm, kept screaming. I'm glad she's out. But my tummy and vagina hurts. ><" really, i can breathe a sigh of relief. She's on my chest now. Dont wanna let her go. Haha. But she keeps struggling and making gurgling noises. Lots of phlegm. :((
Congrats, engravedx! Wow, sounds challenging! Hope I can make it without epidural too.. Enjoy your baby girl! :)


My throat hurts now from screaming, somemore very dry from the gas. I tried so hard to endure, nurse kept telling me to breathe in the laughing gas, but no use. My head and hands all turn numb and I was soooo dizzy. Esp at 8-9cm I kept asking when can I push. Lolol. Idk how i endured all those pain. But bobian, cannot endure also must endure. If not don't give birth meh? But if u set ur mind to it, keep controlling tell urself dont take any injections, u will get thru it somehow. I kept telling myself, only 2 cm left, 1-2 more hrs only. Take epi now no use. Alr endure so much pain, dont waste the effort. Haha..
tts y they say 妈妈是伟大的.. yea.. but i scared hubby will spoil my plan.. coz he initially insisted tt i go c-section w GA coz he dun wan me to go thru the pain.. then i told him i want him to b w me coz c-sec w GA, he can't be nxt to me.. in the end, negotiate until c-sec w epi.. then dunno hw i gt the courage to tell him tt i want to go thru natural w/o epi.. he gt so shock that i gt to spend a whole month to psycho him.. so in the end, i hv to give in saying tt if he thinks i really cannot take it, then he can request for epi..

so hopefully i gt the strength and attn to stop him from requesting for epi, and also tt i can tahan that few hours..

drink more red dates w longan for ur throat :) wat was ur supposed EDD??


My throat hurts now from screaming, somemore very dry from the gas. I tried so hard to endure, nurse kept telling me to breathe in the laughing gas, but no use. My head and hands all turn numb and I was soooo dizzy. Esp at 8-9cm I kept asking when can I push. Lolol. Idk how i endured all those pain. But bobian, cannot endure also must endure. If not don't give birth meh? But if u set ur mind to it, keep controlling tell urself dont take any injections, u will get thru it somehow. I kept telling myself, only 2 cm left, 1-2 more hrs only. Take epi now no use. Alr endure so much pain, dont waste the effort. Haha..
Is like tat 1, when I deliver my #2, the nurse keep telling me endure wait for my Gynea come then can push, I feel like pushing how to endure, I shout also kanna ask not to shout haha... I didn't take epi that time too...


Is like tat 1, when I deliver my #2, the nurse keep telling me endure wait for my Gynea come then can push, I feel like pushing how to endure, I shout also kanna ask not to shout haha... I didn't take epi that time too...
huh?? u mean the nurse ask u not to shout??? y like tt.. the nurse nv given birth before arh??
how not to shout?? diaoz..


Yah. Nurse will tell u not to shout and scream. Not dont allow u, is advising u to save ur energy for the pushing later. I got soooo tired from pushing, i felt like asking them to vac out. But i dun dare to say, so just push and push. Really like trying to shit the baby out, but need to hold the push damn long and it really drains ur energy..

Nurse kept telling me to endure, just breathe the gas, concentrate on breathing and dun scream. I was shaking and shivering in bed cos of the intense pain, and the gas cause my head and hands to be numb and giddy. Very terrible. I even vomited. But keep telling myself, contraction very short de. Just tahan awhile more, will go away one. Haha..

I'm having bedrest now. My back is aching terribly but i dont dare to move. Hubby just went home to zzz. :(( having terrible menses cramp now. Ughhh ~ jialat!!

My EDD is actually 12th July. I gave birth at 37weeks2days. Luckily full term alr. Just nice.. Haha.


Yah. Nurse will tell u not to shout and scream. Not dont allow u, is advising u to save ur energy for the pushing later. I got soooo tired from pushing, i felt like asking them to vac out. But i dun dare to say, so just push and push. Really like trying to shit the baby out, but need to hold the push damn long and it really drains ur energy..

Nurse kept telling me to endure, just breathe the gas, concentrate on breathing and dun scream. I was shaking and shivering in bed cos of the intense pain, and the gas cause my head and hands to be numb and giddy. Very terrible. I even vomited. But keep telling myself, contraction very short de. Just tahan awhile more, will go away one. Haha..

I'm having bedrest now. My back is aching terribly but i dont dare to move. Hubby just went home to zzz. :(( having terrible menses cramp now. Ughhh ~ jialat!!

My EDD is actually 12th July. I gave birth at 37weeks2days. Luckily full term alr. Just nice.. Haha.
But ur hubby was able to rush dan and accompany u thru delivery rite?? I so scared my hubby won't be able to leave work in time..

My EDD is on 19th July, so means i any time oso.. 1 part of me can't wait for the baby to come out.. 1 part of me feel tt i am not prepared for it..

yar, i think u really need ample rest :) rest well.. share ur baby pics w us soon..


Yups. He managed to come down in time, thankfully. But he left after i went to ward, go home catch some zzz. I cant sleep. Fell aslp half hr then woke up again. Now carrying bb while she sleeps. Haha. Stitches hurt. My butt and back aching liao. Very hard to move position..


Have given birth as of 750am, bbgirl at 3.5kg. Natural w/o epi, only laughing gas. The pain is horrible, tears just spill out uncontrollably when i'm pushing. I was begging to push at 9cm, kept screaming. I'm glad she's out. But my tummy and vagina hurts. ><" really, i can breathe a sigh of relief. She's on my chest now. Dont wanna let her go. Haha. But she keeps struggling and making gurgling noises. Lots of phlegm. :((
Grat engravedx! Have a good rest and take good care!


Yups. He managed to come down in time, thankfully. But he left after i went to ward, go home catch some zzz. I cant sleep. Fell aslp half hr then woke up again. Now carrying bb while she sleeps. Haha. Stitches hurt. My butt and back aching liao. Very hard to move position..
at least he rushed there in time..

try to catch as much slp as u can as u will still need the energy to take care of ur baby and the visitors ltr :)


Yah. Nurse will tell u not to shout and scream. Not dont allow u, is advising u to save ur energy for the pushing later. I got soooo tired from pushing, i felt like asking them to vac out. But i dun dare to say, so just push and push. Really like trying to shit the baby out, but need to hold the push damn long and it really drains ur energy..

Nurse kept telling me to endure, just breathe the gas, concentrate on breathing and dun scream. I was shaking and shivering in bed cos of the intense pain, and the gas cause my head and hands to be numb and giddy. Very terrible. I even vomited. But keep telling myself, contraction very short de. Just tahan awhile more, will go away one. Haha..

I'm having bedrest now. My back is aching terribly but i dont dare to move. Hubby just went home to zzz. :(( having terrible menses cramp now. Ughhh ~ jialat!!

My EDD is actually 12th July. I gave birth at 37weeks2days. Luckily full term alr. Just nice.. Haha.
Ya need to save energy for pushing, I still rmb, Donno why my leg jus feel like open and push baby out but the nurse ask me endure put now my leg, I keep breathing the gas till super high, when Gynea come I no strength le, have to vac out...

Try to rest more when u can now... Now gt nurse look after baby, when go back home don think u able to rest as this is ur #1... I can understand...


I cant sleeeeeeep. The stitches too painful, I cant move my bum, which cause my bum to be painful as well. :((

Bb is not suckling well when she latches on.. End up she just went to sleep when she only suckled for a total of approx 5 mins in the 30-45mins that I was trying to feed her. Sometimes I see her mouth suckling, but I dont feel any suction at all. Seems like she only suckling the nipple, when she supposed to suckle the aureola (idk how to spell). Very tiring!! But i wont give up. Just that she keep crying, dont wanna suckle, tried changing breasts still dowan, then try to let her slp first lor. Slping so soundly now. Just now open her left eye slightly. Hehee. She looks like meeee. *happy*

i got no visitors yet. I dont think anyone wanna visit me. Hahahaha.

And i feel really very proud of myself, when the beds in my wards have visitors asking them how they gave birth. Beside me is a c-sect and another two is with epidural. The other bed empty. I feel very haolian, i cant wait for my visitors to come so that i can say i had natural birth without epi. Hehee. Of cos, no offense to those who take, cos if i accidentally have a second one (i told my hubby this one is enough, i cant stand the thought of the pain anymore), i will definitely opt for epi/c-sect to spare myself from the pain. Lol!!! I think for myself, perhaps i am lucky that when i went to hospital, i was alr so far along in my labor, dilated at 6-7cm. And the nurses also did mention that i am very fast, giving birth in such a short time, whereas most first time mummies took alooooot longer. So i am actually very fortunate. If not i might also have given up and opt for epi halfway if the labor is too long. Haha!!