EDD June 2012 Mummies


Mrs Wang - its ok to feed them milk.. As long as feeding time nt too close.. Den they won't vomit.. I will mess up, when he poo or pee.. Cos once we feed finish.. Some time he will poo n pee straight away.. Den all milk gone.. Den have to re feed again den cos him vomit.. -_-" haiz.. But I only feed him 2 oz nia every 2 hr..

How cme ur buffet is on 22nd? den bai bai on12th? So actually Is true at must held on actual day ? Den is gd for them.. Ok gd.. Nw I no worry Liao.. : ) haha.. So when u goin to end ur confinement? Actual day too?
On formula only. So it's ok?? Just feeding on demand??
Formula is quite thick, usually they will feel quite full. In that case u can give him some water but not too much, make sure he doesn't choke. As for feeding on demand, if he has already just drank 100ml & ask for more after 1 hr plus, just give him a little, maybe 30-40ml, not too much.


I think a few sip of water to clean their tongue is ok.Most ppl said not to feed water cz scared bb get full and dun wan milk milk later on. :p


jenni, jia you! i would be at glen e..you? think i would not be able to sleep tonight too.

check with you mummies,do u all bathe in the hospital after labour? natural or c-sec also can bathe? water would touch the wound right?


Ok.. Thanks Joey, Janice and petpet for the advise.. Ya if he drank 100ml an hour ago, and cries for more, we will give like 40-60ml..

Ya. Ending confinement on 12th as well.. Haha. Coz hubby side ah ma pantang lo. Say 40 days den others can touch baby. So on 22nd.. But my friends came le.. Haha. She dunno..


Ya.. Mil will say he pee and poo alot.. That's why drink more.. So she sometimes also give a lot. Talked to my hubby ytd le. We will try to lengthen the hours in between coz 100ml is a lot.. Den Give again 60ml.. Another hour 75ml. Faint.

My FIL worse.. 100ml is already a lot. He still suggest increase to 130ml. How can my baby's tummy take it?!


MrsWang- actually there is suggested amount for your bb to take at the side of the tin. If i rmb correctly, 2weeks old can take up to 120ml alr. And as long as your bb doesn't vomit (spitting abit milk out is ok), then it is fine.. My girl is 10 days old, she is taking in 60ml most of the times, but sometimes she can take in as much as 90ml. But if she take 90ml, we will wait till she ownself wake up for milk, but not more than 4 hours. You can slowly increase the amount of milk u give your bb.. See how much he is drinking in. When bb is satisfied and not hungry, will sleep longer. If you feed 100ml for one feeding, but your bb wakes up in an hour wanting milk again, then feed another 60ml, it's too much IMO (in my opinion)!! Might as well try increase his milk at one feeding and let him sleep longer.. Cos FM is diff from BM, not so easy to digest as compared, so shldnt be waking up so often for milk..

For water, it's not necessary. I will use cotton wool put into water to wipe my bb's lips when it's dry, and also to clean away the milk.

Joey- your bb wake up every 2 hours for 2oz of milk or you wake him up to feed? If every 2 hrs must feed, that must be so tiring lah!! o_O

My girl sometimes also poo and pee immediately after feeding. But i dont feed her again. Change diapers le she will go to sleep. It is ok and normal de, dont need to re-feed!


Engrave - I nvr wake him up , is he auto wake up.. Some time nt even 2 hrs.. Some time bout 1.5 hr already wake up ask for milk.. We try to let him drink more .. But he always wasted my milk.. Always drink 2oz only.. So we every time feed him standard 2 oz.. If nid increase my boy will let us kno 1.. Will ask for more after feed straight away.. Lol last time only 1oz .. Nw 2 oz.. heehee.. But no matter how many oz they wrote on d tin.. We still have to depend On whether bb can tk it ma.. If nt follow d tin n increase will only waste my milk..


snowdoll:666584 said:
jenni, jia you! i would be at glen e..you? think i would not be able to sleep tonight too.

check with you mummies,do u all bathe in the hospital after labour? natural or c-sec also can bathe? water would touch the wound right?
Hi babe, if u having c sect, just wipe your body first. Try not to let your wound touch water because it might cause infection.


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Saw FB - Jenni gave birth loh!!! ;)

Now I cut my daughter milk - I meant if bottle feed breast milk (only at night so CL can feed and I zzz) I gave her 70ml & she can tahan about 1.5 hours, but now gradually she can tahan for 2 hours..But I'm still latching her on, so don't know how much she drinks.
sometimes I worried she keeps on suck, so I limit her 15-25 mins of breastfeeding.
But this morning she drinks for 15 mins then poo a lot then cried and I breastfeed again for another 25 mins then after she bath out, as usual she wants milk again so I let her latch on for about 30 mins..
actually lactation consultant said feed based on demand, don't go by timing but sometimes really worried that I overfed her...
N she has lots of winds despite breastfeed... ;(
burping also a problem...sometimes take me an hour..when she finally burps, I put her down on the bed, then an hour she wants milk again...
jenni, jia you! i would be at glen e..you? think i would not be able to sleep tonight too.

check with you mummies,do u all bathe in the hospital after labour? natural or c-sec also can bathe? water would touch the wound right?
I natural birth, but I nv bath in hospital..firstly because they put a tube to my bladder do I can't get off bed.
next I only removed my gauze on the 2nd day...
then reach home, I wait till 4 days then bath...


Yeah finally my lil princess was out on 1.11pm... 3.455kg... I was too tired to push in the end vacuum... I make it w/o epidural... So tired and pain, wanted to ask any pain killer le... Stomach cramp...
I think a few sip of water to clean their tongue is ok.Most ppl said not to feed water cz scared bb get full and dun wan milk milk later on. :p
I use cloth to wipe her tongue and mouth instead, never feed her with water.
That time under CL's influence - keep on asking us to feed a bit of water to clear my gal's phlegm then my SIL PD said don't feed MB with water as their blood will get thinner and lactation consultant said too much water spoiled NB digestive system.
Yeah finally my lil princess was out on 1.11pm... 3.455kg... I was too tired to push in the end vacuum... I make it w/o epidural... So tired and pain, wanted to ask any pain killer le... Stomach cramp...
Jenni - gong xi!!! ;)
Whao...ya girl also quite heavy sia..hehe...
have a good rest ok?


nice timing that your girl chose to come out too jenni! haha.. congrats again.

if vacuum, have to sayang the head more.. heard before that vacuum baby, the head is more flat.. but what matters is baby and mother safe!

blackangel and joey.. very tiring like that.. have to keep feeding.. ya.. really scared drink alot.. and engravedx, i saw the side of the tin. it says 120ml.. now i more fang xin.. so my boy not really drinking alot.. 3 hours 120ml.. how does it sounds?? should be just right??


Mrs Wang - yeah , real tired lo.. Kip wake up .. Some more is when I fall slp den have to wake up -_-" .. Haiz.. Totally nt enough slp.. Goin tk a nap Liao.. If nt tonite nite shift again.. Scare cannot tahan.. n I actually Tinkin of increase d milk I feed him.. But I nvr increase it bcos every time he drink 2oz , will fall slp straight away.. So I scare if I increase d milk he might vomit out or nt able to finish all.. So I will monitor 1st.. They say my boy jus like me , dun eat/drink much.. That's y won't fat.. -_-" ..


Congrats jenni rest well : )

I found tat most mummy profile pic in fb has change to bb photo.. lol.. Even my hubby profile also have change to my boy pic.. n compare to during pregnancy period , our conversation is even more after all of us give birth.. Sound gds : )