EDD March 2013


Hi MsSaggi

I'm considering between KKH and Gleneagles. I've not done the tour for Gleneagles Hosp. I'm wondering if you have seen the room in Gleneagles ? Would you be able to share with me how the rooms are? Thanks very much!
I've not gone for my detailed scan yet. Will share with all to update the scoreboard once I have it? Thanks!

No worries, Pooi Yan.. just keep us updated after your detailed scanning ya :001_302:

My 24weeks gynae visit is only 3 days later than you at Thomson LOL
i dont think there is. But for sure, you can definitely still eat fruits/juices for it's nutrients, eat at least 2-3 servings of fruits a day :)

what's the cause of your cough? phlegm/sore throat/flu?

hi mhjt, i hav dry cough but yet oso have choking phlegm stuck in my throat which i donno how to get rid of it :(
I took starfruit juice when I was down with flu/cough earlier - about a cup a day. Find it helps. But later was told starfruit is cooling so best not to take too much. I guess in moderation ok ba.

thanks neuros, i tot starfruit juice is for sore throat? it ll help wif cough too? mayb i ll try..


ah, dry cough and phlegm, i usually just take warm honey water without dates, similar to NeyMO's.

for phlegm, i would just avoid fried food for a while, or cut down. :) for phlegm, if it's really thick phlegm, may need medication from GP to break it up so that it loosens and you're able to get rid of it.

get well soon!!


Just a sharing:

Parenthood Fair
Date: 9-11 November 2012, Friday - Sunday
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 5B
Time: 11.00am – 9.00pm


New Member
Welcome Nicatan! ;)
My EDD is just one day after yours..
And yes! I've actually decided on the room type... I'm choosing one beded as I want my hubby to stay with me thruout... Hehe!
Which hospital will you be delivering at ?
Hi MsSaggi, my hosp is mount A.. Am thinking of 1 bedded too cos wan my hb's company.. :) but didnt wana pay too much cash ie heard some paid $5k after medisave.. Wondering if its the avg charge..


New Member
Hello Nicatan : ) I choose the 4-bedded room as Thomson will usually do an upgrade to 2-bedded if there is available room. Hope our due period is not "peak peak" LOL The nurse said we could do the room upgrading anytime even after delivery.
hi Neymo, thks.. Hope you'll get the upgrade.. :) guess mount a may not have such a deal..


Mummies, I have rearranged the sequence by EDD LOL

Currently 10 boys Vs 6 gals :001_302:

NeyMO - Prince Thomson Medical Center Mar 1
mhjt - Prince Singapore General Hospital Mar 3
Neuros - Prince Mount A Mar 7
Fioray- Prince Thomson Medical Center Mar 8
teens09 - Prince Mount A Mar 10
Milyve- Prince Mt A Mar 12
Purpleliciousmummy- Prince Thomson Medical Center Mar 22
happy queen - Prince Mount A Mar 25
Prince Thomson Medical Center Mar 26
Vodka- Prince Mount A Mar 29

Apr Gal - Princess Thomson Medical Center Feb 23
veryberry - Princess Kandang Kerbau Hospital Mar 11
Phycyj - Princess Mount Elizabeth Mar 13
MsSaggi- Princess Gleneagles Hospital Mar 14
Cagnes - Princess Thomson Medical Center Mar 15
Susannanation - Princess Mar 22

bersionr - TBC Kandang Kerbau Hospital Mar 19
miffymiffy - TBC Thomson Medical Center Mar 16
aps - TBC Thomson Medical Center/Mount A Mar 16
Putri - TBC Kandang Kerbau Hospital Mar 31
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