EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Do take good care mummies! CNY is just next week! Do rest more n get well soon for a nice cny get-together..

Perkyperky - tentatively I plan to take 14 weeks left 2 weeks for as n when require till my boy reaches 1 yr cos I will send my boy to infant care right after my 14 weeks ML hence i hope my boy can accustom to the childcare ctr too.. Do not forget our 6 days childcare leave too.. hehe..


perkyperky:851920 said:
Perkyperky, I brought my gal to kkh when she had high fever, they prescribed sone medication for her but she did not recover after taking for 1 wk. The medicines also seems to make her vomit n diarrhoea hence we decided to bring her to a pd
Ohh! Our situations are vice versa! Hahahaha! Well, of course we will do what's best for our kids! Anyway, what did the PD said about your girl?
PD said it's normal cause of flu virus. It is commom once they start childcare n will keep falling sick for at least first 4 months... haiz


Same here I am getting leg cramp esp when I dun cover my legs when sleeping.

I will clear 4 months straight. .. will be troublesome to apply after tht... n boss might not be happy. However, for those who plan to send little one to infant care should save some leave for emergency.

Those who planned to send ur little one to infant care might wana be ks abit and start to book a place. I have hard time finding one after giving birth. Luckily my mum is willing to help.


I will oso be taking 16wks straight.. Like the other mummies said, it can be tough applying for the balance once we return to work.. I had trouble clearing even my annual leave cos of the perception tat I was jus back after such a LONG maternity leave.. sighz.. woes of a working mum..

im nt putting my bb in infant care but im gg to put my #1 in childcare after I return to work so tat my bbsitter can take care of #2.. I hope my #1 wun keep falling sick.. if nt then I guess I still hav the 6 days childcare leave and my carried forward leave to use..


Thanks mummies.. ya due to our prgnancy our noses can become more sensitive.. my case is classic.. nose always sensitive and sneezing.. sigh.. :p

For my 1st pregnancy, here was my arrangement.. i used as much if my mc/some annual leave before going for delivery.. took 2 weeks of hospitalisation leave from gynae 2 weeks before EDD to rest and settle the last min stuff.. i just relaxed and went for high teas and ate wadever i wanted lol.. My company allowed hosp leave coz every pregnant lady also took.. :p Then after delivery, i areanged with my HR that i will take 4 months of maternity leave straight.. of which it was broken up .. 8 weeks maternity (compulsory), slotted in my remaining Annual leave and childcare leave for the year (as i gave birth in sept), then plus another 8 weeks of maternity leave. The 1st 8 weeks is a must and it includes all public holidays too. But after you break up the 1st and 2nd 8 weeks.. the 2nd 8 weeks is broken up and does not include public holidays. Guess its more worth it? :) I went back to work when my bb was ard 5 months... :p I really needed more time to take care and breastfeed my baby.. it is really not ez to juggle breastfeeding when going back to work.. gotta pump and pump.. i peersevered up to 9 months. Oh well i had no one to take proper care of my baby, so i went back to work for 2 months and quitted. :p Now a sahm... :p Missed my bb too much and also i couldn't afford to see her go childcare and get sick.. all the childcare ard my area was fully booked and waitlist was 6 months.. haha thanks to dragon year.. so i just worked out wih hubby and quitted first.. but its worth it to see my baby go through all her milestones.. ;) Tiring though... :)

just sharing this , maybe some of you mummies are thinking abt taking leave and such.. :)


Haiz jus I tot my gal is recovering, she seems to turn worse today... refusing milk n water. .. very restless... vomit n having watery stools... need to bring her see pd tomolo.

Meltie, i've promote u to be admin, hope u dun mind but I guess u r as busy due to shifting of hse. Btw is ur ID for ur hse good? I m looking for one.

Anyone wana volunteer to be admin?

JA13, I can't invite u again as it is shown that I've already sent the invitation, maybe check ur mailbox again. I've pm u.
Hi I can help u with the facebook group if needed... I am quite free at times...


Oops tannie! I just saw you asking about ID! My ID is not bad.. my friend used for her EM.. its a small company called Kass Design. The ID name is Raymond. He's quite sincere and detailed. Quite honest. So we engaged him. :)

Hmm most of the time i access fb through iphone.. i tried to add ppl into the fb grp but then the option is to add by profile name.. not by email add.. i guess still have to logon via computer then can have more options? Profile names should have alot of duplicates? Actually i see the settings, seems like members can add other members to the group?


Hi all,

just came back from a short getaway at JB... had alot of reading up to do as the thread is so active... but glad that most are getting along fine in their pregnancy... for mummies or mummoes with children who are sick please take care so that we can enjoy our chinese new year...

meltie, I am also a SAHM... super enjoy watching my no.1 reach her development milestones... but sometimes can be bored... same like u I dun want to put her in infant care or childcare coz dun wish to see them sick.... I know how it is like since I used to be in the preschool industries... heard too many stories... so for mummies who wants to put their child in childcare and infant care please check the school properly especially their environment, what programs they offer, and teacher-child ratio...


Thanks Charchia, u r promoted to admin. yap, member can add member too.

It's really good not to put our little ones in childcare at this young age... Unfortunately I dun have a choice... SAHM jia you...

sImbaobao, why clear ur son?


I tink simbaobao meant she cleared her detailed scan?

me too.. ive got no choice but to work so my girl gotta be cared for by babysitter.. and now #2 is coming, babysitter said she cant cope with 2.. so I tot it's better for my girl to go childcare than #2 go infantcare.. im planning to enrol my girl in the childcare in my office building.. went to recee a couple of times and once with hubby too.. nt too bad.. no bad vibes.. jus tat fees are a bit steep.. sighz.. but the sengkang childcare waitlist is horrible.. a fren was on the waitlist for 1yr and she is still on waitlist.. and there they are encouraging us to have more kids.. -_-" So mummies who are planning to put ur babies in infantcare or childcare, realli must start registering early.. apparently, horse is oso a v hot year.. I tot onli dragon yr is hot..

Charchia, I pm-ed u.. can u add me to the fb grp? Or Meltie, can u add me? Since u oredi noe my profile name from the Sep12 fb grp.. haha..
Thanks mummies.. ya due to our prgnancy our noses can become more sensitive.. my case is classic.. nose always sensitive and sneezing.. sigh.. :p

For my 1st pregnancy, here was my arrangement.. i used as much if my mc/some annual leave before going for delivery.. took 2 weeks of hospitalisation leave from gynae 2 weeks before EDD to rest and settle the last min stuff.. i just relaxed and went for high teas and ate wadever i wanted lol.. My company allowed hosp leave coz every pregnant lady also took.. :p Then after delivery, i areanged with my HR that i will take 4 months of maternity leave straight.. of which it was broken up .. 8 weeks maternity (compulsory), slotted in my remaining Annual leave and childcare leave for the year (as i gave birth in sept), then plus another 8 weeks of maternity leave. The 1st 8 weeks is a must and it includes all public holidays too. But after you break up the 1st and 2nd 8 weeks.. the 2nd 8 weeks is broken up and does not include public holidays. Guess its more worth it? :) I went back to work when my bb was ard 5 months... :p I really needed more time to take care and breastfeed my baby.. it is really not ez to juggle breastfeeding when going back to work.. gotta pump and pump.. i peersevered up to 9 months. Oh well i had no one to take proper care of my baby, so i went back to work for 2 months and quitted. :p Now a sahm... :p Missed my bb too much and also i couldn't afford to see her go childcare and get sick.. all the childcare ard my area was fully booked and waitlist was 6 months.. haha thanks to dragon year.. so i just worked out wih hubby and quitted first.. but its worth it to see my baby go through all her milestones.. ;) Tiring though... :)

just sharing this , maybe some of you mummies are thinking abt taking leave and such.. :)
Thanks Meltie, this is very useful. I didn't know we can request HL from gynae. :)

ST Woo

Lingz12, me too planned my baby girl to put in infantcare the same childcare centre as my boy. I already informed the in charge to put in their list.


Hi all,

just came back from a short getaway at JB... had alot of reading up to do as the thread is so active... but glad that most are getting along fine in their pregnancy... for mummies or mummoes with children who are sick please take care so that we can enjoy our chinese new year...

meltie, I am also a SAHM... super enjoy watching my no.1 reach her development milestones... but sometimes can be bored... same like u I dun want to put her in infant care or childcare coz dun wish to see them sick.... I know how it is like since I used to be in the preschool industries... heard too many stories... so for mummies who wants to put their child in childcare and infant care please check the school properly especially their environment, what programs they offer, and teacher-child ratio...
Hi 5 to sahm! Hmm sometimes its really tiring, or bored.. esp now i've been staying w mil and only can stay in my room.. living rm v dirty, my gal cannot walk or crawl outside.. got cats hence wear shoes at home.. well quite limited space too.. its been a tough journey.. next mon i'm shifting out to my house finally! But it'll be just me n baby at home liao! But more clean space for her to roam around!

Hmm mummies, ya do consider the breastfeeding part and infant care.. it can be quite hard to wean off early.. recommended 6 months of breastfeeding.. :) Also depends on your baby and milk supply.. As for infant care.. bbs will normally fall sick to gain their immunity for 1st 4-6 mths.. must be prepared for sch closures due to hmfd too.. so alot of emergency leave or childcare leave.. :p i see my friend take till no more leave, both her husband n her had to negotiate w company to work from home.. I can't bear to see small babies sick.. the most tiring is the caretaker.. :p Well gotta weigh pros and cons.. before i gave birth, i thought i can easily go back to work and place bb in care of others.. but after bb is out, she meant so much to me.. can't bear to see her being under compromised care... so i quitted.. many ppl think i'm crazy.. coz i was actually due for a promotion to managerial level but i left my job.. well nothing means more than my family right now.. since my hubby n i can still work out the finances.. live simpler, but mind at ease.. we just bite our teeth and do it.. :) I believe everyone has their own situation to consider.. its nv easy to make a decision.. i've got friends who canmt stop working coz they just can't tahan facing their kids' demands 24-7! lol Or some who have financial commitments that cannot afford to go jobless.. sigh.. But whatever the case i hope you find the best option! ;) I planned to go back to work after afew years when my 2 babies are more stable.. well i still have to see how.. ;)
Wah meltie, really salute you leh.. able to give up your career advancement to take care of your baby.. even have to put up with the dirty environment and your mil!

I am currently not working as i want to rest more before the baby comes along in May14.. plus i have slipped disc problem as all the more i need to rest well.. but as I am staying with my in-laws as well, I really don't wish to be a stay-home mom after giving birth.. Not that my in-laws are bad people but because I know there are bound to be conflicts with the ways we bring up our kids between different generation.. My husband wants me to stay at home and look after our baby though.. Haix.. if we have our own house, I don't mind trying but......

However, I am unsure how soon should i start going out to work - 2 months later? cos as what meltie mentioned, whether or not I am breastfeeding also plays a part in the decision.. but if I want a nanny to look after my baby, I need to start sourcing around now liao right??? so I really don't know how... any suggestions mummies???