EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Yap I am one of those who cannot face the kid 24/7... I also dun like to be financially dependent. .. having to ask money from hubby for everything.

I personally do not like breastfeeding, if not for my hubby being very persistent, I would have gave up breastfeeding after 2 months. I think breast milk is only good when mummy has good diet and positive mood. Otherwise I think formula milk has more nutrients. I am a picky eater n really moody after birth, so I dun think I am giving my gal the best at that time.

To all first time mum, breastfeeding might not be as smooth sailing, do be prepared and do some read up so that u know what's going on.

I do not plan to store my baby's cord blood. I didn't do it for #1.
I tink simbaobao meant she cleared her detailed scan?

me too.. ive got no choice but to work so my girl gotta be cared for by babysitter.. and now #2 is coming, babysitter said she cant cope with 2.. so I tot it's better for my girl to go childcare than #2 go infantcare.. im planning to enrol my girl in the childcare in my office building.. went to recee a couple of times and once with hubby too.. nt too bad.. no bad vibes.. jus tat fees are a bit steep.. sighz.. but the sengkang childcare waitlist is horrible.. a fren was on the waitlist for 1yr and she is still on waitlist.. and there they are encouraging us to have more kids.. -_-" So mummies who are planning to put ur babies in infantcare or childcare, realli must start registering early.. apparently, horse is oso a v hot year.. I tot onli dragon yr is hot..

Charchia, I pm-ed u.. can u add me to the fb grp? Or Meltie, can u add me? Since u oredi noe my profile name from the Sep12 fb grp.. haha..


I think i'm in the same situation as you. My #1 is being taken care of by my helper at home, but I will ease her chores by putting my #1 to childcare after I return to work after my delivery. I have not gone to recee the childcare centres yet! I think most private childcare centres now are expensive. Easily can be above $1.2k even after subsidy.

How much did you pay for the childcare centre of your choice? Actually, I also dont know what to look for when I go to the school... Sigh!
Thanks meltie for the in for on HL leave. I do not know we can request for it. Then I shall opt for 2 weeks HL leave before my scheduled c-sec anytime after 18 May, work from home.

I decided to be stay at home mum after the 2nd bb born. Got a lot of work to hand over by 2015 since I am with this boss 11 years since I graduate fr school. Thinking of repeating the whole cycle of breastfeeding stress me up , first boy weaned off breastmilk at 15months in order for me to pregnant again. Not too sure how I can handle with 2 kids at home
This thread is really really fast!!! I dont know how to start replying to some of the interesting threads!!! Hahahaha!

I also dont plan to store the cord thingy, cos I also didnt do it for my #1. Hahaha! Simple decision!

Meltie, really salute you like what jessybebee mentioned! All the great sacrifices made! For me, I am not a very patient person to constantly attend to my #1 requests too. I can only be patient for a certain period of time.

I think it is not generally a bad option to put our #1 to childcare since exposing them to some illness can enhance and strengthen their immune system. Well, that's actually the reason for me to believe so as not to feel bad. And of course, I'll be super heartache to see my #1 fall sick. I think breastfeeding is the best milk to be given to our little ones. Nobody ever said breastfeeding is easy, especially with all the blocked ducts, engorgement plus all the diligent pumping and latching. But I'm sure it does strengthen the babies immunity to other diseases.
Meltie, your company and gynae is so nice to grant you the hospitalization leave. I learnt about hospitalization leave from my previous mummies forum.

But when I went to my gynae for that, he insisted me to stay 1 night at the hospital in order to grant me the HL (hospitalization leave). And after he gave me the form to enlist myself into a ward, I got a shock! I need to pay an upfront deposit of $2400 for the hospital stay!!! No joke! I still have that form with me. So of course after that, I totally forget about getting the HL altogether. I think my gynae is the super "on" type, who is not flexible enough to grant me the HL... Unlucky me! So now when i think of HL, i think of $2400. Hahaha!


Hi 5 to stay at home mum! Hmm sometimes its really tiring, or bored.. esp now i've been staying w mother in law and only can stay in my room.. living rm very dirty, my gal cannot walk or crawl outside.. got cats hence wear shoes at home.. well quite limited space too.. its been a tough journey.. next mon i'm shifting out to my house finally! But it'll be just me n baby at home ! But more clean space for her to roam around!

Hmm mummies, ya do consider the breastfeeding part and infant care.. it can be quite hard to wean off early.. recommended 6 months of breastfeeding.. :) Also depends on your baby and milk supply.. As for infant care.. bbs will normally fall sick to gain their immunity for 1st 4-6 mths.. must be prepared for sch closures due to hmfd too.. so alot of emergency leave or childcare leave.. :p i see my friend take till no more leave, both her husband n her had to negotiate w company to work from home.. I can't bear to see small babies sick.. the most tiring is the caretaker.. :p Well gotta weigh pros and cons.. before i gave birth, i thought i can easily go back to work and place baby in care of others.. but after baby is out, she meant so much to me.. can't bear to see her being under compromised care... so i quitted.. many ppl think i'm crazy.. coz i was actually due for a promotion to managerial level but i left my job.. well nothing means more than my family right now.. since my hubby n i can still work out the finances.. live simpler, but mind at ease.. we just bite our teeth and do it.. :) I believe everyone has their own situation to consider.. its never easy to make a decision.. i've got friends who canmt stop working coz they just can't tahan facing their kids' demands 24-7! lol Or some who have financial commitments that cannot afford to go jobless.. sigh.. But whatever the case i hope you find the best option! ;) I planned to go back to work after afew years when my 2 babies are more stable.. well i still have to see how.. ;)
Hi 5... We have so much in common... I live with my in-laws too... But most of time my daughter and I confine ourselves in the room coz they have 2 dogs... But now I have moved back to stay with my parents for the weekdays coz my in-laws all working and no one home, my parents plus at least got helper to help me... But weekends i will go back so that at least my daughter will have time to spend with the grandparents... I think our BTO will only be ready for collection at the second half of this year... I am also looking forward to my own home so that my children will have more space to roam and move about...


Hi mummies, do you intend to store your baby 's cord blood with cordlife?
No dun intend to store... coz my husband say since we are of the same blood type should be easy if help is needed... plus most of our family members having same blood group too... So in the end we donated my daughter's cord blood... For no. 2 we will also donate it...


Wah meltie, really salute you leh.. able to give up your career advancement to take care of your baby.. even have to put up with the dirty environment and your mil!

I am currently not working as i want to rest more before the baby comes along in May14.. plus i have slipped disc problem as all the more i need to rest well.. but as I am staying with my in-laws as well, I really don't wish to be a stay-home mom after giving birth.. Not that my in-laws are bad people but because I know there are bound to be conflicts with the ways we bring up our kids between different generation.. My husband wants me to stay at home and look after our baby though.. Haix.. if we have our own house, I don't mind trying but......

However, I am unsure how soon should i start going out to work - 2 months later? cos as what meltie mentioned, whether or not I am breastfeeding also plays a part in the decision.. but if I want a nanny to look after my baby, I need to start sourcing around now liao right??? so I really don't know how... any suggestions mummies???
jessybebee, if we can be stay home mum with our in-laws, i am sure u can do it too... No doubt there will be conflict but it will definitely be worth ur while especially being there to witness every of ur child's developmental milestone... With regards to the upbringing of your child in terms of method and discipline, u should talk to your husband since he also wants u to stay home and take care of the child... My husband and I talk alot on how we want to bring up our children so that we are on the same line thus we are able to reduce conflicts with my in-laws... my husband also will do his own research if he cant agree with me or my in-laws... we always make sure we got things to back up our ways of bringing up children...

if u need a nanny, u should start looking...


u can go to the cordbank, instead of telling them you want to store, u tell them u want to donate... My gynae told me of this donation... He say if it can save lives, dun waste it since i m not storing it... The people at the cordbank will explain to u all the procedure in details and how it is going to be used...


Meltie, your company and gynae is so nice to grant you the hospitalization leave. I learnt about hospitalization leave from my previous mummies forum.

But when I went to my gynae for that, he insisted me to stay 1 night at the hospital in order to grant me the HL (hospitalization leave). And after he gave me the form to enlist myself into a ward, I got a shock! I need to pay an upfront deposit of $2400 for the hospital stay!!! No joke! I still have that form with me. So of course after that, I totally forget about getting the HL altogether. I think my gynae is the super "on" type, who is not flexible enough to grant me the HL... Unlucky me! So now when i think of HL, i think of $2400. Hahaha!
Oh my goodness... My gynae also granted me 4 months HL so that I can defer my part-time studies...


For all those whom have not been added to the fb group, do pm me ur email address or facebook name... I will send you a friend request, please accept so that i can add u to the fb group... this method is better than email...


perkyperky, realli? private childcare are at least 1.2k after subsidy? the one at my office is Learning Vision and charging me 877 after subsidy and I tot tat's steep.. cos those I see in sengkang (nt learning vision la but myfirstskool and others) are all charging 600+ and below.. plus childcare is gonna be 7 to 7, which means I gotta settle dinner for my girl too.. wen she's with the babysitter, dinner is provided.. so headache lor.. im jus telling myself by e time she goes childcare, she can prob eat wat we are eating now.. so I dun hav to rush hme to cook for her..

hmm.. wen I go childcare visiting.. I usually pay attention to the environment (how clean, noise level, whether e kids are happy or not etc).. wen I spoke to the principal, she's friendly and willing to share.. not pushy and ask me to take my time to tink.. and say if need be I can keep visiting at various hours.. most imptly, wen I brought my girl along to recee, she's rather happy there (of cos I noe it may be another thing entirely if im nt there with her la).. so decided to give it a try.. but im still on waitlist for the sengkang childcare.. if there are vacancies, I may shift my girl back to sengkang..

jessybebee.. yes yes.. if u are contemplating leaving ur bb with babysitter.. have to start finding now.. not easy to find actualli..
Meltie, your company and gynae is so nice to grant you the hospitalization leave. I learnt about hospitalization leave from my previous mummies forum.

But when I went to my gynae for that, he insisted me to stay 1 night at the hospital in order to grant me the HL (hospitalization leave). And after he gave me the form to enlist myself into a ward, I got a shock! I need to pay an upfront deposit of $2400 for the hospital stay!!! No joke! I still have that form with me. So of course after that, I totally forget about getting the HL altogether. I think my gynae is the super "on" type, who is not flexible enough to grant me the HL... Unlucky me! So now when i think of HL, i think of $2400. Hahaha!

Oh, any mommies here seeing Dr Woo (from tiong bahru/punggol)? Does he give HL leave? I guess is still early for me to tell HR about my leave now right? Is it usually HR will approach us to discuss maternity leave or we have to inform them in advance?

I didnt know there's below $1k for private childcare centres! That's good to hear! Cos the one I went to, it's a total of $1.7k and after subsidy, it'll be about $1.4k. I think I'm very dumb leh...everything I do, all so exx... I must do more research! But I dont like the ones near my house.

Mummies, ask you all.... is it better to find a childcare nearer to your house or workplace? I think finding one near to my workplace is better, cos lunchtime I can always drop by and see my little one... Hehehe!
Wow, Winniemint! I heard this Dr Woo is one of the top most popular gynae in Singapore! You must have waited very long for every visits since he is so famous!


actualli I wanted to find one near my babysitter hse so she can help me fetch my girl and feed her dinner before we fetch my girl and bb back at night.. but alas, cant find any childcare centres near my babysitter.. so my next best choice is near office.. which like perkyperky said is nt without benefits cos can drop by to see them during lunch.. but if I need to OT, then I gotta bring her up to e office with me.. or on days my hubby cant send us, we will have to take cab cos I cannot imagine the morning crowd on train with a toddler by my side.. and if im on mc, then do I still send her to childcare (so far away!) or keep her home with me?

winniemint.. I din discuss maternity leave with hr until 1 week before im gg on leave.. even so, my hr is quite inflexible.. I tried asking if I can slot in childcare leave after 12wks of maternity leave and then continue e remaining 4wks after tat, he said no.. grrr.. so no point discussing oso.. he jus sent me the form to fill and reminded me to email him once I delivered so tat he can update e system accordingly..