EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Hi mummies, there is a Babycare Festival 2014 in Feb 2014! Keep a lookout..

Venue: Spore Expo Hall 6
Date: 21 - 23 Feb 2014
Time: 11am - 9pm (fri & sat) 11am - 8pm (sun)
Thanks Lingz12 and CharChia for the advice. Think I shall start searching for a nanny soon.. Intend to leave my baby there 3 months after delivery so I can start looking for a job.

I also hope that my mil will not turn for the worse after I have given birth.. I still have to stay with her for many years! my BTO won't be ready so soon as I couldn't get one despite trying for years till now I am even married and already pregnant -_-'' but I can anticipate her nag and nag and nag since she is already like this now.. haix..

As for antenatal class, I thought of joining TMC one but my hubby don't want to go, saying we will learn all the stuffs naturally after baby is out. Since some of you also mentioned that it is not very useful, then maybe I shall forget about joining then.

Hope everyone can have a smooth delivery here like perkyperky! machiam so easy hehe..

Tannie, I thought only scheduled c-sect on public holiday or ownself designated date will have additional charges? you mean natural or emergency c-sect also must pay additional? won't it be unfair since we have no control on such cases?


My no.1 was delivered at 39 weeks... My gynae also told me that No. 2 will be early.... My no.2 edd is 16 May 2014 but i m praying will arrive on 13 May 2014, Vesak day... Coz my no.1 was born on 24 May 2013, Vesak day too... Then according to chinese calendar they will be exactly one year apart...

My no. 1 birth experience:
I didn't have any contraction pain, water bag burst or bleeding... I just have severe back pain starting from 7am and my husband was still deep in sleep and I keep going to the toilet to pee... Suddenly the pain was so sharp till tears fall and I woke my husband up to help me get up and move about as it will ease the pain... Immediately I called my mum coz according to the gynae how your mum give birth the symptoms will be somehow similar... That was when I know the baby was arriving... My hubby helped me shower one last time coz I had difficulty standing straight and drank a bottle of chicken essence before heading straight to the hospital with my in-laws...
Upon reaching the hospital (about 12pm already), we realise that the gynae was overseas on business exchange... really painc coz dunno what will happen... But lucky he kept in constant contact with the nurses and they reassure us he will be at the hospital at 5pm to help deliver... They induce and broke the water bag, when i was 4cm dilated then inject the epidural to help me lessen the pain but i realise actually once they induce and break my water bag there wasn't much pain so i hardly increase the dosage of epidural... At 5pm, the gynae appeared and check in and told me roughly what time baby will arrive and very true when he return at the said time, I was fully dilated and baby was arriving... But i already got not much strength to push coz i was already in the labour ward for about 10 hours... So he use the vacuum method and baby arrived at 2239hrs...
The next day was a headache for me too... I couldn't pee at all and had to rely on tube and urine bag... Can fill bladder is full but is not flowing and had to be on observation for 24hrs... Baby all cleared and can be discharged but i can't so in the end both stay additional one more day... Luckily after that managed to pee so can discharge...

Now I hope everything will be even more smooth for no. 2... They always say birth process will get easier and easier... But my mum told me otherwise coz her birth birth process from first to fifth gets longer, i m just praying that will not be my case...
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wa Tannie, really? Delivering on 1st May will incur additional charges? Actually im kinda hoping my boy will arrive on labour day leh.. Then same bdae as hubby, same born in yr of horse, same horoscope and same gender.. Plus it oso means his bdae falls on a public holiday every yr! But if got additional charges then maybe I shall tok to my boy and ask him dun come out so early.. Must save $$.. hahaha..

I went for TMC antenatal class too.. oso paid 300+ after fbi discount.. actualli some of the stuff they shared are common sense.. but some of them are quite new to me.. esp e breastfeeding tok.. I realli noe nuts about it.. after e talk I wun say im am expert but it prepared me on wat to expect.. just like those classes on baby care.. no doubt u probably wun rem in detail wat was taught, but as first time parents, i felt it prepared me for wat is to come.. The breathing technique to me is quite useless though.. haha.. maybe im doing it all wrong during labour? and ya like Tannie said.. if I dun go and ask hubby to read up instead, he wun.. so I tink e classes are good as I can drag him along and make him feel more involved and tat baby care is as much my responsibility and it is his and how much support from him I need during labour and oso breastfeeding..


Maybe u all should check with ur respective hospital is it is more expensive to give birth on public holiday coz from what I know is only if u choose the specific date to induce or c-sect...


Jessiebebee, if u din not join antenatal class, u can join their briefing when u r in the hospital after birth. I think TMC n mount A have that. They will teach u basic baby care, foc. Try to breastfeed at the hospital, they will have lactation nurse to guide u, consult them if u hv any problem, it's foc when u r in the hospital. Once u r out, consultation cost $$$.

I remember seeing the lactation nurse when I have bad engorgement. .. cost me almost $90 to clear the engorgement.
Jessiebebee, if u din not join antenatal class, u can join their briefing when u r in the hospital after birth. I think TMC n mount A have that. They will teach u basic baby care, foc. Try to breastfeed at the hospital, they will have lactation nurse to guide u, consult them if u hv any problem, it's foc when u r in the hospital. Once u r out, consultation cost $$$.

I remember seeing the lactation nurse when I have bad engorgement. .. cost me almost $90 to clear the engorgement.
Thanks Tannie! : ) I shall remember to go for those briefing after giving birth..
Ya! KKH is so personalized! Same as Mount E, only the lactation nurse will go to your room to teach and guide you on latching and breastfeeding.

Charchia, how come you cannot pee after delivery? For my case, I need to pee through the tube when I was on epidural while waiting for bigger dilation cos I cannot feel the muscles contracting and extracting when on epi. You mean you cannot feel any contractions once induced and once the water bag is broken?

I'm also hoping my #2 will be as smooth and fast. Actually I feel my gynae is super pro cos when he was delivering my baby. He told me the umbilical cord went around my baby's neck 3 rounds! But at that point when he told me, he was very very calm. Same as the midwives. They were all very calm and "zai"... Definitely a very good birthing experience for me!


perky perky, I also dunno y cannot pee... lol... doctor say sometimes is like that... but I think might be an effect of epidural... later part can feel contraction pain but not really strong maybe due to spinal pain and epidural...


New Member
I saved my girl's cord blood with Cordlife, and intend to do the same for no. 2. I'm extra kiasu because FIL had leukemia and one of the main uses of cord blood is for this illness. Of course I pray never to have to use it.

I also attended pre-natal classes at Mt A for no. 1. I didn't find it useful. Really, you'll learn everything when the baby comes. Also, if you intend to get an epidural then the class, which covers breathing techniques for pain control during giving birth is not very useful.


Wow! Nice to hear the birth stories here! I would like to share mine!

I gave birth exactly on my EDD 24th Sept 2012 , at 40 weeks! Waited and waited till that day. Once 12mn hit, i just got home from dinner at Chilis with my friends..tried to sleep but as usual got to pee.. but after that came the cramps and had diarrhea.. i thought it was more of food poisoning or something wrong that i ate.. after emptying out my bowels afew times, i started to feel funny as cramps kept coming. I even had to go on forum to ask how contractions really feel.. and googled about it.. i started noting the intervals and found out it was around 10 mins! Between that i tried to sleep and went to pee alot.. and around 2am i think my waterbag broke as i felt a trickle and saw pinkish urine. So i sort of confirmed i'm going to be in labor .. but was too tired so tried to sleep alittle. Told hubby to sleep in more as i noted intervals.. finally about 5am i saw 3-5mins, and i went to bathe , woke hubby up and called gynae. Gynae told me to admit immediately. By the time i flew down to glenE in my car, i was having 2-3 mins intervals..it was painful...! Haha my threshold is very low. Admitted abt 6.30am, 2 mins interval, labor ward nurse said i'm crazy to wait so long.. i was in pain and immediately asked for epidural. 7plus anaesthetist came and administer , pain lesser. Watched some US awards show on tv as hubby snoozed. Nurse tried to check dilation and it was only abt 1cm, gynae told me she'll put something in drip to induce contractions .. and estimated me to give birth ard 5pm in the day. I waited and told hubby to go back to get hot pack for me as i started shivering and my hands froze due to the drip. Had some milo n bread, tried to rest but the strap around my belly was too tight and painful.. epidural on my legs made them feel like dead n numb. My dilation was slow, around 10plus was 2cm? 12plus 5-6cm i think. But then everything accelarated around 2pm, heartbeat monitor sounded off , bb suddenly moved alot and nurse checked i was suddenly 10cm, hence asked gynae to come. 2.15pm She said i was ready to push but gynae came around 10 mins later.. 2.20pm she v pro asked me to prop my legs which i totally had no control and the labor nurses hold one each side, use hands to push baby down.. i pushed for ard 10-15mins and bb came out at 2.37pm. In between i had dry throat and coughed like mad, asked for water but they refuse, but i was so dry that i started coughing and throwing up.. hubby stuffed plastic bag in my face with puke in ot and i threw up even more. I had no energy or feeling to push, used facial muscles when asked... but gynae said the coughing helped to push the baby out .. :p Phew.. Hmm but i had piles and haemorroids after that. :( pain pain. My hang plug came off after delivery, and i hated i serting another one, so gynae put a suppository up my ass for pain relief, but i developed a reaction to it. Eyes swelled up and had fever. 1st night was terrible and weak n still had to try breastfeed bb through the night. But it subsided after a night.

Hmm after that my life was changed 360deg, nv the same again. Haha! Breastfeeding was tough! My bb shared same blood grp as hubby and different frm me, so had jaundice on day 1, also she super fair and got high white blood cell
count.. by day 2 PD advised to admit her to NICU for monitoring. I was super stressed and worried, saw many tubes ard bb and she had to undergo phototherapy. Cried like mad.. visited her to feed her in icu. I discharged (with CL problems), but went back to visit baby to latch and meanwhile pumped like mad at home.. afew drops of colustrum.. I did not get to rest as i pumped 3hrly, went in n out of hosp. She came home at Day 4, but at Day 6 had high fever overnight and i admitted her again. This time 5 more days advised by PD to go on antibiotic drip. Suspected meningitis and PD extracted spinal fluid which was super super painful for her. She literally screamed her lungs out for 2 hrs during and after that. I did not rest and even pumped in icu for her coz they had to keep her under phototherapy. Wah i was super stressed! After 5 days of shuttling, she was cleared and finally got home! Visited PD almost every few days for monitoring and she had reflux at 3 weeks and COLIC! Cried like mad inconsolably for 5 hrs. Every night after 7pm was crazy for hubby n me.. she cried non stop .. latched her and she drank n puked n reflux. Aiyo those were the days. Her colic went on for ard 4 mths and reflux up to 7mths.. My bb oso had to undergo a surgery at 3mths as we suddenly found out she had hernia coz a gap did not close at her right groin area.. according to docs, its common?! And surgery were afew cases a day kind. Well to me my bb was the first i heard.. lol haha on off i had mastitis twice n blocked ducts many times.. crazy crazy journey.. but looking back, its all worth it.. :) Hope my 2nd one is alot easier...

Hope i didn't scare any of u!

Hmm i found the pre-natal classes gave me an overview of what to expect la, better than nothing. Also hubby got more involved n knew that it wasnot ez when it came. :) After delivery, the hospital has lactation nurses to help, they have parentcraft classes on-going during your stay. Personally i had no time to attend.. either was latching or resting, entertaining visitors.. phew.. i got the contact for lactation consultant to ask qns.. bb was not latching properly hence i constantly had sore nipples. Even afew times she puked or regurgitated blood which scared ne, but turns out it should be the blood frm me.. :p ouch ouch.. :p

Ya! I paid $90 consult at for the lactation consultant to clear my blocked ducts at 2mths! After that i learn n tried to clear myself..

Sorry for the long post! :)


Wow Meltie, what a tough journey for u, ur hubby n baby. I think I shld stop complaining. I have my water bag burst at home in the morning on a sat. I hope will be same this time haha, I always wonder what happen if water bag just burst while working or shopping...
Meltie, what an experience! Thanks for sharing your birth story.

Can you share how did the lactation nurse teach you to clear the ducts? There was once I had engorgement and blocked ducts. Called my hospital to book an appointment with the lactation nurse but she was very good and patient. Taught me over the phone and even told me it's a waste of money to go to her.

The lactation nurse told me step by step on how to express the milk by hand and squeeze all the milk out by pressing the nodes around the breasts area. She also suggested putting cold cabbage. When I asked if cold cabbage will dip my supply, she calmly told me no, it wont. And indeed, it didnt decrease my supply.


Meltie, what an experience! Thanks for sharing your birth story.

Can you share how did the lactation nurse teach you to clear the ducts? There was once I had engorgement and blocked ducts. Called my hospital to book an appointment with the lactation nurse but she was very good and patient. Taught me over the phone and even told me it's a waste of money to go to her.

The lactation nurse told me step by step on how to express the milk by hand and squeeze all the milk out by pressing the nodes around the breasts area. She also suggested putting cold cabbage. When I asked if cold cabbage will dip my supply, she calmly told me no, it wont. And indeed, it didnt decrease my supply.
Hi perky perky.. hmm quite hard to put in words.. Key is to press veryvery hard! Coz the blocked ducts can be from nipples radial out to the lump. So lactation consultant asked me to squeeze the tip of nipplen around ut, massage and try to clear the entrance, then massage and press very hard with index n third finger from end of breast towards nipple. Just keep massaging the lump and around it to clear.. at the sane time u can hand express to relieve the engorgement. You can do so in a warm shower too.. can keep pressing as your breast is warmed up. I tried cabbage, did not really work. I just had to keep pressing. Even got bruise and abrasion .. sigh battle scars lol..but better than blocked! I kena mastitis twice with sudden high fever that spiked for a week.. got baby to suck but can't , and i tried pumping , my nipples sore and cracked, couldn't pump.. in the end i hand expressed like mad.. imagine pumping 200ml combined for both breasts.. i take almost an hour and my hands were all tired ... squirt everywhere.. but i found achievement when i could clear a duct!!! Felt alot better!!
Hehehehe! YEAH! Great satisfaction there indeed, Meltie!

I think hand express is good! Very effective. Last time when I pump, it is always in pathetic droplets. After I hand express, the milk will squirt out from different "holes" of the nipples into the bottle. See already, super satisfied! Hahahahaha! Now I just bought that Medela pump, wonder if it will really help me with it. If I go back to hand expressing, then my money will be gone to waste.

Mummies, how are you all feeling now? I'm getting quite worried cos my colleagues mostly commented that my bump is rather small for week 27... How can we compare with the first pregnancy bump? I get many questions of "is your tummy bigger now or your first pregnancy?"

I'm like, how to compare?!?!?!!!


My tummy is bigger!!!! Wah just 2 days ago i was at a furniture shop and this staff asked me how many months i am.. and whether i will give birth during cny.. gosh! I was thinking, my tummy so big meh??! I told her i due in May!!!

Perkyperky, medela is gd.. which pump u got? I wonder if i shld go buy a new one.. :p or use back the medela mini electric duo which is many yrs old passed frm friend.. but my supply was gd.. in fact had some oversupply .. pumped like 300ml at one go?! Hmm my gynae gave Lactagreek which helped tremendously.. advised me to take immediately after giving birth.. sort of a better jumpstart? i started having gd supply quite early as i pumped most for 1st 2 weeks to bring to hosp.. more than my bb could drink. They supplemented with infant formula to tid the jaundice.. sigh oh ya i said ok to pacifier in icu.. so my bb had some nipple confusion when she came back home.. bite me like siao.. But i couldn't bear to see her scream and wail her lungs out through all the procedures, blood tests, extraction, discomfort... :p She was a strong bb , everytime will try to pull off the plastic plug from her little hand.. :p always visit her n see blood ... they had to pin her hand down with a bigbig plank pillow.. and swaddle the other hand to prevent herself from pulling it.. :p that's my 1 week plus bb.. hahaa :p Even at 3 mths when i brought her to nuh for operation.. she was still chirpy and so happy after operation.. sang song and talked to her toys, even abdominal got stitches, she could roll over and do tummy time and talk to me.. and of course she pulled out her plug in her hand again.. found the needle early in the morning beside her .. haha i was sleeping beside her in the cot.. :p