EDD May 2014 (maybe)


oh my goodness... really every birth story is so different... and everyone experience different things... it is good to share so that we know we are not alone...

Not sure how many mummies bought pre-pregnancy insurance... I bought for No.1 but didn't for no. 2 coz i find too much overlap plus my hubby intend to insure our child once eligible... I find nowadays insurance for young ones are very important coz you never know when they fall sick... my no.1 was hospitalise for about a week when she was about 2 months plus going 3 months... She had severe diarrhea till her butt was raw from all the washing and cleaning plus she had reflux... Lucky we had insurance to help if not dunno how to pay on a single income..
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yaya.. me too.. tinking shld I buy another pump.. I was using medela freestyle earlier but towards e end I tink suction nt as good liao.. or mayb my boobs are immune.. but I oso din realli exercise care on my pump la.. I din dry e pump parts so water got into the tubes and into e motor I tink.. somewhat affecting the performance.. shld I get a new one? hmm..

yes yes.. my bump is definitely bigger as compared to first pregnancy.. my receptionist oso ask me if I can dong till CNY.. I told her can la, I due in May.. She's quite shocked.. haha..

my girl was induced at 39wks cos water level critically low.. I hope boy boy stay in there till EDD la.. and hopefully no need induce again.. im like a newbie mummy all over.. my gynae still need to warn me wat signs to look out for if in labour cos I din experience those for my first pregnancy.. she says she will brief me in detail nearer EDD.. hehe.. I oso always wonder wat would happen if my water broke in office or in the mrt or wen im walking in e middle of nowhere.. haha..


I din buy e prenatal insurance for #1 and not planning to buy for #2 too.. But we did buy after #1 comes out and will do the same after #2 comes out.. I oso tink insurance v important, u nvr noe wen u will need it.. anyway not a huge sum oso.. 买一个安心.. ;)
I bought the Medela PISA (Pump in style). It's so diligent of you to be pumping during the 1st 2 weeks after you gave birth, meltie! I think that could also be the cause of your oversupply, which is great isn't it!? I hope this pregnancy, I can breastfeed past a year. I only breastfed my first for 7 months. Anyway, what is that "LACTAGREEK" your gynae introduced? Can easily buy it in pharmacies? I'm sure if this helps in increasing supply, many mummies here will be very interested!

I also bought the insurance for my #1 before she was born, I doubt I will do the same for #2. But I will get #2 the same insurance policies I bought for my first when the age is ripe.

Yes! It is really interesting to be hearing all the birth experiences and our experiences will definitely be helpful to those first-time mummies! I was lucky my baby didnt have jaundice at all. She was discharged the same day I got discharged too; which I only stayed for a night. I could feel mummies with their babies having to stay in the hospital. Being a mom now, I will also cry my heart out. Ok, let's put these unhappy moments aside. It's CNY soon and goodies time!!!

Any 2nd time mummies bo chup and had oysters and sashimi during their 2nd pregnancy? Or any first-time mummies eat any of those? In fact, I ate oysters and salmon sashimi during the xmas season last year. I told my gynae and he didnt utter much. He just asked if the restaurant I went to is a well-known one. I told him, it's a buffet dinner I had at Carousel and he smiled. After my 2nd trimester, i will not touch oysters and sashimi. I'm just afraid I have too much. So all the yu sheng with raw salmon, i have to treat it as I dont see them in it! :(


lol... for my first and second pregnancy i have been eating oyster and sashimi once in awhile from 1st to last trimester... Usually i will eat one serving of salmon about 6 slices and 2 oysters at buffet... Hehe... The only thing I really try to avoid is bird nest coz excessive amount will cause phlegm, cough and asthma in newborn... Alot of my friends who eat it at least once a month or week has this problem with their newborn... even my gynae say dun take too much...


haha.. for my 1st pregnancy, I was a totally good girl and followed e books.. No sashimi, no oyster, no cny lou hei.. For this pregnancy I was a little bit more adventurous.. haha.. had a few slices of sashimi which I quickly washed down with warm water.. haha.. as for oyster I still dun dare eat those big raw ones.. but I eat those oyster egg.. haha.. in fact I jus asked my gynae on tuesday.. she said actually after first trimester, risk is lower oredi.. but her advice is to still avoid raw food as much as possible, even half-boiled eggs.. Sobz.. She say if realli realli must eat, 1-2 slices of sashimi onli.. But CNY lou hei she say better dun.. :(

I took bird nest once a week starting second trimester for my first pregnancy.. those home-cooked ones la.. my girl turns out ok.. for this pregnancy I jus started bird nest yest.. will oso cook once a week till delivery ba..


I had medela swing... thinking of getting dual pump this time but not sure which brand to get, find medela abit costly. .. heard can trade in, will check it out.


New Member
Hi mummies, thank you for sharing ur birth experience. Meltie, ur birth experience seems like a roller coaster! I hope all mummies dun have to go thru that. You're a brave mummy!
I signed up for thomson medical prenatal class although I'm giving birth at Mount A. Cause Mrs Wong Boh Bui from thomson medical is very famous so I went for her class at AMK hub. I feel the lessons help prepare me for what is going to happen. Partly I also want my hubby to be involved with me and know what is going to happen in the delivery ward. After I watch the delivery video, I was quite afraid..lol..
My tummy is getting so big that there was once when I am queueing in the toilet, the auntie behind me asked if I am delivering soon. I told her it's due in May and she seems quite shocked. Most of the times when I am sitting down, I feel the left side of my gastric is numb, gynae says probably it's the baby pressing against the nerves. I can't slouch or I will feel breathless, as if something pressing...
Last nite ard 10 pm suddenly I felt my heart racing and chest tightness. Like as if there is stone slabs on my chest. I was so worried I couldn't slp. This morning went to see gynae and he suspect I may have high thyroid hormones and he recommend for blood test which will be out 3 days later.
Did any mummies experience high thyroid hormones before? Is there any cause of concern? Gynae says if really it's high thyroid, then I will need to take medications which is safe for baby. But I worry why in the first place I have high thyroid hormones.
haha.. for my 1st pregnancy, I was a totally good girl and followed e books.. No sashimi, no oyster, no cny lou hei.. For this pregnancy I was a little bit more adventurous.. haha.. had a few slices of sashimi which I quickly washed down with warm water.. haha.. as for oyster I still dun dare eat those big raw ones.. but I eat those oyster egg.. haha.. in fact I jus asked my gynae on tuesday.. she said actually after first trimester, risk is lower oredi.. but her advice is to still avoid raw food as much as possible, even half-boiled eggs.. Sobz.. She say if realli realli must eat, 1-2 slices of sashimi onli.. But CNY lou hei she say better dun.. :(

I took bird nest once a week starting second trimester for my first pregnancy.. those home-cooked ones la.. my girl turns out ok.. for this pregnancy I jus started bird nest yest.. will oso cook once a week till delivery ba..

Lingz12, why did your gynae said if really must eat sashimi, 1-2 slices is ok. But CNY lou hei cannot?
I also just started bird nest (home-made boiled type) few weeks back. My gynae basically didnt say anything about what is good and not good for pregnancy. He just told me to do everything in moderation. But I didnt touch on half-boiled eggs at all.

I just had a super filling lunch! I said I will refrain from the raw salmon in yu sheng, but I didnt. Hehehe! Just went to eat at Taste Paradise. BURP!!! Nice~~~


perkyperky, dunno leh.. I tink maybe cos sashimi usually u eat in reputable restaurants and are freshly prepared? whilst those lou hei ones the raw fish dunno prepared since when? dunno leh.. she jus told me best is dun eat at all..

ST Woo

Hi meltie, your birth experience was really very wonderful. You are a brave mummy. Thanks for sharing your story and also to mummy who shared your stories.
Thanks mummies for sharing your birth experiences! at least I got a better idea of what it is like.. but still don't really dare to watch too much video/pictures on delivery.. ownself scare ownself only hehe.. what we must go through will eventually comes anyway..

I did eat sashimi every now and then from 1st trimester till now cos really cannot resist! well, my gynae did say it is ok to eat everything in moderation, including sashimi, raw oysters, pineapple etc etc.. I have been eating lots of half boiled eggs and sunny side ups too cos they are my favourite! I can eat them everyday lo! i guess it's ok ya?

The only thing the gynae asks me to stop is alcohol which is so sad bcos I love drinking! but well, since the gynae explicitly said no, I did not touch any.. hmmm, rum n raisin ice cream and tiramisu not counted right? haha.. bcos I still eat those..

As for bird's nest, is it really required to drink? what is the benefit? I did not drink any as I don't think they are of any benefit but actually I also don't know what's the good of bird's nest la.. anyone also never drink bird's nest at all?
perkyperky, dunno leh.. I tink maybe cos sashimi usually u eat in reputable restaurants and are freshly prepared? whilst those lou hei ones the raw fish dunno prepared since when? dunno leh.. she jus told me best is dun eat at all..
Ahhh! I see! Ok, now I get the picture!


Thanks mummies for your encouragement! I had a steep learning curve! Motherhood is just super challenging and you are sure up to the job coz u're a mum! hahaa I just persevered .. ignore the negative others are nagging at the side.. plus those by my 2 CLs! what a nightmare! Imagine i tried to wean off pacifier and establish latching after bb came back frm hosp and CL keep nagging say bb cry coz hungry want infant formula and only way to stop crying is by using pacifier?! everyday nagged me to get pacifier.. aiyo .. so its impt that ur whole household encourage and is pro-breastfeeding! After confinement, mil n mum started their rantings.. aiyo all those 'fridge' milk causes gas whatsoever, breastmilk too thin bb hungry.. they dun believe in colic , say its my milk.. blah.. den after 4 mths keep bugging me to start solids.. i dragged till 6 mths.. den whatever i feed oso kenna asked and said.. up till yesterday night ! Mil asked me why i boiling soup for bb n cooking porridge.. blah.. say my porridge not enough taste for bb la.. etc etc.. well .. being a mum i'm already used to being 'stubborn'. Know whats right and stick to it. :)

Jiayou mummies on ur journey! Wah my new chapter is new house next monday and upcoming no.2! Hope everything can be managed well! ;)

Ya.. those salmon for yusheng not as fresh as those frm restaurants cut like sashimi type.. so be careful.. my fren suggested i eat abalaone yusheng instead lol.. ;)

I still eat sashimi once in awhile.. wah cannot resist.. go buffet.. n eat those shiok maki.. lol.. oysters i have not centured.. only some crabs..

Insurance wise i did sign up with prudentiall for their pru-first gift plan when i was having my no.1.. through all the complications, none could be claimable except those birth defects kind.. so kind of no use.. even convert to bb's life insurance oso nothing much. gonna stop it.. bought a comprehensive coverage for hospitalization for bb after she was born.. really dunno when she will fall sick.. Will do so for no.2..


yes yes.. it is very impt for the family to be pro-breastfeeding.. my parents were not, furthermore they raised me on formula milk.. so my dad will keep asking me wen im gg to let my girl take fm.. and tat bm is not nutritious enuff etc.. as for my mum I jus send her all those articles I read on breastfeeding.. and cos my girl has eczema, PD recommends I breastfeed as long as I can.. my mum goes along with me to these PD appts so she more or less understands e importance of breastfeeding..

my hubby oso nt v supportive.. everytime I whine and complain on the pains and efforts of breastfeeding, he will jus say give fm lor.. or wen my girl was gg thru a phase of rejecting milk, he will say things like my girl sianz of bm oredi, shld let her try fm.. I was so upset with him.. but I jus perservered.. it was like fighting a solo battle.. but I dun wan myself to regret in future.. in fact I kinda regret stopping breastfeeding wen my girl turns 1 cos her eczema realli flared up bad.. but no choice.. the pregnancy hormones caused my supply to dip so much tat pumping such a low volume is demoralising and my girl oso got impatient latching on at night.. hopefully can breastfeed #2 longer! nowadays my girl will still point at my boobs and say neh neh.. wen I ask her if she wans mummy's neh neh, she shook her head and walked away.. sad..

as for starting solid food, my parents, mil and babysitter nagged me to start at 4mths too.. I oso dragged and dragged till 6mths.. I tink cos now we noe more, but wat we noe is in conflict with how our parents raise us in e past, so it becomes such a torture.. After going thru one round with my girl, I hope they are more receptive this time and stop nagging me so much.. if not realli gotta one ear in, another ear out..