Edd nov 2011


hi all nov mummies, how are you all feeling now?

i feel that i am getting tired more easily.. like feeling groggy and head heavy. sometimes also legs ache very easily (the calves there).. only after a few meter of walking, or just standing to do laundry. i feel so useless now.... fat and useless. can't do much in the day time.. only feel like eating and sleeping all the time. and put on so much weight... really like some fat and useless pig :embarrassed:


New Member

there's a store selling bb clothes and stuff at a shophouse opposite amk polyclinic. Think it is ang mo kio blk 722. u can go down and take a look if u happen to be in amk. (walking distance from the interchange)


I have also not started packing the bag. Didn't move on to that stage yet because I still have things not prepared for bb. e.g. baby cot, car seats, bathing tub, signing up for cordblood bank (still thinking which one) ... so much things to do and only free to do during weekends.

Sherwawa, I also heard that drinking plain water will cause water retention, but I really dunno how I can survive with just red dates water for one month as I am a plain water lover.


Hi didy,

I get more tired easily too especially if I go shopping for too long. Nowadays cannot walk too long, and cannot sit too long. If I sit down too long, the lower abdomen part will be a bit stressful also. My leg, also calves area will get cramp at night when I try to stretch my legs...

I gotto eat every 2 - 3 hours haha, like tamaguchi. So I always try to have a bread / muffins / cake in my bag, this will ensure that bb have unlimited supply of food (kiasu lah).. but sometimes I really ran out of idea of what to eat, very sian to eat the same thing over and over again. My main craving is sweet sweet stuff like donuts, which is not so healthy, but that makes me happy ;)

hi all nov mummies, how are you all feeling now?

i feel that i am getting tired more easily.. like feeling groggy and head heavy. sometimes also legs ache very easily (the calves there).. only after a few meter of walking, or just standing to do laundry. i feel so useless now.... fat and useless. can't do much in the day time.. only feel like eating and sleeping all the time. and put on so much weight... really like some fat and useless pig :embarrassed:


hi all nov mummies, how are you all feeling now?

i feel that i am getting tired more easily.. like feeling groggy and head heavy. sometimes also legs ache very easily (the calves there).. only after a few meter of walking, or just standing to do laundry. i feel so useless now.... fat and useless. can't do much in the day time.. only feel like eating and sleeping all the time. and put on so much weight... really like some fat and useless pig :embarrassed:

I Also feel more tired these days. Usu I wld go for walks twice a day but for the last week I Ve been too lazy n tired to go for walk. My bed us my fav place now. So I am also a pig, haha. I guess probably mother nature wanted us to rest more at third trimester b4 the burden of motherhood hit us.

Other den red dates n Logan drinks for confinement . There re a lot more choices. I Ve been reading a fair bit co's my confinement is DIY wif my mother. You can get these confinement receipes in popular book shop or library.


New Member
I Also feel more tired these days. Usu I wld go for walks twice a day but for the last week I Ve been too lazy n tired to go for walk. My bed us my fav place now. So I am also a pig, haha. I guess probably mother nature wanted us to rest more at third trimester b4 the burden of motherhood hit us.

Other den red dates n Logan drinks for confinement . There re a lot more choices. I Ve been reading a fair bit co's my confinement is DIY wif my mother. You can get these confinement receipes in popular book shop or library.
i guess all mummies start to feel the same le.. get easily tired .. I jus went for sat appt n doc say my baby ga is 1.4kg at 30 weeks.. He mention that the baby is normal weight but my stomach abit big so ask mi cut down abit.. hehehe..

I went to chinese medical shop n there is auntie saying dun drink too much red dates drink cos baby become yellowish.. Dun know how true..

Anyone got any recommendation for confinement tingkat?


hi mummies, thanks for all the comforting words. glad to know that its ok to feel tired. by the way, do you know if soy milk or eating soy bean curd is good or bad for baby? i don't drink often but i really like it.. but read some places, its not good if i'm carrying a boy cos soy contains female hormones like estrogen. is it true? and also.. do you know if mee chiang kueh (the one sold at jolli bean) is fattening? i'm super craving for it..


New Member
hi mummies, thanks for all the comforting words. glad to know that its ok to feel tired. by the way, do you know if soy milk or eating soy bean curd is good or bad for baby? i don't drink often but i really like it.. but read some places, its not good if i'm carrying a boy cos soy contains female hormones like estrogen. is it true? and also.. do you know if mee chiang kueh (the one sold at jolli bean) is fattening? i'm super craving for it..
I got several mummies say den drink soya beans is gd for baby gal (their face will be smooth) but for baby boy dun drink too much become CC.. dun know how true.. Soya is form of protein so i guess it ok to drink..


Soya bean and curd is very good for boy or girl becoz of the protein, no problem to hv on daily basis.
My concern is they put too much syrup, just ask them put lesser.
The mee chiang kueh thin crispy one is better than the thick fluffy one, thick one more flour mah.
Eat when u wan, our diet will be here in no time!!!!

hi mummies, thanks for all the comforting words. glad to know that its ok to feel tired. by the way, do you know if soy milk or eating soy bean curd is good or bad for baby? i don't drink often but i really like it.. but read some places, its not good if i'm carrying a boy cos soy contains female hormones like estrogen. is it true? and also.. do you know if mee chiang kueh (the one sold at jolli bean) is fattening? i'm super craving for it..


hehe, glad u gals like it, since I'm free and "bed bound" at home over the weekends, so must well do up the list, easy for reference. :p

shebride, welcome on board!! will update ur's and the rest EDD when I reach home :D

durianfan: i c ic, ya agree age is also a factor. Jia you in working towards a normal range results!

hotmilktea and mummyjan both of u r fast in packing!! Haha.. I only do up the list on what to pack, anyway right now, I can't bend down and move too much so can't even pack at all. Such a bad timing to have my leg injury..

I'm ready any time, but my cupboard, luggage is not pack yet, coz moving back with my parents place to do my confinement. Hubby tired from work also, don't want to disturb him.

escago: I think no matter what we can't escape the marks >.<

didy: I feeling tired, exhausted, weak and breathless. Coz both leg no strength so I'm like controlling my whole body movement, makes me feel even more breathless > tired....

My hubby help me do a bit of laundry, and I stay in bed or sitting down the whole weekend. I also feel useless.. ;'( some more every night he help me make milk, wear stocking, fetching me to and back from work, (he got to push his appointment or rush his paper work) feel so bad... r=so I totally understand how u feel!!

Soya milk is good but not for the soya beancurd or tofu. Coz beancurd and tofu ingredients consists of "shi gao fen", not sure how u call that in english. They said its not good for baby airway. Can eat but eat in moderation or lesser. So take soya milk better.

yap must prepare red dates drink! My sister MIL made for her the moment she gave birth. They said water even hot water will coz water retention.
But i think only drink it after u give birth not during birth lei, coz not only for water retention for getting rid of "wind" something like that


ahhh...my next visit will be doing the swab test as well, no wonder i keep looking at my card for week 34 and wonder the $97 is for what. cant be for pelvic check which is week 36.

our babies almost same weight at 32, mine is 1.87kg. i also start washing the mittens and botties first yesterday, oh my god so tiny and cute lah.
i wash bit by bit everyday , so i wun be too bored.

Hi Missyqiqi, so sweet of u for consolidating up all nov mummies edd. My EDD is 3 Nov, bb boy delivering at MAH.

Juz bck frm gynae's appt. last sat. BB's weight nw 1.8kg at wk 32. BB's head facing down & my glucose test all ok. *Phew...

Next visit gonna do virginal swab to chk for any yeast infection.

Yesterday do some little packing for my delivery bag wif my hubby & some washing for bb's clothing... Feel so excited, a month plus to go....

R all Nov mummies ready??!


i realize that if i am shopping i still can manage to walk a lot without complaining :p
but i feel really impatient when pple walk too slow in front of me or when my hubby suggest to eat japanese food then later say korean food, i will flare up because mentally i am prepared to eat tempura udon already !
its true we get more emotional , i wasnt like this for the past trimesters. i also cried easily, like i cried coz the mooncake is so nice to eat (mooncake is my fav fav fav festival) and i cried when i got the stupid PUPPS rashes crap. i feel fat too but i didnt really control my eating because i dun hv cravings for too sinful things, so is ok. hormones overflow la !!!!


Thanks shebride and didy. will go and check them out.

didy - your craving now was mine few weeks ago.. I love min jian kueh and bought 2 pieces freshly made at the market whenever I went groceries shopping. The peanuts were the finely chopped ones unlike the jolllibean paste type. The craving lasted for a couple of weeks.

Yupz, like most mummies here, I also get tired easily now especially when I am home.. but when I am out shopping, I can go on and on but will need to sit down in between. My legs will become more crampy and feet tighter as the day proceed.

Hub will massage my legs every nite to ease the water retention and these few days, he supersweet... he helped me to shower too :shyxxx: I just enjoy the pampering now especially the 二人世界 :red:
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Thanks shebride and didy. will go and check them out.

didy - your craving now was mine few weeks ago.. I love min jian kueh and bought 2 pieces freshly made at the market whenever I went groceries shopping. The peanuts were the finely chopped ones unlike the jolllibean paste type. The craving lasted for a couple of weeks.

Yupz, like most mummies here, I also get tired easily now especially when I am home.. but when I am out shopping, I can go on and on but will need to sit down in between. My legs will become more crampy and feet tighter as the day proceed.

Hub will massage my legs every nite to ease the water retention and these few days, he supersweet... he helped me to shower too :shyxxx: I just enjoy the pampering now especially the 二人世界 :red:
So envious.. i got no hubby to massage for me :(


i guess all mummies start to feel the same le.. get easily tired .. I jus went for sat appt n doc say my baby ga is 1.4kg at 30 weeks.. He mention that the baby is normal weight but my stomach abit big so ask mi cut down abit.. hehehe..

I went to chinese medical shop n there is auntie saying dun drink too much red dates drink cos baby become yellowish.. Dun know how true..

Anyone got any recommendation for confinement tingkat?

I came across many Gd reviews on natal essentials( confinement tingkat) in tis forum. It seems dat Dey provide very personalized service, eg, u can request for more Ginger or something like dat. I dun think red dates will cause e bb to b yellowish. But must remove the seeds co's the seeds r heaty, the fruit is warm or neutral in nature. In fact, I came across an article to advise mTb to drink red dates beverage every day(280ml wif 7pc of red dates) 1 wk b4 delivery to nourish the liver.

Im expecting a boy and I drink a glass of soya milk without sugar and the kweh too. Soya milk Shld b ok for bb boy cos some bb are lactose intolerance Dey also take soya milk as replacement.

You ladies are so lucky to be pampered by Yr husbands. My husband is working overseas and I Ve to do the housework alone too. Nevertheless, I really appreciate the remaining personal space and time.


hi missyqiqi,

thanks for ur help in updating the table.. can update mine... my EDD is 15 nov.. @ TMC.. thanks very much!!:)

btw hw much clothes did mummies bought for ur bb? I think i buy very little, . only 6 pcs long sleeve top n pants for sleeping time, 10 pcs for day time home clothes, and 8 pcs going-out rompers... I do not dare to buy alot..


New Member
ahhh...my next visit will be doing the swab test as well, no wonder i keep looking at my card for week 34 and wonder the $97 is for what. cant be for pelvic check which is week 36.

our babies almost same weight at 32, mine is 1.87kg. i also start washing the mittens and botties first yesterday, oh my god so tiny and cute lah.
i wash bit by bit everyday , so i wun be too bored.

Haha, me too... Tis weekend will b soaking his mittens & booties & his new clothes. Can't help bt keep smiling to myself when I see the tiny clothings. Soo cute!!
Getting forgetful too, had yet to finish packing my delivery bag. Keep popping a few items in whenever I can rem...

Think all mummies r the same in the 3rd trimester. I cant stand for long period too & not to mention walking. Having backache is like a common aliment to me nwadays. Hubby keeping telling to endure for a mth plus & I'm free....

Heard tt during confinement besides red dates drink can also take milo. Strictly no cold drinks & water!!


New Member
hi missyqiqi,

thanks for ur help in updating the table.. can update mine... my EDD is 15 nov.. @ TMC.. thanks very much!!:)

btw hw much clothes did mummies bought for ur bb? I think i buy very little, . only 6 pcs long sleeve top n pants for sleeping time, 10 pcs for day time home clothes, and 8 pcs going-out rompers... I do not dare to buy alot..
I didnt really made a head count of how many pcs I bought. Will often go online or window shopping, buy whenever i c is nice & cute. But I controlled myself to a stop now as my mum says babies cant keep wearing new clothings. Gt some 2nd-hand clothings frm my aunt too....


btw, I wun suggest drinking Milo during confinement leh. You know after delivery, we will still have constipation problem and worse is we cannot push at all due to stitches. Milo very heaty one. So I tink I just stick to red date water.

Haha, me too... Tis weekend will b soaking his mittens & booties & his new clothes. Can't help bt keep smiling to myself when I see the tiny clothings. Soo cute!!
Getting forgetful too, had yet to finish packing my delivery bag. Keep popping a few items in whenever I can rem...

Think all mummies r the same in the 3rd trimester. I cant stand for long period too & not to mention walking. Having backache is like a common aliment to me nwadays. Hubby keeping telling to endure for a mth plus & I'm free....

Heard tt during confinement besides red dates drink can also take milo. Strictly no cold drinks & water!!