Edd nov 2011


Hi mummies,

Here's the pic of bb sucking her thumb, not sure if you can see it clearly, but dr has indicated the hand area :)



sherwawa: thanks for the info! its really very useful.. :D gonna ask my gynae what binder he know.. think i will ask my hubby to let the nurses know that I want to wear the binder maybe they can help or ask the physiotherapy. :p

escago: I SAW I SAW!! :Dancing_wub:even though is a bit dark but I can see!! Owwww. so cute!! you must scan and wash it out coz the scan paper will fade off that's what my sister told me. so sweet!


sherwawa: thanks for the info! its really very useful.. :D gonna ask my gynae what binder he know.. think i will ask my hubby to let the nurses know that I want to wear the binder maybe they can help or ask the physiotherapy. :p

escago: I SAW I SAW!! :Dancing_wub:even though is a bit dark but I can see!! Owwww. so cute!! you must scan and wash it out coz the scan paper will fade off that's what my sister told me. so sweet!
yeah I feel like putting this as my wall paper, but cannot lah, not very professional at work haha :p
my friend also told me must scan the image, otherwise fade off ... but a bit lazy recently kee kee.


i had my checkup today, baby is now 2.35 kg, gained 500gm in 2 weeks :) which is great coz i didnt gained and doc say suppose to be 1kg gained for both of us. also got all the doctor's letter for pre-admission as well as some notes about my pregnancy that the hospital got to take note of.

on another note, i felt really warmth that now everywhere i go like buying food, those uncles & aunties will ask if i gonna give birth very soon, and even cashier at shopping mall offer me their seat when i have to queue and pay.
i must be really big now!


i had my checkup today, baby is now 2.35 kg, gained 500gm in 2 weeks :) which is great coz i didnt gained and doc say suppose to be 1kg gained for both of us. also got all the doctor's letter for pre-admission as well as some notes about my pregnancy that the hospital got to take note of.

on another note, i felt really warmth that now everywhere i go like buying food, those uncles & aunties will ask if i gonna give birth very soon, and even cashier at shopping mall offer me their seat when i have to queue and pay.

i must be really big now!
Wow!! congrats :)) and you didn't gained !! *envy* keke...


haha...wun be for long! coz i had prawn mee & satay for dinner :X
i think by week 36 i will gained also. now overall i gained 10.4, i hope dun exceed 12 when i deliver i be very happy already.

Wow!! congrats :)) and you didn't gained !! *envy* keke...


Hello mummies

I got a shock wen I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw stretch marks starting to form on my lower abdomen! Despite the fact that I Ve been religiously applying
oil n palmers cream at least 6times a day!!! My mum Ve stretch mark all over her abdomen. I Tot I can escape my fate:( nevertheless, I will cont to apply the stretch mark cream. I keep telling myself it cld it worse if I dun do anything. Probably, I will buy clarins.
same! actually it varies. some people have, some dont have. when form alr is bo bian..


lingx, to be honest, i feel that applying the oil really use a lot leh, like very wasteful, coz cream i dont use so fast one.
seems like will finish very fast ! and with all the $$$$$ spent, i hope it is worth it !!!!

same! actually it varies. some people have, some dont have. when form alr is bo bian..


haha...wun be for long! coz i had prawn mee & satay for dinner :X
i think by week 36 i will gained also. now overall i gained 10.4, i hope dun exceed 12 when i deliver i be very happy already.
I'm so envy of u! I alr put on 14kg at 32wks!

U r so rite abt stretch marks.. Really Bo Bian Liao.


Dun envy me, I am fat based one, I get fat just by breathing!
I think coz last 2 weeks I didn't hv much for lunch, coz I can't poo and feel really uncomfy.

My gynae say we will stop putting in weight at wk 36, baby will not stop but will put in very little till he pop.
so actually frm 32-36 is where baby put on the most.

I'm so envy of u! I alr put on 14kg at 32wks!

U r so rite abt stretch marks.. Really Bo Bian Liao.


New Member
Hi mummies,

For those using clarins oil, may i know how to use ? I am still using the cream (still have half a tube left).

hey durianfan,

I usually put the oil after shower at night and the cream in the morning. As for the oil, put some water onto your body to help spread the oil. I literally pour a small puddle of water in my hands and rub on my tummy and thigh, then v quickly, apply the oil. Oh, I do it in the bedroom.. though i think it'll be easier to do it in the bathroom (I stay with my in laws).

I do not wash it off until the morning, but if i remember correctly, the instruction does mention to wash it off after application if desired. =)
I'm in my 30th wk now. Baby has been making alot of movements. Going bck to my gynae on Monday.....can't wait to see how much baby has grown n how much he weighs. So far I've put on 3kgs......been having diarrhoea lately....hope it's juz the pregnancy n nothing serious.


So envy!!!!!

I'm in my 30th wk now. Baby has been making alot of movements. Going bck to my gynae on Monday.....can't wait to see how much baby has grown n how much he weighs. So far I've put on 3kgs......been having diarrhoea lately....hope it's juz the pregnancy n nothing serious.

You r truly amazing! you just put on 3kg!!! How do you manage to do dat? I feel like a pig now..
i hv no idea too.....the initial part of my pregnancy, i put on abt 3kgs....aft that i started to lose those 3kgs cos of my thyroid problem....now im slowly putting on bck the 3kgs again.....


hey durianfan,

I usually put the oil after shower at night and the cream in the morning. As for the oil, put some water onto your body to help spread the oil. I literally pour a small puddle of water in my hands and rub on my tummy and thigh, then v quickly, apply the oil. Oh, I do it in the bedroom.. though i think it'll be easier to do it in the bathroom (I stay with my in laws).

I do not wash it off until the morning, but if i remember correctly, the instruction does mention to wash it off after application if desired. =)
Panpan, thanks for sharing.


mommies, just curious, anyone already decided what catering to use for baby full month?

so difficult to find reviews.

So far I only know neo garden is good, but a bit ex if u want to take up their baby full month package with the decoration etc..

Then xin yi pin catering is cheap, comes with the free baby cupcake for guests, but no decoration and no reviews.


New Member
Select/Stamford is not bad. Price also reasonable. Just DO NOT choose Liang Caterer. I had 2 sessions on same day. Liang's food was utterly awful, presentation lousy too. cheapo looking.

mommies, just curious, anyone already decided what catering to use for baby full month?

so difficult to find reviews.

So far I only know neo garden is good, but a bit ex if u want to take up their baby full month package with the decoration etc..

Then xin yi pin catering is cheap, comes with the free baby cupcake for guests, but no decoration and no reviews.


mommies, just curious, anyone already decided what catering to use for baby full month?

so difficult to find reviews.

So far I only know neo garden is good, but a bit ex if you want to take up their baby full month package with the decoration etc..

Then xin yi pin catering is cheap, comes with the free baby cupcake for guests, but no decoration and no reviews.
missyqiqi, you so fast already thought of first month celebration.. keke.. I am still getting baby's stuff and thinking how to get through my confinement coz cannot wash hair and shower (except sponge body) :err:

I tried Neo, kristen and purple sage before for corporate functions and recevied good reviews from my participants. Not sure if they do first month catering too.