Edd nov 2011


wow you so hardworking, using cloth diapers. I am using disposable one, already bought Pampers for new born and Huggies for 3-6kg babies. But my friend told me huggies not so good cos easy to leak... saw in other forum that Goon is good? I will keep a look out for diapers for you when I am there :)
I will be using disposable ones too.. Once I am more settled with the baby's routine, I will consider using cloth diaper hence will research later.

For Goon, you can get a sample from diapers.com.sg. They are very fast in mailing you the sample. I requested for M size coz already bought huggies new born & 3 - 6 kg.

My 35wk appt is next Tuesday.. looking forward to seeing baby. I have just started preparing my hospital bag.

Btw mummies, do you have a good digital camera to recommend ? budget between $300 - $450 can do good quality photo and video recording. Thanks in advance.
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any mummies already started to take Maternity leave?
I going to stop working one week before my EDD.. wish i can take earlier but no more leaves left so no choice... :we2daydreaming:

Now already dread gg to work with big tummy... aiz


wow u so hardworking, using cloth diapers. I am using disposable one, already bought Pampers for new born and Huggies for 3-6kg babies. But my friend told me huggies not so good cos easy to leak... saw in other forum that Goon is good? I will keep a look out for diapers for you when I am there :)
I will also be Using disposable diapers. I bought Nepia , mummy poko and pet pet. My gf highly recommend petpet for it's value for money. It costs abt $0.17 per pc. Another gf of mine told me if I buy Nepia from supplier, Dey do delivery n exchange the remaining diapers wen our bb outgrown them. Nepia also deduct $10 for very 10 pkts of diapers purchased. For mummy poko, I Gt Gd reviews from forum. So far, the worst feedback is drypers..


Thanks for Yr lobang on the free goon samples. Will try out goon as well:)

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
Missyqiqi: Moo Moo Kow Cloth Diapers is having a booth at the expo, booth D2.
Feel free to tell owner (Abby) you're referred by MummysReviews.

Modern cloth diapering is very convenient actually. I use washing machine to wash them with clothes.
Easy, absorbent, clean and saves money. :)

In fact, for breastfed baby, poo is very "explosive" and often leaks out of disposable diaper because of the weak elastic.
Modern cloth diapers have strong elastics and hold them in very well.


Hi mummies i have given birth to my baby boy on 20.10.2011 at 7+pm in tmc. Jia you to all mummies here that are waiting to pop!


New Member
Hi mummies i have given birth to my baby boy on 20.10.2011 at 7+pm in tmc. Jia you to all mummies here that are waiting to pop!
Hi didy ur due date suppose same as mine 06.11 so ur bb come out 3week earlier, is it ur 1st bb? girl or boy and wat the weight? gong xi gong xi! and take care!


New Member
Congrats didy! Happy for u :D

Enjoy the bonding with ur baby. Do share ur birth story with us when u have settled down.


OMG Didy u gave birth yesterday so fast!!!!!!! Thanks good! How's u n ur baby!! Congrats! Wish u n baby safe n healthy!

Wonder when will be my turn ahyo... Yesterday night i dreamt that I gave birth liao T.T.... Ahyo...

Escago: yap I heard goon is good I got samples from the diapers website like what durianfan mention, also go n register, use ur hubby email address also but the mailing address have to be different.. Oops I m so kiasu hehe but this brand a bit ex wor...

Sherwawa: niepa is good? Per pc roughly how much? I tried to find out the price but outside don't sell. I'm considering pet pet also coz very cost effective and good but my sister only tried the m size one not the baby. Can last throughtout the night?

Mievee: hehe thanks for the recommendation I'm using the traditional type. Coz can use as blankets also, even though more troublesome but feel more comfortable to use that :p



Congrats, on Yr new bundle of joy! Is it normal delivery or c-section? We r all so excited for u! We shall keep another update about our life stories.


Hi mummies i have given birth to my baby boy on 20.10.2011 at 7+pm in tmc. Jia you to all mummies here that are waiting to pop!
Congrats didy :) guess you must be really tired now, but the joy of seeing your baby must have overcomed all the tireness ;)
Have a good rest!


OMG Didy you gave birth yesterday so fast!!!!!!! Thanks good! How's you n your baby!! Congrats! Wish you n baby safe n healthy!

Wonder when will be my turn ahyo... Yesterday night i dreamt that I gave birth T.T.... Ahyo...

Escago: yap I heard goon is good I got samples from the diapers website like what durianfan mention, also go n register, use your hubby email address also but the mailing address have to be different.. Oops I m so kiasu hehe but this brand a bit ex ...

Sherwawa: niepa is good? Per pc roughly how much? I tried to find out the price but outside dont't sell. I'm considering pet pet also coz very cost effective and good but my sister only tried the m size one not the baby. Can last throughtout the night?

Mievee: hehe thanks for the recommendation I'm using the traditional type. Coz can use as blankets also, even though more troublesome but feel more comfortable to use that :p
Hi missyqiqi, I just came back from the baby fair. They do sell disposable diapers there, got Merries, Moony, Nepia and Goon. They didn't state the price and I was in a hurry, so didn't manage to ask the price for you... "bu hao yi si".:tembarrassed:But I didn't see a lot of people snatching for the diapers lah, so not sure if they are at competitive pricing or not :p

Other exhibitors are those usual ones that you see at baby fair, like Avent, Stemcord, sweetest moment full month cake, some Jamu massage company, babies clothing, play mat, etc...

hey wanna ask if you ladies have sign up with any cord blood bank? (Stemcord or Cordlife)... I have a hard time deciding which one and it seems like I really dun have much time to think now...


Hi missyqiqi, I just came back from the baby fair. They do sell disposable diapers there, got Merries, Moony, Nepia and Goon. They didn't state the price and I was in a hurry, so didn't manage to ask the price for you... "bu hao yi si".:tembarrassed:But I didn't see a lot of people snatching for the diapers lah, so not sure if they are at competitive pricing or not :p

Other exhibitors are those usual ones that you see at baby fair, like Avent, Stemcord, sweetest moment full month cake, some Jamu massage company, babies clothing, play mat, etc...

hey wanna ask if you ladies have sign up with any cord blood bank? (Stemcord or Cordlife)... I have a hard time deciding which one and it seems like I really dun have much time to think now...

escago: hugz!! thats good enough for me to know already! thanks a lot!! hehe.. at least I know they have a few brands of the diapers. I can't go down today, maybe tmr, but though of the crowd puts me off, some more now can't walk much..

I donate my blood cord to SCBB, didn't put in any of the private one. My hubby wanted to in the first place, but I'm still keen on donating because of the cost and also If *touch wood* one of the child have blood disorder, you can't use the same cord blood, because chances of the cord blood will or might have the same blood disorder. Unless if its genetic or neuro issues then u can use the same cord blood.

Ultimately is still up to u and ur hubby to decide because it's a long term commitment..
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New Member
escago: hugz!! thats good enough for me to know already! thanks a lot!! hehe.. at least I know they have a few brands of the diapers. I can't go down today, maybe tomorrow, but though of the crowd puts me off, some more now can't walk much..

I donate my blood cord to SCBB, didn't put in any of the private one. My hubby wanted to in the first place, but I'm still keen on donating because of the cost and also If *touch wood* one of the child have blood disorder, you can't use the same cord blood, because chances of the cord blood will or might have the same blood disorder. Unless if its genetic or neuro issues then you can use the same cord blood.

Ultimately is still up to you and your hubby to decide because it's a long term commitment..
hi missyqiqi
thanks for sharing and i just called SCBB and they will call me on monday try to meet me to let me sign the document and hope still can make it as next week i will b week38. i didnt know abt this donation or else i will donate my 1st son blood cord



Nepia( NB) is available at the Japanese supermarket at LIang court. Per pc costs abt $0.20-$0.30. I can't rmb the price.

I will also be donating my bb's cord blood. I Tot it's a Gd start for him to donate something. Hopefully, dat will make my bb more compassionAte wen he grows up.

I wonder wen will the bb fair ends? Is there any promo from sweetest moment or catering?



Nepia( NB) is available at the Japanese supermarket at LIang court. Per pc costs abt $0.20-$0.30. I can't rmb the price.

I will also be donating my bb's cord blood. I Tot it's a Gd start for him to donate something. Hopefully, dat will make my bb more compassionAte wen he grows up.

I wonder wen will the bb fair ends? Is there any promo from sweetest moment or catering?

Baby fair ends this sunday (23/10). will be crowded during this weekend due to Food & electronics fair, crocs up to 70% sales & John Little megasale.

I didn't see any catering company except for confinement food delivery. As for sweetest moment, you register with them as a member and they will give you a goodie bag in return. It contained a packet of oatmeal cookies, almond biscotti and 3 discount vouchers namely :

1) free 1 box of full month package with every 10 boxes purchased (MOQ 20 boxes)
2) free 1 gift voucher with every 10 gift vouchers purchased (MOQ 20 pcs)
3) 10% discount off a cupcake tree which consists of 1 round cake & min 40 standard cupcakes or 84 mini cupcakes.


jesslim: I think still got time.. :D
Don;t worry u r not the only one, a lot of people also don't know. Some of my friends even thought that restructed hospital will auto keep the blood cord, which is not true. Got forms to sign and blood test to do (on the delivery day). The hospital will just throw away.

So no matter u donate or keep in the private hospital, most importantly don't waste it.

Sherwawa: wah.. not that cheap hor per pcs 20-30 cents.. >.<


Hi mummies i have given birth to my baby boy on 20.10.2011 at 7+pm in Thomson Medical Center. Jia you to all mummies here that are waiting to pop!

congrats!! rest well n enjoy yr confinement! do update us in here abt yr baby birth story.. =)