EDD Nov 2012 mummies here


Hi Nature and Joasiss, try not to swaddle bb when latching, they feel too comfortable and tend to fall asleep. Tickle their chins or ears to wake them up.
Hi Teriwinkle, Joasiss and Wobblymummy, when did your milk come in? I am checking out of the hops today and am worried that my milk is not in and he will be very hungry. I should get some formula milk to stand by?

I tried to wake him up but he just keep zzz.... =(


My milk came in on 4th day. Yes, please get formula milk to stand by otherwise your Boy will cry nonstop if he's hungry.

My girl was sleeping all the way most of the time until a week later, hard to latch on for long.

nature59:714204 said:
Hi Teriwinkle, Joasiss and Wobblymummy, when did your milk come in? I am checking out of the hops today and am worried that my milk is not in and he will be very hungry. I should get some formula milk to stand by?

I tried to wake him up but he just keep zzz.... =(
Hi Teriwinkle, Joasiss and Wobblymummy, when did your milk come in? I am checking out of the hops today and am worried that my milk is not in and he will be very hungry. I should get some formula milk to stand by?

I tried to wake him up but he just keep zzz.... =(
Hi nature , I jus let my bb latch. But do stby formula cos u r unsure whether is he hungry or not. Give him 30 ml first if he can't stop crying. My first night HM was bad cos 1st time parents without confinement lady ard so I jus kept latching him . Till my wound suffered in pain the next day so do take care. Supply be in by 3rd or 4th day :)


New Member
Thanks GG, yeah the culture here are so different, so I manage to learn a lot from you guys and do some research on the net myself. I will share more with all of you as I go through and we can exchange the informations:)


New Member
Hi babyeskimo,

I am not getting any confinement lady as it will be difficult to find one. I have draft up some menu and luckily my husband can cook, so he just need to follow what I have drawn up. My mum is coming over for 2 weeks only, I will try to follow through the confinement but I guess won't be too strict on it and try to go with the flow based on my environment and situation over here. Also, I have a taiwan friend who recommend me to purchase a confinement package for the whole month, so from day 1 to day 30, we just need to brew the herbs each day PChome Online °Ó©±µó - ·s©M¬K¥»¯ó - ¡i­÷¨Å¶ý¶ý¤ë¤l¯ù¶¼¡j½Õ¾i¯ù¡i·s©M¬K¥»¯ó¡j , I hope this should be sufficient and help for my nourishment. I am just a little nervous as the nurses and midwife here, they really push you to be very independent and get into it quickly, unlike in SG, I think mummy is well look after. And I am having a c-section due to my previous medical condition, so not sure how well I can cope etc. Fingercross:) But the thought of meeting my baby boy, and just want him to be healthy, override all the anxiousness like everyone of you^_^


check up at 37th week showed my baby is only 2.5kg...... :nah:
and my gynae told me to feed on more carbs...... haisssss. i feel that its a lil low for a 37th week weight gain.... :(


GG, are your parents coming over?
SGNZ, its never easy in a different country.. hope you find the balance between cultures. r u getting a confinement nanny?

My mum is only coming down to see me for 2 weeks (i guess you cant get any closer than Malaysia). In laws are supportive and have been/will be with me for longer - though asian, indian and chinese culture still differs slightly

cant wait to see my boy - cant imagine how he would look!
My dad will come over few days only, coz I still living with in laws (we are still waiting our HDB to build), so he can only stay at hotel and can't be too long. In laws are supportive and helpful too, luckily~

Mummies, want to know when the contraction starts, which part of tummy feels the pain first? I feel tummy pain from yesterday, but seems dosen't like contraction/ mense cramp...
Oh that monthly confinement package is really cool! Be confident, trust your own instincts and do what you feel confident... dont feel pressured by their customs. Glad to hear you have supportive husband!
Take care and we can are here to keep in touch with the 'asian' side of things :)

Hi babyeskimo,

I am not getting any confinement lady as it will be difficult to find one. I have draft up some menu and luckily my husband can cook, so he just need to follow what I have drawn up. My mum is coming over for 2 weeks only, I will try to follow through the confinement but I guess won't be too strict on it and try to go with the flow based on my environment and situation over here. Also, I have a taiwan friend who recommend me to purchase a confinement package for the whole month, so from day 1 to day 30, we just need to brew the herbs each day PChome Online °Ó©±µó - ·s©M¬K¥»¯ó - ¡i*÷¨Å¶ý¶ý¤ë¤l¯ù¶¼¡j½Õ¾i¯ù¡i·s©M¬K¥»¯ó¡j , I hope this should be sufficient and help for my nourishment. I am just a little nervous as the nurses and midwife here, they really push you to be very independent and get into it quickly, unlike in SG, I think mummy is well look after. And I am having a c-section due to my previous medical condition, so not sure how well I can cope etc. Fingercross:) But the thought of meeting my baby boy, and just want him to be healthy, override all the anxiousness like everyone of you^_^


nature59:714204 said:
Hi Nature and Joasiss, try not to swaddle bb when latching, they feel too comfortable and tend to fall asleep. Tickle their chins or ears to wake them up.
Hi Teriwinkle, Joasiss and Wobblymummy, when did your milk come in? I am checking out of the hops today and am worried that my milk is not in and he will be very hungry. I should get some formula milk to stand by?

I tried to wake him up but he just keep zzz.... =(
My milk just came yesterday which is the 4th day. Not much though. The hospital has been feeding him 50 ml of formula about 8 times a day since day 2. No way i can produce that much so i think it doesn't make sense for total bf now and let our babies starve. Will slowly mix in breast milk as much as i can.
My boy used to be sleepy during feeds but became so agitated and aggressive these 2 days. Think hes very hungry.


Mummies, want to know when the contraction starts, which part of tummy feels the pain first? I feel tummy pain from yesterday, but seems dosen't like contraction/ mense cramp...
I didn't even know i had contractions cos i thought they wrre b hicks. No pain just continuous tightening. When the pain came in, it felt like menses cramp. Others feel it like backache.


Me too.. I'm mixing formula milk for my girl too.. Can't produce that amount of milk everyday coz it's only my 5th day..

What formula are you all giving? Initially my husband choose s26 and he never tell me. After that I told the nurse to change to Similac but she forget. Until now she is still drinking that, can I change now?


I'm giving my baby Nan Pro coz I'm partially bf-ing, no need to give similac, too ex. My girl was drinking S26 in the hospital but I changed for her once we were discharged. S26 very heaty!

Shirix:714509 said:
Me too.. I'm mixing formula milk for my girl too.. Can't produce that amount of milk everyday coz it's only my 5th day..

What formula are you all giving? Initially my husband choose s26 and he never tell me. After that I told the nurse to change to Similac but she forget. Until now she is still drinking that, can I change now?


Shirix:714509 said:
Me too.. I'm mixing formula milk for my girl too.. Can't produce that amount of milk everyday coz it's only my 5th day..

What formula are you all giving? Initially my husband choose s26 and he never tell me. After that I told the nurse to change to Similac but she forget. Until now she is still drinking that, can I change now?
I dun really know what brands are out there but the pd recommended mamax ha.