EDD Oct 2013


Ooo! thanks aliceelise! yes i wanted use clarins long ago. but i had to bedrest and hubby wasnt on the way. tot wont start so fast. i also duno is tt marks. just some red lines. my relatives and mummy etc both sides no marks. they didnt use creams either. just use johnson moisturizers mostly.

do u apply on tummy or whole body? i going grab the cream first. i scared i allergy to the oil. tmr i will smell smell try see if i allergy!

ya i weigh myself just cny. 50. then first time see doc, @8weeks 54 liao.
then almost stagnant week 15-19. then suddenly gain few kg.
now at 23weeks i 60 le.

contradicting thing is 2 doctors say i at 21 weeks, 2 say im at 23 weeks. ;(


New Member
Ooo! thanks aliceelise! yes i wanted use clarins long ago. but i had to bedrest and hubby wasnt on the way. tot wont start so fast. i also duno is tt marks. just some red lines. my relatives and mummy etc both sides no marks. they didnt use creams either. just use johnson moisturizers mostly.

do u apply on tummy or whole body? i going grab the cream first. i scared i allergy to the oil. tmr i will smell smell try see if i allergy!

ya i weigh myself just cny. 50. then first time see doc, @8weeks 54 liao.
then almost stagnant week 15-19. then suddenly gain few kg.
now at 23weeks i 60 le.

contradicting thing is 2 doctors say i at 21 weeks, 2 say im at 23 weeks. ;(
If you free you go to Clarins counter, there is one very nice lady named Ida at Takashimaya counter. She helped me with everything. She recommended oil but i insisted i try cream first. So she gave me a small 2ml sample of oil and I loved it! Heehee. But beware. Only she is nice. I went on a saturday afternoon. Her 3 other chinese cols were chit chatting cant be bothered about me n my mom. Ida came forward to help and introduced a lot of good products to us. Maybe because the chinese girls were young ones. Tsk.. Ida told me her daughter had stretch marks up till breast area. So now i apply whole tummy including sides, breast, bum, thigh. Very fast finish lol.. Oh ya. start at beginning of 2nd tri was told to me by a friend. She was too lazy to apply now all stretch marks.

Yaya. My mom said she use normal body lotion only! Seems the more ignorant you are, the better! Hehe. My mom said. 24 yrs ago no internet like now. She don't even know why she don't have!

Initial stage hard to tell how many weeks along you are, but now according to bb size they shld be able to determine ba..


i have a brand new and sealed clarins stretch mark control cream for sale at SGD 50. anyone interested? I bought 2 boxes at a go, hence selling one box.
aye.. i tell u all dun worry so much abt weight..and then at my last consult doc told me i'm putting on too much. faintz.. bye bye desserts!
Also..i started with low lying placenta.. then it moved up but now it appears to have grown back towards the cervix :(

TVH i remember u also low lying rite? urs ok le?

good news: baby is great, good size(not big so the fats is actually all on me) and head moved down..though she may move around still.. 15 weeks to go!!

happy weekend ladies!! btw its so hot outside..im hiding in my room with aircon and talking to my placenta to quickly move up!!


If you free you go to Clarins counter, there is one very nice lady named Ida at Takashimaya counter. She helped me with everything. She recommended oil but i insisted i try cream first. So she gave me a small 2ml sample of oil and I loved it! Heehee. But beware. Only she is nice. I went on a saturday afternoon. Her 3 other chinese cols were chit chatting cant be bothered about me n my mom. Ida came forward to help and introduced a lot of good products to us. Maybe because the chinese girls were young ones. Tsk.. Ida told me her daughter had stretch marks up till breast area. So now i apply whole tummy including sides, breast, bum, thigh. Very fast finish lol.. Oh ya. start at beginning of 2nd tri was told to me by a friend. She was too lazy to apply now all stretch marks.

Yaya. My mom said she use normal body lotion only! Seems the more ignorant you are, the better! Hehe. My mom said. 24 yrs ago no internet like now. She dont't even know why she dont't have!

Initial stage hard to tell how many weeks along you are, but now according to baby size they shld be able to determine ..

haha! alice!
i went down clarins tamp 2 days ago.

sales lady insist i buy individual bottles at $87 each. oil + a diff cream.
INSIST the promo pack haven reach her outlet.
but i wanted the stretch mark control cream as per website.
so i said i specially came down because clarins hq mgr emailed and said there will be promo set today.
she refused to acknowledge anything i say, nor see the email!

then obviously im so angry i stomped off and surprisingly hq called me.
say: sold out. sorry abt my wasted trip.
ask me back again next week.

concludes: very very angry with clarins pple. 2 diff stories. boo.

but tried the samples nevertheless. lol i finished both samples in 2 days! really good! and nvr allergic.
but cos very expensive i will be getting one more other brand too. :)

heard gaia, ecanyl, bio oil etc all good too. and cheaper alot. haha!


For clarins i find that going to the more ulu outlet is better, like metro and such, when they have sales they will give u 20% refund in the form of credit voucher.
They are also.more attentive, places like taka and tangs as they have no lack of walkins open will ignore you.

Or buy from shops like venus discount are like 30%. Can go to clarins website for sg to view current promotion.

Im using palmers oil, my feet were cracked badly from cold during my trip to japan, now the red lines reduced by 70% after one month of usage, fast to absorb. Quite cheap like less then $30 for a bottle

Also while applying moisturers try to apply straight after you shower, as the moist helps in better absorption


New Member
Omg spyvonne. I would stomp off if I were you too. Luckily the first ever clarins SA I met was nice and left me her number I can't imagine having to deal with rude or pushy ppl!! Bio oil is good too! I was deciding between the two.. btw, I don't even know of any promo set! I'm so clueless hahahah

Yaya xtinee is right. Apply right after shower when skin still damp = best results!


hihi mums the word, during my fa scan last week, i was told my placenta is not low lying anymore...it seems to have moved up....i'll be having my gynae visit tmr...see what he says...i thought once placenta moved up, it's not quite likely to move down again? Becos if placenta has moved up, it means the uterus is already expanding, thereby changing the location of the placenta? Or maybe it depends on how the uterus expands also?

Just came back from a trip from phuket...lately i've been feeling a numbing sensation just below breast area...ard rib cage...when i touched that area, it seems to have no feeling...i googled and found that it's a common problem becos baby might be pressing on the nerves...happens to my left side only though....don't know why....

Baby has also been kicking a lot lately...extremely active...and when i was having my pregnancy massage in phuket, it kicked me so hard that i jerked..maybe baby doesn't like me lying on my back...

Will be going for my first lesson with Mrs Wong Boh Boi later...supposed to start on 30th June...but she brought forward the first lesson to today....start so early...don't know by the time i give birth, still can remember or not....will update you ladies after the lesson
welcome back TVH! hope you're all refreshed now.

during FA scan doc said placenta moved away but still lower than normal. yes by right when uterus grows, will also pull the placenta away but placenta also grows..and it could be the position of my placenta, as it grows it shifted back. cant really visualise..haha.. but i'm back on couch potato mode..hope for the best.. really dun wan to go thru c-sect -.-

enjoy ur class!

oh ya abt stretchmark cream..i use clarins..but i havent been very dilligent coz too many things on my mind so always forget to put. haha i jus hope i dun kena stretchmarks too badly!


Just finished Mrs Wong's class. Her class is quite interesting cos she is very humourous. I initially thought it's going to be like a lecture sort of session but it's very practical and she debunks alot of myths surrounding pregnancy. She also engages all hubbies to take part so that they don't feel left out. The only con is that the class size is too big though she mentioned that if we prefer smaller sized classes, she can arrange. But overall, I think she is quite good, very animated. I'm looking forward to my 2nd lesson.


Active Member
Hmm somehow - everytime I try to open this thread (just this thread only) on my iPhone app, the app will shut down! grrr..

TVH - I heard the first class, she gives massaging tips and also advised not to rub tummy in circular motion as that will cause a mini tsunami. Instead to gently tap tap upwards is it? I've signed up for class commencing end July. My old man has short term memory so hahah trying to schedule as close to delivery as possible.

I've been using Clarins stretchmark control cream since week 7. I apply generously on tummy, hips, butt, thighs (front and back) as well as boobs twice a day - Once before I go to work, once before I sleep. I use up one tube every month! To help save costs - I'm now using Body Shop Cocoa Body Butter during the day (But I use still use Clarins on tummy cuz not sure if body butter ok for tummy?!?). Then I use Clarins for all body parts at night. So far - no stretchmarks yet.

BTW - There's this shop called TAB at Nex (Next to food junction food court) which is selling the Clarins stretchmark control cream at $55 now! it's one of those shops which sell many cosmetic products. Offer ends end June. Way cheaper than airport (Airport sells at $71) and of course much cheaper than Clarins counter. Hee hee - i just bought two tubes.
haha i think baby sleeps most of the time! during the day hard to track movements coz we're working and up and about and not focused on her.

i feel my baby after lunch, just before i sleep and early morning.
also read that when we're moving baby is rocked to sleep. so when we stop moving i.e. lying in bed, she wakes up!


Hmm somehow - everytime I try to open this thread (just this thread only) on my iPhone app, the app will shut down! grrr..

TVH - I heard the first class, she gives massaging tips and also advised not to rub tummy in circular motion as that will cause a mini tsunami. Instead to gently tap tap upwards is it? I've signed up for class commencing end July. My old man has short term memory so hahah trying to schedule as close to delivery as possible.

I've been using Clarins stretchmark control cream since week 7. I apply generously on tummy, hips, butt, thighs (front and back) as well as boobs twice a day - Once before I go to work, once before I sleep. I use up one tube every month! To help save costs - I'm now using Body Shop Cocoa Body Butter during the day (But I use still use Clarins on tummy cuz not sure if body butter ok for tummy?!?). Then I use Clarins for all body parts at night. So far - no stretchmarks yet.

BTW - There's this shop called TAB at Nex (Next to food junction food court) which is selling the Clarins stretchmark control cream at $55 now! it's one of those shops which sell many cosmetic products. Offer ends end June. Way cheaper than airport (Airport sells at $71) and of course much cheaper than Clarins counter. Hee hee - i just bought two tubes.
$55 is cheap, i just went Nex yesterday, should hv read ur thread earlier...


hi meowmummy, I have signed up for the class in aug. wanted to go when it's somewhere nearer to my EDD. So my hubby can also rem what we learn
Yeah, i also don't wana go so early, if not all learnt will be 4gotten. But by Aug, our tummy wld be big and hard for us to move around?
Hi, my little girl moves more at night too. It's such a reassurance to feel her moves. By the way, when should we start monitoring and counting fetal movements? My dr didn't say anything abt it.