EDD Sep 2010


Raine, I got 2 knocks inside my tummy on Sat when I was watching SHE's concert, but I couldn't establish if that's my baby knocking. Prob he got too high when the loud sound.
Very overwhelmed by the amt of stuff we need to buy. Usually for 1st kid, we tend to overbuy and dont't get to use a lot of them. I hope I can be more rational when it comes to newborn essential shopping. Hee...
Hehe, lucky kiddo gets to go to SHE concert! My little one travelled with me to Melbourne for about 2 months and back before I realised she was in my belly - found out I was preggy when I was about to return to Singapore! Thankfully first trimester went pretty smoothly! :001_302:


yes i agree with you too. whenever i'm out shopping, i always get tempted to buy stuffs for my baby.
my mum always tell me to take it easy still got another 4 months plus to go.
Yes yes - it's hard to stop browsing when you're out at Mothercare or Pumpkin Patch. I cleared out one of my four big under-the-bed drawers for baby stuff, now we're barely 20 weeks along and it's full! haha I think that 6-drawer unit is a good idea! :D

Hey, has any of you noticed the dark line of pigmentation down the centre of your bellies yet (linea nigra)? I wonder if every pregnant lady gets that or maybe not for some? (I think the photos of pregnant models whose nice clean bellies we see are airbrushed or photoshopped, haha)
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Nightingal, I have not gotten the lines yet but I experience terrible itch all over my body. Last month was the rashes on my hands and legs, now the itch has spreaded to my back and tummy. Are you applying anything on the lines?


New Member
hi mrs_eng - thanks so much..

jus bak from SGH... doctor told me that i hv to do an injection daily due to my complication condition.. OMG.. cant imagine how am i gg to do the injection... stress...


Nightingal, I have not gotten the lines yet but I experience terrible itch all over my body. Last month was the rashes on my hands and legs, now the itch has spreaded to my back and tummy. Are you applying anything on the lines?
I've had itching here and there every now and then. Been applying body lotion around the belly and hip areas, also the breasts (very itchy around the nipples!!). The linea negra (dark vertical line down the front of your belly) is caused by the stretching of the ligaments as your belly grows so cream / lotion won't be necessary, it's supposed to fade after birth. Anyway doesn't bother me too much since I don't really wear anything that reveals my mid-riff haha! Figure not good enough! :001_302:

If the rashes are causing a lot of discomfort you might wanna see a GP or your gynae to see if there's anything they can give you to ease the itch? Also just to make sure it's not caused by something else like allergies or something?

Haa...your little one is luckier~ travelling without knowing that she's been to a holiday.:tlaugh:
Yes yes I shall remind her about this next time whenever she pesters us to go on a holiday! lol!

yea. my mum thought of getting one of the toyogo 5 drawers cabinet from giant. it cost $82.90! freaking expensive! but its way bigger then the one i got from ikea. but still i guess the cabinet drawer i got should be able to fit all my baby stuffs. if not i gotta get another drawer again! :shyxxx:
I have something similar as well that I plan to empty out and use for baby stuff. I think should be sufficient because according to friends, after every 3 months your baby will practically get a brand new wardrobe because the clothes won't fit after a while! So my girl friend clears out her too-small clothes to make space for the next size range - hence she recommends that we 'spread out' the shopping a bit, go on a spree once every couple of months. :)
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New Member
Hi MTBs..
Nice meeting all of you here.. My EDD was brought forward from 2nd Oct to now 28th Sept.

Tomorrow will be visiting my gynea again and he said he we can try to find out the Baby's gender.. How excited! Hope that my little precious is cooperative enough.. =))

I'm starting to have rash on my body as well, it is a normal thing to go through during our 2nd trimester?


Active Member
Thanks for the info mrs eg ^^
& thanks nightingale for the webby!
oh gosh~ there's so many things to get and buy!
getting all excited already!
till now so far i've bought a 6 drawer cabinet to put all the baby stuffs and a few pieces for rompers already... ~.~ for baby clothes my aunty will pass down to me most of her's.
and btw have you all felt any movements of baby yet?
sometimes i might get a small shock from baby moving~
asked my mum and she says its normal. baby always move around! :tlaugh:
Wah u have drawers ready!!! Sounds nice... I havent even clear out the rm tat is meant for the nursery!!!

I love feeling baby's movements... Very fascinating n reassuring!!


Active Member
thanx for asking... Yup ive been sick last week... Was pretty worried bcos it is the second time i need to pop medicine since i got pregnant... Anyway other than running nose im feeling alot better nw... So how was the SHE concert... I am keen in the jay chou's concert in july... Bt was already 'forbidded' to tink abt it!!!

I had itchiness once in a while too... Maybe skin too dry... Cos pregnant women needs extra water i think... If nt the placenta nt enuf liquid no gd... So the 'moisture' in our skin is compromised... dry skin also adds to the occurence of stretchmarks too... Anyway drink more water and apply cream...


Active Member

linea nigra i have... Not only the lower abs leh... Im beginning to see a very faint line frm the bellybutton upwards til the notch where the ribs connect... (eeks)


Active Member
self inject daily??? Then hw they got teach u hw??? U kp calm... Dun worry too much k?? Anyway it is for the better health of u n baby so bear w it! Jia you!

welcome to the sep2010 club! Hahaha... Good luck on ur scan!!!

i knw they are suppose to check ur baby's face n mouth during detail scan la... So i think can sort of see the baby's face.. But 3D will be clearer i guess... Not cheap rite? Anyone knw the best time to hav a 3D scan??


linea nigra i have... Not only the lower abs ... Im beginning to see a very faint line frm the bellybutton upwards til the notch where the ribs connect... (eeks)
Mine is still not quite visible yet... but should be around this time I guess? Should ask at the EDD August or EDD July threads whether they all have it!

How about your belly buttons? Are they popping outwards yet? (haha can imagine all the mummies checking out their bellies after reading this! I did! :D )


My gynae package includes one 3D scan. Yeah probably do it nearer the delivery date when baby's face is more well-formed I suppose? :D So exciting right?!

raine, so you're studying part time? I'm also studying - one year full time, course is coming to an end soon. Now rushing final assignments, sigh. Will be going back to work in mid May - quite looking forward to it actually, makes time pass faster so can see bb quick! :p


thanx for asking... Yup ive been sick last week... Was pretty worried bcos it is the second time i need to pop medicine since i got pregnant... Anyway other than running nose im feeling alot better now... So how was the SHE concert... I am keen in the jay chou's concert in july... Bt was already 'forbidded' to tink about it!!!

I had itchiness once in a while too... Maybe skin too dry... Cos pregnant women needs extra water i think... If not the placenta not enuf liquid no good... So the 'moisture' in our skin is compromised... dry skin also adds to the occurence of stretchmarks too... Anyway drink more water and apply cream...
Mrs eg and Nightingale. I have seen my gynae about my rashes and she said I am allergy to the hormonal changes, gave me 2 types of oral medication and calamine lotion. I took the medicine for 3-4 days, then I stopped le. Like Mrs eg, don't really dare to anyhow take medicine. Does olive oil help to sooth the itch? I am only applying calamine lotion and prickly heat powder when the itch becomes unberable.

SHE concert was not too bad, of course I find A-mei one much nicer. I was also forbade to even think about Jay Chou's concert!! =( Anyway, it's all fully sold on the 1st day. Don't even need to think about snatching tickets for the added show.

Really admire pregnant mummies to be still studying leh :001_302:. I am constantly feeling lathargic and sleepy, can't imagine myself having to study during this stage. Jia you!
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Active Member
belly button not popping out yet hehehe....

nightingale and raine:

u both are studying too?!?!?!? omg i tot im the only preggy in school... hahaha... but im studying part time la... at Uni SIM.... am thinking of continuing next semester or not... :err:

as for the cream and all... im currently using Bio-Oil... for stretchmarks and for dryness... i use all over body...


all sold out already... wah so fast! nvm la... next time la... ur allergy subsided yet? if not dun anyhow use other products... stick to the doctor's one better....


My rashes are better already, tks =) but the itch is still there, though much more berable.

Prob will try oilve oil, should be quite safe right...and it can double act as a moisturiser

All studying MTBs, *applause* =)


My rashes are better already, thanks =) but the itch is still there, though much more berable.

Prob will try oilve oil, should be quite safe right...and it can double act as a moisturiser

All studying MTBs, *applause* =)
Hahaha such a coincidence that quite a few September mummies are studying! But DELvy I think you're applauding too soon - you can tell how much 'studying' we're doing by looking at the frequency of our postings here!
Thanks for the idea of the olive oil - my nipple area sometimes feels so dry and itchy that it gets really uncomfortable (tough to stop myself from scratching especially in public!!) Will give that a try. Was thinking of getting nipple cream like the Medela type - can be used all the way even after birth while breastfeeding. :) Anyone tried those?

Okay gotta get back to my essay! *concentrate concentrate*


Hahaha. Nightingale and raine, don't stress yourselves too much, especially now that you are expecting! Take it easy, so it's ok to surf, post, blog here and there....relax.. =p
mecolemummy, congratulations!!