EDD Sep 2010


my girl sleeps very late too. she is usually very tired by 7pm but then will finally fall asleep like about 10plus to 11plus at night...sigh. and i notice she has eye bags due to sleeping late...
afternoon she will sleep for about 4 hours which I think like very little for an infant.
my boy sleeps at 2-3am+ even worst =.=" night owl :err:
he still have not sleep now omg.....from 12+am until now....headache!!!


talking about bedtime, Anyone care to share how you differentiate daytime naps to nightime bedtimes? And what is the sleeping pattern so far?
My girl's sleep pattern is still slightly erratic, but by and large it goes something like this: morning wake up around 7am to feed, sleep til 9-10am, wake to feed, bathe, sleep til 1-2pm to feed, stay awake a while, sleep 3-5pm then feed, sleep til 8-9pm to feed, fuss til midnight feed (this is the so-called colicky part), wakes around 3-4am to feed (on rare occasions she skips this feed yay!), sleep til 7am, etc.

Amazingly my girl slept through the huge thunderstorm earlier - didn't wake despite all that loud clapping of thunder! Haha~ when you want her to sleep and she refuses, there's nothing we can do; when she wants to sleep, nothing seems to wake her up. dont know whether to laugh or cry lol.

Daytime naps and nightime naps take place at different locations - I will put her in her cot (dim bedroom with aircon) only from 9pm onwards, then from after 7am she sleeps in her bouncer in the living room (ceiling fan, with normal household noises). I dont't know if this is how the routine is for most people - basically I'm following baby's timing and going by demand, (i.e. I dont't wake her at regular timeslots to feed) good thing is she seems to demand feeding quite regularly anyway.

By the way, at 6 weeks now my girl is still taking only 90ml per feed - occasionally will take up to 110ml but most of the time she will stop at 90ml. How much are your babies taking?

thank you for your valuable information. i am still considering if i should get the ergo sport, tempting though but afraid that if my daughter do not like it then it will be a white elephant. haha! the online store you got from still available? my son is 3 years old but he is rather big for his age, if i am not wrong he is about 20kg, do you think the ergo can take his weight? hmmmm
how is your daughter sleep pattern now? i somehow think that my daughter is not getting sufficient sleep for an infant but it's so difficult to get her to sleep. sigh.
Heh I know what you mean about white elephants, I have a few of those at home haha - well I guess the best way is to try it on. If you stay nearby I could let you test it with your kids? I live in Jurong East, sometimes at my mum's at Kembangan. ;) Can pop by if you happen to travel this way.

Not sure what is the weight capacity for the Ergo, I'm sure it's on the box or manual somewhere but it's buried deep in my store room at the moment... but my friend could carry her 4 year old toddler in it, maybe your son shouldn't be a problem. Do they still like being carried at that age?

Here are some detailed reviews of the Ergo Sport on Amazon (scroll to the bottom). Hope it helps!
Amazon.com: ERGObaby Sport Carrier: Baby

Edit: LittleLady! Someone's organising a spree for the Ergo carrier! See here - http://www.mummysg.com/forums/f63/pre-orders-skip-hop-bag-totseat-ergo-carrier-gino-scissors-headband-51381/
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By the way, my dears, did you notice that our thread has the most thread views and replies compared to all the other months? We September mummies are really quite a chatty and 'talkative' bunch! hahaha~! :D
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My girl's sleep pattern is still slightly erratic, but by and large it goes something like this: morning wake up around 7am to feed, sleep til 9-10am, wake to feed, bathe, sleep til 1-2pm to feed, stay awake a while, sleep 3-5pm then feed, sleep til 8-9pm to feed, fuss til midnight feed (this is the so-called colicky part), wakes around 3-4am to feed (on rare occasions she skips this feed yay!), sleep til 7am, etc.

Amazingly my girl slept through the huge thunderstorm earlier - didn't wake despite all that loud clapping of thunder! Haha~ when you want her to sleep and she refuses, there's nothing we can do; when she wants to sleep, nothing seems to wake her up. dont know whether to laugh or cry lol.

Daytime naps and nightime naps take place at different locations - I will put her in her cot (dim bedroom with aircon) only from 9pm onwards, then from after 7am she sleeps in her bouncer in the living room (ceiling fan, with normal household noises). I dont't know if this is how the routine is for most people - basically I'm following baby's timing and going by demand, (i.e. I dont't wake her at regular timeslots to feed) good thing is she seems to demand feeding quite regularly anyway.

By the way, at 6 weeks now my girl is still taking only 90ml per feed - occasionally will take up to 110ml but most of the time she will stop at 90ml. How much are your babies taking?

Heh I know what you mean about white elephants, I have a few of those at home haha - well I guess the best way is to try it on. If you stay nearby I could let you test it with your kids? I live in Jurong East, sometimes at my mum's at Kembangan. ;) Can pop by if you happen to travel this way.

Not sure what is the weight capacity for the Ergo, I'm sure it's on the box or manual somewhere but it's buried deep in my store room at the moment... but my friend could carry her 4 year old toddler in it, maybe your son shouldn't be a problem. Do they still like being carried at that age?

Here are some detailed reviews of the Ergo Sport on Amazon (scroll to the bottom). Hope it helps!
Amazon.com: ERGObaby Sport Carrier: Baby

Edit: LittleLady! Someone's organising a spree for the Ergo carrier! See here - http://www.mummysg.com/forums/f63/pre-orders-skip-hop-bag-totseat-ergo-carrier-gino-scissors-headband-51381/

nightingale, the ergo spree selling the carrier only for $68 why so cheap, is not the one you using right???

i have found out the ergo carrier have a lot of series....still wondering what to get and what's the difference between ergo organic and ergo sports? the price so much difference.

there is another ergo carrier spree, please see the link below:-


Active Member
By the way, my dears, did you notice that our thread has the most thread views and replies compared to all the other months? We September mummies are really quite a chatty and 'talkative' bunch! hahaha~! :D
Ya so true... Like ur post.... If got a "like" button I will definitely click it!!!

Hahaha... Good to share experience ma...
Thanx to mummies who shared ur baby's sleeping habits... Would love to hear more though..

Anywy... Seem like our babies need more time to acquire day n night sleeping hrs and character... Presently it seem to me they are still very small and unable to sustain hunger longer? Nvtheless hahaha it is interesting enuf to learn frm our own babies and even more enriching to learn abt others! :)
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My boy at 5 weeks old drank about 70 to 90ml only but I always have to bf him somemore so he can sleep.

Btw, did u mummies bring ur babies to cut their hair?
My girl's sleep pattern is still slightly erratic, but by and large it goes something like this: morning wake up around 7am to feed, sleep til 9-10am, wake to feed, bathe, sleep til 1-2pm to feed, stay awake a while, sleep 3-5pm then feed, sleep til 8-9pm to feed, fuss til midnight feed (this is the so-called colicky part), wakes around 3-4am to feed (on rare occasions she skips this feed yay!), sleep til 7am, etc.

Amazingly my girl slept through the huge thunderstorm earlier - didn't wake despite all that loud clapping of thunder! Haha~ when you want her to sleep and she refuses, there's nothing we can do; when she wants to sleep, nothing seems to wake her up. dont know whether to laugh or cry lol.

Daytime naps and nightime naps take place at different locations - I will put her in her cot (dim bedroom with aircon) only from 9pm onwards, then from after 7am she sleeps in her bouncer in the living room (ceiling fan, with normal household noises). I dont't know if this is how the routine is for most people - basically I'm following baby's timing and going by demand, (i.e. I dont't wake her at regular timeslots to feed) good thing is she seems to demand feeding quite regularly anyway.

By the way, at 6 weeks now my girl is still taking only 90ml per feed - occasionally will take up to 110ml but most of the time she will stop at 90ml. How much are your babies taking?

your daughter's pattern seems normal to me. my son's timing used to be like your daughter's. i read in a book and it seems like your daughter sleep, wake pattern is perfect. so....not to worry. my daughter is a huge eater, my breast milk will never make her full. sigh...she takes about 180ml at about 7 weeks.

Heh I know what you mean about white elephants, I have a few of those at home haha - well I guess the best way is to try it on. If you stay nearby I could let you test it with your kids? I live in Jurong East, sometimes at my mum's at Kembangan. ;) Can pop by if you happen to travel this way.

Not sure what is the weight capacity for the Ergo, I'm sure it's on the box or manual somewhere but it's buried deep in my store room at the moment... but my friend could carry her 4 year old toddler in it, maybe your son shouldn't be a problem. Do they still like being carried at that age?

Here are some detailed reviews of the Ergo Sport on Amazon (scroll to the bottom). Hope it helps!
Amazon.com: ERGObaby Sport Carrier: Baby

Edit: LittleLady! Someone's organising a spree for the Ergo carrier! See here - http://www.mummysg.com/forums/f63/pre-orders-skip-hop-bag-totseat-ergo-carrier-gino-scissors-headband-51381/
Thank you for your offer and your information. My hubby is out-station in US now, do you think it's cheaper there but not sure he has time to go look for it. Hmm...


Anyone encounter greenish yellow stoola before?!?! Is there smthing wrong w baby?
Hi mrs eng

Greenish yellow stool could means that the baby is taking more foremilk n less hindmilk. one of the solution is to ensure that baby feed and empty one breast before offering another. what i do sometime is to offer the same breast 2 times before switching to the another breast during feed.


Active Member
Hi mrs eng

Greenish yellow stool could means that the baby is taking more foremilk n less hindmilk. one of the solution is to ensure that baby feed and empty one breast before offering another. what i do sometime is to offer the same breast 2 times before switching to the another breast during feed.
Yup yup i know this rule and have been doing tht...
Someone showed me a website frm similac tat decodes stools... It say the greenish stools could be bcos of the iron content in formula milk... But im on total breast feeding.....


My boy at 5 weeks old drank about 70 to 90ml only but I always have to bf him somemore so he can sleep.

Btw, did you mummies bring your babies to cut their hair?
My girl is also 5 weeks old. But drinking abt 75 mls every 2 to 3 hrs. Sometimes din even finish den k.o le.

She already shaved botak at full month.


New Member
hello all mummies..was absent for a while..as i did not even wanna touch the computer. exhausting, tiring and sleepy..lol..

my baby has a difficult sleeping pattern..she comes all alert and awake everyday at 10pm and finds it difficult to sleep till 3am..gosh..just like a clockwork..so whenever the clock strikes 10pm..we will shiver in anticipation...lol...
whenever try to put her to sleep..she will squirm and squirm so much and then start her screaming....we are so at a lost...:err:

she also had colic..but we changed her bottles to Dr brown bottles and her colic has improved so much...

question..she was pooping all this while and then no poop from sunday till now. she is not constipated..i read that it is normal... anyone go thru this...


hi mummies, what size of the teat does your baby use now????
how do we know when to change the teat size?
if baby is 1mth+ should change to a faster flow teat or just remain using the 0mth teat???


Active Member
hi mummies, what size of the teat does your baby use now????

how do we know when to change the teat size?
Normally will change at 1 mth, 3 mths and 6 mths.
However, if you hv bought the avent variable teats, then u dun hv to change teats often. Just choose the correct flow as per the baby prefer.

if baby is 1mth+ should change to a faster flow teat or just remain using the 0mth teat???
You can choose to change to the next stage and try out if the baby is ready for faster flow.
For my baby will refuse to drink no matter what i do or say to her. So i tried change to the next stage teats for her and she drinks.

Please see my reply in blue.


Yup yup i know this rule and have been doing tht...
Someone showed me a website frm similac that decodes stools... It say the greenish stools could be bcos of the iron content in formula milk... But im on total breast feeding.....
I also exp it and as i have read, it is because of drinking more foremilk then hindmilk too. So now i make sure she feeds on one breast and feed on it again the next round before changing. It seems to have improved. But my hindmilk seems to be coming out very late and baby already fell asleep by then? Could it be your baby also did not drink the hindmilk?

Does your baby turn red and make ehhh sound when shitting? I notice recently he takes a long time trying to shit and makes alot of sound trying to poo but the poo does not seem constipated.


Active Member
I also exp it and as i have read, it is because of drinking more foremilk then hindmilk too. So now i make sure she feeds on one breast and feed on it again the next round before changing. It seems to have improved. But my hindmilk seems to be coming out very late and baby already fell asleep by then? Could it be your baby also did not drink the hindmilk?

Does your baby turn red and make ehhh sound when shitting? I notice recently he takes a long time trying to shit and makes alot of sound trying to poo but the poo does not seem constipated.
Ya.. My daughter always squirms as if constipated... But aome forumers told me it is bcos of wind churnning in their stomach tats y they are uncomfy...