EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

Mreow Mreow

Hey purpur.. i had epi too.. oso kenna piles after that.. everyday oso super uncomfortable and painful .. sit and getting up oso pain.. :(

Mummies PurPur & Meltie!

Did you mummies have piles problem before birth alreadyy?
Read that If u did, it will definitely come back again after Natural Delivery!!

Sigh, really pray that you both get well soon.....



Hey mummies, just to share I actually find hand expressing works much better sometimes than pumping. Esp when ur breast are soar and needs massage. It can express faster, gives more milk and doesn't hurt or soar the nipple. I realised breaspump suction suck on you nipple and u tend to soar and bleed easily, that's why can't pump for long yet breast still fills full. But hand express I can express as long as I want and not hurting nipple or cause bleeding so bb can suck when latching, and prevent engorgement too!


Congrats Ahwang!! Wow no epi and bb big size! Power!

hearing your story, i also owe you all my birth story...

I'll try to summarise as much as i can :
Last sun night i went to celebrate friend's bday at Chili's (ate all the ribs, nachos, american diner food and stuff) and went home ard 11plus.
At struck of midnight, it was my EDD 24th sept liao and i wonder if when baby is coming.. so i said a little prayer and wanted to slp.. was on my phone as usual with my games and checking mummies forum..
Around 1plus i started to feel stomach abit aching and thought its the normal stomachache i already felt for past few days.. so i went to toilet.. i realised i was in pain and it was food poisonig kind of diarrhoea (squirt water kind). I felt abit nausea too.. after awhile, no poop came out but still in pain.. so i went back to rest in bed... tried to make myself comfy..
2plus am , i rushed to toilet for another 2 episodes and went back to bed.. couldn't really slp but was super tired.
2.45am, i had an urge to pee and sat up, felt a sloght pop, and i went toilet, pee and after thy felt more 'pee' come out uncontrollably, suspect water bag break.. but den when stand up, no more.. so i thought maybe i poo till abit of incontinence..
3am, more pain came, but cannot poop and i saw pink clear liquid urine.. quite comfirm bag burst liao.. told hubby .. he said monitor and see how ..( heard that water bag break still got time.. maybe morning see how)
From 3plus to 4plus i felt cramps like menstrual kind.. thought maybe its just food poisoning cramp.. but trying to differentiate if its a contraction, so i started measuring the interval.. but no idea how to measure haha (was posting in forum that morning)
4plus, i started keying in the time where a cramp came.. as i squirm on bed and try to rest.. told hubby go slp, at least he can get 1-2 hr rest..
Frm 4plus to 5plus, recorded intervals of 10mins, 7 mins, 5mins and 7mins.. was woderig if they were really contractions, waiting for intensity to increase..
By 5.45am i realised it's contractions as it came every 5 mins accurately.. den i called my gynae.. she asked me to admit hosp.. i woke hubby up and ask him to prep.. he reminded me to go bathe , so we packed and bathed..
On the way to hosp, i timed and saw intervals was 4mins! I was shocked! so worried..
Reached hosp ard 6.30am, got scolded by labor ward nurse as she puts on monitor ans saw 3 mins intervals.. she say i shld have come in earlier.. i was in real squirming pain on bed liao..
she tried to do a vaginal check and it was SUPER painful and dry.. she said she feels its too deep and cannot tell.. need to wait for gynae.. meanwhile she say i like that oso cannot than liao, better sign papers for epi.. so i signed and called for anaesthetist..
Frm 7-7.30am, contractions were every 2mins and 1 min.. nurse asked if i want gas or not.. i was wondering if it will help.. hubby told me to take and try to relieve.. so i took , puffed like aiao but didn't really feel much relief till anaesthetist came ard 7.40, he administered the epi and set ip the drip.. i was so afraid of needles and injections.. everything i oso pain.. sigh
8am, epi all done and i started to feel numbness in legs.. not so painful liao .. but can feel some pain in abdomen.. watched the emmy's and ate some breakfast..
8plus, gynae came and check dilation, 2cm. She say it'll be long , take about 8hrs of waiting for dilation and 2 hrs of pushing.. she'll add some drug to strengthen the contractions.. but expect evening baby..
11plus, gynae measured 2-3cm still.. she say she will come back during lunch see how..
11plus to 12plus, was a numbing wait.. still felt pain, nurse increased dose of epi for me.. my legs were feeling like dead meat.. couldn't move much.. cannot control..
1pm, gynae checked dilation was around 6cm.. i was glad!
2pm, i felt pain again.. so i just prayed and and hope everything is gonna be smooth and over soon, dun wanna drag till 6plus.. already buay tahan liao..
2.07pm, baby started kicking v strongly and monitors show bb heart beat dropped frm 160 to 40.. nurses came in to check and dilation was 10cm! She say i am ready to push, she call gynae now.. i was shocked!
2.15, gynae came and started the pushing process, alot of blood show.. i tried to push but cannot feel my butt n legs.. cannot even hold legs up.. so they helped me hold up my legs and i tried to push w all my might.. could only feel face muscles haha.. i felt dry throat asked for water but started coughing.. gynae said it helped to expel the baby.. soon after i started nausea and puked! Hubby was holding plastic bag at my mouth.. after 3rd push i felt gynae gave a snip.. episiotomy done, heng no pain..
I puked and puked and no more plastic bag and hubby shoved the puke bag to me and i puked even more.. but this all helped to expel baby out.. just that i couldn't hold my breath to push according to gynae...
After 15 mins of pushing, baby was out ard 2.37pm! Hubby commended me! From that point on, felt the relief and everything no pain liao.. gynae stitched me up and pressed my tummy to get blood out.. i just turned to the right and watch bb.. reminded hubby to take out camera! haha Baby was born 3.07kg, 50cm, 37cm head.. :D

After delivery, was administered IV painkiller at labor ward but something wrong in the plug on my hand, drip did not work after that, so thy wanted to reset, but i was not v willing as my veins v small.. so in the end, they did not reset and substitute a contraction pill up my anus instead.. headed to the ward as it got ready..
At ard 5plus, finally thought could rest abit, but felt uncomfy..realised got fever.. 38deg.. gynae informed.. so started panadol..
6plus, hubby suddenly saw i got puffy eyes.. like mosquito bites around my eyes.. realised i got allergic reaction.. probably the painkiller (Voltaren) that was given a bolus after delivery..
We msged visitors told them try to come next day coz i was so tired and was feverish and swollen like a goldfish.. took piriton and felt better as it slowly subsided..
Meanwhile epi subsided and i felt pain down there.. stitches and piles! gosh it was painful to sit on it.. couldn't turn and move in bed..

Started bfing at labor ward and so i continued..it was a wonderful feeling.. couldn't really sleep.. sweated like mad.. fever finally gone ard 4plus am...

And the rest was the history.. bb admitted to nicu as jaundice level too high for 1 day old bb , highly due to bb having different blood grp frm me.. and also frm pale skin color suspected infection.. sigh.. discharged only at day 4 evening.. going back pd for review of test results on sat ..

Sorry for the lonng story! I am so bored after feeding baby just now and cannot gl back to slp! next feed is 6.30am.. i shall just wait bah..

Jiayou mummies on our new roles as mummy! may our babies be pink in health and always cheerful and positive! Let's fight together!


hey mreow mreow, yup i had some prolapse of the rectal muscle in my last 2 months of pregnancy, but it came on and off.. pass motion, it comes out.. after a day or half, it is sucked back in...

I think pushed too hard during delivery and now more of it is out! Sigh, nurse at the ward tried to help me push it in and apply cream.. but it couldn't stay in., (sorry for sounding abit explicit)

I gotta really praise my hubby for being so lovif and caring throughout.. he skipped sch all the way, stayed with me, hold me to toilet and ran around.. even with my piles, he learnt frm nurse how to apply the cream and use the applicator to apply inside the anus coz i cannot see... he came home and helped me push in summore.. was in great deal of pain though.. wah i cannot imagine if i can do it for someone else.... my hubby is really the best ! <3

Until now day 6 liao, i still have the piles, cannot walk too much, sit oso pain, lie down oso pain.. shift oso pain.. sighh i heard maybe need to go remove them by stapling.. haiz if only i don't have piles, i think i will be up and running liao!


Hi meltie, glad ur bb is getting well. I insist and was determined not to take epidural as I heard of lots of side effects like causing bb heartbeat to drop, puking, cant feel urgent to push no energy etc. I also had puffy eyes from the painkiller that was inserted after the cut and fever as well. I havent pass motion aft 5 days! Been drinking water, prune juice take stool softener till I need to pee every 30 min. doc said walk ard, but too much walking back ache and cause tummy to loss and drop also. Pulse still hurts, it will take 2 wks to recover according to doc. I can endure the pain up to 8cm dilation cos probably I was too tired as before I deliever I was so worried for baby since I nearing Edd and no symptoms. So I didn't slp well for a few days before i went into labor. So when they induce labor with the drip, I literally slp it off. Though still feel pain but I try to slp and don't think abt it. Maybe getting urself tired before labor helps to endure the pain!


Meltie, we hav e same condition .. piles !! Good, at least e nurse did something for u .. e first nite after birth taken pain killer oso can't ease e pain fr piles. Ask them fr cream etc they say gonna wait till morning for gynae prescription .. cannot like tt gif . Mean while jus put ice cubes down there to dumb e pain .. but couldn't help at all .. can't slp n moved n hope for morning to arrive n tell gynae .. e pain is really unbearable .. :mad:


Hello mummies!! Congrats to those who have just given birth!!

I let u know my birth story k.
On Tuesday 25th, went for check up and gynae say baby is 3.3kg and I am barely 1cm dilated. So she suggested induce labour cause if wait till due date 30/09 scared baby grow bigger.
Schedule for induce on 26th at gyane clinic. First pill inserted at 10am, no contractions yet. Had lunch then went home. Second pill inserted at 4pm, contractions frequent after 4.30pm. Gynae say go home and get myself warded at midnight if can tahan. If cannot tahan, go early. But since i dont want extra charges, I labour at home first.. Contractions got very intense and felt like its the slowest time ever in my life.

11.30pm- get ready go hosp
12.00am- admitted to hosp and put in obs ward.
Nurse check for dilation only 1.5cm.
12.30am- nurse put in stool pill in anus to pass motion cause contractions 3-4mins apart. Go pass motion for about 1/2hr.
1.00am- lying down on bed then felt something gush out. Thought I shat on bed and nurse say waterbag burst already at 1.35am
1.45am- go labour ward. Tahan contractions all the way.
Nurses check dilation every now and then.
dilation 3cm 0236hrs
dilation 4cm 0304hrs, at this point cannot tahan, beg hubby for epi. Then he say i promise no epi. Beg n beg then say okay. But before sign paper nurse check dilation 8cm already. I told hubby no need Epi already. All the way from admitted use gas till labour.
dilation 8cm 0616hrs
first urge to push 0625hrs
dilation 9cm 0708hrs
dilation 10cm 0730hrs
real pushing 0734hrs
asst dlvry by Dr 0830hrs cause too tired already cannot push hard enough and baby too big. Doc do episiotiomy and use vacuum to get baby out. Baby delivered 0839hrs weigh 3.23kg.

Now still in hosp, discharge later. Recovering from the stitches!! Too sore to walk and very painful in bed. Pass motion twice already with help of stool softener medicine. Exclusive breastfeeding too!! Cant wait to go home..
And after baby come out, all pain is gone. Very good feeling also!!

Enjoy motherhood mummies!!


My birth story :-

26 Sep gynae ask to admit at 7 am for induce .. although wake up early for morning bathe had a light breakfast reach hospital late ard 7.30 am due to slow traffic bcos of e morning rain. Started insert tablet ard 8.15am while hubby doing admission downstairs.. super pain when e nurse insert e tablet .. she seems like searching e way in n tell cervix closed n she didn't manage to push tablet in enough saying bcos whole body so tense up .. I was like :( most likely is ur skills not up to standard ba .. then noted her tag senior staff nurse wor .. then can't b bothered abt her watch tv on observation ward while waiting for lunch n gynae to check me later ..

Felt some mild irregular contraction after 3 hrs plus plus .. still can take e cramps so ignore.. take lunch at 12.30 pm n still waiting n waiting ..ard 1.30 feeling abit of water coming out ..thot some discharge so ignore after few min abit more water flowing out call nurse to help check is it water bag burst le ?? Same nurse came say ya gd Gd water burst itself n immediately check to c my dilate process.. omg this time really pain I let out Some short scream .. she was like erm.. u v sensitive hor .. wow piang .. she again force in madly say still closed make me so worried n say c Hw lo let gynae check u later .. after awhile I feel like peeing when toilet saw Some blood dunno is it e nurse too rough or wat .. nvm ignore climb on bed to rest n chit chat wif hubby ..2.30pm gynae came n check .. tis time gynae checked dilation although abit discomfort but not pain at all saying 2 cm dilated hopefully can gif birth before dinner was like ok hopefully .. n gynae oso burst my water bag once again.. tis time rd e water flow was like e pipe non stop gush out so much .. half e bed wet n water even flow out e bed making e floor all wet .. :eek: after tt felt contraction getting stronger n stronger interval period shorter was thinking wanna epi anot .. ended up surrender took epi at 4 pm .. side effect came .. although ease e pain but I felt giddy n nausea so closed eyes take rest .. suddenly e pain become v intense even on epi I feel pain call nurse to increase dosage .. ok finally felt better .. nurse came n check dilation 3 -4 cm only .. n was like ard 6pm..omg was thinking Hw long more .. n was told little bb heartbeat drop.. so scare I can't deliver naturally as I dun wanna go c section.. nurse help to drain my urine say mayb little bb dun like c after drain urine will e heartbeat be normal again .. so monitor nw .. gan cheong liao lo .. praying bb well n I dilated fast pls .. gynae came again ard 7.30pm check my dilation .. say ok 9 cm .. I quickly call e nurse to ask abt bb heartbeat counts.. she says ok nw fr e ctg .. ok fine aleast I feel better..ard 7.45pm gt e kick of pushing alert nurses .. they prepared me n was send to labour ward .. at 8 pm inside e labour ward shivering dunno is I scare or is e epi side effect .. ok everyone in e labour ward was ready n was call to push n after 5 min of pushing bb is out via forceps due to head position not right .. hoo.. finally done n relieved.. gynae stitched me while my eyes glue on my little bb .. taking his height n weight .. :D


Hey mummies just curious, reading all of ur birth story , it seems that pills are used for most cases instead of pictocin drip for induced labor? I used drip and doc burst water bag, dilation was gradual and consistant. I heard inserting pills is less successfully to dilate cervix? So wonder how doc decide to use drip or pills. I had a fren was induced via pills and no dilation at all after 12 hrs even after water bag burst ended up emergency c sect.

Anyway regardless what method we have all delivered our babies and deserve a big pat on our shoulder!


Ahwang, my gynae ask me to start induce with pills first. 1st 2 is a must and the 3rd pill depends on my cervix and contractions. I dont need the 3rd one cause I have constant contractions already.
But gynae advise if pills not successful, she will put me on drip n burst water bag.
I think depends on each different mummies.


Venting time... Haiz milk flow still little... Was btl feeding ebm... Bb seems hungry faster... Mil say y dun u give ebm like water in bet fm... I was like huh.. Though not alot of milk i can still alt fm n ebm night latch n top up with fm... I still wanna try... Sibei sianz.... I know bm easily digested but i wanna give her as a meal not titbits.... Duh...:(


Rodorsany - how easy / difficult is it for u to manage two babies? I was actually thinking last night that I'm definitely not gonna have any more babies... Cos it's soo exhausting with one itself, don't know how u n de other mommies with two n more kids manage..


Kary when I had one I dun find it so tough... Just now with 2 so strained.. Lol gotta give attn to both gotta pump.. Gotta eat... Like time is not enuff... Really no more me time... Hb will try to encourage me to latch whenever bb not too cranky.. After that time i told him i totally no appetite... Eat just to produce bm... At least he help to take care of either kid usually #1 la


lingz, my mil will stay for 2months as hubby requested. he worried I can't cope especially Saturday when my elder kid at home.

rodorsany, I can understand u. I gof 2 now as well, the elder one dun know why keep crying nowadays.....got spend time just to pacify her everyday.

really tired.


Active Member
Wow all the birth stories.. Once again congrats to all! Feera how u rem all the time so precisely? Everything was a blur to me from the time I get onto hubby's car to finally bb was delivered.. So my birth story was a blur also haha,.

Ya I dunno if I can cope w 2! Initially plan for #2 just 2 years later.. Now already >< furthermore hubby today whole day slp, eat, watch tv >< not helpful at all, I where got dare to hv another one if he's gonna be like that >< I'm so mad tired...


Yeoymp, thats just one of e reactions kids give when they had siblings.... My coll worse
.. Edd nov already start reacting by dun wanna nap..

Mine is dun wanna eat...


Active Member
I hope my #1 will be like me.. My mum says as a baby, toddler n kid I nv give trouble, I look forward to my bb bro (4 years younger) n helped her w bro (i folded all the nappies for her) but nv need extra attn bcos I was v independent n like to do things n play alone without adults around me... Now how to find Hahahahaha *proud* my sil's sons hv v bad sibling rivalry.. The #2 was taken care of n spoilt by pils so when #3 comes he was 5 n wants exactly same treatment.. Eg mil hv to carry him n feed him milk >< otherwise he will cry, literally like a bb, purposely one... Then when my bb come, #3 now 4 years old, also jealous like mad >< first day after delivery sil came to hospital w her hubby n #3, n he was crying n crying n refuse to go near the cot, exactly wat #2 did when he was born. I totally attribute it to pils spoiled them.. Make them think they r the only little prince on earth respectivelg >< plus for #3, his two elder bros take opportunity to revenge.. Say when he arrived popo dun wan them, now meimei arrived popo dont want him le, makes him more insecure... Sigh. Kids.


Wow, just half a day never check forum and so many updates! I like reading the birth stories! Although painful, but I kinda miss that magical day, the magical moment wen bb just came out.. Hee.. Congrats once again to mummies who popped! It's now end Sep, are there any mummies still waiting? No more right? Hee.. Now this thread will be a venting fun breastfeeding support thread oredi.. :D

Sighz.. Todae wen I entertaining bb, hubby grumbled that I throw my things all over the place.. Photos la, breastpump la, lappie la, hp charger la etc.. Then say bb cot so dusty oso dun clean a bit.. I jiu fed up and emo.. I confinement now leh.. Am I expected to do housework? He say I whole day at home, do a bit wun die.. So fed up! Then he said CL bedsheet 2 weeks le.. Dunno wan change anot.. I said just pass her the sheets ask her change herself lor.. It's her bed now.. But my hubby go change for her lor.. I super fed up! Wen I told him to change our own bedsheet he just always grumble and procrastinate, but he will so willingly change for other people.. Mad angry.. Hmmph!


Dear mummies, it has been so long that I post anything here.

After 3 days stay in TMC due to c-sec, was discharged on wed. Thur, my right leg was very swollen which has not even occurred during my whole pregnancy. Called gynae to check up and he told me to admit myself to Nuh immediately as he suspect can be blood clot. Went down Nuh immediately and they hav to admit me, saying that it seems like blood clot due to after operation or delivery and can be life threatening if blood clot travels up to other part of body. Was very sad coz I'm leaving my daughter at home and she has been on total breastfeeding. Such sudden arrangements really make me lost and kept crying in hospital. Husband brought down beast pump, which I hav not operated before and cried through the night while pumping. Thinking whether baby is fed, whether my husband and mil can handle her as she love latching on.

Yesterday when hubby brought her to see pd, her jaundice level was high at 13, have to be admitted to Thomson to do phototherapy till tml. Hubby had to run between both hospital. Mil keep blaming me for walking too much during the confinement period, causing leg to be swollen, making my mum very upset coz she was helping out with my confinement for the first week, which is actually only 2 days. I cried so badly, knowing that daughter has to be at Thomson till tml. Feel that it's my fault for not feeding her enough and thinking about the daily blood test to be drawn for jaundice testing make me super upset.

As I kept crying in hospital, doctor gave me priority to have a scan on my leg to check whether there's blood clot, if not have to wait till Monday and I'm not allowed to go back, on total bed rest. Luckily, result is fine and can be discharged today. Went back to wash up and immediately make my way to Thomson to visit her. As I pumped out all the milk in Nuh, environment like not very clean and filled with all kind of patients, I have to throw away all my 50-80ml milk. So heart pain and she is on formula milk.

Just hope her jaundice level will go down and be alright to go back tml. Really miss her alot..


Hey erlina, may u n ur daughter get well soon. We will all Jiayou for u! Keep pumping! Think of ur daughter.. U hv to stay strong k?
I know it's easy to say.. We mummies hv been venting n crying too.. Mayb due to e hormones or wat, so we r more emo?

Keep us posted with ur daughter's news k? -Hugs-