EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

I brought my girl back to her PD yesterday hoping to get her phlegm sucked out.. But the pd said her phlegm is minimal and not into her lungs yet so I don't have to worry so much.. Hubby keeps insisting I'm being paranoid -,- so PD gave us. Nebulizer instead to administer the meds straight into her throat and lungs. Now baby looks like a mini Darth Vadet with the mask and all. Haha! Hubby was very against the nebulizer cause the nurses warned that baby might scream and cry a lot. But when we tried it on her, she started smiling at the vapor that came out so it was a relief. Hahaha!!

As for hubby's loony ex gf, I've changed number twice and hubby too but MIL still gave her our numbers. I have no idea why either. Hahaha! And for the ex's gifts and love tokens, I'm not the kind to demand that it has to be thrown away. I believe that it was their own special time between them back then, and its not my business. I told hubby it's alright to keep it cause I respect his personal space. It's just a bit annoying that MIL is shoving it in my face on purpose. Lol.

Vern nice! My hubby doesn't buy branded for me either! Cause I don't like branded stuff. There was one time he brought me to a buffet that was almost 200++ per pax and when I found out I literally ignored him for two weeks. Hahaha! I don't know why but I think it's a waste of money. But it's so cute that your hubby got you branded diaper bags!! Haha! I agree with you that if you didn't get pregnant maybe you wouldn't get it. :p

Christmas is just around the corner! So excited about baby's first Christmas although she's probably clueless about everything. Haha! Any mummies got special plans for Christmas? :)

what happen with ur hubby's ex gf?? i totally missed out all the posts during my maternity leave and now that i'm back at work, nothing much to do (or lazy to do it) so i wanna kepo kepo abit.. hahhahaha..

i'm so excited for xmas too!! my plan was to get a christmas tree and deco the house to have the festive feelilng a lil bit. baby just 2 months old and cant appreciate any of it, but i hope can light up the mood in the house. turns out, my store room too full with baby's stuffs and hardly can keep a lugage bag, not to mention a big xmas tree!! sigh.. and i dont have maid so nobody to clean up the mess that we currently have, not to mention wanna deco this and that in the house..

I thought wanna bring baby out for xmas (i alrd bought cute outfits for her somemore!!) but she's so cranky and will cry when we go out!! sighz..


We're just celebrating at home cam :) but new year going to KL to attend friend's wedding.. My hubby so far bought me alot of branded stuffs but not that expensive cos i think it's a waste of money too (like buying chanels/hermes) lol bought my LVs when i was single and already contented with it now just buying bag if i really like the design etc and if the sale is worth it ;-) bought shoes last night in coach cos 30 % off in raffles city :p


Active Member
Haha camcam I'm not really into branded stuff too.. No LV or Prada or Gucci, only Kate spade and coach from my USA trip 2 years ago... Cos I went on black Friday n the sales r like crazy!!! I bought 14 items (big n small like keychains for my besties, wristlets, 3 sling bags and 3 bigger hand bags!) at coach for 700+ usd?! Haha.. Then now my diaper bags... Frankly I did tell my hubby I hv more than enough bags after the USA trip but he still buys the diaper bags... Somemore 3, so far only used one >< I say next time keep for daughter lol...

I told him rather he save money bring me go travel cos i always itchy to travel! Haha... I'm dying to go europe one day!!

I only buey song him always makes it like such a great deal when others buy branded things for gf... He makes it sound like its the most ridiculous thing ever happened on earth >< when it's quite common lor haha..


Active Member
Christmas day this year is hubby's friend's daughter full mth celebration n we r gg tog w bb, so that's how we r going to celebrate... Keke... We dun hv Christmas tree at home... Living w in laws plus w bb, every corner of our hse is cluttered!! N the storeroom is sooooo cluttered that hardly can fit one person in.. Dunno how to survive if need it as bomb shelter lol


Im having a dinner at home with family.... Bot a pm figurine for christmas for bb... Coz first christmas both my girls hv itI only hv a super duper small christmas tree... Lol


Ahwang: heh yes for a period of time I was wishing for night nanny too. Was seriously considering it. As for playing w baby- I don't have a play gym cos she doesn't like tummy time. Sometimes I leave her in cot looking at mobile or play with her using the stuff toys. I've tried reading to her but difficult to get her attention. I talk to her a lot, though. Like what I'm doing, or when changing her diapers etc. but in the day it's in the Manduca and we go out. Ha. And she naps in it.

I hope your baby starts becoming more consistent soon!! I so know what you mean.. When baby sleeps through night once you'd come to exPect it and it's frustrating when baby reverts...


My gal after 2 days of straight 5 hours sleep, woke up again last night every 3 hourly for milk.. Think it's hard to set routine for them. I'm just glad that she goes back to sleep after feeding her and not stay awake.

Wanted to bring her out, but, very difficult. She fussed alot in car ride. The moment she got up the car, she started fussing till we get her out of the car. Not sure why.. Still trying her on carrier. Didn't have the infant insert and her neck is not stable, how do we carry her?


erlina the guy will bring some sample down if you all ok...then i let him knw...coz i m planning to get for my son...is books,vcd,dvd,flashcards etc...the books is suitable for babies...very simple words...

my son got 2 jabs and 1 time of the rotivirus....1 is 5 in 1 ...the other is pheumococcal
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Hi keatbear, that time the list of mummies coming is as follow:

Myself (Erlina)
Nessa (Vanessa)
Meltie (Angel)
Keatbear (Jessica)
Rodorsany + 2 kids (Doris)
Yeoymp (Ally)
Lingz12 (Eline)
Lizzy2101 (Jenice)
Hi Erlina/Keatbear,

I will be joining the gathering. Pls add me in ya.



Ahwang my baby sleeps very long in the morning but not throughout the rest of the day. I think her bed time starts from 12 am and ends at 11 am! Coz after I feed her at 7 am she will just sleep till about 11 am. No matter how hard I try to wake her, expose her to sounds and sunlight, she will just sleep. Then throughout the day until 12 am, she will just take 45 mins naps.


erlina, how old is your baby? Flipping is still a long way away, so don't worry about it. remember, some babies also skip certain things... so sweet that your baby is recognising you and smiling :) hehe. yes it's now the stage that I'm starting to feel that it's all worth it.

yuen and ahwang: I think you both are doing so well already with your babies! just hang in there. it will get better and your baby will be on a routine before you know it.
Thanks reiann I hope so!!


Erlina: mmy baby fusses in car too!! She seems to really dislike car seat. I used to get v frantic and upset when she cries in car cos my husband wouldn't allow me to take her out of the car seat to sooth her. So I can only distract her with toys, pacifier etc. now I'm more used to we crying in car seat - she still cries sometimes, v pitifully an loudly. And I think it's cos of reflux or gas. I just distract her w toys. I've dug up all the old hand me down toys and use them in car.

I suppose you're usin the ergo? Just use it! The more ou use the more you practice and it'll be easier w time. My baby just sleeps in it. She might fuss but I'll just pat her butt, sway a bit, or jiggle, or hum, and sometimes offer pacifier, and then off she goes to dreamland. Eg right now she's fast asleep and I'm enjoying my book and latte at a cafe till her feed at 3. Ah if only I can have an extended maternity leave.


Yuen, your babe is so cute. She's a night owl. What can you do? Heh. My baby is quite sleepy too in am. After her 7ish feed, I take her downstairs to sunlight etc but by 8.15 or 8.30 she's ready to sleep again, usually v quickly! Then around 10.30am after her two naps she will wake and so the feed at 11am...


Updated List so far
19th dec (wed) @ one north residence (keatbear's condo)
Time: 11:30am

Myself (Erlina)
Nessa (Vanessa)
Meltie (Angel)
Keatbear (Jessica)
Rodorsany + 2 kids (Doris)
Yeoymp (Ally)
Lingz12 (Eline)
Lizzy2101 (Jenice)

Any more mummies? My hubby think I very bo Liao, go and record down how many mummies gg for the gathering.. Haha..


Wah reiann looks like u had a good life are u out everyday? Ur baby wld slps a lot in daytime in that case in the carrier when h out. Doesn't this affect her nighttime sleep ? What time is ur girl bedtime?


Reiann, u r one impressive one, always bring ur baby out to cafe!! I will try to put her in the carrier everyday and mayb bring her on car ride every day around the neighbourhood. Think she takes time to get use to it.. Even yao lan, she took almost a week before she is willing to sleep in and now she is enjoying it..


yuen6:730571 said:
Ahwang my baby sleeps very long in the morning but not throughout the rest of the day. I think her bed time starts from 12 am and ends at 11 am! Coz after I feed her at 7 am she will just sleep till about 11 am. No matter how hard I try to wake her, expose her to sounds and sunlight, she will just sleep. Then throughout the day until 12 am, she will just take 45 mins naps.
Yuen.. that sounds like My boy's schedule.. Zzz abt 12am..sometimes later 1-2am..if he fusses.. but nw better cos I gives him pacifier when he wants to Zzz... mornings will Zzz till abt 11 also if his last feed is 7-8am..m enjoying sleeping in..Aft gg bk to work Think won't have the luxury..


Meltie: ur Carrier is it the New style or limited ed or black line? I heard New style mat is slighly cooler than black line
Hey lin, manduca carrier is black line series.. it says organic cotton though.. :) I felt the newstyle softer but hubby prefer black color so we went for black with green.. aha


meltie.. did u gal puke before u burp or after? a mummy told me that if it's before, then it is reflux. if it's after, then it might due to indigestion. My gal used to vomit alot too and she will vomit after everytime i latch her. Most of the time she will vomit out those clumpy milk. For my gal's case, it's not reflux because even after she burped twice and loud, she will still vomit. so we suspect it is indigestion and maybe she drank too much everytime i latch her. so i gave her probiotics drinks and feed her lesser amount but in short interval.

Now during the day she drank around 40-50ml only every 2 hours. she never vomit anymore. at night when i'm back from work, she will latch on but when i see her face like quite satisfied already, i will just burp her to sort of end the feed. only if she cries asking for more, then i will latch her again.

Maybe u can try the probiotic drink for ur gal? It's safe to be consumed daily even for infant. it's called lacteol fort and u can get it at guardian or watsons. another option is biogaia, but that one is drops and alot alot more expensive. i called my clinic and asked what is the difference between the two, the staff mentioned that biogaia is more for digestion while lacteol fort is more for vomitting and diarrhea.

hope this can help ur gal..
Thanks eeneyminey! I think based on ur description, my bb has both! she got reflux and indigestion coz he pukes before and after! She will continue spitting out milk even after an hr or more after her feed.. sometimes just before she cry for milk, she'll puke some out.. hmm my doc suggestsd for me to control her feeds, but she has rejecte bottle since.. and she will always cry when not enough.. she has a habit of latching v long... stop her and she will wail..

She's on biogaia twice daily.. i'm taking probiotics (LactoGG) too.. maybe lacteol fort is a gd idea.... how to feed? through syringe or thru bottle?


hey mummies, i got no plans for christmas.. my fren just asked if i wanna hold christmas party or gathering this yr.. with bb like that i where got time ... last yr we still baked stuff n ate cupcakes and played wii all night... i think now with bb , things are gonna change...

My bb cries alot in car seat most of the time too.. till i used to it liao.. hahaa sometimes when she start to fall aslp, reached destination liao.. gotta take her out n she frustrated again... maybe shld put some toys...

Any mummies can share how you prepare and bring ur baby out? i always find it a struggle to work ard her feed time.. or rather, when its time to prep to go out, she will fuss n cry for milk.. strange one.. its not her feed time yet she mang zang and cry.. i'll always change her diaper before going out.. when coming back that time, she'll also fuss n cry before we make our way home.. sometimes i even have to stop the car n feed, sit there to burp n wait den drive home.. sighh its been quite tough.. she's quite sensitive to motion i think.. i fed her before going out, she'll end up puking, fed her in car while moving once, she also puke.. come home frm car ride, she cry like mad, feed her she also puked alot in the end.. maybe she has motion sickness... :/

hey reiann, how i wish i can be as zai as u! so nice to chill w bb outside! i just tried putting my gal in the manduca carrier.. she wailed like mad... cannot soothe till i take her out n cradle her.. sighh hope she gets use to the carrier! need to ask u for more tips on how to use the carrier! Coz her legs in froggy style like pressing on her knees or ankles.. is that alright? also.. do u keep her hands inside the insert? her head is out leh, am i putting her too high?