EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Active Member
My bb also has red marks behind the knees if bring her out in carrier for long... So nowadays I'll try to do some leg exercise for her while on the go, just lifting her legs up n down so won't be always resting the joints on the edge of the carrier seat...

Bb was asleep then just now suddenly woke up w congested nose with mucus flowing out :( she was fine all the time... Then suddenly unwell n v comfy, the way she cried make my heart breaks... Just did nasal spray for her, applies snuffle, latched her n she's back to slp but breathing v heavily :( will be monitoring through the night I guess...


Oh, hope little Skyler will be alright. It's definitely tough for her to have block nose. Realized this period is like the flu season, everyone seems to be having it, baby has the tendency to get it too..

Need to go back school tml's morning for meeting. Hubby is so nice to ask me to go sleep at 11pm and said will feed her at 12 plus and will wake me up to pump milk too. Haha, and when I suddenly woke up now (2:30am), realise baby was not fed, coz hubby also slept thru. Think baby will cry for milk anytime since her last feed was at 9pm. That's the difference between mother and father.


Haha... my hb often offer but he n bb wi sleep thru tgt! Lol... last night last feed is 6pm... today only drink at 7.45am.. almost 12hrs wo milk

Felicity hope skyler gets well soon...


Hey mummies happy 2013 to all, unfortunately my yr ended with a fever from my boy wat a gift ! 38.4 since last night, feed him 3 doses of paracetamol at 6 hourky fever still didn't go down. Morning rush down to kk a&e did blood n Urine test lucky all clear. Doc say viral infection. My boy fever went down now, but he seems to be still in pain wake every 2hr crying... Esp when he cry and I.guess choke on.his saliva he cry even more badly as seems painful. Told doc at kk they checked his throat n Said okay. But he cry badly whenever he choke. Not.sure if its soar throat... My.mother instinct just tells me he is not right ! Will bb have soar throat or simply a matter of choking on their abundant saliva... Any mummies here bb.choke n gag often esp when crying ? Google can't seems to help much


Active Member
yup, at the strike of midnight as fireworks went off, bb cried and i went to attend to her... she seems ok in the day but her nose gets super congested in the nights and she can't sleep well at all. kept waking up and crying... and the way she cries is unlike how she usually cry... sounds like she's in a lot of discomfort. makes me v heartbroken. :(

sigh, mil likes to come and say fil (who as usual just lies in bed) wanna chat with bb, and carry bb away into their room to play with her... i'm getting more and more reluctant for her to carry bb away after the 'false first flip' incident... but she seems to wanna carry bb away more and more... think i'm so gonna just shut myself n bb into my room :/


felicity:742413 said:
yup, at the strike of midnight as fireworks went off, bb cried and i went to attend to her... she seems ok in the day but her nose gets super congested in the nights and she can't sleep well at all. kept waking up and crying... and the way she cries is unlike how she usually cry... sounds like she's in a lot of discomfort. makes me v heartbroken. :(

sigh, mil likes to come and say fil (who as usual just lies in bed) wanna chat with bb, and carry bb away into their room to play with her... i'm getting more and more reluctant for her to carry bb away after the 'false first flip' incident... but she seems to wanna carry bb away more and more... think i'm so gonna just shut myself n bb into my room :/
Felicity did u bring her to c pd ? request pd to help clear the congestion might feel better.. or.use seaspray? Hard mucus or soft?
Y cannot ask fil to go to the living rm to play? at least u can c? If nt awhile later say bb Zzz time..then carry her over?


Getting more headache when date is growing near to return to work.. bb needs (.)(.) To Zzz replaces w pacifier he will know n cry out loud.. v worried nw how is he gg to b when there's no (.)(.) Think my mum will Have hard time..also Think will need start supplementing fm to let him get used to the favour.. think my bf experience will b ending soon..feel So guilty nw that I can't get past the min. 6Mths marking..n worse..period will start cmg bk when slowly bf stops... :( :(


I'm going to bring bb to the bb sitter's hse for the first time tmr. . To let her get familiar with the new caregiver as well as the new environment before I go back to work next Mon. . I'm so depressed now! Everybody keeps saying I will still get to see her at night but it's not the same. . I have been looking after her 24/7 for so long and now wen she's finally fun to play with, I have to pass her to someone else to have fun with. . And this someone gets to witness my girl's many milestones.. I'm so jealous! Hiah. . I tink I'm an obsessive and possessive mummy. . :(

Called e bb sitter up today to confirm tat I'm bringing bb over tmr. . She ask if I'm gonna bring along a tin of fm in case the ebm I bring over is not sufficient (esp after I go back to work, can't possibly run back to latch her).. I said I will give her one bottle ebm more so shld b enuff. . Sighz. . I'm afraid if I buy a tin of fm for her as standby, she will b v careless with my ebm. . Dunno if she is those who tink bb cry = hungry. . If so I scared she will keep warming up my ebm and if bb dun drink then gotta throw after 2hrs. . Hiah. . This is y I trust nobody but myself wen it comes to my bb and my ebm. . They are both so precious!

Sighz. . I tink I have quite a bad case of separation anxiety. . So afraid I will walk away crying after leaving bb with the bb sitter tmr. . As it is now, I cried wen I gave bb her last feed just now. . I miss her oredi! Sobz. .


Haiz, same here .. jus dun feel comfortable leaving bb wif others .. I gonna leave bb tis Fri nite in my in laws place .. worse is that I told my mil his routine n his so called "pattern" she seems to ignore n act smart as if she knws every thing .. jialat .. my bb got tis bad habit gt to cry one round before going for nap n sometimes mus coax awhile ..told mil many many times but she still dun listen says bb dun wan to slp .. n last week I left bb wif her for only 2 hrs went out to get some grocery .. once step in she says jus now bb poo n she dunno whether she gt wipe clean anot .. wow liao wat is tis . if wan take care .. take care properly la .. n I check bb again saw his butt having rashes .. v angry initally he is well .. must b e poo stain too long then she change him .. 2 hrs she oso cannot do a Gd job .. I m so worried wat will b when I leave bb there e whole day .. :( so upset ..


purpur:742466 said:
Haiz, same here .. jus dun feel comfortable leaving bb wif others .. I gonna leave bb tis Fri nite in my in laws place .. worse is that I told my mil his routine n his so called "pattern" she seems to ignore n act smart as if she knws every thing .. jialat .. my bb got tis bad habit gt to cry one round before going for nap n sometimes mus coax awhile ..told mil many many times but she still dun listen says bb dun wan to slp .. n last week I left bb wif her for only 2 hrs went out to get some grocery .. once step in she says jus now bb poo n she dunno whether she gt wipe clean anot .. wow liao wat is tis . if wan take care .. take care properly la .. n I check bb again saw his butt having rashes .. v angry initally he is well .. must b e poo stain too long then she change him .. 2 hrs she oso cannot do a Gd job .. I m so worried wat will b when I leave bb there e whole day .. :( so upset ..
Purpur maybe u can Tell her again or many many times that u need to set the rules? LIke check diapers and put nappy cream every time after a change? Ask hubby to remind also? Sometimes they Think they r experienced Cos they bring up their kids...


Hmmm i keep a lot of pics n videos on hp to ease my seperation anxiety last time... but im quite relieve to leave bb with my mil after all she's particular abt cleaniness n will toilet train i try to think positive la.....

Now with no 2 i hope things still same esp after hb leaves for outstation.... i just calculated.... i get to see hb every 9 weeks..... worse then imprison lol

I also think my bf journey ending soon... now my boss crazy one... change lunch hours haiz gotta replan my schedule of pumping... now my suply only 80-110per pump can only give 2feeds as bb drinks 200ml now... but im glad i managed to give her as much as i could.....

So mummies relax... u did great... hvg seperatiom anxiety is norm.... dun fret too much bb will know... btw i wash bb's butt when she poop cleaner.. mayb u wanna try?


Looks like all of us are preparing to go back work. I'm also trying to adjust, the only consolation is my mum is helping me to take care of my gal, and I felt more relieved. I'm adjusting her to have her last feed at 10plus, then woke up at 4am to pump, feed her at 4:30am. Then have to get ready and send her to my Mum's place by 6:15am before gg to school. Tried out today, and my girl even more excited than me, woke up at 5am.. Haha.. Luckily, fell back to sleep at my Mum's place. Really wish can move back to my mum's house, but, mil won't allow. Sianz..

Anyway, my girl keeps refusing to drink milk.. Not sure why.. Able to dream feed her but if she's awake, she just don't want to drink the milk, need to coax for almost an hour to only finish 150ml, regardless BM or FM. Any mummies encounter such problems?

All the rest of mummies, Jiayou!!! Purpur, think u have to close two eyes if put under mil, tough.. Tot u might quit ur job? Lingz, hmm, better give slightly more ebm for babysitter. If u give her fm, she might take the easy way out..


Yeah. .I will give one bottle more everyday. . I jus hope my supply can manage after I go back to work. . :(

Just dropped my bb at the bb sitter hse this morning. . She smiled at the bb sitter.. After a while she cried to be carried and bb sitter said I spoiled my girl for carrying her everytime she cries. . Sighz. . But tat is e onli way I noe to keep her quiet. . Bb sitter says she can't possibly keep carrying her cos she needs to do household chores too. . Sighz. .


seems like most of us start work soon. me will start work on 14th. Today is the 1St day I'm putting my son to nanny's place and my girl going to childcare. hope both of my darling will adapt well.

jiayou all Sept mummies.


Sigh i'm dreading to start work .. mine is on 23rd Jan. Haven't work out with mil.. she mentioned she can help for a month when i serve notice... tonight gonna go her place for dinner n discuss.. lotsa logistics too... like need to get a cot or playpen @ her side, maybe a bouncer too.. More feedbottles!

i think i most prob quitting ... coz no one else i can trust to take care of charlotte... hope finances can work out well.. still gotta shift hse.. just realise we can't downgrade to hdb to save money as my hubby got his name in his mum's condo.. so its either he removes his name or we have to buy condo.. quite hard w single income...

hmm any mummies experience ur bb crying alot in the day? charlotte doesn't slp much.. she is either crying or looking ard wanting attention... past 2 days she become v alert and cannot slp.. i also don't want to spoil her too much by carrying her... just let her cry abit... sigh she had slight hernia at her roght groin area again .. maybe cried too much yesterday.. prior to this, on christmas day she had her 1st swell and the A&E doc taught me how to push her intestine back up.. sighh am i letting her cry too much? or shld i just spoil her bu carrying her? :p she is becoming more fussy...

hubby is gg back to work tml, i dunno how i can cope w bb alone again, this time gotta pump n feed.. how to leave bb crying while i pump? will i get enough time to pump?
I'm gg to see the LC this afternn after bb's PD appt.. (she's gg for her 3mth jab.. any idea wad are there to take? 5-in-1 only?) Hmm as for seeing the LC, i need help to clear the lumps n blocked ducts .. been so painful n swollen since mon....hope when she massage , it will clear promptly! Heard its gonna be brutally painful... :/


erlina: 150ml is a lot, no? that's still drinking milk! so as long as your baby is drinking, no matter how much, that's fine :) don't worry so much.

hello mummies! back from my 'holiday' and I can honestly say it wasn't a holiday in the conventional sense (of relaxing time and lots of sleep). baby was fussy quite a number of days, reflux, gas, and cried a lot. not easy. but I still had fun. but it also will make me want to stay in SG for the next 6 months -_-

so sorry to hear about all your problems :(

ahwang: is your baby getting better?? where'd he get the virus from? so sorry about it :(

and all those with MIL acting up! argh! what is up with them!?


meltie:742571 said:
Sigh i'm dreading to start work .. mine is on 23rd Jan. Haven't work out with mil.. she mentioned she can help for a month when i serve notice... tonight gonna go her place for dinner n discuss.. lotsa logistics too... like need to get a cot or playpen @ her side, maybe a bouncer too.. More feedbottles!

i think i most prob quitting ... coz no one else i can trust to take care of charlotte... hope finances can work out well.. still gotta shift hse.. just realise we can't downgrade to hdb to save money as my hubby got his name in his mum's condo.. so its either he removes his name or we have to buy condo.. quite hard w single income...

hmm any mummies experience ur bb crying alot in the day? charlotte doesn't slp much.. she is either crying or looking ard wanting attention... past 2 days she become v alert and cannot slp.. i also don't want to spoil her too much by carrying her... just let her cry abit... sigh she had slight hernia at her roght groin area again .. maybe cried too much yesterday.. prior to this, on christmas day she had her 1st swell and the A&E doc taught me how to push her intestine back up.. sighh am i letting her cry too much? or shld i just spoil her bu carrying her? :p she is becoming more fussy...

hubby is gg back to work tml, i dunno how i can cope w bb alone again, this time gotta pump n feed.. how to leave bb crying while i pump? will i get enough time to pump?
I'm gg to see the LC this afternn after bb's PD appt.. (she's gg for her 3mth jab.. any idea wad are there to take? 5-in-1 only?) Hmm as for seeing the LC, i need help to clear the lumps n blocked ducts .. been so painful n swollen since mon....hope when she massage , it will clear promptly! Heard its gonna be brutally painful... :/
Meltie.. maybe u try to put Charlotte down on rocker when she's nt that fussy.. Lucas also will fuss then I'll carry him till he calms down then put him down..other than the 5-in-1 there's additional pnuemoccol jab.. duno the spelling Which u can Consider..

Regards to yr supply..I Think u have the supply So keep it up.. n it won't take long when u pump on dual side..mine is single pump.. even slower..juz chop chop..

Hope u clear ur ducts n lumps..


i am not sure with others...but my son when i feed him on the bed...after finish no matter day or nite he will turn to his side n sleep...n he will burp or fart when he turns here n there...seems like he doesnt need me to carry to burp him...


Hi reiann, welcome back to sg! Wat a experience for u and ur bb on holiday. So young n is already travelling. I won't have the confidence to do that. Doc said common viral infection from cold etc doc said common esp during such season. So mummies watch out. My boy was actually not fussy or acting weird when he had fever, in fact he still smile haha so we didn't notice anything wrong until we felt he is feverish . But when fever subsiding the following day he became exceptionally fussy and not feeding till the next day then got better. Guess I can have my mini break in the day time when my boy put in infant care starting 16 Jan, am returning work on 28 Jan. Will spot check and watch him till aft then go for facial, shopping etc... Am already planning for my own activities relax abit which I think we all deserved it before heading back work !