EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

Congrats for yeoymp!!

I'm officially on waiting game now. The last check gynae did a VE on me, i think my cervix is really still closed super tight. i dont feel any pain and i dont even have any brownish or bloody discharge after the check!!! *faints*

really really hoping baby can come out this week, not because i'm tired of the pregnancy or anything, i didnt feel much pelvic bone pain nor stomach cramp and i dont even get up THAT often during the night to pee (only got up once to pee since few weeks back, that's not considered ALOT isnt it?!). I used to think i'm quite lucky because i still can enjoy long n deep sleep in the night even when i'm pregnant this big. but now i think it's all due to baby not engaged yet.. sighz..

so scared that baby will come out nearing edd and she will be too big for me to push out.. fingers crossed for now and praying hard so baby can really come out this thursday if can.. sighz..


Congrats for yeoymp!!

I'm officially on waiting game now. The last check gynae did a VE on me, i think my cervix is really still closed super tight. i dont feel any pain and i dont even have any brownish or bloody discharge after the check!!! *faints*

really really hoping baby can come out this week, not because i'm tired of the pregnancy or anything, i didnt feel much pelvic bone pain nor stomach cramp and i dont even get up THAT often during the night to pee (only got up once to pee since few weeks back, that's not considered ALOT isnt it?!). I used to think i'm quite lucky because i still can enjoy long n deep sleep in the night even when i'm pregnant this big. but now i think it's all due to baby not engaged yet.. sighz..

so scared that baby will come out nearing edd and she will be too big for me to push out.. fingers crossed for now and praying hard so baby can really come out this thursday if can.. sighz..

I am also in the waiting game now.. Since last check on sat, gynae say baby not yet engaged, was kind of worry coz once it drags longer baby will get too big for me to push out also.. Did a check through the internet, there are some who say engagement can happen during the labour so not necessary to engage prior delivery. Hope things turn out fine for us during delivery and we will experience the labour symptoms soon..


Hi ladies wanna check... My girl keeps crying when sucking right breast.... Left ok.. I wonder y.. Posture ok leh... I tasted e milk same taste leh... (my mil says her 2kids refused one side too coz 1 side salty)..

But pump one she drinks!!! Headache.. She latch n cry like i slaughter her?!!! :eek: can latch 1 side only??? she cry i stressed too...
Maybe she isnt sucking much on right breast? Blocked milk ducts etc.. So she gets frustrated?


eeneyminey:693781 said:
Congrats for yeoymp!!

I'm officially on waiting game now. The last check gynae did a VE on me, i think my cervix is really still closed super tight. i dont feel any pain and i dont even have any brownish or bloody discharge after the check!!! *faints*

really really hoping baby can come out this week, not because i'm tired of the pregnancy or anything, i didnt feel much pelvic bone pain nor stomach cramp and i dont even get up THAT often during the night to pee (only got up once to pee since few weeks back, that's not considered ALOT isnt it?!). I used to think i'm quite lucky because i still can enjoy long n deep sleep in the night even when i'm pregnant this big. but now i think it's all due to baby not engaged yet.. sighz..

so scared that baby will come out nearing edd and she will be too big for me to push out.. fingers crossed for now and praying hard so baby can really come out this thursday if can.. sighz..
Try talking to bb more!! It might help... Jiayou n relax.... Bb too comfy inside


Maybe she isnt sucking much on right breast? Blocked milk ducts etc.. So she gets frustrated?[/QUOTE]

How to know if its blocked?? Im on my way to see my gynea..will he know??


Hey memory, purpur and sapphire,
I am also waiting! My gynae last tues say bb not engaged yet but low.. asked gynae, she say no way to gauge how long more bb'll take. Just gotta monitor bb's movements wheter got lessen.. and of coz wait for labor to kick in!

Now day by day is like a relief and a bonus to me.. that's what i considered la, but at the back of my head i'm also very qorrie bb is getting too big to be pushed out! 1 week to my EDD! Tomorrow shall see how big my bb has grown! Been eating alot of 'sinful' food like mooncakes, chips, choc and stuff! lol

Let's jiayou together!

All the best to the breastfeeding mums! We'll know the challenge very soon!!!


Maybe she isnt sucking much on right breast? Blocked milk ducts etc.. So she gets frustrated?
How to know if its blocked?? Im on my way to see my gynea..will he know??[/QUOTE]

Rodorsany, if you are engaging massage lady, can ask her to help you clear blocked ducts if any. Hopefully it will help.
The weird thing is, recently i feel like got gas inside my tummy. It just keeps growling and growling, and there was even once it growls like super duper loud even louder than i fart! I got a shock coz i have never had this kind of growls before.. is this normal?

and i feel like tingling sensation on the v area too.. dunno what is it coz it cant be i'm dilating (no pain or anything). Scared it is like some kind of a sign for infection or something..


Hi eeneyminey, same here.. All the menstrual cramp, diarrhoea symptoms hav disappeared totally.. The feeling of labour nearing seems so far.. Everyday, will keep thinking whether she'll be out and hoping she will be out. Try talking to her, but also not really working.

Will not take maternity leave till edd itself as the school's policy that if take advance maternity leave, will then hav to take all 4 months in one continuous block which will hit into holiday. Hence, hav to take on edd or child out before that, then can break.. Have to tahan, though really getting tired very often..

Let's hope our babies will make their appearance soon..


hey eeneyminey, i also got alot of gas inside my stomach.. 5-6am in morning i'll feel like farting alot haha.. maybe its coz of the indigestion that's caused by bb pressing on our intestines? I also got some weird sensation around vaginal area.. numbing abit.. and when i try to pee, sometimes feel v tight and got burning sensation.. also have been looking out for mucus or blood.. but only alot of discharge.. :/ let's jiayou tog!

Hey erlina040, wow u gonna work till EDD or bb come out? i cleared w my HR and they allow hospitalisation leave.. so i took 2 weeks to stay home to wait... do rest well! I've een talking to my little princess inside.. she seems to listen to me to wait somemore for my confinement lady to be ready! I need to wait till past due date! But i also can't wait liao.. so uncomfy and nervous!


meltie:693845 said:
hey eeneyminey, i also got alot of gas inside my stomach.. 5-6am in morning i'll feel like farting alot haha.. maybe its coz of the indigestion that's caused by bb pressing on our intestines? I also got some weird sensation around vaginal area.. numbing abit.. and when i try to pee, sometimes feel v tight and got burning sensation.. also have been looking out for mucus or blood.. but only alot of discharge.. :/ let's jiayou tog!

Hey erlina040, wow u gonna work till EDD or bb come out? i cleared w my HR and they allow hospitalisation leave.. so i took 2 weeks to stay home to wait... do rest well! I've een talking to my little princess inside.. she seems to listen to me to wait somemore for my confinement lady to be ready! I need to wait till past due date! But i also can't wait liao.. so uncomfy and nervous!
Hi meltie.. same here.... been having some burning sensation at the vaginal when peeing n pooing.. so scared of pushing too hard when shitting now scared baby decide to pop then hahahaha!!! Really wish to speed up this waiting game too.... its getting too painful to walk, sit n sleep..........
i went for my wk 38 appt last Sat morn... baby head down, but not engaged yet... gynae said 60% of babies' heads not engaged until labour... the labour contractions will make the head engaged... baby is still 3kg (phew!)... cervix is barely open... =(

then at night 8pm, i started having menses cramps pain... it started after i went to poop... and it went on for more than 2 hrs non-stop... didn't know if it was normal... coz i thought contraction pain should be on and off... end up went to Mt A labour ward to check... did CTG and checked cervix... CTG was normal, cervix also not open... false alarm! end up went home...

anyone has the same type of non-stop menses cramps pain?


Meltie, sapphire , indeed e waiting game is making me exhausted. So bored staying at hme .all position seems to b uncomfortable even walking .. having dark circles for months .. wat u ladies normally do at hme to pass time ?? :)


Haha.. Ya, gg to work till then. Mayb can consider taking hospitalization leave, have to check with hr..

There was one night I have a continuous menstrual pain for around half an hour..then, from then don't have already..

Pls let it be tonight! Haha


Hey sapphire, the burning sensation worries me as i'm afraid i still have some infection or something.. already finished my antibiotics for GBS.. hmm maybe its just coz of the discharge.. i also realise i have loose stools rather den normal poo.. and it takes quite long.. so i end up sitting there for abt half an hr trying to empty my bowels in the morning... i have been getting abit of prolapse (the interior flesh coming out) sigh.. lotsa sacrifices in pregnancy haha.. these few days i got some sudden shooting o pain from left thigh down my legs when bb suddenly kick.. ouch! :p i think she's getting too big inside!

Hey mamadinosaur, i had some light menstrual cramps last night.. but went off after awhile.. coz i think i remember they say it will strengthen or worsen if its contractions.. so i just ignore it despite how uncomfy... :/ I also experience some form of tightening and contracting when i scratch my tummy.. weird sensations.. but it stops when i stop...had a dumb thought.. what if i stir up a contraction myself.. will i go into labor? haha but dangerous!


hey purpur , tell me more abt dark circles.. i'm the next panda in the enclosure.. lol

Already gotten used to waking up every 1-2hrs while slping.. haha dunno how i can last that.. now on leave at home i just try to slp till 10am? Actually feel the more tired after battling all night.. 7-8am is the beat time to take my last shot of nap ! last time working always super hard to wake up at 7+ coz i was so exhausted..

Hmm what i'm doing at home now ar.. just packing some stuff around the house.. actually got things to rearrange, drawers to organise and stuff.. trying to keep valuables properly coz will have stranger around.. me testin out my bb's room aircon now, see if its comfy and whats the best setting... haha so bo liao ..
The gas in my tummy strangely just growls there, i didnt even feel like farting or anything.. And my life is so peaceful!!! No cramp, no pain in pelvic area or whatever.. Just v area feels sore and got a bit tingling sensation? Not sure how to describe that.. And to make it worse, i have runny nose now.. super uncomfy!!!!

I cant believe that now i'm wishing to have some pain.. haihhh..
oooh seems like the menses cramps pain is normal... just that mine was super long... lucky we only had to pay about 60 bucks for the CTG and cervix check... even though i was on the labour room bed... ><

everyday at home also dunno do what... wake up at 11am... eat... surf net... maybe nap... then wait for hubby to come home for dinner... gynae said i'm supposed to walk for 3-4 hrs a day... but walking for 1 hr around Orchard already super tiring!