EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Heyyy everyone I finally gave birth and got to see my tiny little baby :))) she came out after about an hour of pushing at 2:07 am weighing 3.3kgs and measuring 53cms in length :) was soo relieved after she came out.. Will tell u all the details when I go home.. For now the baby is in the nicu cos she was having some difficulty breathing, still waiting on the pd to update the status... Hoping all is well..


Heyyy everyone I finally gave birth and got to see my tiny little baby :))) she came out after about an hour of pushing at 2:07 am weighing 3.3kgs and measuring 53cms in length :) was soo relieved after she came out.. Will tell u all the details when I go home.. For now the baby is in the nicu cos she was having some difficulty breathing, still waiting on the pd to update the status... Hoping all is well..
congrats Karry!!! dw baby will be be fine ya :) for now borrow breast pump so you can pump every two hours, 15 minutes each breast for you to ready your ample milk supply and prevent breast engorgement (like i did experienced lol) rest well ya!


Congrats to both Kary and camcam!!! Take care and rest well.. Camcam, think ur delivery really make people envious..

Ya, I'm still at the waiting game.. Always thought my edd is 29th and realized is 27th sept when I checked through the documents. Didn't really have menstrual symptoms. But, last night, kept having this super sharp pain that shoot down to my bottom area for almost 3 hours on and off.. I tot it's coming before it totally disappear again. Just hope all these sharp pains mean baby is moving downwards and getting engaged. Also hav very frequent toilet visit over the night and the worse thing is can't get back to sleep again.

Will be visiting my gynae tml. Hopefully, can be like camcam, sudden news of labour so soon and no more waiting game.. :)


Active Member
Kary congrats! Ya dun worry ur bb will be fine! Good weight n length ^^

Yea lizzy but she really fusses so much n because I breastfeed, also dunno how much she get... Even when latching, half the time or more she's just fussing to latch n I'm struggling... So far no nappy rash, buttock nice n clean except for the bcg jab "pimple" mark... so keeping fingers cross...


Hi Meltie, me too.. No signs n symptoms as yet.. But feeling very hot and uncomfy.. Have been doing my squats and walking everyday. Hoping for good news later during appt.

Erlina, hope u get good news too. :)

Anw, congrats kary! Pray that baby will be fine. :)


Congrats kary and camcam!!! Finally get to carry your baby.. Rest well :)

This morning notice some blood stain, probably its my turn soon? Shall go hospital and check later.


Congrats Kary!! You did it!! :) Can't wait to hear ur story! Praying for your bb to be up and well! She's of gd weight! Show us pictures on the fb grp!

hey feera, erlina and purpur, guess we are the few left! anyone else still waiting? :)

Memory! Hope its TIME for ya! Jiayou !! ;)


Congrats Camcam and Kary!

Camcam: urs is such a smooth delivery for a good size bb! So envious! Hope ur epi side effects wear off soon!

Kary: Dun worry, ur bb will be fine! Bb's probably too excited seeing mummy! :D


Thanks everyone!!! Baby is doing good :)) the doctor just came and told me that all good and they will brig her to me soon..

Erlina - I had that pain yday from the morning, though it was not even half as bad as it was in the night. And was not at all regular but was definitely noticeable. But yea it started with that for me..


I'm using e medele pump in style advanced. Initially I din wan to buy cos got a second hand one n I was worried I no milk waste money... But hubby wanted to encourage me.. So got me a new set. It's a US stock so no warranty but at least cheaper by $200? Just glad didnt buy single or manual pump (cos that was my initial plan-no milk at least e money spent not so heart pain mah) but now that I m pumping... Really can't imagine I spend more than 30 mins to pump. I guess I was motivates by e pump also bah cos din want to waste husbands money. Anw i think hor 1 hr of pumping is really alot! My nipples r alrdy v v painful.

Ya weather do hot I slpt in air con room but see baby sweating alrdy... Now instead of just bathing him once in e morning we wipe him at night also (I think he feels better n fresher after that also) read online that swaddling stop once try can turn their back. So for now still ok to swaddle bah-cos they feel more secure. Actually they say baby slp in Aircon room ok only prob is u get them so used to Aircon next time they can't slp with/o it.

Dunno is e food that we eat now or wat newborns r like So active. My mum n her generation one ll say their newborn only slp. Mine like so kapo eyes looking ard, hands n lega struggling n can push me away so hard when latching... Wah Stronger than me man. Last night had to pacify baby by latching for more than 1hr!! From 10:20pm to 1am. Whole body aching... I think hor those myth bout taking epidural next time backache is false.. Prob e back ache is caused by e carrying n latching! Btw just outbid curiousity do u all remove up top n bra when u latch? I do that cos more comfy but I know it's not e right way la. Will u gals be doing breastfeeding in public? I would like to but got this phobia Le... ESP when bb struggle I cannot imagine the stares from ppl if they see something moving so vigorously underneath the shawl.-will look like a terrible mom.


Oh Kary, really? That make me feel excited..
Glad that your baby is fine.. Update us on your motherhood journey! Have good rest!

Think as the Sept approaching to the end, our topics move on to breastfeeding and "mil"'s support. Glad with all the mother's sharing, always make me feel more assured.

Let's carry on with our waiting game!!!


Hello mummies!! About 4hours since I delivered and I'm still wide awake GOSH.

Anyway, second surprise of the day was when my little girl came out at 3.47kg! Even doctor was shocked cause h expected her to be about 2.8kg only. Now I'm starting to wonder if Dr Koh knows what he's doing. Hahaha!

So water bag was burst at 6pm. But totally ZERO action till 9pm. No contractions no discomfort no Significant dilation. Even the nurses were asking each other if I've been admitted correctly.

But when contractions started at 9pm, they came strong and really fast. And after about an hour plus, doc informe me that I can be ready to push cause I'm fully dilated.

I have to say though, the doctor Jo administered the epidural for me, I was actually keeping the pain under control but he insisted when he saw my face twisted in pain. But anyway he made a slight slip while inserting the epidural, which sent me into instant spasms. That scared me for awhile. :/

But anyway, I was fully numb when baby arrived. Body and legs totally cannot move. And the best part is, BABY CAME OUT AFTER ONLY TWO PUSHES!!

I still look at the doc and nurses and ask "Huh that's it? Don't need to push already?". They just smiled at me.

Looking at baby, everything is worth it though. :)

But I got the worst of the side effects of epidural. My trembling is like a drug addict, and I've been throwing up nonstop although my stomach is empty already. Just gastric juices. :(

And Mount Alvernia is full house tonight. Not even an Available 4-bedded room. So I have to be kept in the Delivery Bay till tomorrow or even till discharge. Sobs. :( hubby can't stay.

Fast and smooth delivery though, now can't wait to play with my little girl. She's so cheeky! She didn't wanna latch on, she kept sticking her tongue out like :p. and she would cock her eyebrows and frown at us. Then when she was whisked off to the nursery, all the other babies sleeping soundly, only she's awake with eyes wide open and her hands waving all over the place. Haha!
Woah Camcam!! CONGRATS GAL!!!! That's really a quickee and smooth delivery!! I hope mine will be as smooth too!!!! Geesh.. Dr Koh estimated ur baby gal to be 2.85kg but she turned out to be 3.47kg??? Oh dear.. he estimated mine to be 3.7kg.. will he be even BIGGER????? OH NOOOO>>>>>>>>............................ I really hope I can take it without epidural cos I cannot stand the side effects from it...... as I have history of bad backaches.............

Btw, if you are gonna have to stay in the delivery bay, how is MAH gonna charge you??? Shd have discounts right?


Heyyy everyone I finally gave birth and got to see my tiny little baby :))) she came out after about an hour of pushing at 2:07 am weighing 3.3kgs and measuring 53cms in length :) was soo relieved after she came out.. Will tell u all the details when I go home.. For now the baby is in the nicu cos she was having some difficulty breathing, still waiting on the pd to update the status... Hoping all is well..
Congrats Kary!!!


Im still waiting........ I think sapphire is also still waiting........ Lol
mauahahahaha... Yeah ladies!!! I am still trying to wait patiently!!!!! But not getting too patient liao.... the little bundle seems to be too comfortable snoozing inside!!! geesh.... and I am getting worried if he wants to grow any bigger than he already is..................

O dear... also worried about the number of mummies going to deliver in MAH... since camcam says there isn't enuff beds.. hope they can come up with more rooms for us mummies....
camcam and kary, congrats to both of you!!! do update the fb group with pics..

camcam, i saw the baby pic on ur fb, so cute and adorable!!

Kary, finally the waiting game is over for you!!!!! I feel happy and yet pretty envy for losing another friend to rant here about waiting on the line.. hahahhaha..

I'm still on waiting game too, today last day of working, i cant wait to go home and rest and enjoy my time.. tml another gynae check, hope my swab test results are good..


Hi MrsLiaw.. Mine's a girl! Urs? Im so envious! Why you got so much milk that the other side will leak? Sobz.. I want a lot a lot of milk too..
Hi lingz12 sorry have been very busy with baby. mine's a girl too :). eat more fish and drink papaya and fish soup! according to my CL chocolate helps with the milk too. yes mine is leaking on the other side whenever i pump one side,regretting not getting the double pump :( now i have to hold a bottle on the other side whenever i pump.