EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Eeneyminey I didn't buy any formula b4 delivery also.. In TMC mine is fed w similac so now we hv one small tin of similac as my supply like getting low :( yup like Lingz says I think is $1 per bottle.. Is ready to feed formula mix...

Mrsliaw got a lot of milk is a good thing, so envious now!! There was a short while I had leaking too but these two days suddenly supply hit new low... I get v distressed because of this hv been crying since ytd... :( I know it's not good for milk supply.. But dunno why after latching day n night seems to be lesser n feel v sad abt it as I worry bb doesn't have enough.. Now trying to latch n pump the whole day hoping to increase the supply back..
Hello mummy felicity. don't be stress and sad! it affects the breast milk supply as well.


Yeah! Todae I pumped 30min in the morning and got 60ml combined.. Super happy.. Trying to stop myself from going another 30min cycle since breast oredi soft.. I guess dun need to realli empty empty right? Anyway, luckily I din empty it cos bb woke up crying and managed to latch her for a while before she snooze again.. Now I'm so motivated to pump! Me bought medela freestyle.. Now trying to make the pump worth its price tag.. Haha..

My girl dun like to be swaddled leh.. I find she fuss more wen breastfeeding if I swaddle her.. so wen the CL bring her to me, I usually will free her hands.. Wen she sleep at night we will swaddle her tight la..

I oso pull my top and bra up wen breastfeeding.. I feel easier ma.. Latching is oredi so tough.. I dun wan to have to manage a struggling fussy bb and then struggle with my clothes too.. I haven tot of breastfeeding in public yet.. haha.. as it is, breastfeeding at home is oredi a challenge!


Mrs liaw n rodorsamy.. congrats on ur delivery!!

Can u share whats ur experience like in MAH? n wat did they provide for u n baby? like how many pkt of diapers n wipes for bb, bb clothes?
hi sapphire thank you :). MAH is not that bad,but food really is horrible! for baby they provide 1 packet of diaper and wipes. but upon discharge they will give you if not used up. bb clothes they only provide tee shirt,swaddle blanket,bath tub.


Those still waiting for labour which hospital u all going??
Im going Thomson.. Seeing my fate today if theres any progress..


Active Member
Memory update us! :D

Piglim, ya!! My mum was telling me bb should slp 19 hours a day!! N she pushes so hard too, that's why every latching is a struggle!! Everytime my parents carry her n she pushes or kicks... My parents will go WAH!! Kick so hard ah! So strong!! I was like... Not always like that one meh? Cos my bb has always been like that lol does ur bb hiccups a lot? Mine does n my parents always make a fuss but I tot it should be normal? Since in bump she also hiccups a lot...

Lingz, that's my worry too!! Everytime she struggles n pushes away how to latch in public? She sure push till expose me! Plus she latches far too often, go out whole time latching also no point.. Am I never gonna go out again in the next couple of months?! Omg, extended confinement?!

I swaddle her when she slps only cos I feel it's v hot so usually when she's awake n latching/carrying her I won't swaddle. I recently read that it's good to keep their hands free cos they will feel around when feeding, if not allowed to move their hands they will be c uncomfy. But I get so frustrated when she keeps pushing away!!

Anyway I dun latch topless... My mum keeps walking in somemore, cos we nv close doors in my parents place one since no aircon... But my bro been closing door at night throughout my confinement cos when bb wails he can't slp! I wear button front pj n unbutton, or nursing top/dress.. W nursing bra.

Jiayou w your latching n pumping!! :D
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Mummies facing low breastmilk supply maybe can try drink papaya and fish soup (it helps a lot), eat more fish, drink more fluids, according to my CL eat chocolate! And also try to pump every 2-3 hours if time permits.
I really think it helps,i just pumped 200ml combine at 9am and just pumped 160ml at 1pm.

anyway have you all decided on where to hold baby's full month?


Live update in TMC.. was now officially admitted. Went through ctg and ve check, was dilated at 3cm. Gynae confirm will be delivering tonight. Waiting for gynae to burst water bag.


Hi feera, I delivering at tmc. Edd 24sep but till date no dilation and bb hasn't drop at all. Getting worried I may need to induce and if induce unsuccessfully will end up with a c sect. Anyone using Dr wktan ? She doesnt seems worried, always tell me to wait.


Hi feera, I delivering at tmc. Edd 24sep but till date no dilation and bb hasn't drop at all. Getting worried I may need to induce and if induce unsuccessfully will end up with a c sect. Anyone using Dr wktan ? She doesnt seems worried, always tell me to wait.
Hi ahwang... my gynae is the same... up till now he hasnt checked for any dilation.. i m due on 26th sep, and he always say let baby decide when he wants to come out............. haiz...... he isnt worried a bit even though my baby's estimated weight is aldy 3.7kg on his machine!


spontaneous labor?

To all mummies who have successfully delivered. Is it possible to have sudden contraction and go into labor even when there is 0 dilation and bb not drop at all ? My Edd is 24sep, been waiting but doesnt seems to have any labor sign. Worried that my body will fail me and not capable of going into labor naturally.


Active Member
Mrsliaw thank u! I'm feeling better now not so stressed up.. But I'm still quite sian why everytime I pump nv exceed 110ml combined de?! Anyway yea I feel papaya soup does help ^^

My bb full mth is this weekend at my place. Want to faint already.. Just came back home. We ordered buffet for both days n my mil is still making dishes including noodles and chicken wings! Hubby says she bought over 100 bucks worth of meat this morning >< then how to finish the food?!

Ahwang n sapphire don't worry I guess cos not yet edd so ur gynae not worried yet :)


Mine was big too ard 3.5 kg... Scared baby gets bigger day by day. I actually lost weight but baby gain weight instead ! My gynae said if induce without dilation, likelihood of having csect, which is wat I worried the most


All the best Meltie.. Update us on ur appt.. :)

Ahwang, have u tried walking and squats?? Last week alot of ppl tell me baby still high.. So i did alot of walking and when bathing i did squats. Everyday ask mil if can see baby drop not.. She say abit only.. If im not wrong it is possible to have sudden contraction even before dilation.. All the best :)


Hi feera I been walking and walking... And whenever I walk I feel my lower Tummy tighten, have backache and lower pelvic pressure. But once I stop and rest am back to normal. I heard u need to walk Damn a lot... I walk ard 2 hrs daily only don't think that's sufficient sigh... But with the weight... So hard to walk for long hrs.