EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Active Member
Haha so far only went back my parents place b4.. So I can latch in the comfort of my confinement room.. But there was once after latching she fell asleep n then later was wailing on the way home so latched her in hubby's car also, brought a shawl to cover... Other times she's usually sleeping soundly in the car along the way.

Camcam how's ur bb full mth celebration prep? Any of the mummies here gg?

Reiann yup I'm thinking to bring her out using my ergo.. Otherwise will be like my galfriend, has to plan the entire route make sure no stairs n steps n with lifts, then use stroller.. But I also hv friend w problem when bringing stroller out alone.. When stroller can't fit into toilet cubicles n no handicap toilet available.. So must even research on toilets too?!


Yup... Toilet is an issue... Last time i usually go out with hb... Alone with bb only when she's much older.... Am wondering shd i get another carrier... Actually my coll wanna get me one... Ask me go n try out first but another coll got me a pretty norm one... Prob test out first bah... I got a sling but forgot hw to use le.. Coz #1 dun like...

So norm cooler bag will do??!! i got a fridge to go though..


kary!! how'd you get your baby's passport done?? I am trying to do the same but I can't seem to take a photo of my baby according to ICA's stipulations! how do you get your baby to look up straight with eyes open etc? it was very tough and also very funny trying to get a 'good' shot of her that way. did you go and get it done at ICA or did you do it online?

did the taxi driver mind that you took baby out of car seat? I thought that'd be illegal?

also, how is changi airport for babies? good? are there nursing rooms?

felicity: yup I went out once alone using stroller. tough! I took the MRT too. really makes you realise how much easier it is just walking..

as for toilets - that's why I think it's best to use a sling, eh? I'm goign to try going out with baby alone one of these days using a carrier instead of stroller. and see how it goes.. going out with husband /friend/help is easier..


Active Member
Haha I realized I'm getting old.. Not so adventurous anymore lol.. Even hubby also, besides gg back to my folks' place to let my parents see their granddaughter every weekend, any other place he also say bring bb will be troublesome, so either left bb at home w ils (for a short while, we went out to withdraw money n deposit into bb's cda) or dun go out... Zzz.

Mil been dying for me to go out.. Keep telling me her schedule.. Tell me the days she's free, I can go out she can take care of bb for me etc.. Once she made me go out, say I always cooped at home not good just go out she take care of bb.. Zzz i didnt even plan to go out she kept forcing me to go out... In the end only went to buy milo n diapers at supermarket nearby lol


Mummies out there would like to know How does ur breastmilk looks like? Mine seems very pale and watery and diluted. Wonder is it water or milk. Cos been drinking lots of water. Also would like to check I bathe bb in the morning aft that he stay wide awake eyes big big not sleeping at all all the way till afternoon. We talk to him at first... See he starts yawning and quickly put him to is bed to slp by himself. The moment we put down he cries again and we need carry and cuddle him. He is just 2 wks old are they already seeking attention? Also I monitor that sometime btweeb 10-1 he goes for 30min or hourly feed. Example we fed him full 90ml bm at 10am, 1030 he starts crying and we check if. Diapers wet, want cuddle etc etc... Until he starts eating his hand we then give him ard 30ml fm as.not sure if he hungry don't want waste bm since not time for feeding yet. After that 11am same thing happen and feed another 40ml fm. He nv vomit milk and finish all of them. Cld they really drink so much? Or is my bm too dikuted that's why he ask for more as hungry easily ? Only after ard 1pm we gave him a full 60ml fm then he slp after feeding. Strange! Any mummies babies also like that? Scared u overfeed.


Reiann I had to do mine at the Indian high commission.. And yea passport picture was a struggle. I've been tryin to take pictures of her right from the second day after we came home.. Best time to try is when ur baby is awake n active.. Took sooo many different shots, n finallyt printed the one we liked where she was wearing nice clothes n looking all pretty :) but then when we went there they said not ok.. Bahh den went back to a studio there n I showed the guy all de pics we had n de one pic that was ok was one where she looks like she's straining to poop.. Lol.. Hubby said her hair is also not proper n he's gonna tell her I didn't do her hair before takin se pic..

And I don't think the car seat is a legal tingy here cos I've seen soo many people get into cabs with their babies without the car seat.. But yea I use the car seat always cos I feel it's just safer and my hands r free..

Oh and the nursing room was ok in the airport,
My back was hurting after feeding her there.. I liked the nursing room in isetan better, they have comfortable arm chairs there


Ahwang maybe ur baby is going through a growth spurt.. My baby gets all active sometimes after her bath n sometimes she's just too cranky.. And yea I keep feeding her when ever she wants so there are times when she's feeding every half an hour n times when she can sleep three hours straight.. I guess when babies are awake they just like to keep drinking milk.. And because I latch my baby, she keeps biting my tshirt or who ever else is carrying her if I don't give her my boob..


Ahwang, my baby is 2 weeks and 2 days old. Seems like she is also having similar symptoms as ur baby. For the whole morning till now, she has been drinking 50ml to 60ml in an hour to an hour and half interval. Wasted so much of my ebm or fm as in the past, she can finish 80ml to 90ml in 3 hours interval. Also quite worrying how come suddenly, she's drinking that little and keep crying for milk at short interval. To other mummies, will this happen?

Haiz, feeling rather emo, cried during pumping. Supply dropped drastically, almost half. In law is tired of helping out with the confinement, for the whole week, didn't really have soup. Yesterday, just had vege and deep fried chicken. Didn't even hav fish or soup. Quite upset about it. And I have the same dishes for dinner and have to heat up myself as she went out. Then, when baby is having difficulty in sleeping, she pass me back the baby and ask me to finish feeding her. Then, she went on phone. This morning, she wanted to go out with fil, after bathing baby, she was feeding baby while I was having my breakfast. She asked me to continue feeding her again. Of coz, I'm fine with feeding baby, I've been doing so all the times, even all the night feeds.. Just feel that can do things properly. Wanted to shift back to my mum's place for confinement, in law don't allow. Yet, now, can't seem to keep up with the pace. Haiz..


Active Member
*hugs erlina* can discuss w ur hubby? Say u really need help n also good confinement food?

Ermmmm I think I really clueless how much bb drink even until now cos I just latch on demand n bb can latch so often n sleep so little esp that time confinement time I whined so much u mummies heard enough from me le haha... I also dunno why bb keep drinking n refuse to slp but my mum n mil both said, baby mah, they only know how to drink milk and sleep, if they r not sleeping, they only can drink milk, so keep drinking milk lor lol

Now my bb much better can slp up to one hour between feeds...

My breast milk look watery too in terms of texture of the liquid.. I think breast milk wont be thick thick type? If not sure clog in the duct :p so should be ok?


ahwang and other mums concerned about your bm:

I've been reading up as much as I can about bm. so these are scientific facts ok?

1. bm whether 'watery' or not, depends on the individual woman, not affected by the amount of water you drink, or the food you eat. some women produce more milky bm, some more watery. it doesn't matter. bm is the best for your baby, and as long as you feed your baby bm, he/she will grow, and will be fine.

2. food won't really affect your bm unless you are very, very malnourished, then the quality of bm may suffer. but this is usually referring to those women living in poverty, lacking many minerals/vitamins in their own diet. bm will be produced by your body at the detriment of the woman's health, so your babyw ill still get the very best, but at the expense of the mother. so all the advice of eating well, drinking well now - is for yourself. cos your body needs it.

3. growth spurt - very common apparently. my baby has days when she can go without feeding for 3-4hours, sometimes 1-2 hours. just suck it up and feed lor :( I feel that I produce less later in the day, and a lot first thign in morning or middle of night, but I also read that this is common - later in a day, the bm produced is richer in fats.

so don't worry too much!

anybody here uses a bouncer for your baby? does it work? does it help burp your baby? which brand?
any of you here also use a bottle warmer?


erlina: don't cry. don't fret too much about soup. if it's any consolation to you, I haven't had soup in like.. 2 weeks, but my milk supply is great. I pumped more than 4oz from one breast this morning! and this is on a diet of.. let me see, erm, toast for breakfast, macdonalds hotcakes, fried rice for lunch, tomato pasta for dinner, and today I had instant mee goreng for lunch (sooo unhealthy! ha) but I will be having brown rice and vegge and pork for dinner tonight. I do eat fruits - had papaya just now and this morning also had a smoothie of kiwi, blueberries, fig, flaxseed etc.

so my point is - eat what you can and want - and of course try to eat healthily, but it isn't the end of the world if you don't get soup! your milk supply WILL ramp up. take heart in that.


Erlina, jia you dun cry! Like felicity said, tok to ur hubby abt ur need for help during confinement? As for milk supply, dun worry.. Ur mood might b affecting the supply.. So stay positive and happy! And keep latching or pumping.. I experienced a drastic drop in milk last week too.. So started pumping at regular intervals of 3-4hrs.. The kiasu me even latch bb in between pump sessions.. And I'm v happy that my supply is slowly gg back up.. And of cos like wat many ppl said, drink more fluids! I just drink and drink.. During pumping or latching, I oso drink water even if I'm nt really thirsty.. So, jia you! :D

Mreow Mreow

mreow yes the episiotomy wound hurts like crazy when u have a bowel movement... I couldn't crap for about 3 days after delivery and when I did it was painful, even though I was taking pain killers.. When peeing I think it was horrible the first day but then got a little better...

how like that.....

should i reduce all food n drink intake to reduce toilet trips?


After hearing all the comments, feel a lil scared... :(


Active Member
Actually mine was ok... I think I pee n poo the same day.., feel sore n pain but is tolerable... Only the getting out of hospital bed n slowly waddling to the toilet part n constantly need to change pad part gets on my nerves...


peeing was tough. it was like as if I forgot how to pee. eeps. but it's important that after delivery and all, you have to pee frequently, so that your uterus doesn't get pushed to one side by the bladder. I didn't know about that till the nurse pressed down on my womb area to check and told me to pee immediately! but it took me some time to pee into the bed pan -_-

as for pooping.. I didn't poop for the first two days. think the @$O*&%@ enema got rid of all my poop! but your obgyn should prescribe you stool softeners.. very helpful/useful to make poop softer. it sure felt weird pooping.. like as if it's very delicate.. so I didn't push/bear down while poopig. just took it slowly.

it wasn't painful though. and once I head home I didn't take pain meds anymore. maybe the stitching by my obgyn was super good...

have you not delivered?


Thanks Felicity, Lingz and Reiann! I was actually messaging my hubby about it. He just consoled me saying that that is his mum, can't do much about it. The good thing is he's back early today. That makes me much happier. Hard to pump that often, coz beside bathing the baby by mil, coaxing baby to sleep, feeding and wiping baby in the evening all done by me. So by the time baby sleep, I will then hav time to pump.

Reiann, looking at ur diet and u still able to have the supply, I feel more at ease. Probably, it's really the emotional part plus physically tired that is affecting the supply. Will continue to try my best to provide the best for my gal. As for drinking lot of liquid, what kind of fluid did ur drink? Coz I was told not to drink plain water. Counting down to the end of confinement. 1 week and 4 more days..

I use pigeon 3 in 1 sterilizer plus bottle warmer. But, I find it is taking way too long to warm up the expressed milk and there will be no indication how long will it really warm up the milk. Hence, will always end up using boiling water to warm up the milk coz baby impatient. However, friends were telling me that using boiling water will not retain the nitriemts. Anyone here using any bottle warmer that can warm milk up fast.

Jiayou to the rest of the mummies!!!!


Active Member
Erlina.. Same here, I using pigeon 3-in-1 sterilizer but the warmer isn't working for heating up cold stuff. I guess it's just for keeping milk warm after it has been heated up.. I use hot water too, from the thermo flask.

I haven't pumped for two days cos taking care of bb is taking up all the time >< so I just full time latch.. But cos I full time latch, my frozen supply still in freezer..

Erlina, during my confinement I had the red date longan tea n hot/warm milo. I read that can take oatmeal for boosting milk supply also, so can try taking hot oatmeal porridge for breakfast?

Yup dun stress, hope ur milk supply comes back full force soon!!


Erlina dun feel sad... My supply drop too... Now i only focus on bb.. Latching n pumping... Luckily got mil to help me look after when i pump... Cant imagine if im alone... Hopes i get stock of my plug of my dual pump soon... Now using single use more time...

I took my fren recommendation more milk plus... 2nd day can see e increase... Better then fenugreek... Which only see effect after few days.. For me la


Thanks Felicity, Lingz and Reiann! I was actually messaging my hubby about it. He just consoled me saying that that is his mum, can't do much about it. The good thing is he's back early today. That makes me much happier. Hard to pump that often, coz beside bathing the baby by mil, coaxing baby to sleep, feeding and wiping baby in the evening all done by me. So by the time baby sleep, I will then hav time to pump.

Reiann, looking at ur diet and u still able to have the supply, I feel more at ease. Probably, it's really the emotional part plus physically tired that is affecting the supply. Will continue to try my best to provide the best for my gal. As for drinking lot of liquid, what kind of fluid did ur drink? Coz I was told not to drink plain water. Counting down to the end of confinement. 1 week and 4 more days..

I use pigeon 3 in 1 sterilizer plus bottle warmer. But, I find it is taking way too long to warm up the expressed milk and there will be no indication how long will it really warm up the milk. Hence, will always end up using boiling water to warm up the milk coz baby impatient. However, friends were telling me that using boiling water will not retain the nitriemts. Anyone here using any bottle warmer that can warm milk up fast.

Jiayou to the rest of the mummies!!!![/QUOT

Hi erlina,

Do not worry abt supply as it depends on demand. Most impt is to stay positive n happy and ur supply will be back..

Breastfeeding mum are always busy, either latching, pumping, eating n abit of rest whenever possible.. Saw alot of you still conti ue posting however i find myself lack of time.. Dun even have enuff rest.. Hee, mayb i too slow motion..

Toking abt warming up the ebm from fridge, i also find it very troublesome and take ages and baby get impossible hence have just got a affordable bottle warmer from luckybaby at $34 but yt to try. Hope ut will be put to use else waste $..

Lately been feeling very pain after initial suck and baby get cranky at nite and keep asking fot milk make me so emo and think of give up.. Saw info thru net mention if flow is gd the pain will disappear hence i do not pump and wait till hard and lumpy then massage and latch on and the pain did subside abit..

Im also counting down to my bb shower as well.. 11 days to go.. Lately weather has been quite hit making it worst and keep sweating. Must endure an hopefully to continue breast fees to as long as possible. :)

Jia you to every mummies here!!!


Active Member
jiayou memory and all mummies!! yup the weather hasn't been kind, jiayou all, confinement will be over v soon!!!

memory actually i always got bored latching n came to visit forum.. now is she's finally sleeping in the cot so i can come online using my macbook.. actually i felt bad cos some ppl say dun use phone around the bb cos of radiation, but i always can't help myself and reach out for my phone halfway through latching when she's established a steady latch and i got bored =/

only just now at around 10pm i was coaxing my bb to slp by latching n singing to her but she kept wailing intermittently while latching n my throat got so dry and uncomfortable... then i played this to her using my phone...

Mozart for my Baby - YouTube

this is in my youtube fav list cos i used to play when she's still in the bump. it doesn't always work now that she's out but fortunately today it worked and she stopped crying after a while and i had to play the entire clip at least 2x to make sure she's settled and ready for the cot... i didn't let her watch though, just play the music. can try it n let me know if it helps for ur bb too!! :)