EDD September 2013 Mummies

@ tigermama, how many weeks are u now ? I did a series of blood test yesterday, total draw 6 tube of blood for antibody, rubella, Oscar, & few others... Did u check these too?

A mummy

@ tigermama, how many weeks are u now ? I did a series of blood test yesterday, total draw 6 tube of blood for antibody, rubella, Oscar, & few others... Did u check these too?
6 tubes!!? Oh my god... I have to do these 16 weeks test and includes trisomy , rubella, HIV,Hep and many many more test. All the 16 weeks compulsory tests. Crap 6 tubes. I'm already anemic.


Shall we organise a gathering for September mummies? Maybe in another month or so when we have ended ms or becoming better :) maybe a hi-tea session to relax and chat is nice ;)
@ tigermama, how many weeks are u now ? I did a series of blood test yesterday, total draw 6 tube of blood for antibody, rubella, Oscar, & few others... Did u check these too?
6 tubes!!? Oh my god... I have to do these 16 weeks test and includes trisomy , rubella, HIV,Hep and many many more test. All the 16 weeks compulsory tests. Crap 6 tubes. I'm already anemic.
6 tubes but not all are full tube, however i did feel giddy after the blood was drawn..why did u do these test at wk16? I was told the is part of first trimester screening.. Best to do in wk11-24..after that result might not be accurate


mrsvistamio:768966 said:
@ tigermama, how many weeks are u now ? I did a series of blood test yesterday, total draw 6 tube of blood for antibody, rubella, Oscar, & few others... Did u check these too?
Hi, I'm 12+ weeks now.
I didn't dare to look when they draw blood, I've fainted once before after drawing blood coz I was too scared when they have to poke twice coz the blood was just not coming out. So I don't know how much they draw, but I think 2 tubes only. I believe I was testing only for Oscar and Thalassemia. Omg.. Why 6??? 6 tubes sound so scary! I just did my health screen blood test in Dec with the same Gynae so I think I may have already tested for some of these, hopefully...


A mummy:768963 said:
Clinic just called to tell me Oscar results all good. So happy n relieved...
I enjoy the ultrascan, it's really fun seeing the baby move and bounce. I could even see the fingers! The previous scan 2 weeks ago was so cute, baby was having hiccup! !
So exciting.....=)):Dancing_wub: You did these scans in the doc office or in the main hospital building?
The scan 2 weeks ago with hiccup was in doc's office. The Oscar this week was at hospital building. 2 weeks makes quite alot of difference, or maybe the scan is better, so I can even make out the fingers now. I didn't get pictures from the Oscar scan, I was excited n scared so I didn't even think of asking for one. But I'm glad hubby is allowed in to watch it together. My gynae says apparently KK don't allow spouse during Oscar scan, is it true?

A mummy

6 tubes but not all are full tube, however i did feel giddy after the blood was drawn..why did u do these test at wk16? I was told the is part of first trimester screening.. Best to do in wk11-24..after that result might not be accurate
Hi, triple test usually done at 16 weeks. week 16-18 is the most accurate. At the same time they checked for others like rubella yada. I didn't do Oscar because me and hubby only early twenties. So far, no problem. The only thing 21/22 week scan will be the 4d scan in hospital to check the baby's heart in full, organs, limbs, face. That will be the one I'm afraid of. That week will be the one you'll finally see your full grown bundle of joy.
And, mine is done in Glens.It's a compulsory thing. So, I am not sure about other hospitals. But peace of mind.

A mummy

The scan 2 weeks ago with hiccup was in doc's office. The Oscar this week was at hospital building. 2 weeks makes quite alot of difference, or maybe the scan is better, so I can even make out the fingers now. I didn't get pictures from the Oscar scan, I was excited n scared so I didn't even think of asking for one. But I'm glad hubby is allowed in to watch it together. My gynae says apparently KK don't allow spouse during Oscar scan, is it true?
Oh I see.Normally Hospital scan is so much more modern than in doc's office. But some doc's have 3d-4d scan in their office! Mine is only 2d he said.


Omg! 6 tubes?? That's aaaaaa lot of blood!=_=
11 weeks, nausea most of the time still!

@StellaC: tt's a good idea, get to know each other..like a support group..heheh!
No sure what is triple test, but I read online Down syndrome test is best done wk11-14 not 24..2nd trimester scan is done in wk 20..

A mummy

No sure what is triple test, but I read online Down syndrome test is best done wk11-14 not 24..2nd trimester scan is done in wk 20..

i didnt say 24. hehe...
Eh, I am not sure lei, because my medical lecturer told us the same thing as what my Gynae told me:err: Mine not Oscar.

What I know is that I am not checking for neural tubes defect/spina bifida=) That one is done in 1st trimester as the liquid will be absorbed/drained by the lymphatic system of the baby's so it's useless to be done in the 2nd trimester=) As you cannot see the transparent thing behind your baby via scan in 2nd trimester.
So yes I understand what you mean.

This one Gynae said oh and I signed the form also indicated Rubella,HIV,triple test all the screening tests ...Hepatitis also. Even throughout pregnancy can check for mummy's blood for downsyndrome so Down syndrome no need scan also possible. They can detect. My family clinic told me before too when I once visited him to take MC. But my case lower chance(hopefully!) because both hubby and me early twenties so it's just extra test.So, it's fine lah I told gynae not necessary. I'm not going to abort or anythg even if baby high chance. But this one screening for diseases see if me or baby safe to continue with pregnancy especially with the diseases mentioned above. My friend at KK and NUHs also didnt check for the 1st trimester thingy. They only went for the 16 week test and the 20-22 week scan(the 2nd trimester scan to check our baby from head to toe, in and out). Quite excited but nervous.:Dancing_wub:

Hope everythgs go well with all you mummies=)):001_302:
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A mummy

Mummies, just a little tip, I tried soyabean milk low fat without sugar. Oh man, it help with the after bland taste in my mouth. The soyabean taste yucky to others but it's perfect to me. Try it. Help with my nausea too.
@A mummy, i make a mistake in previous post to mention 24wk, it should be 14 wk. my gynae is at SGH .. Maybe different package. Oh, I take fruit such as green apple, strawberry to get ride of bland taste


Hi not to scare anybody, I had heartburn before and it was so pain it hurts my back. So doc said it was gastric.I had gastric before but this was freaking intense.I can't swallow my rice even.Not a cup of water as I can feel it coming down at my back. Youch! So, I dont't believe the doc at first.During the 2 horrid days, I kept vomiting acid out and I was looking out for red stuffs. I read way before that week, from another forum, the lady puke up to 10-15 times per day that she has a hole in her oesophagus due to the acid. So, that time when i was intensely vomiting due to the acid reflux(happened just recently), I was so terrified. But thank god no red stuffs. So, something to ponder.
Yah, I have puked out liquids in light red and yellow.
Thanks for the warning. I am now keeping a look out of what I vomit. Hopefully no more light red stuff again.

Yes if you thoroughly steam the hotdog. Important to self note is the expiry date for all the food that we consumed. Even one or 2 days away before the expiry date, I dont't dare. hehe
My mum recommends me to eat food that is as fresh as possible, preferably less overnight food as well.

Update: Am now in my 13th week, still feeling nauseous and vomit continues. Still prefer red apple to deal with my bland taste. sour plum and sweets don't help, I ever vomited them out.