EDD September 2013 Mummies


New Member
my bb ard 2.8, tis morning my below bleeding but no stomach pain, called doc n nurse asked me to let doc check, so later 3 plus wil. c doc, how abt ur bb?
My baby is around 3kg. Kindof worry about his size. Cos there's another 17days to due date.
might be a false alarm? Anyway the baby is full term, so don't have to worry much. update us on what the dr says k :)


Congrats chweewy!!!
so happy that u have delivered safely! :)
so ur labour is like about 6hours from the time water burst till u pop?
how is stellaC? Did u guys managed to meet? Heh..how interesting.
oh yes, btw... U got induced but managed natural birth thru epi! Good! Thought most end up in c sect.
what did they use on u? Is it like oxytocin? Heard its painful :(


Yes, 6hrs of intense labour.indeed Stellac is in d same observation ward with me in early morning..luckily still managed natural. Cant rem what they use on me liao..too painful to ask...hur hur

Sunbeams:824792 said:
Congrats chweewy!!!
so happy that u have delivered safely! :)
so ur labour is like about 6hours from the time water burst till u pop?
how is stellaC? Did u guys managed to meet? Heh..how interesting.
oh yes, btw... U got induced but managed natural birth thru epi! Good! Thought most end up in c sect.
what did they use on u? Is it like oxytocin? Heard its painful :(


Hi mummies, I gave birth at 6.29pm to my baby girl, 3.4kg indeed as scanned last Thursday.

I saw @chweewy at observation ward but didn't talk cos I was so nervous! I believe chweewy too.
My induction was very draggy. Total 3 tablets, 11.45, 4.30am and 8am. First two was almost useless the contractions die off. Last one my gynae insert personally and almost immediately the cervix was in crazy pain! Could not walk at all and grabbing pillow. After 1.5h I was begging for epi. In 10min epi worked and it was shiok but I was tremoring cos of side effect. tremoring went off after some time and u could sleep through all the contractions. My dilation unfortunately was very slow... At 8am it was only 1cm, 12noon 3cm, 2.30pm still 3cm! Doctor say maybe have to c sect if still no progress. At 4.30pm it went to 7-8cm, 6pm fully dilated and started to prep for labour. I pushed 10 min and she's finally out.


Yay!! StellaC!! Was it worth it? Congrats! U did it naturally n no c sect.
no pain no gain right? I also reminding myself that!
have a good break n rest ok.


Hi mummies, I gave birth at 6.29pm to my baby girl, 3.4kg indeed as scanned last Thursday.

I saw @chweewy at observation ward but didn't talk cos I was so nervous! I believe chweewy too.
My induction was very draggy. Total 3 tablets, 11.45, 4.30am and 8am. First two was almost useless the contractions die off. Last one my gynae insert personally and almost immediately the cervix was in crazy pain! Could not walk at all and grabbing pillow. After 1.5h I was begging for epi. In 10min epi worked and it was shiok but I was tremoring cos of side effect. tremoring went off after some time and u could sleep through all the contractions. My dilation unfortunately was very slow... At 8am it was only 1cm, 12noon 3cm, 2.30pm still 3cm! Doctor say maybe have to c sect if still no progress. At 4.30pm it went to 7-8cm, 6pm fully dilated and started to prep for labour. I pushed 10 min and she's finally out.
Congrats StellaC! Good job for the hard work!

I paid 6.6k after medisave, incl. baby's charges.


The hospital recept kept trying to sell us the $1088 per night room. I didn't know they have sales target to meet haha
Really? My hubby done the registration so I didn't know if they promote other room type or not. I added hearing, metabolism tests etc for baby.


Lol... 1 more weeks to go... I already categories myself as false labour...
Hello mummies, I am back to the forum!! Let me explain my whole labour process to everyone. On 3rd Sept at 8.30pm, I experienced some painful contraction. But I remembered StellaC was telling me about the false labour story. So I thought the pain will go away for a few hours. In fact it lasted until the next morning, 8.30am. (24 hrs, sleepless night) Strangely, there is no sign of mucus plug dropping off from my system or water bag burst. So I continued to stay at home until 10.30pm. (14 hrs, sleepless night) The pain become unbearable and decided to go to the hospital. The moment I saw my gynae, she gave me a dressing down for being so silly to bear the pain for so long. Immediately, she do a quick check up on me and realised that I am 1cm dilated. She put me in the labour room and waited for me to be dilated to 10 cm. After 10 hours of waiting time, I only dilated to 2 cm!!!!!! If I needed to be dilated to 10 cm, I probably will have to wait for another 8 days to reach 10 cm. of course, gynae put me on drip to induced the baby. The long hours of labour pain exhausted all my energy. I don't think I will survive through without epidural. So I decided to have epidural. It is a paradise. I slept through until I was dilated to 10cm. The nurse and gynae woke me up to start pushing the baby out. With 2 pushes, the baby came to this world. Mission accomplish. Oh man, I feel embarrassed to share this story to everyone. I don't think anyone has ever suffer labour pain for 42 hrs. My mum was amazed with my high degree of pain tolerance. Sigh. I failed to deliver the baby without epidural.....


Just delivered my lil girl today after 17 hours in TMC. 5 hours in labour ward and 12 hours.in delivery ward. Lil.one is 3.45 kh and i had to push real hard with the epidural. What an experience!!!

Jiayou mummies! !
Congrats, yiks! haha, I can related how you feel. I did the same thing as you.


ZPF - I really enjoy reading every mummies birth story! When my boy comes, I will share with u all!
salute u to ur high threshold of pain. Don't be embarrassed of what happened yah! :)
i m so preparing myself for the awful pain :( but I m sure nothing can prepare me other than the actual experience itself! Yikes :(
pple tell me take epi and just enjoy the birth process! Ha. Anyway, glad u r ok n so cute that u slept n they had to
wake u up. U must be so tired! Any side effects from the epi?


Yea, it comes out after delivery, so just relax now. The nurse will teach you how to feed baby. And there will be one free section of lactation consultation.
Hey Yanting, there is a free parentcraft talk which educate parent how to bath and breastfeed the baby. did you go for it?


Hi mummies, I gave birth at 6.29pm to my baby girl, 3.4kg indeed as scanned last Thursday.

I saw @chweewy at observation ward but didn't talk cos I was so nervous! I believe chweewy too.
My induction was very draggy. Total 3 tablets, 11.45, 4.30am and 8am. First two was almost useless the contractions die off. Last one my gynae insert personally and almost immediately the cervix was in crazy pain! Could not walk at all and grabbing pillow. After 1.5h I was begging for epi. In 10min epi worked and it was shiok but I was tremoring cos of side effect. tremoring went off after some time and u could sleep through all the contractions. My dilation unfortunately was very slow... At 8am it was only 1cm, 12noon 3cm, 2.30pm still 3cm! Doctor say maybe have to c sect if still no progress. At 4.30pm it went to 7-8cm, 6pm fully dilated and started to prep for labour. I pushed 10 min and she's finally out.
Congrats, StellaC!! same situation as you. I kept inhaling the laughing gas and it does not helps much! I was so relieved after having the epi. haha.


Glad that all of us are coping well! Lil girl and I got discharged on monday noon.

We should all meet when our lil ones are about 3 months!

Anw, just to share something random w you girls. All my emotions came while hubby was driving us on our way home when I heard the song "a thousand years" by Christina perry. I was just looking at my girl and telling my husband how such an angel she is and indeed, we'll both love her for a thousand years, and a thousand more. :')

Rest well, rest while you can! Our 2-3 hours nap marathon has kindly began!!! JIAYOU MUMMIES!