First Scan Sac long or Round?


as for mine, my waterbag abit long started lookin like a kidney bean..then gradually at my 9th week, it was long.. haha.. doesnt really matter if boy or girl as long as baby is healthy!...


Mine at 9weeks scan is kinda heart-shape like...then 11weeks is long like bean-shape.
But during my 16week scan Doc say boy... 20week detail scan also say boy.
Then 21week scan Doc also say boy. :wong19:


Hi all, I've a logic from my neighbour's relative who is a gynae, to know if it is a boy or gal is your first ultrasound scan, if your sac is the long type, the baby will be a boy, if the sac is round, the baby is a gal.

Before my gynae told me my baby is a boy, my neighbour already told me is a boy from my first scan picture. Can anyone tell me is this logic true, pls take a look at your first ultrasound scan and let me know. Thanks.
????? let me go check my us scan pic 4 years ago~~lols


Ack, I lost the 6 weeks preggie scan picture hehe but it looks pretty similar to my 9 weeks scan though. :blaugh:

Here.. 9 weeks 2 days
hi shiseru, yours was pretty long compared to mine which is more like an egg shape....hehe :001_302:


Active Member
Ack, I lost the 6 weeks preggie scan picture hehe but it looks pretty similar to my 9 weeks scan though. :blaugh:

Here.. 9 weeks 2 days
Hi Shiseru,

Your sac is long shape, I think your baby is boy.. :tlaugh:

My first scan also a bit long shape and is confirm my baby is boy... :001_302:


long means like a tadpole rite???? :p :p

i misplaced Baber's ultrasound scans oredi~~~or shd have faded by now ~~tats why tot its plain paper so juz dumped away lols~~~:p:p


long means like a tadpole rite???? :p :p

i misplaced Baber's ultrasound scans oredi~~~or should have faded by now ~~tats why thought its plain paper so just dumped away lols~~~:p:p
Cancanmum mine DS ultra sound 3 yrs ago still in perfect condition..but then we place in the album together wif his growing up pictures.

BTW my 6 week ultra sound for my darling no.2 is long but I AM HAVING A GAL!!!! Guess is not tat rite for mine.


Cancanmum mine dear son ultra sound 3 yrs ago still in perfect condition..but then we place in the album together with his growing up pictures.

BTW my 6 week ultra sound for my darling no.2 is long but I AM HAVING A GAL!!!! Guess is not that rite for mine.
OMG~~~~ i m a bad mummy lols~~~ :(:(


OMG~~~~ i m a bad mummy lols~~~ :(:(
Yakii pat pat CanCanmum..maybe is still around really great effort to keep all this things...we keep all this cos we want my dear son to see how he look like and the process of a baby growing. Now he keep asking for my ultrasound for my No.2 to see mei mei and compare with his in his album.
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You mummies are making me so excited! :D

My next scan is this Sat, even I know this is my first pregnany so it doesn't matter if boy or gal but the "wanna know" is driving me nuts! :blaugh: