Growth spurt??? Teething pains??


New Member
Dear mummies,

My son is 6mths 2wks now and he just started teething around 2wks ago. During the 1st week, he woke up at night every night from 4+am and i would need to cradle him and soothe him back to slp. He had been sleeping through the night since 4mths+ and i was very worried abt his sudden awakening at night. But since now i know he's teething (his lower right front tooth is peeking out of his gums now :D) the 2nd week he's still waking up! But now it seems like he's hungry for milk! I was reading up some information and come across something called "growth spurts". But I don't know how long does it lasts and/or what can i do to make him stop waking up at night. Im a working mum and its draining my energy away.

He's a big eater and Ive been feeding him at least 4-5times milk, 1 breakfast cereal from Friso, tea break will be half a jar of fruits/veg. I even thickened his last milk feed usually around 11pm/12am, 5scoops milk, 2scoops cereal to 7oz of water. BUT he still wakes up at night HUNGRY!! Help?? :wong13:


Well-Known Member
babe, growth spurt usually last for a few days only. but for ds, dunno y, his growth spurt usually last 1week+ to 2 weeks.. this is parts n parcels of their growing up. pls dont add cereal into his milk cos it might choke him and i feel tt by adding more powder into the same level of water, the 'nutrients' will be diffe alrdy..

i noe it is v tiring keep waking up at night, but no choice. dun wry, it will end soon =)


Well-Known Member
Since you mentioned teething, the waking up at night could be more from pain rather than hunger and really, there isn't much you can do about it other than soothe him and give him heaps of cuddle. You could give him some paracetemol to help with the pain or a teething gel, and during the day, provide him with lots of things to help him deal with the pain of teething like hard things to gnaw on (teething rusks, finger foods, teethers and so forth).

I'm with apollo - don't start adding cereal into his milk and feed it to him via a bottle. I know of many mothers who do that thinking their babies will sleep through but instead they never do. If you feel that he's hungry, then you could always increase the amount of food you feed him during dinner - add in the cereal with his puree instead of with his milk. Solids are meant to be fed with a spoon NOT a bottle. But really, it's not a guarantee to getting a baby to sleep through. I know of at least two to three mummies who have toddlers who eat a lot but still wake up through the night.

It is tiring waking up at night but if you're not doing the direct latch-on thing, perhaps you can get your hubby to help take over on some days?


New Member
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for your suggestions. I didn't know that adding cereal into his milk will choke him... i've been doing that for several weeks but he doesn't seem uncomfortable by it. However, i will stop adding cereal to his milk if his nutrients will decrease by that. Hopefully his growth spurt/teething pains will go away soon.


Well-Known Member
a maybe dinner time u can feed baby porridge?Its more filling.
My baby girl too eats 3-4 solids a day n still gets up every 2-3 hrs at nite for milk...just have to bear it for a while more.


Alpha Male
Hi Mummies/Daddies,

Our 2 months son was noted with some (I think at least 4) white "specks" or teeth by our in-laws during one of his rare visits to our home.

Before that, we were quite puzzled at this sleep routine since he will normally sleep through a good 3-4 hours at night.

Yes, it is a daunting task waking up trying to soothe his pain now that we wakes up hourly. I guess the discomfort is similar to our normal wisdom tooth.

My female colleague just informed me that there are some medications available at pharmacies. Maybe we'd go later to check them out.

By the way, is it Ok for a baby to start teething as early as 2 months old?

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
I have a colleague, her daughter's teeth came out when she was 2mths only

Guess must be the calcium in her diet....