Help & advice needed....


hi i will be starting work soon and is currently breastfeeding my ger.
anyone can gif mE advicE on hw to sterilise the breast pump outside if my office does nt have one?

any products tat sell sterilise wipes?

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member

For me, I m blessed, I work around orchard area, so sometimes I go to Isetan Scotts there to pump, or after I pump from Forum, I just rinse it with hot water from my office the water dispenser........Isetan Scotts there they hv hot water flask too......

But if u r particular, u might want to buy from the pharmacy or shops, they sell those sterilise capsules or tabs.......but u hv to get a container big enough to contain ur pump......:tlaugh:


cus troublesome...
my side here no hot water =(
hai..... any other solutions?


For me, I m blessed, I work around orchard area, so sometimes I go to Isetan Scotts there to pump, or after I pump from Forum, I just rinse it with hot water from my office the water dispenser........Isetan Scotts there they hv hot water flask too......

But if u r particular, u might want to buy from the pharmacy or shops, they sell those sterilise capsules or tabs.......but u hv to get a container big enough to contain ur pump......:tlaugh:


pinkytham, is there microwave in your office pantry?

If yes, you can buy those microwavable containers for bottles. After washing your pumps, just dump them into the container and put in the microwave for 5mins.

If not, there are those steralising tablets you can easily get. After washing your pumps, pop one tablet into a container of water (enough to cover your pumps).

Alternatively, if the above still not applicable to you, then see if you can time your express time to pump just once a day during office hours? E.g pump just before you need to go to work (example 7am?) and schedule the next one say at 1pm then the next one you can pump at home (example 7pm)? In this case, you can bring your pump home to steralise.


thanks for the advice..
we do have a microwave but i wanna try to do it low profile =(
cause those aunties in my office will gossip like sae why use office hours to do such with a more convenient way i can say tummy ache go toilet
@_@ hee hee

pinkytham, is there microwave in your office pantry?

If yes, you can buy those microwavable containers for bottles. After washing your pumps, just dump them into the container and put in the microwave for 5mins.

If not, there are those steralising tablets you can easily get. After washing your pumps, pop one tablet into a container of water (enough to cover your pumps).

Alternatively, if the above still not applicable to you, then see if you can time your express time to pump just once a day during office hours? E.g pump just before you need to go to work (example 7am?) and schedule the next one say at 1pm then the next one you can pump at home (example 7pm)? In this case, you can bring your pump home to steralise.


thanks for the advice..
we do have a microwave but i wanna try to do it low profile =(
cause those aunties in my office will gossip like sae why use office hours to do such with a more convenient way i can say tummy ache go toilet
@_@ hee hee
wow with killer aunties around who needs poison? If they gossip then U can oso say why use office hours to gossip???
LOL :tlaugh:


they pa buey si wan...
everything also wanna talk
like u come late for work they sae, lunch time come back 5 min late also sae....
do this sae do that sae...damm pity them leh so pathetic spending their life observing people arnt they tired??
that time when i pregnant, they all gossip bout me till i nearly depression... sae i plannd my mc, and that their prediction on my mc is so accurate blah blah......damm sian cannot be bother about them also... becus that time i dun wan affect the baby.... i wan baby happy =D
i told myself when i go back to work and they continue sae me i will show them my power!!!
dun treat a tiger as a sick cat!

wow with killer aunties around who needs poison? If they gossip then you can also say why use office hours to gossip???
LOL :tlaugh:


Pinkytham, walao these aunties are really horrendously sick. They should perhaps be the one to see a doc and when there they should then ask the doc not to prescribe any med cos what they really need is a life!

Ya man, ignore them also so as not to be as immatured like them but they think they can say more. Give them your piece of mind siah and show them ur power!


yeah man!
be back to work next next mon!
step on my tail and i will definately tell them off.
that time i endured becus i did nt wanna affect the little one inside me =D
they are all females but they gt the cheek to sae " we are also woman we gif birth before wan bluff us never gif birth ah? we pregnant also not so much problems like u always mc!!"
totally pissed off man,..... than wan come compare y u fatter than me? blah blah?
different people different symptoms ma....
my boss also no sae anything who are they to comment?
just find them stupid and silly damm funny did nt noe such people exists!

Pinkytham, walao these aunties are really horrendously sick. They should perhaps be the one to see a doc and when there they should then ask the doc not to prescribe any med cos what they really need is a life!

Ya man, ignore them also so as not to be as immatured like them but they think they can say more. Give them your piece of mind siah and show them your power!


wakao they are really mean! Ask ur boss give them more tasks cos they really got nothing else better to do. The women species never fail to amaze us. Even at giving up seats to pregnant women, they just don't get it and empathise with fellow women. Instead, it is the guys or elderly who are more gracious in giving up their seats.


wakao they are really mean! Ask your boss give them more tasks cos they really got nothing else better to do. The women species never fail to amaze us. Even at giving up seats to pregnant women, they just dont't get it and empathise with fellow women. Instead, it is the guys or elderly who are more gracious in giving up their seats.
yar i agree, most of time are men who gave up their seat automatically for me when i take bus or mrt. At time there are even aunties who want to fight for the seat with me, hahaha. but i dont really bother the aunties want to sit, let them have it.


yar i agree, most of time are men who gave up their seat automatically for me when i take bus or mrt. At time there are even aunties who want to fight for the seat with me, hahaha. but i dont really bother the aunties want to sit, let them have it.
buey ta han hor. Why the female species are so competitive even when it comes to giving up seats???


Member boss ah..dun like trouble those kind so will tell me dun care them jus ignore than somemore he going retire so super b chup...jus my luck to have such a boss and colleagues

wakao they are really mean! Ask your boss give them more tasks cos they really got nothing else better to do. The women species never fail to amaze us. Even at giving up seats to pregnant women, they just dont't get it and empathise with fellow women. Instead, it is the guys or elderly who are more gracious in giving up their seats.


that time i took mrt when pregnant than a guy gave up his seat to me than i slowly wan seat, than a stupid china woman dashed like sprint run and immediately sit on the seat....lucky i neber fall down still dare stare at me later when seated!
nonsense!!! kick u back to china than u noe
maybe she blind @_@

buey ta han . Why the female species are so competitive even when it comes to giving up seats???


...just my luck to have such a boss and colleagues
I empathise with you cos can understand how very sian it is to kenna such boss and colleagues; can cause low morale. Do you have your own clique (jie mei) in your office? If not, my advise is to let live these aunties. It is not because u scared them but for the sake of surviving and making your life there more bearable. As the saying goes "Join them if you cannot fight them". Not saying to end up behaving like them but just laff off their comments instead of picking a fight with them. Otherwise even if you win, you still lose. And they will pick on you even more on little things you do. Your boss already bo chap and doubt any of your words of wisdom will make them fan xing so why bother right. Just laff at their pathetic souls (in your heart) each them they comment about you and reply them with some stoopid replies just to entertain them. Better still, praise them etc how nice they look today, nice blouse/shoes/hair/bag/whatever.... before they got any chance or time to talk about you. That means, you initiate or change the topic.


that time i took mrt when pregnant than a guy gave up his seat to me than i slowly want seat, than a stupid china woman dashed like sprint run and immediately sit on the seat....lucky i never fall down still dare stare at me later when seated!
nonsense!!! kick you back to china than you know
maybe she blind @_@
Somehow there's this characteristic in most china ladies I've encountered. They behave like tyrant and everybody else is their slaves or owe them. They like to throw their weights and definitely make their voices heard. They kinda forget this is not their hometown to continue to behave so badly.

Disclaimer (lol): Of course not all china ladies are liddat as there are some real nice ones but generally the observation seems to apply more truly to aunties around the 35-45 age group.


but apparenly i tried that like ignore them but they still continue its as if that the whole office is against u and that they are forcing u to leave.
but am a straightforward person...if i dun like that someone i wun bother to tok to him or her cus like kinda fake front like that. but if work related than no choice have to tok.
haiz...dunno la nxt mon goin back work le =D
see how the situation than i plan plan again hee =D
wait till am back to work than share with u haha

I empathise with you cos can understand how very sian it is to kenna such boss and colleagues; can cause low morale. Do you have your own clique (jie mei) in your office? If not, my advise is to let live these aunties. It is not because you scared them but for the sake of surviving and making your life there more bearable. As the saying goes "Join them if you cannot fight them". Not saying to end up behaving like them but just laff off their comments instead of picking a fight with them. Otherwise even if you win, you still lose. And they will pick on you even more on little things you do. Your boss already bo chap and doubt any of your words of wisdom will make them fan xing so why bother right. Just laff at their pathetic souls (in your heart) each them they comment about you and reply them with some stoopid replies just to entertain them. Better still, praise them etc how nice they look today, nice blouse/shoes/hair/bag/whatever.... before they got any chance or time to talk about you. That means, you initiate or change the topic.