How do u feel??? being a so call Weekend parents???


Now my in law look after my 2yr old daughter.. i'm working shift work so hardly get to spend time with my daughter. Bring her hm once or twice a week.. Feel like i'm neglecting her..
As i don hv good relationship with my in law so nv visit my daughter when she's at my in law place. The only time i can spent more time with my daughter is when i take a long leave..
Start to pamper my daughter since i hardly spend time with her.
How do yr think??? iszit very common??
Do yr enjoy being a weekend parent?


yes its actually cannot be helped. Living standard in singapore is so high, especially lately all prices have went up. It is indeed difficult, financially to be a SAHM.

In my opinion, it doesnt matter whether u spend more time or less with your children. Whats important must be quality time. However, when they grow up their needs and wants may be different and as parents we have to be constantly adjusting ourselves to their behavioural changes, so that we will know what they are thinking of, and not to neglect them.

yes, i am also a weekend parent + weekday nights parent. No choice lor, FTWM's worries (also worry if my ds feels neglected)...cannot say enjoy or not, just not given a choice.