How many times of nap is your toddler having per day?


New Member
ya, i understand, but i do not want dd to be too dependant on the yaolan. i also understand that if dd sleeps on the bed, it will cause troubles to my mil, so i'm thinking of buying a mattress to ler dd sleep on the floor rather than on the bed, also can prevent dd from falling off the bed. and one thing is, my mil always rock the yaolan so hard that dd is flying up and down inside the yaolan! told mil quite a few times already, she did improve, but forget again as days pass by.
To prevent the yoalan from such an aggressive rocking. You can change the spring with a tighten tension, you can get it from Kiddy Palace with 6 spring attach. There is a rope to control the rocking height.


Active Member
my 17mth old son sleeps in yaolan @ mil place but at home he either sleeps on the mattress on the floor or co-sleep with us. ive wean him off yaolan at home when he was 6mths old. my son dun nap much in the afternoon now. morning he wakes up at 8am, nap around 1pm(1-1.5hr, sometimes 2hrs)

sometimes evening 6+pm after dinner he will nap for awhile(45mins-1hr), if he sleeps too long, i will wake him up or else he cant sleep at night. night sleep is very impt for children.

if my son never take evening naps, he will sleep early at 9pm.


My daughter is 21 months old, recently, she doesn't want to sleep at night. She wants to play for a few hours than sleep? In the past, she'll take her morning naps and sleep at night. But now, no? What should i do? :(