Hubby under medication


Hi ladies, been surfing on this forum for some time and finally decide to ask for some advices.

My hubby and I are not trying for children yet but we do have some concerns if we were to try and so would like to ask if there are any similar cases and if the baby turn out to be healthy?

My hubby is a Hep B carrier, currently on medication, Entacavir on a daily basis. His specialist says that there are no known cases for her that people on this medication have children and so, she is unable to advice and decide that it is for the best that he stop medication for 6 months before we consider trying for children.

However, we happen to speak to a normal GP and he says that as it is the Men who is taking the medicine, it should be quite safe as long as the mother is not the one taking any medications.

We are reluctant for my husband to stop medication as it affects his health and we would not know when is the best time for him to stop medication as the longer he is under this medication, the better for him as there is a higher chance for him to wean off the medication for the long term. But it could take years or months.

We are both in our late twenties and so is in a dilemma. Therefore, I would like to know if there are any other couples out there who have this same problem or have successfully have a healthy baby despite the medication?:001_302:


Hi hapimint,

Maybe you would like to speak to a gynae? And at the same time can go for checks and your hubby can go for sperm tests.


We had went for some tests in order to decide if we want to stop medication in the future.

Went to Polyclinic for referral to KK. Done all necessary tests. All is normal so far. But the consultant there didn't mention about the medication thing. Just said that okay... try on ur own first then got problems then come back... :err:

I thought of going to a private gynae to ask if he or she has handled such cases but I thought it is a bit weird to go ask such things when we are not trying for children yet...

But problem is if we only ask when we are trying, means that my hubby has stopped medication and is running a risk to his own health..:eek:

Any advices or any cases that you have heard before?


Hi hapimint, sorry I have not heard of such cases before.

But just wondering, when are you deciding to have children? Actually since you are thinking about having children, I feel that it is already planning for children. So yes, you can actually go to a gynae and say you are planning for children.


So it won't be weird? Cos I am assuming that usually gynae will ask these...

G: How long have you been trying?
Me: Not trying yet.
G: All tests done?
Me: Yes but the results are at KKH
G: When do you want to try?
Me: Not quite sure yet. When will be a good time? Do you come across cases with the men taking medication?

Actually, I am thinking if the gynae will think that I am making fun of him or just wasting his time since we are not trying yet or doing any tests.:err:


LOL. Your enactment is cute.

When the gynae says how long you've been trying, you can say that you're not trying yet but would like to do a fertility test because you are considering to start trying. Then the gynae will go on to ask about your health habits and if you're using any contraceptive pills or is under any form of medication.

After that the gynaw would prob do an ultrasound for you to see if all is ok with you and maybe suggest that your hubby go for a sperm test because a third of a time, infertility problems will lie with the man.

So you can just say that you're doing a pre-fertility (if there's such a term) check. :)

Since you've mentioned that both you and your hubby are already in the late twenties, most gynae would really recommend that you start trying asap as fertility for both men and women will decline with every year of age, which means the chances of getting pregnant, will be lowered with age. And of course, with age, the risks are higher whether or not you are on medication.


Well-Known Member
Usually it won't affect if the guy is the one on medication. Unless the medication affects his ability to produce sperm and/or erect/ejaculate.

Have you discussed with his doctors the effect of him stopping his medication? If they give the go ahead to stop or start to wean off, then you can start doing that. If they say that he needs it for life, then there's nothing much you can do but start trying anyway :)


Well-Known Member
BTW, what's your definition of 'healthy baby'? A baby with 10 toes & 10 fingers? A baby with no physical health conditions? A baby with no learning disabilities? It's very subjectie. We never know how our babies will turn out, not even at our deathbed. It's about how much love you can give your child, not about what burdens your child may bring.


Hi stonston, I do not think that the medication affects his ability to produce sperm coz we went to KKH for the check, the specialist only said quantity and quality is normal. Though quality is on the lower side but still okay.

But when we told KK specialist that we are checking because my hubby Hep B specialist told us to stop his medication for 6 mths before trying, KK specialist just nod and didnt comment lei...

My hubby Hep B specialist says that the medication that he is taking is very good but new.. In fact, it can be used for HIV positive patients too... My hubby is born with Hep B but didn't know of it then when it was discovered, his liver was in dire state already....

With this medication, it is supposed to help his liver and control his Hep B. The specialist says that there is a chance that he can stop this medication for the long term only if his results reach a certain state. For every two years on this medication, there is a additional 10 to 15% of improvement to his situation to reach that state...

So if we calculate by layman terms, I would have to wait for another 10 years before trying? But there is also a possibility that this is going to be a long term solution to control his Hep B.

The consequences of stopping this medication is that his Hep B might flare up and affect his liver....


Actually, I am just worried that if our child turns out to have certain abnormailites because of the medication, then won't we have ruined his/her otherwise normal life? Maybe I am thinking too much?

I dun want to risk my hubby health... we also hope to have children but we are both worried the kind of effects that the medication might have on the child...