Im going DRY!


Well-Known Member
recently my girl has been wanting to be on the breast 24/7! she will keep coming to look for my breast and then after sucking for a while she stop sucking n watch tv for a few sec n then come back to suck again n so on... sometimes she even do something like suck a while then pick up her sippy n drink water then continue sucking then drink water! i think she is simply comfort sucking.. made my nipple so painful! now my breast is almost feeling empty in the day!~


Well-Known Member
then you bare your breast the whole day just for her to do this? don't you need to teach her to have a little manners and stop her from doing comfort sucking? she's at the age where she does understand some minor words and disapproval.'

good luck! cause i know you're one heart soft teddy bear for a mummy.. =D
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Well-Known Member
haha hmm.. i wear clothes la lol. i didnt let her self service now. she try to pull down but i insist not giving her n teach her to ask for it instead. she haven master asking la but then she will keep fussing n crying n want to suckle so i will give it to her.. but then it seems like she is not really hungry. just wanna suckle.. hai~


Active Member
haha hmm.. i wear clothes lol. i didnt let her self service now. she try to pull down but i insist not giving her n teach her to ask for it instead. she have not master asking but then she will keep fussing n crying n want to suckle so i will give it to her.. but then it seems like she is not really hungry. just wanna suckle.. hai~
Do you introduce pacifier to your girl? Mayb she just need to suckle for comfort. How old is your baby?


Well-Known Member
You wun go dry dearie... :D Your body will just produce more milk to meet the increased dd anyway. Dun need to worry...


Well-Known Member
lol snowbear yea i know i wont really go dry.. but im feeling so dry out cos she is sucking n sucking all the time lol. dunno y these few days she seems to need that much comfort..when we are out she pratically wont need to suckle at all one lor. sit in pram whole day... but at hm keep coming to me n demand that i give her my breast lol.

newbie2009, my girl is coming 1 yr old in another 6 days.. she dosent take pacifier at all. im hoping she get pass this phase soon else my nipple is not gonna take it! lol.


Active Member
Mayb she takes it as a bonding activity at home and maybe due to boredom. Outside, she is distracted by other things. and occupying herself.You will have to train her if you want this to stop.Cannot keep giving in to her.


Well-Known Member
she always does that in public if i carry her! hehe. i have been telling her no but then she dosent seem to listen lor. keep crying n fussing.. arrggg...


Well-Known Member
she always does that in public if i carry her! hehe. i have been telling her no but then she dosent seem to listen . keep crying n fussing.. arrggg...
if you carry her in public she also want to suckle??!! then you really gt to stop leting her do it if not if will be diffcult to bring her out right?? may be u gt to start traing frm her b4 bringing her out? if not go out in public like tt very diffcult hor...