Insomnia, anyone ?


New Member
hey have you all heard of oxygen therapy? it's quite well-known in US where they pay money to breathe pure oxygen for a few minutes. Oxygen is said to have many benefits, one of it is to relieve stress and aid sleep. you all can try to google "benefits of oxygen therapy". my aunt recommended it to me to help to beautify my skin, and it's quite affordable. can pm me for more info. =) hope this helps.


New Member
I am having insomnia, so bad until I feel depressed. Just hope this forum can help me get my life back.... can anyone share how to live with insomnia?


New Member
I have insomnia for more than 5 years. For that past few years, I will spent 2 days not sleeping at all. It is a very depressing feeling n No one will understand. One thing to remember is to divert your thoughts to happy things or moments. Do not think of work. Do not keep thinking of wanting to get to sleep. Sooner or later, u will drift to sleep. Try my idea. It works for me. Hope that it works for u as well


New Member
I have insomnia for more than 5 years. For that past few years, I will spent 2 days not sleeping at all. It is a very depressing feeling n No one will understand. One thing to remember is to divert your thoughts to happy things or moments. Do not think of work. Do not keep thinking of wanting to get to sleep. Sooner or later, u will drift to sleep. Try my idea. It works for me. Hope that it works for u as well
Hi, during that time, were u having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? For me case, the patterns keeps changing. But most of the time, I cannot stay asleep. I would wake up 2hrs later or 5 hrs later and couldn't sleep again. Lately, I found my back extremely hot and it really depressed me. I tried methods like drinking milk, a little mediation, read books, but I couldn't dose off to bed once I woke up after 2hrs or 5hrs. Even though I dont think of wanting to sleep, I still couldn't stay asleep.

Dr gave me sleeping pills but I refrained from taking it. Did you rely on sleeping pills?


New Member
Daily stress at work can lead to insomnia too. Try to shut down our minds after working hours. Doing some workout in the evening helps too as it makes the body tired and able to fall asleep sooner.


hais, i face this issues very often too... do you all need sleeping pills? PM more me for more discussion ya... :)


sorry, jus came across this forum... understand that most of the poeple discussing are about insomnia... on hand i do have some sleep pills to let go... let me know of you are interested. Msg me at 94888794


New Member
Hi hi.... i like to share regards insomina. My frez has this problem for years, she onli can fall aslp at 3am sumtime until 6am then can slp n wake up at 10am. Now she slp at 11pm m wake up at 7+. She was very hapi tat she can slp early as insomina can cause moody to her n stress. She took calcium plus which helps her on insomina.