Is it necessary to drink Matenal Milk formular?


yes becoz its nutritious and good for breastfeeding your baby...and some told me will boost their supply....i only drank Anlene which i continued from pregnancy till breastfeeding.


Active Member
I used to drink Frisomum when I was preggy with #1 but my gynae asked me to stop. This is because it made me gain alot of weight.

He said very nutritious but will put on very I stopped.
It's not a must to take such milk products, especially if you have certain health conditions (e.g. obesity, diabetes, hypertension) as they make one put on weight fast. But, pregnant women and breast-feeding moms should increase their calcium intake which can be found in other types of milk (I'm taking skim milk due to gestational diabetes condition) and other dairy products (e.g. cheese, yoghurt).

It's probably best to consult your gynae or dietician for your particular needs.


Nw throughout i m only drinking HL strawberry milk, yogurt n cheese during my 4th pregnancy. Heard dat ikan bilis will increase our milk supply oso during breastfeeding.


Well-Known Member
i dun tink there is a need as for both my pregnancy i aso nv take maternal milk formula~



I did not take any maternal milk formula cos my gynae does not encourage me to drink. He said its too fattening. I was asked to drink soya milk instead. Other than soya milk, I also take fresh milk and cheese.


Active Member
when i was in my 1st T, my gyne told me if i ve morning sickness, is better that i avoid milk totally as milk will trigger me to vomit & milk is fatterning but the choice is mine, if i can take, juz take. now that im in my 2nd T, i started drinking Dumex Mamil Mama milk as these maternal milk for pregnant mums is good because it has nutrients which is good for baby health. & if fat, after delivery can diet, baby health from womb if dun take care, regret later also no cure.


I used to drink Frisomum when I was preggy with #1 but my gynae asked me to stop. This is because it made me gain alot of weight.

He said very nutritious but will put on very I stopped.
huh? Really arh?

seen u back in arcade liao~heeee.....hey! "Shou Xia Liu Qing" leh~ heehee


Active Member
huh? Really arh?

seen u back in arcade liao~heeee.....hey! "Shou Xia Liu Qing" leh~ heehee
Ya thats why I never dare to take for #2. Maybe good for those on the light weight type..but me ba I gained alot during the 2nd tri..

Arcade top 1 la...I can't fight..


For me is not a necessary as i hate to drink those formula milk which make me feel disgusting.. :18: